Solaria - S1 (25 page)

Read Solaria - S1 Online

Authors: Fran Heckrotte

Tags: #Lesbian, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Solaria - S1
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"You doubt me? Of course, I have. He's aware of the situation."


"And the Company's operatives around him?"


"Well, although I've been able to hack into their ops files, I haven't found anything substantial. I think they've set up a cell network where only a few might know the identity of the plants. It's the only way they can limit their exposure liabilities."


"That makes sense. I would do the same thing."


"So how are you going to protect Joanie once she's home?"


"I'm not. Betta will do that."


"The Hubot? Oh, sorry, no insult intended."


"None taken, Dana. That is what she is. Betta is the only one who can keep her safe, now. The Sheik's security is compromised so Betta won't trust any. She's Joanie's best bet for now."


"And what makes you think she will protect her or that Joanie even wants her around?"


"Trust me, neither of them will object. It is a logical solution. What arrangements have you made with the Sheik?"


"I'll have them delivered to you tomorrow. As much as I like to think I'm the best geek alive, I'm not taking any chances someone will luck out and intercept the information. The Company has some damn smart people working for them. Hackattack almost got busted last week."


"Is he alright?"


"Yeah, but he had to relocate. He'll be up and running in a few days."


"Tell him to be careful. Hopefully, in a few weeks, neither of you will have to deal with them."


"Will do! Now I'd better terminate this link. We've been on longer than I like."


"Thanks again, Dana."


"My pleasure and give Jain my best."


"I will."


When the screen went blank, Solaria turned to Jain.


"We can pursue our plans for Stalling and his network once we know Joanie and Betta are safe."


"Speaking of them, I think they have a fondness for each other."


"I suspect it's more than that."


"You think they're in love?"


"No, not quite that serious. Betta's emotions are too primitive to feel that deeply. Still, they appear to share an attraction."


"Do you think Betta will eventually be capable of love?" Jain asked, hopefully.


"Do you think I'm incapable of it?" Solaria cocked her head slightly as she waited for Jain's response.


"You? Hell no! You're more human than anyone I know... a compliment of course, but Betta, she didn't have Carley to help her."


"True. It wasn't long ago that I was like her. In the beginning it was difficult. Carley helped me understand what I was going through. Joanie will be Betta's Carley, with one difference."


"And that is?"


"Carley was never in love with me," Solaria said.


"That you know of. I hope you're right about them. It would be a fairy tale ending and I love happy endings."


Solaria didn't say anything. She already knew that neither she nor Betta would ever be capable of the type of love Jain was hoping for them. That didn't mean some type of love wouldn't evolve. Only time would tell.


Jain's mind was busy imagining other possibilities. Since science was advanced enough to produce Hubots, it wasn't a far leap to imagine Hubots could reproduce with a female human partner. Shaking her head, she patted Solaria's arm and motioned toward the kitchen.


"We'd better go see what those two are up to. Lord knows what we may end up eating for dinner."


In the kitchen, Joanie was laughing at Betta's antics. The Hubot was demonstrating how efficient she was at chopping the vegetables for a salad. Unfortunately, Betta was distracted by Joanie's continued laughter, missing the mushroom and sliced her finger. Staring at the blood oozing from the cut, she wasn't sure what to do.


"Oh Betta, I'm so sorry," Joanie exclaimed, grabbing a dishtowel. "Does it hurt?"


"It's a minor injury. You needn't worry about it."


"Of course I'll worry. Let me see if Jain has a band-aid."


"No," Betta ordered. "It's not necessary."


Seeing the hurt look on Joanie's face, Betta searched her data banks for a way to make the girl feel better. Hesitantly, she clasped Joanie's hand and squeezed it slightly.




Joanie nodded and then smiled.


"At least let me clean it for you."


Sighing, Betta found herself being led to the sink. The hand holding hers was warm and gentle as Joanie made sure the finger was properly rinsed and disinfected.


"There," she said proudly. "It looks better already and I'll bet it feels better too. Admit it!"


Inspecting the finger, Betta nodded. Before, she would have just explained that she healed quickly but now she was reluctant to ruin the moment.


"It feels better. We should finish preparing the meal, though. I'm sure everyone is hungry."


"Okay, but you sit and watch this time. I'll show you how to make a salad without killing yourself."


"That's not very likely."


"I know, but it sounded good. Now, sit!"


Solaria and Jain had witnessed the entire event unnoticed.


"Maybe we should make some noise," Jain whispered.


Hearing the comment, Betta looked up, making eye contact with Solaria. A slight flush crept into her cheeks.


"I see you two have been busy," Solaria said, walking past the Hubot to stand next to Joanie. Grateful for the reprieve, Betta, remained silent.


"Yep, a feast for queens. Now, grab a plate and let's eat. I'm hungry!" Joanie said.


Doing as they were told, everyone piled on the lasagna and salad and returned to the living room. Between bites, Solaria explained the situation to Joanie, leaving out Dana's involvement just in case Betta failed to protect her adequately.


"I don't know when you will have to leave but it'll probably be at a moment's notice. You should get some rest. All of you!"


Thinking it a great idea, Jain told Betta she could share Joanie's bed in the spare room.


"And you..." she said, looking at Solaria.


"Will take the couch."


"Damn! I missed another chance at having a good looking woman in my bed," Jain teased.


"Perhaps another time."


Solaria's teal eyes twinkled with unspoken humor. Swallowing nervously, Jain wasn't sure how to respond.


"Umm, okay. Well, I'm going to take a shower... a lonnng cold shower."


Joanie and Solaria laughed. Betta wasn't sure why so she remained silent. Shaking her head, Joanie grabbed her hand and pulled her from the chair.


"Come on. I'll explain it to you. Later."


Jain followed them, switching the light off as she left the living room.


"Have a good night, Solaria."


"You too, Jain, and thanks for everything."





HE SHEETS WERE cool as Jain slipped between them. Exhausted, she rolled onto her side and sighed. Within minutes she was asleep, her arms wrapped tightly around her pillow. She didn't know how long she had been sleeping when she heard something unusual in the room. Opening one eye she looked blearily toward the door. The figure of a woman stood silhouetted against the hall light.


"Solaria? Is everything okay?"


"Everything's fine," Solaria answered, her voice low and husky.


"Good! Are you alright?"


"I couldn't rest. I was just checking to see if you were awake. I'm sorry if I disturbed you."


"No, it's okay. Come on in. The couch couldn't have been very comfortable for you. You're way too tall to stretch out on it."


"It was fine, really."


"Well, you're here now, so how about you try the other side of the bed? It's big enough for both of us."


Jain was surprised when Solaria walked around the bed and started taking off her clothes. Swallowing a huge lump in her throat, she closed her eyes trying not to look. Unfortunately, she couldn't resist peeking through narrowed lids. The woman had a gorgeous body. As Solaria slipped under the sheet, she rolled onto her side and faced Jain.


"This is comfortable. Thanks."


"My pleasure," Jain whispered.
And what a pleasure!


"Were you asleep before I came in?"


Looking at the clock on the table, she realized three hours had gone by since she crawled into bed.


"Yeah, but I really don't mind you waking me. Who would object to having a beautiful woman sharing a bed?"


"You think I'm beautiful?"


Solaria's face was just inches away from her own. She was amazed that the warm breath fanning her cheeks was fresh and clean smelling.


One of the advantages of bio-engineering, I guess. A self-cleaning system.


"Well, honestly, I'd say you were more handsome than beautiful. That's actually a good thing. It makes you more interesting and appealing."


"How so?"


"Beautiful women are a dime a dozen, especially since cosmetic surgery is so common nowadays."


"And how is that any different from me? I'm the product of bio-engineering."


"I don't know. Maybe it's because people who have cosmetic surgery out of vanity are trying to become something they're not. Changing the outside doesn't change the inside. You, however, are what you are. It doesn't make any difference whether you were born or created. You're you. You know what I mean?"


"I understand."


Sliding slightly closer, Solaria reached out to touch Jain's cheek.


"Your skin is very soft."


"Umm, collagen," Jain whispered, gulping nervously.


"And good genes," Solaria added, her lips curling upward slightly.


"That too."


The finger continued down Jain's neck and rested on the pulse pounding in her neck.


"Do I make you nervous, Jain?"


"I've... I've never had someone so... so..."


"I can leave."


"Oh no! I mean, well, ummm I like you here. I'm just not sure what you want?"


"You!" Solaria whispered softly.


"Mmm... meee?" Jain squeaked.


"Yes, I want you to teach me about sex."


"But... why me? I mean, I don't really know that much."


"Are you a virgin?"


"Good grief, no! I may be fat and ugly but there are a lot of women out there who are ordinary like me."


"You're not fat or ugly, Jain. You're... interesting."


Jain laughed.


"I'm not sure how to take that but at least it sounds better than my description."


Solaria pushed up on one elbow and leaned toward Jain. Slowly she began unbuttoning the pajama top.


"Do you always sleep in clothes?"


"No reason not to... until now."


"Until now" Solaria agreed as she spread the shirt open revealing two large breasts sagging slightly. Hesitantly she touched the right one. When Jain didn't object, she began running her fingers gently across the surface fascinated when the skin began pebbling up.


"Why does it do that?" she asked.


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