Solaria - S1 (22 page)

Read Solaria - S1 Online

Authors: Fran Heckrotte

Tags: #Lesbian, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Solaria - S1
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Without waiting for Solaria's reply, she clicked the off button put the phone back in her pocket; the fewer electronic communications the better.


*  *  *


Jain had no sooner arrived back at her room when someone knocked on the door. Opening it, she saw Solaria standing outside in a dark wig and sunglasses. Looking up and down the hall, she grabbed her arm and dragged her into the room.


"Anyone see you?" she whispered, trying not to laugh at the disguise.


"A lot of people saw me and why are you whispering?" Solaria asked.


Thinking about it, Jain really didn't have an answer.


"I haven't a clue," she said in her normal voice.


Solaria smiled.


"You watch a lot of old movies don't you?"


"Well, yes, but why are you asking?"


"When I was finally allowed unrestricted access to the Internet I used to watch them too. They were very informative and very creative. If you're worried that this place might be bugged, don't. The hotel would lose too much business if their customers were compromised in such a manner. Money can buy privacy in spite of big companies and governments."


"You think that would stop Homeland or Future Dynamicon?"


"Maybe not, but I would know if there electronic devices present."


"You can detect spyware?" Jain asked, surprised.


"I have the capability of receiving some microwave transmissions. Carley created a subprogram to block most of them but there are a few frequencies I can still hear."


"That's a handy skill,"


"I'm state of the art, remember?"


Solaria gave Jain a wolfish grin and realized it actually felt good knowing she had several advantages over humans. She was also beginning to appreciate the way facial expressions sometimes said more than words.


"Don't be so smug," Jain admonished, guessing Solaria's thoughts.


When she received a surprised look, Jain returned the wolfish grin.


"You may be high tech but I have a lot more experience in the real world. No book learning can top that."


"You're right, of course."


"Oh don't sound humble now," Jain teased. "It's good to know your strengths... and weaknesses."


"I'll remember that. Have you found anything out yet?"


"Oh, damn! I can't believe I didn't tell you this already. I saw the beta with the Sheik's daughter. They're on the third floor."


"You saw them on the third floor?"


"No, in the lobby. The two seem to be on pretty good terms. When they left the hotel, Ms. Kahbrahn was chatting with her as if they were old friends. She's using the name Bassler, though."


"If they were leaving, how do you know what floor they're on?"


"I found out the old fashion way. I gossiped with the porter. He's quite a talkative fellow."


"I take it you didn't find out what room they're in."


"No, I pretended to know them but thought it might be a little too obvious if I started asking questions. I did manage to learn that particular floor is a high security level... cameras, alarms, etc."


"That shouldn't be a problem. I can bypass their system when I'm ready to make my move. The bigger problem is how to neutralize the beta and get the girl off the premises."


"Do you think you'll be able to handle this beta? I mean is she made like you?"


"Not quite. She was the first prototype. I thought I was but after reading the files, I've discovered I'm a series three model."


"Three? You mean there's another one out here somewhere?"


"I'm not sure. Nothing in the files indicated what happened to it. After this is over with, I'll have to find out. It could mean delaying my plans for Future Dynamicon. Finding the betas is the bigger priority."


"Do you even know the gender?"


"No, but there's a record somewhere. It's only a matter of time before I find it."


"Then we'd better get a move on things. If anyone ever discovers how advanced the Hubot Project is, you will be hunted down and either destroyed or reprogrammed... or whatever else it is they can do."


It wasn't a comforting thought for either woman.


"So how do we find out what room they're in?" Jain asked, changing the subject.


"Did you bring your laptop?"


"I never leave home without it!"


"Good! I should be able to hack into the hotel's system without too much difficulty. Their security level shouldn't be too complicated."


"Okay, while you do that, I'm going to order some food. Anything in particular you want?"


"I'm really not particular. Everything is still new to me so you choose."


Jain nodded. Pointing to the laptop, she picked up the hotel directory and read the restaurant menu.


"I can't believe what people are willing to pay to eat in this place. Twenty-five dollars for a salad...House Special they call it," she snorted. "What's so special about lettuce, tomato and dressing? I swear some people have more money than sense. I wonder if I can order a pizza delivered here. I bet the front desk would have a stroke."


Solaria knew Jain didn't expect a reply so she continued searching for the backdoor into the hotel's guest registry. By the time room service arrived, she had the information she needed, including access codes to the third floor alarm system and video displays in the control room. All she needed to do now was create a loop sequence for the monitors and deactivate the alarm in Room 303. With luck she could enter the room without being detected, neutralize the beta and convince the girl to go with her willingly. Switching off the laptop, Solaria placed it on the table and took the plate Jain was handing her.


"Shrimp Scampi and sautéed vegetables. I hope you like it."


Taking a bite of the spicy shrimp, Solaria found the flavor pleasant.


"It has an interesting flavor. What are the ingredients in the sauce?"


"That's the garlic and butter. They usually add a little white wine and parmesan cheese. It's one of my favorite foods but most people can't afford wild shrimp anymore. The fisheries have pretty much depleted the ocean stocks. The stuff you buy in stores is either farm grown or artificial."


"I read on the Internet there was a moratorium on wild shrimp. Most of the naturalists believe the population may recover in ten to twenty years if they can prevent poaching."


"Yeah. Well, fat chance of that. I wouldn't be surprised if this was poached shrimp. The rich don't care about natural preservation."


Solaria looked at the small pink morsels on her plate.


"Should we be eating this?" she asked. Something about eating an endangered species bothered her and she didn't like it.


Jain laughed.


"I was joking about these. I doubt if the hotel would serve anything that wasn't certified legal. Can you imagine what a stink it would cause if the news hounds or environmentalists got wind of it? There'd be picketers all over the place and we both know rich people don't like having their pictures taken."


Relieved Solaria bit into another shrimp, savoring the flavor.


"This really does taste good."


Jain watched Solaria's expression as she enjoyed each bite and then moved on to the sautéed vegetables.


"Do you mind if I ask you something?" she asked tentatively.


"No," Solaria replied, swallowing the steamy veggies.


"Well, I was wondering. Are you aware of how you're body and processors work? I mean, I can't begin to imagine what it's like to be..." Jain hesitated not sure exactly how to phrase her question.


"A machine?"


"No, I wasn't even thinking along that line. Well, maybe I was but not like that."


Frustrated, Jain put down her plate and leaned forward, her arms resting on her knees.


"You want to know if I have a sense of what I am physically."


"I think that's it."


Solaria wasn't sure how to answer her.


"Yes... and no." Not wanting to reveal her chameleon abilities, she searched her memory chips for a logical way to explain what she meant. "When I first became aware of my existence, my body felt awkward, sluggish almost. If I dedicated too much CPU power to moving, I didn't have enough energy to operate all of my processors. Several would shut down and I'd lose valuable data."


"Our equivalent of exhaustion. When I get tired, I get forgetful. It's frustrating."


"Yes, very. Eventually, with practice, I learned to use my energy resources more efficiently. I don't have to consciously think about my movements anymore. They come naturally."


"Not much different than humans learning to walk. What about your body? Obviously you have pretty much the same sensations we have. You taste, you feel and you seem capable of complicated emotions. Do you want to be human, Solaria?"


"I've never really thought about it. It doesn't make sense for me to want to be something I can never be."


"Oh I don't know. We all want to be something we aren't. I see no reason why you should be any different, although being human certainly isn't an aspiration I'd strive for."


"You don't have to."


Jain grimaced.


"You're right about that. Do you have any ideas of what we're going to do next?"


Solaria nodded.


"I will deactivate the cameras and alarms later tonight. Most of the guests will be asleep and the hotel staff at a minimum number. The upper floors should be quiet enough to enter without being noticed. I should have enough time to enter the beta's room."


"Without her hearing you? I seriously doubt that will happen."


"I will chance it. As the first prototype, she should be slightly inferior to me structurally and her CPUs definitely operate at a slower megahertz. I should have enough of an advantage to overpower her."


"You plan on getting into a wrestling match with her? The entire hotel will hear you!"


"I'm hoping to deactivate some of her physical components before it comes to that."


Jain rolled her eyes.


"You're an optimist. And what will I be doing while the girl fight is going on?"


"Acting as my lookout. If anyone shows up, it'll be your job to distract them."


"Right! Well, just make sure you two don't get into a free-for-all. The last thing you need is to attract a lot of attention."


"I'll see what I can do," Solaria replied seriously. Jain was right. This was the last thing she or the beta needed. "You should get some rest. I'll wake you up when it's time."







T WAS ALMOST 3 AM when Joanie and Betta returned to their room. After eating, Joanie decided that she wanted to see a movie. Afterward, she felt hungry and insisted on a late night snack. Betta decided it would be easier to give in than to listen to the human complaining all night long about being hungry. Once they finished their meals, Joanie was ready for bed so they headed back to the hotel.


After taking a quick shower she jumped into bed still slightly damp.


"It's all yours," she quipped, nodding toward the bathroom. Slipping between the sheets, she settled down and quickly fell asleep.


Betta removed her clothes and disappeared into the bathroom. Showers were one of the few things she enjoyed. The feel of the water pounding her skin with its monotonous pulsating rhythm and the warmth relaxed tense muscles. For a few minutes, she could let down her defenses, knowing Joanie wouldn't be going anywhere. Leaning back against the stall, she closed her eyes and shut down four processors. It felt good to be able to relax knowing for a few moments she didn't have to monitor everything and everyone around her and Joanie; perhaps that was why she didn't hear the faint movement in the other room.

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