Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (29 page)

BOOK: Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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picks up the clamp and fingers it. He locks eyes with mine, and he says, “I want to play with you. We don’t have to scene or anything. Just play- see where it leads. Okay?”

I shake my head up and down like an idiot. My voice left me the second he looke
d at me with heat in his eyes. Aaron abruptly drops to the floor and lies on his stomach. My eyes almost pop out of my head at the sight of Aaron lying at my feet. He flows smoother than water.

what are you doing?” My mouth dries up instantly and I lick my lips to moisten them.

“Well, I believe your exact words were
Aaron’s going to lick my boot next time I see him, the bastard.
Now seems like the perfect time, don’t you think?” He rolls up his blue peepers and gazes at me through impossibly long lashes.

Aaron’s moist, pink tongue darts out
and dabs the toe of my boot, leaving a wet patch behind. I uncomfortably shuffle on my feet and close my eyes. Aaron’s pink tongue is imprinted behind my eyelids. Something soft is sliding up my calf, and then the side of my knee. My eyes fling open when I feel dampness left in the sensations’ wake.

“Ah-fuck,” slips past my lips when he nibbles on my inner thigh.

“Mistress Kat, I believe that makes us even.” Aaron looks at me in a way no one ever has. He looks hungry, a starving man and I am his favorite dish.

yes, I believe we are even now.” My voice is husky with need and shaky from nervousness.

Aaron clasps my wrists together in one of his hands
, and he raises our arms above my head. A flash of memory flits across my mind. I close my eyes to bring it into sharp focus, but I lose the thread. I open my eyes and I’m immediately captured by a pair of bright, blue headlights. The memory surfaces with the force of an earthquake.

lying prone on the forest floor. Several sets of hands are holding me down. A warm palm clasps my wrists together, arms pulled over my head. A finger strokes my pulse point, trying to comfort me. I wrench my head back to see the face and oversized eyes captivate me- bright blue.

A look of
relieved satisfaction crosses Aaron’s face. My mouth opens on a gasp as my mind reels, trying to sort out what I just experienced. Never have I remembered that moment, but it is an integral part of me.

leans down and attacks my mouth before I can speak, tongue piercing my mouth as his lips fuse to mine. We turn into feral animals, hungry, urgent noises erupting from our connected mouths. My nails twist in the front of Aaron t-shirt and tear and pull until I’ve ripped it from his back. My mouth immediately seeks the beautiful landscape of Aaron’s muscular chest. I feast: bite, lick, and tease his chest with my tongue and teeth. I suck his small nipple in my mouth and bite down, marveling at the masculine taste and the feel of my teeth sinking into flesh that is hard. I whimper in relief. I’ve played with women for so long, fear and numbness turning me away from what I really wanted. Finally, I am feeding my real urges, the need for men.

hand palms the back of my head and fiercely yanks me to his mouth. He abruptly slows and pulls away from my lips. He peers down to me with an expression of pure satisfaction on his face. An expression that warps into a devious look that makes me want to run.

fingers locate the hidden zipper on my shift, and drags it down agonizingly slow. He patiently looks into my eyes, waiting for me to deny him. He skims his fingers along my shoulders, and then he slides my dress down my arms until it falls to pool at my feet.

I stand naked
, raw and exposed, before Aaron in a just a webbing of silk, as I try to catch my breath. Aaron gazes at me with a devotion I haven’t earned, and it confuses me. He playfully winks at me, as he bends down and draws my nipple in his mouth through the silk of my bodysuit. The rasp of his tongue on my heightened nerves pulls a groan from my throat. He sucks hard while his fingers tweak my nipple’s twin. His mouth switches breasts, and I instantly feel a sharp pinch. I shriek at the pain. My eyes dart to the source- the clamp.

gazes up at me through the lace of his lashes while he suckles me. He’s so beautiful that my stomach clenches and my heart hurts. A quick flick of his pink tongue has me so mesmerized that I don’t register the flash of metal until I feel its sharp pinch. I want to jump around from the owie. It stings, pinches, and burns my sensitive nipples.

breathe through it. It’ll be worth it,” Aaron promises. I slow my breathing and concentrate. A few moments pass, and then all I feel is a slight pressure on each breast.

“I would love to take this slow
ly and play around on all this stuff. I long to see how you’d react,” he says gravelly deep. “But I can’t wait. I need in you right now,” Aaron desperately groans.

drags me a few feet, picks me up, and roughly tosses me onto the bed. I bounce several times before I come to rest in the center of the mattress. A sharp giggle is torn from my throat- a little bit manic and a whole lot of confused.

“I’ve never had sex with a guy willingly
,” I admit. “I’m-” I am at a loss for words.

I’ve wanted men off and on, but I was so terrified that I turned to women instead. I was always
frightened that my past would tear me apart during the act. But I’ve never felt as heated with desire as I do for the trio. Something about them makes me crave things I’ve never allowed myself to desire.

“I know. Don’t worry,
Katya,” Aarons says as he tenderly caresses my cheek. “If you freak out, that’s okay. I’m with you and you can trust me. Plus, we have this in common. I’m not sure how to make love to a woman, so we make one hell of a pair, don’t we,” He sadly says.

Aaron’s eyes change from a comfor
ting friend to starving man. The dominance and power radiating off of him flips a hidden switch inside of me. I lick my lips and groan. When his fingers reach for the button on his jeans, a thrill flashes through my entire body. I start to pant with anticipation and desire. I clench my thighs against the ache that’s fiercely building- an ache I must relieve.

We reach the p
oint of no return as I watch Aaron strip off the rest of his clothes. He stalks me on the bed, crawling on all fours. He glides like a wild animal. The fight or flight instinct bursts through my veins, making me feel alive- invigorated. The sight of the heavy weight dangling between Aaron’s legs as he stalks me across the bed causes me to ignite.

“We can take this slow
ly or fast,” Aaron seductively growls. “It’s your call,” he says as he settles himself on top of me. Warm, heavy, comforting, and sexual, my mind flashes to all the reasons I shouldn’t do this and all the reasons why I really want to. I close my eyes and just feel. My skin absorbs the heat of his. My nose drinks in the masculine scent of his skin. My sex weeps at the feel of his arousal pressing and seeking for its way inside through my bodysuit.

I just don’t want to freak out and change my mind,” I honestly reply, my voice quiet and unsure.

“Don’t process, just react.” Aaron
chuckles. “Yeah, I probably shouldn’t bring Ezra’s mantra up when we’re this close, but it fits perfectly.” His hand smoothes down my thigh, fingers massaging. Aaron removes one of my boots and then the other. They thump to the floor with finality. He presses his chest against mine and slowly circles. The push and pull on the nipple clamps makes me gasp. The sensation shoots straight from my breasts to my clit in a line of agonizing fire. I open my thighs, subconsciously begging Aaron for attention.

abruptly sits up, using his knees to widen me. His gaze captures mine as his fingers rip the crotch of my bodysuit, shredding the webbing. I gasp, watching Aaron shred my clothing from my skin, until I am laid bare to his sight.

fingers make contact with my screaming flesh and I arch up into his hand. I close my eyes. The intense pleasure making them roll up. I turn into a moaning mass of quivering flesh beneath Aaron’s hot touch.

The sensation changes, i
t feels so much better than moments ago. Smoother- velvety softness glides through the wetness of my folds. I slit my eyes and look to Aaron’s, but they aren’t on my face. I follow his rapturous gaze and gasp. He stares intently at his hand, the hand that leisurely drags the head of his perfect cock back and forth against me- skin-to-skin. His eyes roam up my body before they meet mine.

Aaron reverently gazes at me.
“I need this- do you? Are you ready?” he hoarsely whispers.

“P l e
a s e,” drags past my lips. I’m panting in anticipation. I remember how my first time felt and I know this will be even better because I said yes. I watch in enthrallment as he has the good sense to roll on a condom. His thick fingers shake as he impatiently covers his cock with latex. 

“I’ve dreamt of this every night f
or the past twelve years,” his voice breaks from intense emotions. Before I can ask what that means, he flexes his hips and enters me, stretches me, and I lose all thought. The full feeling has me arching off the bed. Unintelligible words rumble up my throat. I whimper and want more of the sensation.

Aaron’s eyes glue to the point our bodies are joined. An expression crosses his face. One I’ve never seen before, it’s almost pained. He starts to mov
e, rolling his hips in a circle. His eyes never leaving the junction of our bodies. He finally meets my eyes and his are tear-filled. I start to panic until he sadly smiles down at me.

“Katya, this is better t
han my imagination could create.” His voice is filled with emotions I can’t name. “Reality is so much better.”

, Aaron’s fingers pull down on one of the clamps releasing an, “aaaahh,” from me. It is an agonizing pleasure- a burning that shoots flames to my core. He toys with them both for a few moments as he gently rolls into me.

Aaron takes
my mouth with his lips. We groan into our join mouths. He seats himself fully inside me until our bodies are joined as one. We wrap our limbs around each other and just feel. I am no longer numb. I no longer feel pain. All I feel is the pleasure Aaron is gifting me.

reaches between us and pinches the clamps, and they release simultaneously. I experience a moment of relief that the pressure has ebbed. I sigh… and then the blood floods my thirsty flesh. I scream to the ceiling as sensation returns to my nipples. My voice echoes around the room, causing a continuous keening sound. The pain- the hot burning and the cold prickling of my skin being nourished from the blood it was long denied. My nipples experience what my soul has endured for over a decade- the agony of going from pain, to quiet numbness, back to experiencing pain, and finally the glorious sensation of feeling alive.

A warm, wet mouth gives me relief- first to one,
and then the other nipple. The pain changes to exquisite pleasure as Aaron suckles at my sensitive flesh.

My inner muscles clench around Aaron
’s pulsing cock as I reach the precipice of orgasm. The combination of Aaron being deep inside me while he sucks at my aching breasts fractures me. I wrap myself around him. My legs around his waist, my ankles cross with my heels digging into his perfect ass. My hands grip his ass- nails digging in- urging him to move with me. My mouth latches on his shoulder to muffle my sounds of pleasure.

His thrusts pick up. The force of the movement drags
us up the bed until I have to grip the headboard to keep from braining myself. Guttural sounds emanate from us- grunts, groans, growls, and moans. We sound more animal than human.

size increases inside me and starts to throb, beating with his heart and erratically jerking. He slows his pace. Aaron takes my face into his palms and connects our gaze. Both of us are wide-eyed and breathlessly huffing in air. We come apart.

His nam
e, “Aaron,” whispers as a prayer from my lips. Never taking my eyes off his, I still as I feel him find his release. I savor the sensation of giving and receiving pleasure.

“Katya… Katya… Katya-” each time
he calls my name softer and quieter- a benediction.

settle on our sides to catch our breath. We’re still wrapped in each other’s arms and connected by mind and body. A movement catches my sight. On the couch- just mere feet away- Ezra sits with Cortez’s head resting on his shoulder. Content smiles stretch across their faces. Ezra turns his head as Cortez looks adoringly up at him. Their eyes are glinting in the darkness.

whispers, “That was beautiful,” and then he affectionately kisses Cortez’s parted lips.






Chapter Twenty-Eight

My feet pound the ground with such force that it reverberates up my legs
and trails up my spine. The sharp snap of twigs breaking under the impact, echoes in my ears. My breath saws out my lips, exhale clouding the air across my face as I run- run for my life.

Another tree in my path slows me down
, and I have to veer around it or smack headlong into it. Roots upheaved from the ground catch my toes and upend my balance. I catch my fall with outstretched palms and lunge forward gaining speed. Droplets of blood nourish the earth from deep cuts that well on my hands.

BOOK: Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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