Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (26 page)

BOOK: Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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“I fucking love the way you smell,” Aaron
hungrily groans against my hair. His hands palm my face tilting my head back. Aaron holds my eyes for a split second before he bites my neck.

“Ah… fuck…” I moan. M
y eyes roll back in my skull and my body loses the support of my legs. A wide palm on my ass supports all of my weight and squeezes- nails tearing the webbing of my bodysuit. I lose it. My forearms hook behind Aaron’s neck and I lift myself to his level- lips-to-lips. I attack his mouth with single-minded desperation- biting and tugging, and finally drawing his bottom lip into my mouth.

“You really are trying to kill me,” he groans
in agony against my mouth.

“Hey, you’re alive, that’s all that matters.” I
teasingly nip his lip and slide down his body. My eyes widen when I figure out why he is pained. “In need of a bathroom, baby boy?”

looks shocked, wide blue eyes hungrily gaze at me in unadulterated lust, and then a husky laugh rumbles up his throat. The laugh is no less intoxicating than his counterparts, but instead of smoky and deep, it’s husky and gravelly. Knowing I’m the one that causing Aaron’s happiness, something bright flairs inside my heart.

tucks my hair behind my ear and softly, seductively whispers to me, “inside you, Kitten. I need… inside you.” Anticipating my reaction, he tightens his arms around me or I would have collapsed to the floor.

Uncomfortable with the screaming reaction my body releases, I swiftly change the subject.
“Is this the anthem for Restraint?” I yell over the song in question.

“Dirty babe
…” Aaron croons to me. “You see these shackles?” He kisses my bracelet. “Baby, I'm your slave… I'll let you whip me if I misbehave…. It's just that no one makes me feel this waaaay,” he sings in my ear.

ght, fella, for the rest of the night you will only be known as Justin,” I tease Aaron. “You brought my sexy back, J.T.,” I giggle.

chuckles with me. “Tour time!” He takes my hand in his and leads me towards the back of the club.

I catch a glimpse of Queen on the
way by, and I note her open expression of wonder. “I just want to say hi to Queen,” I project to Aaron over Restraint’s loud music.

“Okay,” Aaron yells back. “I’ll wait over by the wall.”

“What’s up with the strange looks you’re throwing my way?” I say to Queen as I pull her to the side and away from listening ears.

“I’ve just never seen Aaron so
… social. Um- be careful. They’re like a pack. If you play with one, expect the other two,” she warns.

“What’s that suppo
sed to mean?” A perplexed tone laces my voice.

“Ah.” Queen
taps her chin with a short, cherry red fingernail, choosing her words. “I…um…we all… I’m pretty sure they’re a package deal. I wasn’t joking earlier. They’re together.” She crosses her fingers together in demonstration. “We’ve all seen them together, and before it gets too explicit, they move to their own private room.” I can tell she is lying. I know she knows more than that. I need to research Queen soon. But she isn’t saying anything I haven’t figured out already. She’s playing it close to the vest. She acts as if she doesn’t really know them yet she is running this place with Aaron. I’m sick the fuck of this cloak and dagger bullshit.

I suspiciously eye Queen, making sure she knows that I ain’t buying the shit she’s selling. I just don’t know her agenda.
“Yeah, I know they enjoy each other’s company.” I nod my chin at her.
So there!

“You’re a real nice girl
, and so is Kayla- sweet.” Queen looks at me like I’m a toddler. “Kayla had a lot to learn when Master Ez took her in. I want to save you from learning it the hard way. You don’t know them yet- trust me.”

“I know exactly who they are. They’re in committed relationships with women. One is even married.”
I say defensively. I don’t like that she knows my Master and his people better than I do. But then again, she is right. I know nothing of them. But if Queen would give me some details instead of ominous warnings, maybe I’d know what the hell was going on.

may be the case, but things are not as they seem. Please, Katya, I’m not trying to be mean. I’m not saying they don’t want you with them. I’m just trying to warn you. You may not like what you find when this game concludes.”

I get it, okay? I know I’m just a toy to them. They already picked the women in their lives. I won’t touch Ezra or Cortez. I have more morals than that. And thanks for lying about not knowing who the real Master Ez was. It was obvious when I saw you in Ezra’s office. I know you are close to all three of them. I just found out that you co-run Restraint with Aaron. If you’d tell me what you really want to say, it would save us so much grief. Just please, Queen, tell me what Ezra really wants from me?” I beg.

“You think I wanted to lie?” She glares at me. “I’ve know
n them since they were boys. I like you, Kat, but they are my family. I’ve tried to warn you in the only way I can. You should heed it!” she hisses out of frustration.

Well, if they want a toy, I will enjoy the play and move on when something else looks fun.” I say to reassure her. I don’t need Queen knowing my real thoughts. If she can’t be real with me, then I can’t be real with her. I think if we could get past whatever she is hiding, we could become friends. But if she won’t bend, then it’s her loss.

just shakes her head at me sadly. “Yeah, I don’t think so. They may share with each other, but never with anyone else. Kayla was flirting with a guy on the floor a few months back. She learned painfully fast who she belongs to and that she is never to stray.”

“I’m sure they could care less about what I’m up to.” Queen just looks at me like I’m delusional.
“You can’t have it both ways, Queen. Either they care for me or they don’t. I’m either a toy or a person. You’re talking in circles, and I’ve had just about enough.”

“Yeah… they could care less about what you’re up to, sure… t
hat explains why the Boss is so crazed over you- ‘cuz he could care less,” Queen snidely says. “That explains why I’ve been his bitch keeping tabs on you for the past year!” She growls in resentment.

“I’m sorry, but that isn’t my fault,” I whine.
“I have no idea who Ezra has made do what. I just wish you’d tell me why he has had you keeping tabs on me. What does Ezra Zeitler want with me?”

“I’ve said too much and he’s going to be wicked pissed.” She
worriedly runs her fingers through her blonde hair.

“I won’t tell him,” I promise.
“I can keep a secret.”

Just know that if you’re with Aaron tonight, you’ll be fair game for the other two. Say yes to one- say yes to the rest. It won’t matter, anyway, because Cort could charm the faith from a nun and Ezra never takes no for an answer.” She speaks from experience.

I su
ffer a shiver at the memory of Cortez using his cock to scour my throat. I rub my jaw in remembrance. “I’m pretty sure it’s Cortez that doesn’t take no for an answer,” I say underneath my breath. “Uh-huh… been there, done that. But Cort didn’t even try to charm me, he just took. I owe him a good lashing and I aim to collect- soon.”

“You’re already fucking all three of them aren’t you? What the hell is wrong in that head of
yours? You’re playing with disaster.” Queen grabs my upper-arms and gives me a rough shake.

“I haven’t had sex with any of them,” I mumble uncertainly. Even as the words leave my mouth a fleeting thought flows through my mind. I try to grasp the thread and fail.

“If you’re touring the back with Aaron tonight, you will. No one has that much restraint. I watched you with him. You’ve got it bad. Just be careful, okay,” Queen’s voice softens, and compassion etches across her face. “I worry.”

“I’ll be careful. Besides, Aaron is very sweet.” I glance ov
er at him. Aaron’s leaning on the wall watching the crowd.

“I’m not worried about Aaron
. I’ve never seen him or the Ezra with a girl. Even when they play with Kayla, Cort is the one who has sex with her. Just be careful. Aaron really is a sweetheart, but the other two…”

“I’ll heed your warning, Queen, really.” I squeeze her hand in reassurance. “I’m stronger than Kayla. I can take care of myself. Some things you learn the hard way. It’s not all physical strength- it’s your constitution, will, and mental control. I’ll be okay.”

As soon as I start towards Aaron, he walks towards me. “What is she upset about?” He wraps his hand around my waist and directs me to the door hidden in the corner.

“Queen’s worried about me being around
you guys, especially Ezra and Cortez.” I answer honestly.

“Hey, you’re safe with us. I promise you nothing will ever happen to you again- from anyone.” His bright eyes hold me captive like a deer
caught in headlights.

“Cortez already showed me what he was capable o
f, and I don’t want a repeat performance. I’m not a total masochist. Asphyxiation by cock isn’t my thing,” I slyly say.

paid for that. It won’t happen again unless you want it to. He more than paid for it.” Aaron’s body trembles. “You’ll get your chance at punishing him as well. He was just jealous…”

“What happens next time he gets jealous? Huh? I really don’t feel like being taken by force- painfully.”
I angrily hiss.

“I’m sorry. Cort
wasn’t jealous of you. He was jealous of Ezra, and took it out of you to hurt him. I know it sounds fucked up.” Aaron holds my gaze, a serious expression marring his boyish face. “We’re all fucked up, you know that,” he whispers to me, sounding ashamed of himself.

Ah, Aaron,” I sigh. “You didn’t punish Cortez, too, did you? And why does Ezra get to decide for everyone, anyway? That’s not fair at all.”

No, I didn’t punish him. Cort didn’t do anything to me. It’s not my position to punish anyone. As far as Ezra being the Boss, he’s earned it over and over. We wouldn’t be alive, let alone sane, if it wasn’t for him,” Aaron reverently says.

“Why do I get a turn
at punishing skullfuck? I’m not part of your all-boys club.” I hate the jealous note in my voice. I know that after I figure out Ezra’s motivations, I will never be a part of their group. There is too much history between the three of them- I can never compete, and I’m not sure if I want to, or if it’s even worth it.

I don’t know
if I imagined it, but it sounded like Aaron whispered
you’re the center of it
under his breath.

“Why do you get to punish Cort? Simple… because Cortez violated you. It’s called justice. We have rules and he broke them. Cort did it to hurt Ez, so Ez got a go at Cort, too. It’s just how it’s done.”

“I like rules,” I say with conviction.

“I know,” Aaron wryly says as he
punches a four digit code into the door’s security keypad.

“When I know what the rules are,” I add.



















“Welcome to the dungeon at Restraint.” Aaron flings his arm out like a game show host. I walk over the threshold into the dungeon. Dungeon is a very apt description. I stand wide
-eyed taking the large room in.

Aaron moves me to the side and wraps an arm around my shoulders
. He gives me time to acclimate to my surroundings. Restraint’s BDSM dungeon is reminiscent of an abandoned factory: concrete floor, concrete walls, a high ceiling with steel beams and wiring so random that it can’t hold a functional purpose. The area is windowless, no doors, just a lengthy oblong room with a hall at the rear. It’s very cold, not in temperature, but feeling.

I close my eyes to h
eighten my other senses. Sounds: the snap of a whip, clink of chain, moans and grunts, a high-pitched scream of pain followed by a guttural release. Scents: the sharp tang of sweat, sweet arousal, the taint of wax, cloying perfumes, and sex. The room is stifling hot. You can almost feel the humidity beading your skin with moisture. The air is permeated with pheromones.

I pop
open my eyes and catalog my surroundings. Stations, if you can call them that, line each side of the room. Each station is being used by people seeking the fine art of BDSM, in its varying forms: Bondage, Discipline, Domination, Submission, Sadism, and Masochism. The center of the dungeon is narrow and completely devoid of objects. Strange contraptions, that I have no name for, accompany spanking benches, stocks, a cage, several St. Andrew’s crosses, and hanging restraints. The end of the room houses a wall of equipment, or rather, instruments of pleasurable torture. Each station is occupied with eager members. The narrow area in the center is crowded with voyeurs and several men and women wearing Restraint’s security t-shirts.

BOOK: Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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