Solaria - S1 (11 page)

Read Solaria - S1 Online

Authors: Fran Heckrotte

Tags: #Lesbian, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Solaria - S1
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"Remember me," Carley whispered.


Giving the Hubot a final hug, Carley pushed Solaria toward the door and opened it. Shoving her through the opening, the scientist pulled it shut, locked it and walked into her office without looking back.


* * *


Solaria stood in the hall for several seconds unsure of herself for the first time. When a lab tech walked by and gave her a strange look, she realized she needed to move quickly. Changing her eyes back to brown, she made her way through several checkpoints until she found herself standing outside for the first time. None of the detectors had picked up anything unusual during the bioscans. Carley's plan had worked well.


The air was different, fresh and cool. A breeze blew across the lake ruffling her hair. The mountains glistened from the sunlight reflecting off their snowcapped peaks. She had seen outdoor pictures before. They were nothing compared to the real thing. One day she would climb those mountains and see what was at the top.


"Are you okay, Ms. Landers?" a voice asked from behind her. Turning, Solaria stared at the young man in a green jumpsuit, the Company's uniform for low level security personnel. The name
was stitched across the left chest pocket and a Future Dynamicon patch was monogrammed on the left sleeve.


"Yes, I'm fine."


"Good. I was told you were on leave. Did you forget something?"


"No, I thought I had. I just misplaced my notes. Have a good day, Mr. Williams."


Tipping his hat, the man continued on his way. Solaria walked to the rental car Carley had secured the day before and climbed in. Examining the instrument panels, she pulled up the operational instructions from her data bank and switched on the ignition. Within minutes she was on the main highway heading toward an unknown future. First, though, she had some unfinished business to take care of. Somewhere out there she had a sibling.





S SHE APPROACHED the Company's main security office, Carley felt her heart pounding furiously.


"It'll be okay," she told herself, hoping for the best, but knowing better.


A tall man in a uniform greeted her politely and opened the door, motioning her through. The waiting room was vacant except for a woman sitting behind the receptionist's desk.


"Good evening, Dr. Branson. You're working late."


"Good evening, Ms. Colton. I was finalizing some reports for Mr. Stalling."


"I see. What can I do for you?"


"Well, I was about to head home when I noticed my I.D. badge was missing from my lab coat. Since I can't get through the checkpoints without it, I was hoping someone here would give me special authorization."


"I don't see any problem with that but I'll have to check with Mr. Finton. He's the only one that can approve a new pass. Please have a seat and I'll be right back."


Smiling her thanks, Carley sat down and picked up a magazine. Reaching into her coat pocket, she located the stick of gum. It gave her a sense of security.


Finton's secretary disappeared down a narrow hall. Ten minutes later she walked back into the room and sat down at her desk.


"Mr. Finton said he'll be with you shortly. He's on a conference call."


Carley nodded and fingered the gum nervously.


He's probably calling Stalling
, she thought.
Then again, I'm being paranoid. Why would he automatically call Stalling just because I lost my I.D.?


Noticing the receptionist giving her furtive glances, Carley felt her stomach fluttering nervously. Pulling the gum out, she stared at it, trying to imagine what it would feel like to die. Her thoughts were interrupted by two men in plain clothes walking into the room. One glanced at her, his face expressionless, and then continued to stand silently by the other who was talking with Colton in a low voice.


This isn't good!


"Excuse me, Dr. Branson, but Mr. Finton would like you to show Mr. Richards and Mr. Ward where you've been today. They might be able to locate the pass if you do some backtracking."


"Of course, although I've already done that. Other than the lunchroom, I never left my office."


"Well, humor them, please. If they can't find it, then we'll see about making a temporary pass for you."


Carley realized she didn't have a choice. Standing, she slipped the gum back into her pocket and left the office, followed by the two men. Neither spoke until they were in the lunch area.


"Where did you sit?"


Pointing to the table, she watched as the man named Ward walked over and checked the area out. When he pulled out a small device and began scanning the area, Carley realized the I.D. must have had some type of transmitting chip in it.


Shit! I hope Solaria knew that! If not, she's in trouble!


"Nothing here!"


"Okay, Dr. Branson, let's go to the lab."


"Do you really think I haven't searched there?"


"Just following orders, Doctor."


After checking the lab thoroughly, the men escorted Carley back to the security office and into a small room down a hallway. Motioning toward a chair, Ward left the room, leaving Richards by the door. Carley again searched her pocket for the gum and felt a sense of relief that it was still there.


Minutes later, Richards returned, followed by a short, balding, white man wearing an expensive tailored suit. She immediately recognized the head of security.


"Dr. Branson."


"Mr. Finton."


"My secretary tells me you've lost your security pass and my boys haven't been able to locate it anywhere. This is a serious matter."


"That's why I came here as soon as I realized it had disappeared."


"I see. Well, no one has turned it in. I find that extremely unusual. Future Dynamicon takes great pride in their ability to choose dedicated, loyal employees. It would be a shame to learn someone has betrayed that faith. I'm sure you know what I mean."


"Of course."


"Good. Then you'll understand if we detain you a short while longer. We must do everything possible to recover it. The Company is involved with several national security projects that can't afford to be compromised by an unauthorized person slipping through our security checkpoints and you know some people will pay a lot of money to get one of our passes."


"Yes, I can see where that would create problems. How long before I can leave?"


"I'm not sure, Dr. Branson. Mr. Ward here will show you to another room where you'll be comfortable."


Without waiting for a reply, he nodded toward Ward who immediately opened the door.


"Goodbye, Dr. Branson," Finton said. His tone left no doubt in Carley's mind that it was not a normal farewell.


* * *


Carley stroked the security blanket tucked in her pocket. Finton's henchman motioned for her to follow him.


The room had a table and chair near the door. A cot was pushed against the far wall. Next to the bed was a bathroom with a shower. It was definitely not designed for comfort or privacy. Carley noticed the cameras positioned strategically along the walls.


"Looks more like a prison than guest quarters." Carley said, looking at Ward.


The man shrugged but didn't respond. Instead he left, locking the door behind him. Carley wandered around the small room for a few minutes and then sat in the chair. She desperately wanted to pull out the gum but was afraid the camera would see it and find it curious that she didn't chew it. It was only then she remembered she had another stick in her breast pocket and the capsules.


Now that's absent-mindedness! I hope I haven't forgotten how to chew gum!


The thought made her laugh aloud and then glance at the camera. Grinning she waved mischievously and then did something she never thought she would. She stuck her tongue out. Knowing someone was watching made her feel good.


I might as well get some rest. It won't be long before they discover Solaria's gone and want answers.


Lying on the couch, Carley closed her eyes and wondered what Solaria was doing. There was no doubt that she now had the financial assets to provide the necessary protection from Future Dynamicon. Her knowledge, technical and computer skills gave her additional advantages even though the Company had an expansive international network at their disposal; and Solaria had something else. Dana and Hackattack were the best of the best when it came to breaking into government and corporate systems. They were also adept at forging and counterfeiting any documents she might need in the future.


The sound of the door opening brought her from her reverie. Carley wasn't surprised when Stalling walked in followed by Finton, Wade and Richards.


"You're keeping late hours," she said, making eye contact with Stalling.


"One of the downsides of being a CEO. I hope they've made you comfortable, Dr. Branson."


Looking around the room, Carley snickered.


"Oh yeah, a regular penthouse."


"I see you've managed to retain your humor. That's good!"


"Meaning I'll need it?"


"Now, now, doctor. You certainly seem to have a low opinion of me. I appreciate a good sense of humor. Unfortunately, I'm here about more pressing matters. It seems the Hubot is missing from your lab. Perhaps you could tell me where it is?"


Carley tried to look surprised but suspected she had failed miserably.


"Missing? It was secured in the vault when I left. Maybe one of my replacements removed it. You did say someone was taking over."


"Please, doctor. Let's not play games. You lose your I.D. the same day the Hubot disappears? I'm not that gullible. What happened to it?"


"Really, Mr. Stalling, I don't know what you're talking about."


"So it's going to be that way. Alright, Carley, let me make it clear to you. I want the Hubot back and the name or names of whoever helped you get it past security. Do that and you can go home... without a job, of course."


"Of course," Carley smirked. "Well, I'm sorry but I really don't know anything about where she...
is. The Hubot has to be somewhere on the premises. Hell, the guards know me and I can't even get out of here now because of my missing pass. How could I or anyone else sneak it out?"


"We've checked the entire site. None of the scanners has picked up its signal."


"Signal? I wasn't aware the Hubot carried a transmitter."


"It wasn't important that you know."


"I see."


Arrogant bastard! Like I wouldn't find the subprogram! You pride yourself on hiring the very best in their field and then think you can do better.


"No, I don't think you do. We
get it back... no matter what it takes. It would be in your best interest to cooperate. Otherwise..."


"Otherwise, you'll beat it out of me?"


Carley swallowed nervously. Should she use the gum now or wait?


"Please, Doctor. We're not brutes. Just tell us what you know and we'll send you on your way."


Yeah, right to a grave!


"Look, Mr. Stalling. I'm just an AI expert. I don't know anything about the missing Hubot. What would I have to gain?"


"From selling it to the competition? Millions. Maybe more. I'm sure you know that. I'm sorry. It looks like you're leaving me no choice but to use less desirable methods to get the information. I had hoped you'd be more cooperative."


Turning to Richards, Stalling nodded his head once. After the man left the room, he turned back to Carley.


"You might as well make yourself comfortable until Richards returns with Dr. Phillips."


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