Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (33 page)

BOOK: Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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“Master Ez, don’t move or I will punish you. And I am very creative,” I mock the tone he used on me when he spoke those very words. His lips part as he drags more air into his lungs. His reaction makes me grin.

I latch a leather cuff to each of his wrists. I give them a good yank to make sure they are secure. “Feel good?” I give another tug.

“Yes, it’s not too bad.” Ez loudly says, sounding
cocky. His lips upturn at the corners into a sly grin. I whip out two pink wristbands and slide them over the leather. They are adorned with tiny, furry mice. I sweetly smile as I snap each in place.

“Still not too bad,” I say in return
, using his cocky swagger.

Oh, Master Ez no
like. His eyes dilate, and he bears his teeth in a snarl. I flash my fangs at him in retaliation. “Maybe I’ll gift you with a set of caps. That snarl of yours isn’t nearly as intimidating as mine.” I flash my fangs again.

“You d
id always like to bite,” he defensively says, but it only makes me smile more.

I trail a laugh as I lower the chain, bringing the hook within my grasp. I snap the pretty cuffs to the hook and yank the chain. His arms string tight overhead. I yank a bit more
, until he has to find purchase with the toes of his shoes. I can only see his eyes and mouth through the cutouts in the hood, both are taut from strain.

“Hmm, we have to do something with these feet of yours. I wouldn’t want you to accidentally kick me.” The crowd releases laughs, guffaws, and chuckles.

I reach to the side and produce a rod. I wave it in front of Ezra, watching for his reaction. “Katya, that won’t be necessary. You know I won’t hurt you.” His voice is pleading, dry and thick with fear. Ezra doesn’t like being restrained.

“Things happen in the heat of the moment, Master Ez. Sometimes you can’t control the visceral reaction to fear. I trust you not to hurt me on purpose, but I don’t trust you not to hurt me on accident. Isn’t that why we’re here
in the first place?”

Ezra’s eyes cloud with guilt. His lips
form a hard line and his knuckles turn white.

“Would you all like to know why the
always in control Boss is being punished?” I rotate in a circle as I address the crowd. They create a perfect circle around the four of us. “He told me I should trust him, and then he betrayed that trust. Punishment was his idea. Now, should I trust him not to lash out with a foot in the middle of his punishment?”

… NO! Kick his ass! Show um who’s boss!
Erupts from the crowd.

“The masses have decided your fate, Master. Maybe you should have been nic
er to them,” I chastise. Ezra growls at me, baring his teeth. But doesn’t move a muscle. I squat down to remove his shoes and socks. I place the spreader bar between his feet, and secure his ankles with leather straps. The chain strings him so tautly that his big toes are the only things touching the concrete. I push my palm on his bulging crotch and shove. He grunts in agonizing pleasure as rocks back and forth until he comes to a rest.

I link my foot on a stool and drag it in fro
nt of Ezra. I stand on it face-to-face with him. “I don’t really like that hood of yours. It doesn’t suit you. You have such a lovely face. It’s a shame to cover it up.”

“Don’t,” he commands as his eyes bulge from fright.

“I should punish you for your insolence. Worse is your lack of faith in me.” We lock eyes as my face flashes disappointment. “Baby Boy,” I call to our reluctant Aaron, who quickly places a mask in my palm.  “This-” I shove the mask in between us. “-is for your face. How little you trust me, Master Ez. We are all to trust in you. I think it’s time you returned the gesture. This is, after all, what put you in your current predicament.” I whisper the last in his ear.

I slide the hideous sack-like hood up to his nose and place the new mask under it. I fit the elastic over his ears, securing
the mask over his eyes. I yank that God awful sack from his head and toss it to Cortez.

“Burn that damn thing
,” I order, loving the feeling of control that overcomes me. “I don’t want to see it ever again. And get a new one for your fucking face, too. You look like deranged executioners at a hanging.”

I try not to smile in the face of
Ezra’s seriousness. I stroke his newly revealed cheeks and chin. I nuzzle his flawless skin with the tip of my nose and my lips. He relaxes for me and nuzzles back. A purr-like noise falls from his parted lips.

“I hate the hood
, because it hinders access to your mouth. I happen to love that sensuous mouth of yours.” I lean forward and lick his lower lip. He groans and loses his footing as he tries to get closer to me. I watch him as he sways in his binds. I hop down from my perch and laugh. I kick the stool out of my way.

“What do ya
think members? Doesn’t our Master look adorable?” The crowd erupts again at the sight of their Master. His new mask is a mousy: big puffy cheeks, whiskers, and a set of pink-lined ears.

“What? What’s so funny?” Ezra
sounds frantic as the crowd laughs at his new mask.

“Paybacks a bit
ch, Boss.” I flick his gift to me as a hint, the kitty cat ears that sit atop my head. “I think he’s overdressed. Who, here, has always wanted to know what’s under all these designer, Italian rags?”

it off. Woo! Strip! Strip! Strip! Let’s see that cock!

“It s
eems the crowd agrees with me. I really want to see you naked.” I grab his package and nip his chin with my teeth. He rocks in his binds grunting.

“I deserve this, I guess. I should have placed some boundaries
on my punishment. My fault- again.” He reaches new heights of martyrdom and passive-aggressiveness. I shake my head at him in disbelief.

“Boundaries? You set some boundaries
on what happens to you, when you offer none of us any,” I incredulously say, eyebrows reaching my hairline in astonishment. “That’s fucking rich.”

“I won’t apologize for that,” Ezra petulantly murmurs.

“But you’ll get punished for it,” I slyly reply. “Skullfuck, bring me the instrument of clothing removal, please.” I hold my hand out for the shears I gave Cortez earlier. “Let it be known that from this moment forward. He-” I point to a naughty and grinning Cortez. “-shall only be known as Skullfuck.” The crowd erupts, and I have to wait for them to settle down before I can explain. “It’s Skullfuck’s punishment for fucking my throat raw without permission. While Master Ez punished that beautiful mouth of his,” I affectionately say as my fingertips outline Cortez’s pouty lips, and eagerly he presses into my touch. “I haven’t had a turn. I have a strap-on with his name on it, so, until I get to use it- call him Skullfuck.”

sounds in unison from dozens of voices.

“Fuck girl, you’re a brutal bitch,” calls Queen from the crowd.
I look into her awed green eyes and I show her that I took her advice, but it wasn’t needed. I am strong enough to equal them. They will not turn me into a submissive groveling at their feel. I am their equal, and I will only submit when the need strikes. I’m a switch, dammit!

“I told you, you have no reason to worry. I can hold my own, even among the big boys.” I wink.

I show Ezra the shears and enjoy the sight of his fear. Hmm, that’s some heady shit. I can see why Dexter loves it. It’s intoxicating.

I start at Ezra’s wrists,
running the blade up his sleeves as I cut them away. I grip each side of the front of his shirt and yank. The buttons pop and fling around the room. Several of the watchers scatter after the disks, whooping when they catch their prize.

I remove his cuff links
and hand them to a helpful Aaron. “Hmm… hope that wasn’t your favorite shirt, sir,” I sarcastically say.

I watch
emotions war on Ezra’s beautiful face. He’s embarrassed and humiliated and he doesn’t want it to turn him on. He’s failing on all accounts, and it’s obvious when I cut away his pants.

“Oh, M
aster,” I whistle out when I take in the sight of him. “That’s mighty impressive. It’s no wonder Skullfuck didn’t think I’d notice the difference.” I unabashedly gaze at his hard, thick cock. “Ladies and Gentlemen, our Master has nothing to be ashamed of. What do you all think?”

Holy shit! Horse cock! Doesn’t that rip you in two?

Aaron looks pissed, and is scowling in my direction. But Cortez is laughing hysterically and watching little Ezra with unveiled interest. I laugh right back at Cort when he hungrily licks his lips, and I begin to wonder if his nickname is more appropriate for another reason. I’ve never thought over what Ezra had said to me, about how punishing Cort wasn’t no issue because he’s sucked him off countless times. Maybe Cort has a taste for male flesh. The way he’s eyeing Ezra’s cock like it’s the fountain of life, makes me wonder… and yet again, I know I’ve gotten way over my head.

Ezra’s face and chest are bright red from embarrassment. Little Ezra is bobbing up and d
own begging for attention. At least he’s enjoying himself. “I hope you all enjoyed the view. But this Kitty Kat and the boys don’t wanna share. I have a special outfit for him.”

Ah! No!
Don’t cover him up!

I pick up a piece of gray fabric
, and tie the top around his neck and the middle around his stomach. I wiggle the fabric until his cock pokes out the tiny slit up the front. He bobs his head in approval. Ezra’s cock likes eyes on him. I step back as I try not to laugh hysterically.

“What do we think of Master Ez’s apron?”
I bite my tongue against the rising giggles.

Make me a sammich, bitch! What’s cooking- good
looking? Kat, use his spatula!
It takes the crowd a few moments to calm down their laughing.

“What’s so funny? What’s on the apron?” Ezra sounds more confused than angry.

I prance around him, swaying my hips, and shaking my ass. I’m dressed up as Mas
ter Ez’s Kitty Kat: black latex catsuit and kitty cat ears. I rub my ass on little Ezra, twitching my tail. I hear a satisfying groan as I stand back up. I sashay around him again, scratching my nails down his back and ass. I stand before him and crouch. I wait until his eyes meet mine and pounce. I bare my fangs and hiss.

t the fuck,” Ezra laughs out and looks at me like I’ve lost my mind.

I scent mark his chest as I make purr noise
s. “Meee-oooowww,” I whisper in his ear, and then I nip it with my fangs. He laughs that intoxicating sound in response- smoky, deep, and highly addictive.

“I th
ink for the rest of the night Master Ez should be called Mousy, don’t you?” I ask the crowd.

Mousy! Mousy! Mousy!

Ezra stormy eyes narrow, eyebrows turning into angry slashes on his forehead. His lips flatten- taut with fury. “You didn’t dress me up as a fucking mouse, did you?” he spits out. “You better not have, Katya. Tell me you didn’t?”

You don’t want me to lie to you, Master,” I innocently say, rocking back and forth with my hands behind my back. “What happens in the dungeon stays in the dungeon.” I menacingly smile, revealing my kitty cat teeth.

“This isn’t fucking Vegas or F
ight Club, and this isn’t fucking funny, Katya” he spits.

“You can’t punish me for what happens during your own punishment, Master. It’s your own fault for n
ot setting clear boundaries,” I patronizingly say with a wicked edge. Ezra releases a string of obscenities that would make a dirty sailor proud.

“Now shut the f
uck up or I will gag you,” I sweetly threaten. “Skullfuck, punish him for being disrespectful,” I order with a smile. I step aside so Cortez can stand before Ezra. He lifts a camera and takes a series of shots from different angles. Ezra is so incensed that he is swaying on his hook, arms straining to hold his weight. He looks like an enraged fish on a hook.

I grab Ezra’
s hips to steady him. He feels so good under my hands that I sigh. I glance up at him from beneath the lace of my eyelashes with intense heat glowing from my eyes. I show Ezra, rather than tell him, how I feel about him. Ezra’s lips part on a sharp intake of breath. Even though I know I shouldn’t, I can’t help myself. I start kissing a path up Ezra’s lanky chest. I notice a small scar and tongue it, lapping around the edges. As my tongue makes contact with the crescent-shaped mark, Ezra gutturally groans and his cock throbs against my belly, spurting its scorching hot release.

“What’s so special about this scar?” Confusion
strongly laces my voice. I place a soft kiss on the indentions- a bite mark? I fit my teeth over the marks, testing their size. They’re small- a female marked him. I roll my eyes up to meet Ezra’s, and he penetratingly stares back at me.

“She must have been very special for you,” I whisper.

“She is,” he huskily whispers back. “She left her eternal mark at the climax of our first time.” His voice is soft and full of affection. Something about his tone and words makes my heart ache, and ache I cannot handle.

Emotionally distancing myself,
I reach my arm out. Anticipating my needs, Aaron places the torn shirt in my palm. I clean up my catsuit, and then I gently wipe little Ezra dry. Master Ez sputters when my fingers make contact with his bare flesh, and I whimper, hungering to explore his body with more than a passing, accidental touch. I could have humiliated Ezra by allowing the crowd to see his release. But Ezra was so good at hiding his reaction that I want to respect him by keeping it a secret.

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