Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (155 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"I want to feel you skin to skin" Marco whispers across my mouth. I bite his lower lip earning a growl from him and a few groans from the audience. Slowly I release his wrists. I'm torn between ripping his clothes off and massaging his shoulders. I didn't have his arms up for long but his comfort and pleasure are important to me.

"Marco take his shirt off first" Carina's melodic voice instructs nearby. He doesn't hesitate. He grabs the hem of my shirt slowly pulling it up exposing my torso inch by torturous inch. I lift my arms giving him the ability to completely remove my shirt.

Hums of appreciation resonate on the other side. Marco tosses my shirt aside. He takes his time exploring my chest and abs with his hands. He hasn't moved from the wall. We're less than two feet apart. My muscles ripple under his touch trying to arch for more contact. My fingers itch to do the same to him. I yank Marco to me ripping his shirt off in one fluid motion. A collective inhalation lets me know the audience is pleased. I know what they want and I know just how to incorporate it into what we intend to do.

His pants go next. I cup his erection before slowly removing his jeans. Carina groans as Marco's erection bursts free from the denim material. One thing we learned a long time ago was to go commando for scenes. Makes things easier and is an erotic visual for the spectators. Marco kicks his jeans away. He waits to see what I want to do next. At home with Carina, he would've already gone for my pants but not here.

I drop to my knees earning a gasp from Carina and a shudder from Marco. I don't care about anyone else. They can press their faces into the glass all they want. They can have their partners mimic my actions. The only thing I focus on is Marco. His choppy breaths echo in the otherwise quiet room. I stroke him a few times loving the way his dick jumps with my touch. He spreads his legs a bit giving me better access while keeping him balanced. I close my eyes just focusing on his musky scent. He smells clean, masculine. I nuzzle the base of his dick sliding my nose down to his sac. Marco steps back leaning against the glass wall. His hips remain arched forward allowing for others to see what I'm doing. I angle my body ensuring that my torso and shoulders aren't blocking any magnificent part of him.

My tongue explores his mushroom head while my tongue laps up his seeping fluid. My dick presses against my pants demanding to be released but it isn't his time yet. A motionless figure catches my attention. I notice Garrett staring unmoving at the sight before him. Heat roars throughout my body. I open my mouth nearly swallowing Marco whole.

"Fuck" He pants. He grabs my hair to keep my head still. We lock eyes, his way of ensuring I'm okay with it, before he slowly starts to fuck my mouth. His eyes stray to the erotic sight of his wet, swollen dick sliding in and out of my mouth. His face flushes. His eyes start to lose focus as his hips pick up speed. I angle my head ensuring the audience can still see us. The moment my gaze locks with Garrett's I cup Marco's balls and suck harder. I don't look away from the ex. I need him to see this.

Garrett's jaw clenches, he blinks hard. He wants to look away but can't. The sight is too riveting, too erotic. Marco begins to grunt. He's lost all finesse. I look up and hum trying to get his attention. Those captivating dark eyes focus on me and all is lost. He gasps my name as he explodes down my throat. I greedily suck down every last drop ignoring Carina's admonishment that I should've let him come on my chest so the spectators could see.

A sharp slap to Marco's ass gets him out of his orgasm-induced coma. He somewhat gracefully stumbles to the bed as I strip off my jeans. "On your back" I command. I don't care if the audience wants to see me take him doggie style; this is about me and him. Marco's admitted that his favorite position with me is him on his back and me balls deep inside him. I have to admit it's my favorite too. There's nothing better than making love to him face to face while having easy access to his dick.

Carina tosses me lube knowing that I don't need or want a rubber. I crawl onto the bed, over Marco. He pulls me into him kissing me deeply. I lose all sense of time as his mouth takes over. His hands touch, knead, and grope my body as I rub my painful dick against his sated one. It'll take him a few minutes to recover but I don't mind. I could go for hours. Marco grabs the lube. He squeezes a small amount onto the tips of my fingers. I know what he wants without him asking. He angles himself higher on the bed for maximum viewing pleasure. He spreads his legs wide giving me unfettered access to all of him. His balls hang heavy and sated while his puckered rim begs for attention. Marco bends his legs pulling his heels all the way in until they touch his ass cheeks. I straddle one leg, the one farthest away from the mystified spectators, and lazily rub my cock against his leg. The instant my finger touches his rim his hips jerk. I take my time although he's more than ready. My finger glides right in knuckle-deep pressing against his sweet spot. I stroke him a few times knowing it isn't enough. I add another finger watching his eyes roll to the back of his head as he groans. Marco is a generous lover. He gives more than he takes making these the times I live for.

"Please" He begs. "Now please."

I pull my fingers out causing his eyes to snap open. I crawl between his legs as I rub lube on my dick and his ass crack. Marco grabs his knees but I shake my head. His dick twitches finally coming back to life. He plays with his balls as I press my tip at his rim. His back arches as I push in gaining an inch. My hands cup under his knees bringing them to his chest. He's splayed open for me making it so easy to slide right in. Marco was made for me.

"Give them a show baby" Carina's sultry voice has my dick fully engaged. I slam into Marco earning curses and groans from the other side of the glass enclosure. I wanted to start slow but that all went to hell with the sound of Carina's voice. I pound into Marco enraptured with the zing of pleasure shooting throughout my body. I lean forward welcoming his feet on my shoulders as I angle deeper. Sweat coats our skin as I set a relentless pace. Marco's strokes his dick as I mercilessly take him. My spine tingles. My balls tighten. My hands leave imprints on Marco's legs as my dick swells. The orgasm rips through my dick pouring into Marco. I roar unable to contain all of the overwhelming sensations coursing through me. Marco shouts as he spurts all over his stomach and chest.

I collapse onto Marco, my forehead resting on his shoulder. We're both gasping for breath. "You need to clean him up" Carina gently reminds me. There are a few people still watching while others lay slumped like us, sated with their very own orgasms.

She goes to grab a warm washcloth but I wave her away. My softening dick slowly slides out of Marco followed behind with some of my fluids. Some may think it unpleasant but I love watching the trail of my seed dripping down Carina's thighs, leaking out of Marco's ass, or dribbling down their chins because they couldn't swallow it all fast enough. I fucking love that shit.

I lean down and take my time ensuring that I slurp, lick, and drink up every bit of his salted caramel fluids. Anything less would be a waste. Marco hums loving the attention, glowing in the aftermath of his multiple orgasms. The crowd slowly fades away knowing that we're done. Anything else will be reserved for our private suite with Carina as the sole spectator or as an active participant, their choice.

"I love you" I whisper against Marco's lips allowing him to get a mouthful of his delicious taste.

"I just might love you more" His eyes twinkle with mischief and happiness.

"Impossible" I smirk. He might be right but it wouldn't be for lack of trying. Marco just gives so much of himself. His heart may be the size of his fist but it provides a never-ending amount of love, trust, and loyalty that damn-near drowns me.

"You ready for round three" Carina's playful purr lets us know she wants in on the action. I'm amazed she managed she stayed in the background the entire time. Baby girl deserves a treat for her good behavior.

"It's been a while since we've put you in the sex swing" Marco muses. "I might just grab a seat and eat you for hours while you lay prone in that thing."

"And what would Valentino be doing?" Her voice changes pitch. Just one touch and I know I'd find her pussy swollen, soaked, and needy.

"Sucking me off or fucking your ass" He states matter-of-factly. "We've got plenty of time."

"And plenty of toys" I interject. Sometimes when Marco and I aren't quite ready for another round with Carina we assault her with sex toys and delayed orgasms until she's mindless and we're ready to pound into her again.

"What are you waiting for let's go" She says trying to pull us off the bed.

"Um love" I arch my eyebrows trying to get her to focus for just a moment. "We're a little naked here" I motion between me and Marco.

"Half the estate has already seen you naked" She admonishes. She grabs our clothes and takes off without us. Marco and I stare at her disappearing figure in astonishment. It takes a few moments to realize that she's fucking serious. I interlock my fingers with Marco's. Both our dicks are limp and lifeless but I don't give a shit. We smell like sex and look thoroughly fucked.

"We better hurry up before she starts without us" Marco smirks. I take a moment to kiss him senseless before walking with him hand-in-hand through the estate and up the stairs to our private suite.

Garrett follows from a distance, scowling and muttering obscenities the entire way. He's lost and finally realizes it. I'm fucking thrilled. Marco notices. "You're incorrigible" He rolls his eyes chuckling as we saunter into the massive suite.

"But you still love me" I boast as I slam the door. Goodbye Garrett. Hello the loves of my life.

Carina stands at the entrance of the sumptuous suite, mouth gaping, hands hanging at her sides. I take advantage of her stunned moment slapping her ass with a resounding
that has her jumping up two feet in the air.

"That was mean" Marco chuckles. He looks around the suite trying to locate whatever it is that's gotten her attention. It doesn't take long for him to find it. A swing hangs in the bedroom in plain sight for all to see.

"Lover's in a playful mood today" Carina purrs turning around to face us. She tosses our stolen clothes to the floor before walking backwards toward the bedroom. A piece of clothing comes off with every few steps she takes. Her shirt is the first piece removed before she shimmies out of her jeans, then satin bra and panties. The visible wet spot has my dick standing at attention.

Marco strokes himself as she stands in front of the bedroom doorway. Her chest heaves, her pupils dilate; she's excited. Marco and I don't move. I love watching her like this; impatient, horny, and needy. A red flush competes for attention against her beautiful olive skin. Her nipples pucker under our gazes as she tries not to squirm in place.

"I need both of you" Her breathy confession heats my blood. She doesn't have to ask us twice. Marco nods motioning her to the swing. We don't need foreplay right now. Carina rubs herself against us as we help her into the swing. I adjust the material ensuring that her ass and pussy are completely accessible to us. "Now" she demands.

Marco clucks his tongue in mock disapproval. He looks to me waiting to see what I want to do. Unable to help myself, I pull him into me grinding our hips together. We groan as my hands wrap around our cocks stroking them in unison. Carina whimpers but she'll have to wait. My hands have a mind of their own, exploring his body as our mouths fuse together. I squeeze his ass rubbing my dick against him. He shudders under my assault gasping for breath.

Carina doesn't wait for us. She thrusts two fingers into her soaked pussy. The feel of Marco against me and the smell of her arousal drive me fucking insane. I reluctantly pull away from Marco. We need to pay attention to our girl since she feels the need to take matters into her own hands. Literally.

I tilt the swing making her squeak in surprise. My mouth is on her before she has a chance to remove her fingers from her soaked channel. I place an aggressive open-mouth kiss against her swollen lips. Her pussy tastes just as good as Marco's dick.

Marco holds her, devouring her mouth while giving her leverage to arch her hips and press her pussy into my face. I don't complain; I groan as I alternate between sucking her clit and thrusting my tongue inside her. Her body trembles, her thighs squeeze my head. Any moment now she'll come... And that's when I pull away.

"Bastard" Carina cries out. She knows what I'm doing. I love having her mindless with lust and need. I intend to fuck her until she passes out. Then when she wakes up we'll make love. That's the way it is between the three of us. We fuck hard. We languidly make love. Then we do it all again in whatever order feels right to us.

"Don't tease her V" Marco croons from behind Carina. We lock eyes, his lights up knowing I'm up to no good. I motion for him to step back. He smirks, doing as I ask. I spin Carina making her yelp at the unexpected motion. Her beautiful long black hair caresses my chest and dick before her legs make the full rotation. I grab her ankles knowing she's soaked enough. In one fluid motion I yoke her body to me easily slipping inside her tight, hot pussy.

"Oh fuck" Marco groans. Carina's pussy clamps onto me. At this angle I'm already pressed against her g-spot. Rather than thrusting my hips I use my arms to pound Carina and the swing into me. Her eyes roll to the back of her head as she half-shouts, half-moans obscenities.

"That's one" I grunt as her pussy still quivers with aftershocks from her orgasm. Marco walks to the nightstand grabbing lube. He pours a generous amount onto his dick. We lock gazes again. I'm still buried balls deep into a still incoherent Carina. Sometimes I need to remind the little vixen who's boss, like tonight. Without having to say a word I communicate with Marco. I don't mind taking Carina from behind while he gets a turn buried inside her beautiful pussy.

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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