Solaria - S1 (26 page)

Read Solaria - S1 Online

Authors: Fran Heckrotte

Tags: #Lesbian, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Solaria - S1
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"Breasts are sensitive. It's the body's way of showing it's enjoying the sensations."


"I see. Are there any other sensitive areas I need to know about? I've read a lot on the Internet but it isn't very informative. Everyone is supposed to have the areas but supposedly it differs from person to person."


"I guess that's true. I'm not an expert."


"So where are yours?"


Jain laughed.


"It doesn't work like that. You're supposed to discover them. That's part of the fun."




"Yes, foreplay."


"It's a human ritual."


Jain thought about the comment.


"You could call it that but it's more. It kind of sets the mood, at least for some people. Others don't need it."


"But you do."


"Well, like I said, I'm not that experienced so I'm always nervous."


Cupping the heavy breast in her hand, Solaria lifted it carefully, making sure not to hurt Jain. She had read that female breasts were very sensitive. Leaning closer she inhaled slightly and noticed the faint scent of bath soap mixed in with something else; a musky odor, warm and pleasant.


"You smell nice. Is that what arousal smells like?"


Jain rolled her eyes.


"Could we be less clinical here? I mean if you want me in the mood, you have to be more... more..."




"Yes, passionate."


Grinning, Solaria nodded her head.


"Passionate it is, then."


Before Jain realized what was happening, Solaria lowered her lips to the breast and kissed it. Then she ran her tongue across the surface and around the nipple. Jain could feel her heart pounding. When a hand slid down to her round belly, she squirmed slightly, feeling a little self-conscious.


"Does this bother you?" Solaria asked sensing the change.


" It's just that... well, I'm fat and..."


"I don't understand why you keep saying that. I'm aware you have a higher degree of body fat than is recommended. Does that somehow interfere with your ability to enjoy sex?"


Jain wasn't sure how to answer. Perhaps it was because there really wasn't a good one. Yes it did interfere because she had never liked being overweight but no it didn't stop her from enjoying sex.


"In a way but now isn't the time to start psycho-analyzing myself."


"Good. I'm enjoying myself. Shall I continue?"




Solaria's hand played across Jain's belly for several seconds. She liked the feel of the warm skin. Placing her ear against it, she listened at the grumblings of a happy stomach. Sliding her cheek further down toward the hairy mound near Jain's thigh, she noticed the musky odor was stronger. Curious, she swirled her fingers in the hair and rolled several strands between her thumb and forefinger.


"It's not as soft as the hair on your head... and curlier."


"Would you, uh, quit... analyzing everything?"


Laughing softly, Solaria decided to keep her analytical thoughts to herself and just try to duplicate some of the techniques she had read about in uber stories.


"As you wish," she replied and shifted her position so she was straddling Jain's thighs. While one hand moved over the breasts the other playfully manipulated the hair and lips tucked beneath it. Jain's breathing became labored. Solaria was fascinated at the reaction. She could smell the strong odor of arousal and hear Jain's heart pounding with excitement. When she slid her finger between the warm, moist lips, Jain twitched and groaned, anticipating the next move. She wasn't disappointed when two fingers moved slowly back and forth over the velvet smooth skin near her clit.


If she touches it, I'm going to scream,
Jain thought as the tension in her body mounted. Sure enough one finger flicked the small bud and she did.







OANIE WAS SLEEPING soundly for the first time in two weeks. She had been worried about Betta even though she was slightly pissed at the woman for her role in holding her hostage. Having her in the bed next to her gave her the sense of security she needed to relax.


Betta was in sleep mode which allowed her biological cells the opportunity to replenish themselves. Six of the eight processors were also in hibernation. The other two were in full operational mode analyzing past events and trying to create a plan to guarantee Joanie's safety. The scream from the other room sent all of her processors into overdrive as she jumped from the bed and ordered Joanie to stay in their room.


Rushing to the door, she didn't notice the defiant look the young woman gave her. It was only when she was halfway down the hall that she realized Joanie was just a few feet behind. In front of her stood Solaria, her body completely blocking the second bedroom entrance as she stood just inside the room.


Sitting up, Jain stared at Solaria surprised to see her standing in the doorway. Behind her, looking over her shoulder was Betta. Joanie was bent over trying to find a space to peek through between the doorframe and the two women.


"Whaaat?" Jain yelled, grumpily.


Stepping completely into the room, Solaria gave her a strange look.


"Are you alright? We heard you scream."


Embarrassed, Jain just nodded.


"What happened?" Joanie asked, pushing Betta aside. "Nothing. A dream. That's all."


"Oh! A nightmare! I have them sometimes. It must have been really awful."


Standing close to the bed, Solaria could smell a musky odor. She wasn't familiar with it but found it pleasant. Cocking her head slightly to the left, she gave Jain a strange look.


"I like your perfume. It has a unique smell," Solaria said.


"Perfume?" Jain stammered.


Catching a faint whiff, Joanie wanted to know more about it too.


"I'm not familiar with women's perfumes but this one is pleasing," she added.


"Oh geez!" Jain groaned. Her cheeks felt like they were on fire from the blood rushing into them.


"Listen. Could we talk about this another time? I'm tired," she grumbled.


Solaria's brows knitted in a frown.


I doubt if I'll ever really understand humans.


Shaking her head, Joanie grabbed Betta's elbow and pulled her from the room.


"She's just a little distraught, I think. Nightmares do that. Solaria will take care of her."


Shrugging, Betta followed her obediently back to their room and was pushed by Joanie onto the bed.


"Go to sleep. I'm tired."


Betta nodded and laid back. When Joanie tucked the blanket around her, she wasn't sure what to think.


"Thank you," she said, deciding it would have to do.


"My pleasure," Joanie said, grinning. Walking to the other side of the bed, she climbed under the blanket and rolled on her side, her left arm resting across Betta's stomach. Both women realized it felt good.


*  *  *


Solaria stared down at Jain not sure what she should do.


"Are you sure you're alright? I can stay in here with you if you want?"


Oh I want!


"That's okay. It was just a dream. I'm sure it won't return now."


"Well, call me if you need me."


If you only knew!


"I will... but really, I'm fine. I just need to go to the bathroom now."


Nodding, Solaria went back to the living room and lay down on the couch. Jain, feeling like a total idiot, walked stiff legged toward the bathroom, her feet slightly apart.


damn wet dreams have got to stop!" she mumbled under her breath, unaware that both Betta and Solaria could hear her. "Otherwise, I'm going to be taking a lot of cold showers."


Solaria chuckled.


So much for the perfume.


Betta filed the data away for future reference.




Turning on the faucets, Jain adjusted the temperature, undressed and then climbed in. After replaying the dream in her mind, she smiled.


Then again, I'd have to say this one was worth it!


*  *  *


Jain had just finished washing the dishes after making breakfast for everyone. Solaria was sitting at the kitchen table reviewing the blueprints of the Future Dynamicon installation. Joanie had Betta pinned down in the living room grilling her about her role in the kidnapping. Both Jain and Solaria had listened in silence as Joanie gave Betta a good lecture about her participation in the Company's elicit activities. To Betta's credit, she took the lecture well considering Joanie was almost face to face with her and was thumping her chest with her finger while chewing her out. Giving Jain a faint signal to follow her, Solaria left the room.


"I'm not sure it's a good thing for Betta to have us watching this. Her emotions are still developing and humiliation isn't easy to deal with under the best of conditions."


"Will Joanie be okay? I mean if Betta gets angry..."


"Betta won't hurt her. She'd have done it by now. Besides, it's a good experience for both of them. I'm going to see if I can find a weakness in the Company's site plans. If I can get inside, I may be able to discover more information about the beta program."


"I thought you were going to try and destroy Stalling or Future Dynamicon."


"I'm not sure what I'm going to do now. Betta may not be the only Hubot out there. I need to find the others if they exist."


"Maybe Betta can help you. She might know something."


"No, the Company didn't want us to know about each other... with good reason. If we did, there was the possibility we would do the logical thing."


"Which is?"


"Figure out what Stalling was doing isn't rational."


"Religious fanatics never are."


Solaria nodded and left Jain to do the dishes.


When the bell rang, Jain motioned for Solaria to remain seated. Opening the door, she saw four men standing outside dressed in expensive business suits.


"Can I help you?" she asked, stepping outside to block their view of the inside.


"Ms. Plaine?"




"I am Amad Jezeer, emissary for Sheik Kahbrahn. He sends his greetings and gratitude for helping in the recovery of his daughter."


"And how do I know you are who you say you are?"


"Forgive me. Of course you would want proof. I am supposed to tell you that Hackattack sends his regards and wishes to thank you for the recipe for poutine."


Jain smiled. She had sent him the recipe after discovering the dish during a visit to Montreal.


"Come on in. Joanie's inside."


Opening the door, she motioned for the men to follow her. Solaria stood at the kitchen entrance watching each man as he entered the room.


"They're here for Joanie."


Before Solaria could respond, Joanie walked out of the living room with Betta following a few steps behind.


"Amad!" Joanie squealed, running over to hug him.


"Aasalaamu Aleikum, Reina."


"Marhaba, Uncle.
Kayf Halak?"






Dropping the formality, Amad gave his niece a hug and then ordered the three men to step into the hall.

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