Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (27 page)

BOOK: Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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I turn to
ask Aaron a question and find him intensely staring at me, as if judging and savoring my reaction to the new world being laid out before me. My eye are glazed with hunger. My skin is beaded with sweat. I eagerly pant, drawing in the smells of sex deep into my nose. Moisture pools between my quivering thighs. It’s like I’ve finally found my home, a place where I truly belong. It’s a heady, mind-bending sensation. 

“Why do you have the club in the front if the members are in the dungeon?”
I breathlessly ask. The concept is foreign to me, and I’ll do anything to lessen the strange awareness that overpowers my being.

“Fresh meat.” Aaron
chuckles as he bashfully runs his hand through his skullcut hair. His face turns an appetizing shade of pink “Uh… you can only get back here if you’re a member or with a member. We need to recruit new members to keep it fresh in here. Plus, a lot of our members are exhibitionists. We need people to watch them exhibit.”

“Um…why isn’t there any seating or
comfort?” I look around, thinking I may have missed it. “It’s rather odd.”

“Well, most
of our members are masochists or submissives. We have a shortage on Dominants. We do have one Master who happens to be a masochist,” Aaron says this like it’s an odd combination, but none of us are a flavor of normal. “So the no seating is a punishment of sorts. Plus, we wouldn’t want someone to have a seat on the couch and take a nap. This place is about control, you have to be alert to maintain control.”

“What if you don’t like being watched?”
I don’t think I’d like playing in here with all these people watching. It seems impersonal and cold.

See that hallway back there?” Aaron points to the far end of the room. “There are rooms back there for privacy. Restraint’s Masters have their own rooms for privacy. What are you interested in learning about?”

“Oh!” My eyes dart everywhere
, never lighting on one things. “I- um...” I blush.

“That’s okay. It’s overwhelming
at first. I completely understand.” Aaron scans the area, as if he’s looking for something specific. “You’ve met Dexter, right?”

“Dexter, the sadist?” I receive a chuckle for my description.

“Dexter’s not a bad guy. He’s actually one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet. He only does the pain thing because he sees it as a gift he’s giving a masochist. It goes hand-in-hand. Usually Dexter just gives the sub whatever they need. He really is quite gentle. I won’t lie, he loves giving pain to those who need it. It’s his specialty, and he’s very skilled and controlled. He does get off on it, though.” Aaron rubs his palm on his head. I’m learning that this gesture means he’s uncomfortable with something. “But, we all have something we don’t want to admit gets us off.” I raise an eyebrow at that. What does Aaron like that he’s freaked about?

pushes me through the crowd. He wraps both arms around me and draws me to his chest as we walk. It’s odd, but I quickly realize why he does it. Several revelers get handsy on our way by. A hand appears out of nowhere and grips my breast, forcing a pained squeak of surprise out of me. Instantly, the man who groped me drops to his knees and profusely apologizes.

It all happens so fast that I don’t understand what’s happening.
I look over my shoulder at Aaron for some help. I have no idea what to do. I find him glaring at the fallen man. His expression is scary.

“Apology accepted,” I say to appease everyone.

“If you touch her again, I will rip your hand off, are we understood?” Aaron spits.

“Yes, s
ir! I’m sorry, Aaron. I didn’t know she was with you,” the man profusely apologizes.

“Katya is off limits. You better be thankful it’s me
that you did this in front of and not the hoods.” His voice sounds cold, devoid of the Aaron I’ve grown to care about.

“I-I- I’m so
rry, sir. I will make sure everyone leaves her alone.” He scurries away into the crowd so fast I can’t track him.

“How come they wear hoods?” I ask to redirect Aaron from what just happened.

“Hmm… I would think that the son of an heiress and a billionaire mogul, and a bestselling author wouldn’t like to be outted.”

“Since when are you sarcastic? It doesn’t suit you,” I chastise. “How come you don’t wear one?”

“I’m a housekeeper’s son, and not an author. I’ve been their bodyguard since I filled out. After- yeah… I really bulked up. We promised we’d stick together. I didn’t have their talents. I was raised to serve,” Aaron admits without a hint of shame.

“That must be diffic
ult to deal with because of your need to dominate,” I muse.

“You have no fucking idea,” Aaron
draws out. He pulls me closer to whisper in my ear, “I only serve one man in all things and no one else.”

“What about Cortez?”

“Nah- other than Ezra, no ever one tops either of us,” Aaron admits. “Well, except…” he trails off, never finishing his thought.

“You guys…
um,” I stammer out, too embarrassed to continue. Thankfully Aaron catches on, so I don’t have to finish my statement.

chuckles at my discomfort and his own. “Yeah,” he rubs a hand over his hair. “Um… needs arise for me, and Ezra takes care of them. Ezra and Cort have something going on. They always have and always will, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the dungeon. This is a lifestyle, but it’s not our life. When our needs arise, we take care of them.”

“But, Cortez-
” Aaron cuts me off before I can finish.

“Yeah, Cort
has needs every damned day.” Aaron chuckles at a thought. “He’ll take sex wherever he can get it.” He smirks. “And as often as he can get it… and from whomever he can get it.”

“But… b
ut, he’s married,” I say in disgust.

shakes his head letting me know he won’t comment on that. “Come- let’s see what Dexter is up to.” He pushes me towards the very end of the room, near the hallway.

A small woman is hanging from the ceiling by her wrists. Ah, that explains the weird wires and metal bars on the ceiling.
They support the hedonistic activities of the members of Restraint. A thin metal chain is secured to a beam by a pulley system. The woman’s hands are connected to the chain by leather cuffs on her wrists. I rub my wrists remembering how it felt to wear Master Ez’s cuffs.

The first thing I notice is that there aren’t many watchers. A few stand off to the side, but not too close. Saw horses are set up
, creating a barrier from the crowd. “Dexter doesn’t like people close during a scene?” I guess.

“Very observant, Kat. No
, Dex doesn’t like anyone in touching distance. Sometimes it’s hard to keep people back. They try to make it a group activity. He also needs room to swing his whip. It’s a spectacular sight,” Aaron says, and his eyes glaze over in remembrance.

“Why not use a private room
,” I mutter in confusion. “If you don’t want people watching or getting in the way…”

“The girl,
” Aaron points at the woman hanging from the ceiling supports. “Heidi, she likes people watching. That girl is a voyeurs dream. She also likes moderate pain. There aren’t many masochists around who are willing to play with Dexter. He’s too intense. So Dexter and Heidi have compromised. Heidi gets watched, and Dexter get to hurt her, and then fuck her.”

Aaron leads me to the wall and leans back
against it. We are close enough to see everything, but far enough away that we aren’t crowding Dexter and Heidi or the other watchers.

Dexter isn’t much larger then I am. I doubt he
hits five and a half feet. He’s very slight in appearance, that is until you feel the power radiating off of him. Dexter stands in front of Heidi, and slowly peels his shirt off. She can’t take her eyes from him, and neither can I. Like a magnet, I’m attracted to him. It makes me reevaluate my sexuality: I like soft females and hard males. Dexter is surprisingly muscular for his size. His chest and arms are corded with lanky muscles that flex as he moves.

Dexter prowls- that is the only way to describe the rolling gate Dexter uses when he walks. He prowls
over to the wall and pulls on a chain. Slowly Heidi rises, until her toes barely touch the ground. She sways for a moment before coming to rest. He stalks around her in a circle, slowly closing in. He reminds me of a large cat- a jaguar- deadly, fast, and powerful. As soon as he is within arm’s reach of Heidi, he grabs the front of her dress, right between her breasts, and rips it from her body. She releases a sharp shriek of surprise.

“I hope that wasn’t her
favorite dress,” I jokingly murmur to Aaron.

Aaron sluggishly turns his face to gaze
at me, and something inside me wants me to flee. His eyes are dilated- almost no color remains. His irises are completely eclipsed by his pupils. Nostrils wildly flare as he draws my scent into his lungs. His lips are parted on a pant as his breathing increases. A pink tongue darts out and moistens his drying lips. My body instantly reacts to him.

I turn back just as I hear the swat of the riding crop hitting Heidi’s thigh. I expected another shriek, but she is surprisingly quiet. Her face is lax as she watches Dexter’s every move.

“So do you top people often?” I ask to distance myself from the scene, and I hope conversation will bring Aaron back from the brink. A giggle edged in hysteria bubbles up my throat. To me, my question lamely sounded like,
do you come here often?
I’m so out of my depth.

I hear a
nother groan and it’s not Heidi- Dexter’s guttural reaction to his ‘art’. He’s enjoying himself in a way a man enjoys being
a woman, but all he is doing is slicing leather through the air. My lower belly tightens at the deeply sexual sound.

“No,” Aaron
huskily says.

just no. No other information.

“Why not?” I still don’t dare look at him. I can
feel the heat radiate of him, and it frightens me in a good way. It’s a feeling I’m not sure I want to explore in the middle of a dungeon. Queen was right. I don’t know if I’m making it out of here without being fucked, but hopefully in a good way.

“When we got back,
” Aaron pauses, and I know he means a long time ago- the abduction. “We tried to be normal by finding girlfriends and keeping up appearances. We didn’t feed into what was screaming for release. Cort pretended with Divina. But Ezra and I didn’t know he was pretending. Cort led us to believe he was normal. I was only fifteen, so I didn’t know what the fuck was happening. Anyway, after a year or so, we gave into it. But we didn’t understand what we needed. Ezra’s Dad brought us to Dexter, and Dexter trained Ezra and Cortez to be BDSM Masters… and Ez trained me to serve.”

shifts closer and pulls me up against him. A scream cuts through the air, causing my head to snap up. Heidi has a bright, red welt on her left breast. I look away, just as Dexter swipes her gorgeous peaches and cream breast with the flat of his tongue. A heavy weight is slowly building in my tummy. When it crests, I don’t want to be in this dungeon. I’ve never felt this way before. The sensation is close to being high, or maybe craving a high- a high you’re unable to deny.

“I felt the
worst for Ezra,” Aaron snaps me out of my lusts, returning back to the conversation we were having before my libido started screaming. “Ez is a genius. He entered Med School at eighteen… and he had all this baggage. He had Cort and me as baggage, and other stuff, too. So, yeah, he researched what was going on with us… and his dad led him to the BDSM lifestyle. We started playing around with this stuff.”

“Did it help?” I ask
, but not because I want to answer, even though I do. I want to distract my attention away from Aaron’s seeking fingertips trailing up the back of my thigh. Combining his touch with the sounds emanating from around the dungeon, it’s an elixir for sex.

“Yeah, Ezra only wants to dominate
, so that works out for him. Cortez wants to top and we make sure he doesn’t hurt anyone. Once in a while, Cort needs some issues worked out, and Ezra draws them out of him or Ez’s dad does. And we had each other for sex and friendship, so it works out,” he quickly tacks on, blushing red in embarrassment.

“What about
you, though? I mean, you’re dominant acting like a submissive… and do you… do you even like guys like that,” I stammer out. “I mean, I’m okay with it. We all have things that trip our triggers. Are you guys like… gay?”

was fine suppressing my dominant urges until recently. I hadn’t pursued any girls, and it made Ezra worry. And no, I’m not gay. I know that doesn’t make sense. I’m dependent on Ezra because he’s all I’ve ever known. I was a kid when we were made to do that to each other. I like girls and it’s getting harder to ignore it.” Aaron firmly grabs my hand and presses it to the front of his pants. His fingers curl over mine grasping his bulge under my palm. I whimper because I love the feel of his arousal in my hand. I’ve never intimately touched a man before. Just a quick brush over the front of Ezra’s pajama bottoms and… and when I don’t want to think about.

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