Solaria - S1 (23 page)

Read Solaria - S1 Online

Authors: Fran Heckrotte

Tags: #Lesbian, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Solaria - S1
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For Solaria, neutralizing the cameras and alarm system was easy. Hacking into the hotel security system took only a few minutes. Once inside, she created a video loop for the cameras, electronic bypasses on three alarms inside the suite and deactivated the electronic door lock.


Leaving Jain by the elevator on the third floor, she walked quietly down the hallway and turned the door handle slowly testing it to see if it had responded to her instructions. The slight click was satisfying. Nudging the door open, she stepped inside and looked around. The room was empty but the faint sound of someone breathing was heard coming from the bedroom to the left. Solaria recognized it as human and no threat.


Walking to the bedroom, she opened the door and peered into the darkened room. With her enhanced vision, she had no trouble identifying the sleeping figure under the sheets. It was obvious the young woman was exhausted.


Ignoring her, Solaria focused her attention on the sound of running water coming from the bathroom. It could only be the Hubot. Moving quietly across the thick carpet, she waited patiently for her target to emerge.


Turning off the water, Betta picked up the towel and dried her hair and skin. As much as she would liked to have logically explained why showers felt so good, she couldn't. Her metabolism was more than capable of doing a thorough self-cleaning job.


Dropping the towel on the floor, she glanced in the mirror. Steam prevented her from getting a clear image of her features but she didn't need a reminder to remember what she looked like.


Short brown hair, the color of milk chocolate, stuck straight up on the top of her head. Betta kept it at 3.81 centimeters exactly. The sides were .635 centimeters. As a bodyguard it was practical to keep it short enough so it couldn't be grabbed. Her eyes were brown with gold flecks. High cheeks and a square jaw left little doubt to the observer that she was not to be reckoned with. At five foot eight with a muscular body, she looked powerful, not that she thought of herself that way. She was what she was; a machine built to serve her masters. Still, there were times when she... she what? Wished? Wishing was a human trait, not something for Hubots.


Solaria waited patiently for her prey. Like a cat ready to launch itself at a mouse, she didn't move a muscle. Her breathing slowed to an imperceptible level, knowing it wouldn't take much for the Hubot to become aware of her. She was somewhat surprised she hadn't already.


Opening the door, Betta stepped into the room and immediately sensed danger. Spinning she saw a hand moving toward her head and struck out to block it. Had she been a split second sooner, she would have succeeded. Unfortunately, with four of her processors shut down, her reaction time was too slow to stop the blow against her skull. Although she didn't lose consciousness, the impact was enough to disorient her. Struggling to reactivate all of her processors, she felt her senses returning and fought back. The sound of Joanie gasping brought her to full operational mode but it was too late. Steel arms pinned her arms against her chest and she was thrown to the floor.


"If you resist, I will kill the girl," Solaria threatened, knowing the Hubot's prime objective was to protect Joanie at all costs.


Joanie watched the struggle not sure what to do. Her back pressed against the headboard, she hugged her pillow.


Betta immediately ceased struggling but continued searching for a solution to their situation. Solaria didn't want to give her time to think so she repeated the threat.


"If you resist, I will kill her."


Looking at Joanie, Solaria shook her head slowly.


"And if you scream, I'll kill her."


"What do you want?" Betta demanded, relaxing her muscles slightly. Hopefully, the woman would assume she had given up. It could provide the opportunity she needed.


"I'll tell you once I'm sure you're secured. Cooperate and no one gets hurt. Fight me and the girl will be the one to suffer."


Betta nodded. She had no doubt the woman was more than capable of doing what she threatened. Her speed and strength far exceeded human capabilities. It could only mean one thing the intruder was a Hubot.


"Roll onto your stomach," Solaria ordered, making sure her hold was secure.


Betta reluctantly complied. Giving up without a fight didn't sit well with her but it was the logical choice at the moment. Once she was on her stomach, Solaria turned her gaze on Joanie.


"Give me the telephone cord."


Scrambling across the bed, Joanie disconnected the phone and tossed it to her. She then shifted back to her original spot. Quickly binding the Hubot's hands, Solaria drew the feet up and tied them.


"I know you can break these quickly enough but I suggest you not do it until after we're gone. I can kill the girl by the time the chords are snapped."


"You're taking Joanie?" Betta asked. Every fiber of her being resisted the thought.


"No, I'm not taking her. She'll come voluntarily after I tell her why she's here and you'll confirm everything I'm saying."


Betta wasn't programmed to lie. If what the Hubot said was true, she would have no choice but to obey. Betta nodded her head.




Turning to look at Joanie, she stood and stepped away from the Hubot making sure she was well away from her in case she tried to escape.


"You were kidnapped by Future Dynamicon to put pressure on your father," Solaria explained. "This woman isn't your bodyguard; not in the true sense. Her job is to keep you from contacting the Sheik or anyone else. At this moment your father doesn't know where you are."


Confused, Joanie looked from Solaria to Betta.


"Is this true?" she whispered.


Betta nodded her head slowly. The disappointment in the girl's eyes bothered her. Why, she didn't know. She had followed her directive. That was her job. Joanie's opinion shouldn't matter.


"You kidnapped me and lied to me?"


"No," Betta replied.




"No, I did not kidnap you or lie to you."


"Then what do you call all of this?" Joanie growled, her anger replacing the hurt.


"I was told to guard you. I followed the directive."


"Oh, I see. So your job was to protect me."




"To what purpose?"


"I don't understand the question."


"What or who was I being protected from?"


"I don't have that data. My directive was..."


"To guard me, I know, but you don't know from what."


Betta tried to think of something to say; some answer that made sense but she had never questioned her assignments.


Solaria listened to the exchange not wanting to interrupt. There was no doubt the young woman had formed an attachment to the Hubot. More interesting, though, was Betta's reaction. She appeared bothered and confused. Solaria could empathize with her. As a Hubot, reconciling emotions with the logical order of things was difficult. Deciding it was time to leave, she interrupted them.


"We have to go."


"I'm not going back with you. I don't even know you," Joanie declared.


"That doesn't matter. You will come one way or another. I will kill her if you don't come quietly."


Joanie felt helpless.


"What about her?"


"She can break the chords at any time. Her orders are to guard you. She can't ignore them. She'll follow us."


"What do you mean, she can't ignore them? She can do what she wants."


"Unfortunately, she can't. Now get dressed. We have to get you out of the hotel quickly and unnoticed. The Company has another man downstairs watching the place."


Jumping up, Joanie pulled on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt and looked around.


"I'll get a change of clothes later."




Turning her attention back to Betta, she hesitated for a minute and then made a decision based more on instinct than logic.


"I will tell you how to get in touch with us but only if you agree to my terms."


"I can find you without agreeing. You know that."


"Yes, but I can save you a lot of time and trouble. Besides, there's no guarantee your employer will continue to keep you activated."


Betta's suspicions were confirmed. The intruder knew what she was.


"What do you want?" she asked reluctantly.


"I want you to locate the GPS located somewhere in your system and destroy it. The Company knows your every move and I don't want them to know where we are. You must come by yourself."


Betta wasn't aware that she was being monitored but it made sense. Obviously the Company would track her every move.


"I don't have a problem removing it."


"Then meet me at the library at this address in three weeks."


Solaria quickly scribbled the information down and put it on the table. Motioning for Joanie to leave, she followed closely behind.


"My estimate is that you will be free in less than thirty-three seconds after we are gone. Don't follow us. Your time will be better used deciding whether you want to be a slave to Dynamicon or your own person."


Shutting the bedroom door behind her, she hustled Joanie out of the suite and down the hallway to the elevator.


Jain stood inside pressing the stop button. Once the two entered, she handed Joanie a blonde wig and long jacket. Then she gave Solaria a dark wig and slightly tinted glasses.


"You get her out of here. I'll check out in the morning so no one gets suspicious."


"See you in a few hours."


Slipping into the jacket, Joanie grimaced at the wig in her hand and then put it on. Her thoughts were still on the woman tied up in her suite. She felt awful leaving her like that even after finding out she had been lied to.


"Will she be okay?" she asked, looking from Jain to Solaria.


"She'll be fine. I have no doubt you'll be seeing her shortly. Now, let's get out of here."


Minutes later, Solaria and Joanie strolled casually through the lobby and out the front door. A man sitting in the shadows glanced up at them and then back at his paper. It was going to be another boring night for him.







Two Weeks Later


T WAS ALMOST closing time at the library when Jain spotted Betta walking through the door.


"Could you watch the front desk while I let everyone in the backrooms know we'll be closing soon?" she asked, turning to her assistant.


"Sure thing."


"Thanks. I'll take care of the woman who just came in."


"You know, Jain. I may not be a lesbian but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy talking to good looking women."


"Okay. You tell her we'll be closing in thirty minutes while I check in back."


Jain knew Betta wouldn't go anywhere. Patting her assistant's arm, she glanced again at the Hubot and then walked away.


Solaria was scanning the plasma screen when she heard Jain's footsteps approaching.


"She's here," Solaria said.


"Yes, you want me to bring her back here? We'll be closing in a few minutes."


"That will do. I need to talk to her alone."


"Ummm. There's not going to be any fighting is there? I mean I'd hate to try and explain to my boss..."


"Don't worry. She's not here to fight. Besides, it wouldn't be very logical to have a battle in such a public place. There are cameras in every room."


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