Solaria - S1 (27 page)

Read Solaria - S1 Online

Authors: Fran Heckrotte

Tags: #Lesbian, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Solaria - S1
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"You will forgive me, Ms. Plaine, but under the circumstances I must be especially cautious. Reina is a precious jewel to me and my brother. She is the only heir to Sheik Kahbrahn's estate and the future ruler of our country."


"A woman ruler?"


Amad nodded.


"Contrary to Western beliefs, we are an enlightened people. My brother has used our country's riches to educate our citizens, although there are still those who wish us to return to the old ways. I fear they may be working with Future Dynamicon to bring about the downfall of our family and our progress."


"Well, if you don't even trust your own security guards, how can we be sure Joanie... Reina won't be endangered again?"


Before Amad could answer, Betta stepped forward.


"I'll make sure nothing happens to her."


Amad looked at the woman and then gave his niece a questioning look.


"I don't believe I know this young woman."


"Sorry Uncle, this is Betta, my bodyguard."


"I'm not aware of your father hiring a guard."


"Oh, he didn't. She works for Future Dynamicon."


Amad stiffened.


"Now don't go getting all flustered. Betta didn't know what this was about. Her orders were to guard and protect me and she's done just that."


"Your father..."


"My father will do whatever I want and you know it," Joanie said, giving him a cheeky grin.


Amad blushed slightly.


"You are spoiled... and willful."


"And enlightened. Now, enough of this! If Betta doesn't come with me, I'm not going. I trust her, Uncle," Joanie said seriously.


"I have never been able to refuse you. Ms. Betta will accompany you."


Joanie grinned and then gave him another hug.


"You are such a softie."


When Amad blushed a second time, Jain decided to save him further embarrassment.


"If you'll have a seat, Mr. Jazeer, I'll help Joanie get her stuff together. The sooner she's back home, the happier I'll be."


"Of course," he replied, nodding his head faintly.


Fifteen minutes later, Solaria and Jain were saying their goodbyes.


"Let me know if you need anything," Solaria said to Betta. "Stalling will do whatever it takes to control the Sheik."


"No one will get near her."


Solaria didn't doubt Betta. The Hubot would die if necessary to complete her directive. She was programmed for self-sacrifice if necessary, but there was more to it than that. Betta had in some way bonded to her human charge. It made her especially dangerous to anyone threatening the Sheik's daughter.


"I know," Solaria said, placing her hand on Betta's shoulder. "When all of this is over, maybe we will meet again."


"For what purpose?" Betta asked, cocking her head slightly.


"There does not always have to be a purpose. You'll realize that soon enough. Now, the others are waiting for you."


*  *  *


Without thinking Jain gave both Joanie and Betta a hug and then shooed them out the door.


"Well, that's done with. What now?"


"Now I find a way onto the Company's installation to check out some suspicious areas that aren't on the blueprints."


"If they're not showing, how do you know they exist?"


"The plans don't correspond with the architectural designs filed with the city."


"That's not unusual. Companies are always making changes to their original design."


"True. Still, I can't think of any logical reason to have underground bunkers beneath Lab 6."


"Security measures?"


"The site has more than enough security and multiple vaults throughout the complex. It doesn't need a structure capable of withstanding even the latest atomic bunker busters."


Jain whistled.


"That heavy duty, eh?"




"What do you think they're hiding down there?"


"I don't know but it's obviously important to them and probably not something they want anyone to know about."


"Do you think it might be weapons? After the WMD issue earlier this century, our government has been extremely cautious about that sort of thing. The people were adamant about downsizing our nuclear arsenal so we could eventually eliminate that type of threat."


"I doubt that. Future Dynamicon is into more subtle methods for world domination."


"World domination? That sounds rather ambitious even for Stalling."


"Maybe but from what I've learned about the man, I believe he regards himself as humanity's savior."


"You're kidding!" Jain exclaimed. "I know some people think he's nuts but he really can't be that over the top. Someone would have picked up on it by now and exposed him."


"Stalling is smart and has very loyal followers. He has managed to keep a low profile when it comes to his beliefs. Considering that he graduated from a fundamentalist university that was established in the late 1990's for the sole purpose of promoting extremist beliefs, I think it's a good indication of his values."


"A lot of people went to those schools but didn't turn out to be fanatics."


"True but none of them run one of the most powerful companies in the world nor are they trying to coerce world leaders into following their doctrines."


Jain shook her head in disbelief.


"Which is why Stalling was after Joanie. Why the Sheik, though? It can't be because of fossil fuels. The West and the Middle East have developed alternative energy sources and are no longer dependent on oil."


"What about Africa and Asia? They still haven't caught up with the rest of the world."


"That's true but even if he controlled the oil rights, Africa wouldn't be much of a threat."


"I disagree. The majority of this country's products come from Third World Countries. Control them and you can control much of the economics."


"And sanctions could devastate a country. It seems an almost impossible plan."


"That's why it's workable if someone has the patience, time and money to put it into operation. Stalling has all three and enough people willing to do whatever he wants."


"So how do we stop him?"


"Well, first I need to find out what's in those bunkers. There could be more Hubots down there."


"And here I was hoping all of this was almost over."


"You don't have to help, Jain."


Jain laughed.


"And miss all the fun? I haven't felt this alive ever. Besides, I think I have what it takes to be a spy. One day I might even write my memoirs: Jain Plaine, Secret Agent Woman and her sidekick, the gorgeous Solaria Dayes. How does that sound?"


"Awful!" Solaria answered truthfully.


"Okay. Maybe I'll think of something a little more exciting. Right now, what's the plan?"


"Right now, you continue going to work. Stalling's men aren't stupid. They may figure out what happened and start checking alibis. If you miss any more time, you'll be a prime suspect. I'll let you know what I find."


"I don't think I like this plan. While I'm safely going about my business, you're taking a big chance. What happens if they catch you?"


"Then I guess I'll just have to escape a second time." Solaria said and smirked.


"You know, for someone who recently acquired emotions and gestures, you're getting pretty good at them." Jain teased.


Solaria didn't comment. Already she was working on how she would get past security. It would take some research and the altering of Carley's pass again. If she assumed one of the senior scientist's identities for a few minutes, she could slip pass security, have access to the secured areas and take a quick look around. At the very least, it would take several days for her to put her plan into effect.






The Day after the Kidnapping


INTON'S FACE WAS expressionless as Lawton tried to explain why he hadn't noticed the disappearance of the Sheik's daughter and Hubot from the hotel.


"They returned to their room at 2:33 this morning. Neither came back through the lobby after that," Lawton said nervously.


"I see. So if they didn't leave through the lobby and they aren't in the hotel, where do you think they are?"


"I... I don't know. We've checked all the rooms and reviewed the video tapes. They just disappeared."


"People don't just disappear, Lawton, especially where we're concerned. Exactly when did you find out they were gone?"


"At 8:30 this morning. Betta didn't check in like she normally does. I went to the room to see why and found it empty. Security said the cameras and alarms on that floor were deactivated. They're checking into how that happened."


"I hope so. Six hours not accounted for. They could be anywhere now. Mr. Stalling isn't going to be happy about this."


"No sir. I'm sorry, sir, but I was in the lobby all night. I checked every person entering and leaving the building."


"I'm sure but it's going to be up to Mr. Stalling as to how he wants to pursue your failure in this matter. If I were you, I'd get a crew back down to the hotel and check every inch of that place. See if any of the registered guests have a connection with our competitors or other people who might have issues with the Company. I want every one of them cross-referenced against our database. It might turn up a lead."


"Yes sir, Mr. Finton."


Signaling for him to leave, Finton sat back in his chair and stared at the closing door. Lawton was one of his best men. He'd hate to lose him because of incompetence. Shaking his head, he decided to contact Stalling to give him the bad news. Within seconds, an image appeared on the video panel on the wall in front of his desk.


"Sorry to bother you, Mr. Stalling but I need to talk with you."


"Make it quick!" Stalling ordered.


"I'd prefer that it be in person, sir."


Stalling looked at his watch and then nodded.


"I can give you fifteen minutes."


Stalling's image disappeared as the panel went blank.


Five minutes later, Finton was standing in front of his boss outlining the situation.


"You're telling me this girl and our Hubot simply walked out of the hotel and no one saw them?"


"I don't have all the details yet but that seems to be the gist of it. I'm hoping my men will come up with something soon."


"They had better," Stalling threatened. "This Lawton fellow, just how good is he?"


"One of my best, Mr. Stalling."


"I don't find that reassuring considering the present situation. Tomorrow bring me his file. I want to see what makes him
one of your best
. We may have to re-evaluate our employment qualifications."


"Certainly, but I can assure you I've reviewed the files on every employee on our payroll. Only the most qualified and dependable are hired."


"I'm not doubting your choices, Finton. I've known you too long to believe you screwed up, but mistakes are made. The Company can't afford any more like these last ones. At this point we need to focus on the missing Hubots. The girl we can forget about for now but we need to recover our property quickly and find out who knows about them.


"And when we do?"


"I don't need to tell you your job. Nothing must get in the way of my destiny."

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