Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (152 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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Marco saunters towards the last stalls. He puts on his protective ear and eye gear before checking the gun and ammunition. I follow suit putting on my protective gear. The camera in the corner tells me that regardless of what I requested there will be a set of eyes watching. I really don't give a shit if the dude gets an eyeful.

"You're not shooting" Marco looks at me expectantly. I haven't loaded my gun yet too busy watching his every movement. It's hard to look away when he's rolled up his sleeves and his forearms flex every time he does something.

"I will" I assure him. "Want you to go first."

"Alrighty then" He winks at me. He can be so fucking cocky sometimes but it still looks good on him.

Marco presses the button for the target to drop down. He spreads his feet shoulder-width apart and angles himself accordingly. The
echoes around us reminding me that I can't necessarily jump Marco; definitely need to calm myself. He repositions himself once again causing my eyes to trace his broad shoulders and muscular back. Carina may be a vision but Marco is a fucking masterpiece.

"Did you only come to ogle me?" Marco smirks as he sets down the gun and removes his gear. His pupils dilate letting me know that he's caught me eye-fucking him.

"I see you didn't hit the bulls-eye" I tease. "I'm here to teach you."

"I'm approachable" His voice deepens. His pants visibly tent thrilling me with this simple interaction. I don't even need to touch him to turn him on.

"That's a very good thing" My equally gravelly voice affects him just as much. "Get in position" His eyes widen with my double entendre. He swallows loudly, blinking a few times. Marco exhales a shaky breath before turning away from me. His shoulders rise and fall waiting for my next instructions.

"Put your hands on the counter" I whisper against the nape of his neck as I gently push him forward. He's in a perfect position for me to take him from behind. It's unfortunate that I didn't bring any lube.

"Now what" He pants. His body vibrates with need. I press my heavy erection against his ass letting him know that I like what I see.

"Now you're going to shoot at the target"

"Wait. W-what" He tries to straighten but I press my hand against his back keeping him in position.

"If you hit the target I'll suck your dick right here" I cup his overeager dick. He jumps startled at the contact. His hips thrust back and forth unsure if he wants me to cup him harder or grind more against my dick. Decisions. Decisions.

"If you miss" I stress squeezing his dick, "I get to come twice before you get a chance at all."

"Fuck" Marco groans. Yeah lover that's exactly what I want to do.

"Are you ready" I ask as I pull him up. He locks his knees trying to stand on his own feet.


I slap his ass making him jolt before stepping back. Marco takes a few minutes to calm himself before he puts his protective gear back on. He shakily grabs his gun checking the ammunition then getting into his stance. I press my body against his wanting to feel his taut muscles just before he pulls the trigger. Regardless if he makes the shot or not, I'll be on my knees before we head out of here.

"You're cheating" His voice slightly warbles.

"I'm dying to wrap my mouth around your dick" I eye the camera knowing another set of eyes may be watching. And yes, that only makes my dick harder. Nic built his club with guys like me in mind. I have no hang ups (no pun intended) about pulling my dick out anywhere any time with the right person. Seeing the flushed faces, lustful eyes, and shallow breaths of that voyeur while I fuck someone only makes me go longer, come harder, and want to do it all over again.

Marco pulls the trigger. I don't look to see where the bullet hit. I wrap my arms around his waist taking my time as I unbuckle his pants. The sound of the zipper is barely heard over his panting breath. "Take off the gear" I instruct a stone-still Marco. He launches the goggles a few feet away then tosses the ear piece onto the ground. The clatter echoes in the now quiet room.

"Turn around" My voice reverberates around us. Marco's glazed eyes and parted lips are the only confirmation I need. I push his pants and boxer briefs over his hips and engorged cock down to his knees. He parts his legs trying to balance himself while I drop down to the ground.

"V" he breathes as he grips my shoulders leaning on me. I haven't done anything yet and he can barely stand.

"I got you" I whisper against his dripping slit. Marco hisses as my tongue traces his mushroom head. His fingers tighten against my shoulders as he tries to press his dick between my lips. I love pleasuring him. The sound of Marco's gasps and curses only fuels me. I curl my tongue under his jerking shaft pleased with the spurt of precum.

Marco stands up straighter removing both his hands from my shoulders. I know what he wants to do next and even though I'd love to see if he'd try to dominate this moment I don't give him the chance. One hand wraps around the base of his shaft while the other cups his heavy sac. He thrusts his hips forward sliding into my mouth until his tip touches the back of my throat.

Marco tastes divine, like salted caramel. His throaty growls let me know he's enjoying himself. I place my hands on his hips. He tenses unsure what I want to do next. God, I love this man so much. He gives himself completely to me. Always ceding control because he knows I need it.

I look up locking gazes with his smoldering chocolate eyes. Every inch of him is fucking delectable. With my mouth full of dick I somehow still manage to nod my head. He knows that's the only signal I'll give. This is his moment. Marco grabs my head with shaky hands. He slowly pumps his hips watching intently as his dick slides in and out of my hot mouth. Every time he touches the back of my throat I taste another trickle of salted caramel. I hum loudly, feeling the vibration travel from my throat through his sensitive and swollen shaft.

"Fuck" He barks. His hands tighten in my hair. My fingers dig into his skin otherwise they're bound to venture to his puckered rim. He's already on the brink of losing his shit. We can go long and hard in the room. Warm salted caramel spills down my throat. I swallow and don't stop until I capture every morsel.

Marco collapses onto his knees. His dick hangs limply, fully sated from the load he just blew. He captures my head with both hands. His thumbs caressing my jaw line as he pulls me in for a kiss. His tongue darts into my open mouth seeking any remnants of himself but finding none.

"Damn baby you sucked me dry" His hoarse voice and bright smile does it for me.

"You taste delicious" I admit. "Don't think I would've shared with Carina either" I playfully tease. Guilt twists my gut. Right here, in this intimate moment with Marco, and I can't manage to help myself. I still bring Carina into our moment.

"That probably answers why she loves to give me head" His smile and laughter in his eyes extinguishes the momentary guilt. The fact is I have two lovers. No matter what they'll always be a part of every aspect of our relationship whether I'm with both of them or only one at a time.

"You ready for dinner" I ask as I pull us from the ground. My knees hurt but I don't mind.

"I'd love that" He replies tucking himself back into his pants. We gather our items and sweep up the few casings from the floor. We may not have gotten much accomplished in the range but moved leaps in bounds with each other.

"Marco's still glowing from your date last night" Carina teases. She still manages to take my breath away with just her simple ass hugging jeans and sweater.

"Date" I playfully question, "And here I thought we were just hanging out."

"Dinner, activity, and sex equate to a date" She replies drolly. "And it doesn't have to be in that order" Her eyes narrow at me knowing all too well how I operate. If I want it now it doesn't matter if I've wined and dined them, I bury myself balls deep until we both sate our needs.

"Call it what you must" I roll my eyes. She is right though. Marco is fucking glowing. Brody and Devon haven't stopped giving him shit since he walked into the club.

"I'm really glad you two went out" She quietly states.

"Yeah" I exhale slowly. "I need to do that more often with him." I cup her neck pulling Carina closer into me. Her lush curves press against me momentarily sidetracking me from what I want to say.

"You do" She agrees as she nuzzles my neck.

"You should've said something sooner" I squeeze her arms trying to let her know that I'm serious. "I'm far from perfect. I can't fix something unless I know what's bothering you or him. I'm completely committed to you and Marco."

"As am I" She interjects.

"Then we need to find a way to ensure that this relationship remains circular."

"Why does it have to have a shape or mold in a certain way" Carina pulls away allowing her to look me in the eye without straining her neck. "Circular is what you've been trying to do and it isn't working. There are three of us Valentino. Triangles have three sides, three angles but it doesn't mean we have to be that either."

"Help me out then" I throw my hands out to the side frustrated with the picture she isn't painting quite clearly. "How can I make sure I'm not neglecting either of you while not appearing to favor one over the other?"

"Do you prefer to be with just one of us?" She quietly asks instantly shredding me.

"Not in that sense love" I pull her into my arms. She's still tense even as I try to rub her back. I know where this is coming from. When we initially began this relationship we all agreed that if three needed to become two then that person would step away. That was a lifetime ago. So much has happened since then. I can't fathom spending my life without either Marco or Carina. "There's no one else for me. You and Marco are it. I've never had something like this before and I know I'll never find it again."

"You and Marco have always had each other" She grips my waist tightly. "I've thought about it plenty of times. Maybe you two just needed me to push you together. Maybe you need to see if you and Marco can have something real and fulfilling with only each other."

She's voiced this before. Carina swears that if Marco and I become exclusive that all of a sudden everything within me will change. When the three of us began dating it wasn't entirely exclusive then either. We'd maintained an-although-limited, but open, relationship for most of our first year together. If I'd only wanted an exclusive relationship with her or Marco I would've done so. It was never that. Marco and Carina fulfill something in me that I hadn't realized I needed and wanted.

I allowed myself to be on the fence for too long regarding Marco. I don't notice men in the same capacity; unless that man is Marco. I've never once looked at Nicholas that way. I've never had a sexual attraction to another man because the fact of the matter is that I've always loved women... Marco is my anomaly.

"And I told you already" I cup her face ensuring that she's looking at me when I say this. "Marco and I have history. We were friends first. Business partners next. We've shared plenty of women but never in a romantic capacity. He's been the only man that I've ever been curious about. I wanted to be intimate with him but I lacked the courage he had to find out. But Marco loved me and wanted to be with me enough to allow me to come to him on my terms.

"And even though it took you to build that bridge and encourage me to go over it I don't ever regret it. Because in the end, no matter how much I love Marco, I love you just as much. There is no him without you. There is no
without all three. We are one" I emphasize. "And I'll spend the rest of my life proving it. I'm just guilty of over-thinking things but I'll do better. I don't ever want you or Marco to doubt my love."

"You don't need to do anything differently my love. Marco and I know through your actions, your touches, and your words. I don't doubt your love. I never have. I just want you to enjoy being with us; either of us or both of us; any and all the time. Don't use a spreadsheet to compare how much time you're spending with us separately and together. Just let it happen naturally. There will be things that are just for you and Marco. There will be times just for me with one of you. In the end as long as we're all happy and love each other it won't matter who spent last Friday afternoon together or who got the most orgasms the night before."

"You'd win that one every time" I chuckle as I pull her in again. "Thank you for that. I needed to hear it." Carina astounds me every time. Had someone told me the first time I laid eyes on her that she was only 18 years old I would've told them they were full of shit. Not only does she have the body of a grown-ass woman, unlike many college freshmen, but she'd also carried herself differently than most girls her age. Carina's an old soul trapped in a youthful voluptuous body. I wouldn't have given her the time of day had she acted like many of her campus cohorts. Fortunately for us, Marco and I had found a diamond in the rough.

"Another date" Nicholas teases, sounding just like Carina.

"Whatever" I sigh in defeat. I can say it's not a date 100-times over and they'll still insist. They can label it however they damn well please. Fact is I'm spending time with my man.

"Where you going this time"

"Marco and I are going to check out that obstacle course we've been talking about for a while. Now that Leticia can oversee things it's easier for both of us to leave."

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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