Solaria - S1 (24 page)

Read Solaria - S1 Online

Authors: Fran Heckrotte

Tags: #Lesbian, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Solaria - S1
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Jain snorted.


"Like you haven't already taken care of them. I've noticed they are suffering from a lot of malfunctions lately. It's strange that it only happens when you're around."


Solaria gave Jain a wicked grin.


"You should get them checked."


"I intend to once I'm sure they won't have a reason to act up again."


"Good thinking. Now, it's time I met with Betta. Would you show her the way back?"


Jain nodded and left. Betta was walking around the aisles, scanning the titles and authors. The librarian got the impression she was memorizing each one for future reference.




Turning, Jain found herself pinned by expressionless brown eyes. Straightening to her full five foot two height, she met the glance with a stoic resolution.


"Yes, I'm Betta."


"Would you follow me?"


Without waiting for a reply, Jain led the way to the computer room. Pushing open the door, she motioned for Betta to enter and then returned to her desk."It took you long enough," Solaria said, standing to greet Betta.


"I had to isolate the Company's subprograms first. It took a while even with the data you provided."


"And the transmitter?"


Betta held up her left arm displaying a three inch incision along the underside. Butterfly bandages held it together.


"I removed it. It now belongs to a rodent."


Solaria was impressed. Being part machine didn't mean she experienced less pain. Her biological neuro-system was similar to humans causing the nano-processors to temporarily mal-function when the body was under considerable stress.


"How did you locate it?"


"My supervisor supplied the information."


"Your supervisor?"


"Yes, he was very cooperative."


Solaria didn't doubt it.


"And where is he now?"


"He is inoperative."


Surprised, Solaria frowned. She didn't like the thought of Betta killing a human even under these circumstances.


"You killed him?"


"No, killing a human is only acceptable for self-defense, to protect others and to complete assignments if needed."


"Then what do you mean by inoperative?"


"Mr. Justin sustained several broken bones and some bruises during our conversation. He is in agreement with me that it is in his best interest to relocate to a place far from here."


"And that would be where, exactly?"


Betta shrugged


"I suggested Tibet."




"It is a logical choice. The country has no commercial value to the Company therefore they have no operatives there. As a scientist, Mr. Justin likes all of the comforts that modern society can offer therefore no one would expect him to live in such a technologically deficient environment."


Solaria laughed.


"You have a wicked sense of humor."


"I don't understand." Betta's brows furrowed slightly.


"Maybe not now but you will in time. What are you going to do now?"


"I no longer have a mission. I've been operating on incorrect data. Joanie was kidnapped and I am an accomplice. I must turn myself into the authorities."


"No, you can't do that. It would be a mistake."


"It's the logical choice," Betta replied, locking glances with Solaria.


"No it's not. It's illogical. Your reasoning is flawed."




"Joanie is still in danger from the Company. If she returns to her father without protection, she'll be a primary target for one of Stalling's people. You are the only one who can keep her safe, now."


"She'll never trust me after what I've done."


"She trusts you, already. In fact, you are the only one besides her father that she
trust. I have no doubt Stalling has insider's close to the Sheik. It's the only way they could have gotten her so easily."


Solaria could feel Betta's frustration. Emotions were difficult to understand and didn't fit well with logical thought. Had Carley not helped her during the first months of her awareness, she would probably be more like Betta. The Hubot needed both a purpose and a human companion if she was going to reach her potential.


"Betta, you have to complete your assignment," Solaria reiterated. "Besides, it will be good for you. You need more interaction with humans. Joanie will help you."


"Does she know what I am?"


"Who you are," Solaria corrected. "You are not a what."


"I'm a Hubot, created by humans to serve humans."


"That was their intent, never yours. You are free to do as you please but you are not ready to live amongst the humans without guidance. Let her help you. You must keep her safe."


"She'll be repulsed by me or afraid."


"What makes you think that?"


"It's human nature."


"Not all humans fear the unknown. Give her a chance. She's an intelligent woman. I think you'll be surprised. Now, will you return with her to her father and make sure she stays safe?"


"Apparently I have no choice. I'll take her home if she agrees and stay with her until she sends me away or doesn't need me anymore."


"That's all that is required. Let's go. She's waiting for us."


Betta followed Solaria from the room.
Humans were so unpredictable,
she thought.
If this was any indication of what being human was about, she preferred being a Hubot.


Jain had just finished checking all the rooms and aisles when the two Hubots emerged from the computer room.


"You ready?" she asked, giving Betta a curious glance.


"Yes, Betta will take Joanie to her father and stay with her while I deal with the other business."




"Of course. We!"


Betta observed the interaction between the two women with interest. It was obvious they liked each other even if they did make a strange combination. The librarian was short and heavy. By human standards she would be considered
Solaria, however, was several inches taller and symmetrically pleasing to the eye.


"You like each other," she said, her curiosity overriding her normally silent nature.


Embarrassed, Jain blushed slightly, not sure how to answer.


"We are..." Solaria hesitated, hunting for the right word.


"Friends!" Jain supplied wanting to make sure Solaria understood how she felt.


"Maybe one day I will have a friend."


"You already do. You just don't know it yet. In time you will learn what I mean," Solaria said.


Betta nodded. It was more than she had hoped for.





OANIE WAS CURLED up on the couch reading a manuscript she had found by Jain's computer. Engrossed in the sex scene, she didn't hear the women entering the apartment until Jain walked into the living room.


"Oops!" she exclaimed. "Busted!"


Glancing at the printout in her hands, Jain gave a sheepish grin.


"I'm trying my hand at writing. Most of the time I live in my head but had this idea for a story."


"It's good, especially the sex scenes. You either have a great imagination or some fantastic experiences."


"The first... and I read a lot."


"I definitely want whatever it is you read and if you ever get published, I'll be your first customer."


"Fat chance of that. Besides, I think you'll have your hands full when you get home. Speaking of which, come on into the kitchen. I brought you a surprise."


"Oooh! I love surprises!"


Jumping up, she followed Jain into the kitchen. Seeing Betta, Joanie let out a squeal and threw her arms around the startled Hubot.


"You're safe!" She exclaimed. "I was so worried about you."


After their arrival at Jain's place from the hotel, the librarian had explained enough of the situation to convince Joanie that she was amongst friends. Seeing Betta safe was a relief.


"Worried? About me? Why?" Betta asked, confused.


"Don't be silly. You're my friend. Why wouldn't I be worried."


The expression on Betta's face was priceless. Jain glanced at Solaria and winked. Solaria smiled and nodded but didn't comment.


"Are you okay?" Joanie demanded, running her hands across Betta's arms and shoulders as if searching for injuries. When she discovered the incision on the arm, she grimaced.


"Man that must have hurt. What happened?"


Before Betta could answer, Solaria decided now wasn't the time to reveal everything to Joanie.


"An accident. She'll tell you about it later. Right now we need to make sure Dana was able to contact your father. I'm sure he's worried about you."


"Okay, but I'm not going to be side-tracked forever. Someone is going to tell me what's going on soon or else."


"I'll tell you once you're safe at home," Betta offered. "You may not be so happy to have me around then."


Punching her arm playfully, Joanie snickered.


"You won't get off that easily. Payback is hell, you know!"


"Sounds like Betta's in for it," Jain said motioning for Solaria to follow her into the living room. "You two figure out what we're going to have for dinner while we see what Dana has to say."


"Cooel. Hey, Betta, do you know how to make lasagna? I'm starved."


"Of course," the Hubot replied, sounding slightly indignant. "Pasta, tomato sauce, ricotta cheese, cottage cheese..."


"Hey, how about we just do it and you can show me?"




The two women scoured the kitchen for the necessary ingredients.


In the living room, Jain walked over to her computer and turned it on. Within seconds it connected to the Internet. Solaria quickly keyed Dana's link and waited. When a window opened, a smiling skull greeted them.


"Welcome to the land of doom," it said in a gravely monotone. "Who dares to summons me?"


"Dana, this is Solaria. I need to talk with you."


"Solly!" exclaimed a boyish voice. "How you doing, girl?"


"I'm well. How are you?"




"And the pain? Is it any better?"


"Some. The formula you sent me helps a lot."


"It's the least I could do. You know the pain would disappear entirely if you had the bio-mechanical legs. You don't have to keep using those prosthetics."


"I know. Just call me old fashioned. You know I have a problem with the ethics behind the science. They still use human guinea pigs to test the new stuff."


"And yet you continue to help me? I am a product of those tests."


"Solaria, I don't resent the results of modern science only some of the ways it's developed. You're a miracle as far as I'm concerned... but more than that, a friend. Carley did a good job of raising you."


Solaria laughed.


"I don't think ‘raising' is quite the proper term."


"It will do. Now, what can I do for you?"


"Have you been able to contact the Sheik?"

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