Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (28 page)

BOOK: Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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“So, Ezra brings us Kayla. He says he
picked her out for you, since he was getting closer to bringing you home-”

“Bringing me home?” I cut him off. What the fuck does that mean
? I try to remove my hand and Aaron tightens his grip. He’s throbbing under my palm, jerking and spasming. I’ve never felt anything like it before, and it feeds into that craving that is screaming out inside my lower belly.

“I told Ez
I wanted to wait for you.” Aaron keeps talking as if I hadn’t interrupted him. “Ezra made me be with her.” My eyes widen when he starts to jerk under my hand, wetness leaking through to my palm. Breathlessly, Aaron pants and moans deep in the back of his throat as he climaxes in my hand. Wide-eyed, I stare sightlessly into the dungeon as I experience a man coming in my hand for the first time.

… I know how sick I am, coming at the thought of being forced, so don’t judge,” Aaron breathlessly mutters, shame lacing his tone.

“Ah- far be it for
me to judge you on that subject,” I quickly utter in shock.

“You’re right…
sorry,” Aaron mumbles as if he knows what I meant.

I thought we were doing our usual thing… and Master Ez just wanted to play. He tied me down and brought Kayla in. You get the general idea. I told him I didn’t want to do that again. We compromised. As long as I got my dominant urges out in a scene, he wouldn’t make me have sex with Kayla. Cortez really liked that idea, since he always had a girl on hand to play with. Kayla prefers his experience to my ignorance. I’m learning, though.”

“You didn’t like having sex with her?” Sweet Kayla is perfect.

“I really care for Kayla, so I loved every second of it. I like having sex with Ezra because he’s my master. But that doesn’t mean any guy will do. Just because I wanted to be with a girl doesn’t mean any girl will do. I want to choose for myself. I probably would have chosen Kayla. But the way Ez did this… it made me want to rebel.”

Aaron pulls my
back against his chest until my ass is even with his groin. I close my eyes against the sensation. It’s wrong to want sex while we are having this conversation. But it’s difficult not to think of sex while Dexter is circling Heidi again. Only this time he is stalking around naked, and not at all proportionate.

” I hiss in awed wonder. “How the hell did he grow that… thing? It looks like a third leg.” My eyes enlarge in wonder.

barks a laugh just as Dexter slides a good ten inches into Heidi. Baby boy is rousing again behind me- phenomenal. “Ezra kept his word. I had to beg him to repeat the scene for me only with him and Cortez. He said I was too dependent on them. He stressed that I wasn’t gay so I needed a female. I finally told him my secret and he left me alone.”

at secret?” I try to turn in Aaron’s arms to read his face, but he won’t let me.

“Someone I saw during our abduction
, I want them. I’ve been waiting. Even though it was wrong, I would have volunteered for what Ezra did. I wanted to do it- needed to. I wanted to protect Ezra like he protected me. He was upset that I never confided my secret to him, but I knew he was waiting for the same thing. It felt wrong, like I should bow down to him and give up my own needs.”

“You’re a good person, Aaron. You shouldn’t miss out just because someone else wants the same thing. It’s not about money or dominance- you just deserve it.”

“I know that,” Aaron murmurs, not at all sounding convinced that he is deserving of his own life. “You don’t know what Ezra has done for us. I felt like he should get what he wants first. I know he isn’t that selfish. But Ez was upset with me for not confiding in him. If I’d trusted him with the truth, he wouldn’t have forced Kayla on me.”

Heidi’s moans cut off all conversations. I can’t take my eyes off Dexter. He is a very small man, but watching his muscles cord as he thrusts- a work of art.
Sweat beads on his flesh, glistening in the light. His hips piston, thrusting deeply into Heidi. Her moan is a continuous keen of pleasure.

“I want to show you something, Kitten.” Aaron’
s fingers grip my chin and turn my face to the side, giving him access to my mouth. I moan into his mouth, as he runs his tongue along my bottom lip- tasting me. Aaron has to hold me upright because need weakens my knees and lust pools in my lower belly.

abruptly stops and says, “Follow me,” in a husky voice deepened with hunger. 

I follow Aaron down a narrow
hallway until we reach the very end. The sides of the hallway are lined with doors. Each door has a nameplate. I read the plaques as we walk: Dalton, Syn, Whitt, Dexter, Queen, and a blank plaque. These doors have heavy locks. The rest say
and the doors don’t lock.

“How come some say
a name and others say member?” Interest laces my voice.

Masters own their own room,” Aaron explains. “The blank door is our meeting room, and the other room are by reservation for members.”

“Oh,” I mumble, thoroughly engrossed in the inner-workings of Restraint’s dungeon.

At the end of the hall is a door marked
This door has a keypad like the one from the main club to the dungeon. Since the Masters’ rooms only have a regular lock, I assume this takes us to another part of the building. After a series of beeps, the door unlocks. Aaron swings it open and gestures for me to enter as he had before- game show host style.




















I enter a small dungeon-like apartment. It’s the width of the main dungeon, but much shorter in depth.
I stare in awe at the room’s contents. It’s like walking into a fetish dream world. On the right-hand side of the room is the dungeon, a small replica of Restraint’s main dungeon. Lining the length of one wall is a spanking bench, a cross, stocks, and weird furniture that looks like it’s customizable. Chains and straps hang from the ceiling supports and half of the back wall has the toys or torture devices, depending on how you look at it. They are extremely organized by type and function- I’m impressed.

On the left-hand side of the private room
is comfort- a king size bed draped in a cloud of steel-blue bedding, a designer leather sofa, a pair of matching chairs, and there’s even a coffee table and end tables. Everything is in hues of blue and gray matching the concrete room.

“Whose is this?” I ask in
awed wonder.

“Ours,” Aaron says with
great pride as he wanders over to the sofa and sits down.

“Who does ‘our’ pertain to?”
I sarcastically ask, turning to watch Aaron. The room is huge and opulent. I’m almost afraid to touch anything, as if I don’t belong in this room, like I’m invading someone’s private space.

Ezra, Cortez, Ezra’s Dad, Marcus… and me. We all share this space. We like privacy. It’s yours now, too,” Aaron happily offers, and it confuses the hell out of me.

“Why is it mine now, too?” I mumble, eyes seeking the dungeon side of the room. My feet long to walk over there and touch everything.

“Make yourself at home. Explore.” Aaron looks at home lounging on the sofa.

As I wander
, I wonder why Aaron is here with me and not Ezra. This feels like something that my master should have introduced me to. I assumed that he would be the one to usher me into the lifestyle. Well- ya know what that say about assuming. It makes an A.S.S. out of U and ME. The man had forced his mastery on me, bondage style. I have his bracelet clinking on my wrist and I’m with his number two. Before I allow myself to wallow in rejection, I pull up my big girl panties.

I should be grateful for
Aaron. He’s been here for me every time I’ve had a breakdown. Plus, Queen is right- Ezra is otherwise involved. Ezra doesn’t need another soul who is dependent on him. He already had Cortez and Aaron and Kayla… and I don’t know what his friendship with Queen is. He also has his family and Adelaide. He doesn’t need me leaching off of him for support, too. I need to move on from the fantasies I’ve been pretending I didn’t have. I have to acknowledge that I want Ezra in order to forget about wanting Ezra… that doesn’t even make sense in my own mind. I’m just a befuddled mess.

A door in the back corner of the comfort
side beckons to me. I peek inside and find a fully loaded bathroom: a large, black, granite two-person shower, with a seat and multiple showerheads. A deep bath that has water jets.  A long granite vanity with double sinks. This bathroom is twice the size of the one in my apartment, and it’s just a private bath in a BDSM club. You could have sex orgies in this room. Jesus- the possibilities.

I leave the bathroom, my mind in a fog, I notice that near
the sofa is a small refrigerator atop a cabinet- they thought of everything. I trail my fingers on the soft bedding, silver and navy Egyptian cotton. I wonder how many people have fucked in this bed. This room doesn’t really scream sex and torture, but I find it hard to imagine anyone making love in this room.

The shelving on the
spanks for the memories
side draws me like a moth to a flame. Whips, canes, floggers, cats, and things I can’t name, hang organized on hooks. I shudder at the pain they have inflicted on countless victims. My fingers move before my brain registers, and I’m opening small drawers in an apothecary table. Everything is well organized in the creepy, little drawers.

“Is this sanitary?” My
OCD springs to the fore and I shiver at the thought of dirty toys.

Aaron says to gain my attention. He’s watching me intently, judging my every action and expression. When I meet his blue eyes, he continues, “This is our room. No one has been in here except us- not even Kayla.”

? Why not Kayla?” I turn from Aaron’s inquisitive eyes and rummage through several drawers.

“Yes, us- Me, Ezra, Cortez
, Marcus, and Queen has been in here before. Other people have walked in here, but not to play.” I flinch when Aaron’s hand envelopes my wrist. I didn’t feel him move. “And now- you.” His hand slides my hair away from my neck and he places a gentle kiss to my nape. “Kayla is our submissive. She is not one of us- at least not yet.”

I remove a clamp from
one the apothecary table’s drawers, and I play with the metal object to distance myself from the uncomfortable conversation. I don’t know why I feel so damned confused. My emotions are firing in every direction. I just feel disconnected.

“I’m not one of you
, either,” I softly murmur. “At least Kayla is your submissive. I’m nothing to any of you.” I pinch the clamp on my pinky and yelp in pain. I quickly remove it. Man, if this is for a nipple, I would scream like a banshee.

Aaron turns me in a circle until I face him. His expression is serious
, but it softens when he sees me sucking on my injured pinky. “This,” he takes the clamp from me and returns it to its drawer. “It’s not for fingers.” He laughs at me. “I’ll be happy to demonstrate its actual purpose later if you’d like. Now what’s the matter?”

I’m confused to why it’s you with me tonight. I thought Ezra would introduce me to this stuff.” Aaron’s face flashes hurt, but he quickly covers it. “No, it’s not about you, Aaron. I really enjoy your company. Actually, I’m happy I’m here with you instead. It’s less pressure. It’s just… after all the
I am your Master
,” I say it in a poor attempt to mock Master Ez’s voice. “I thought he would be the one to… ya know- master me.” I’m glad I explained, because Aaron doesn’t look hurt anymore. He looks like he understands.

“Well, you answered the question
yourself,” Aaron drawls out. “If Cortez were with you tonight, it would be what he wants. Ezra, or rather, Master Ez, would give you what you need and you probably wouldn’t enjoy it. You and I can relax, explore, and just experience.” He shrugs.

“So… um…
what do ya wanna do?” I hesitantly ask, and Aaron’s earlier shyness returns. His face heats up and his baby boy dimples reappear. He’s so damned cute!

“I can answer question
s you are curious about- up to a point,” Aaron stresses.

“How come you are more forth coming than
Ezra? He doesn’t explain shit,” I say in an annoyed voice.

“Ah-” Aaron glides his hand through his barely-
there hair. He must be nervous. “Ezra is a little intense-”

“Ya think,” I cut him off and h
e laughs.

“Yeah, like that- Master Ez
would have kicked your ass for interrupting.” Aaron shakes his head in mystification. “Anyway, I was told what I couldn’t say and everything else is fair game. I think the more informed you are the better. It won’t be such as shock when you figure out what Ezra wants from you. Ezra plays things closer to the vest than I do. He wants you to work your way through things, not be told them.” What an understatement.

BOOK: Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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