Pocket Medicine: The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Internal Medicine (128 page)

BOOK: Pocket Medicine: The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Internal Medicine
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Crohn’s disease, 3-10
cryoglobulinemia, 8-21
, 6-3
cryptogenic organizing pneumonia, 2-10
crystal deposition arthritides, 8-5
Cullen’s sign, 3-13
Cushing’s reflex, 3-20
Cushing’s syndrome, 7-7
cutaneous leukocytoclastic angiitis, 8-20
CXR/chest CT scan, 11-5, P-1, P-5
cyanide poisoning, 2-18
cyanosis, 2-18
cystic fibrosis, 2-7
cystitis, 6-5
cytomegalovirus, 6-19


dactylitis, 8-7
deep venous thrombosis, 2-13
delirium, 9-1
delirium tremens, 9-5
delta-delta, 4-2, 11-6
dementia, 9-1
dengue, 6-23
dermatomyositis, 8-12
desquamative interstitial pneumonia, 2-10
diabetes insipidus, 4-8, 4-9
diabetes mellitus, 7-13
diabetic foot, 6-6
diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), 7-14
dialysis, 4-15
diarrhea, 3-5
Dieulafoy’s lesion, 3-3
diffuse alveolar damage, 2-22
diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, 2-10, 5-26
diplopia, 10-4
disc herniation, 9-12
discriminant function, 3-19
disseminated gonococcal arthritis, 8-10
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), 5-10
diuresis, 4-14
diverticular disease, 3-9
Döhle bodies, 11-6
doll’s eyes, 9-1
Dressler’s syndrome, 1-11, 1-25
Duke treadmill score, 1-4
duodenal ulcer, 3-2
dyslipidemias, 7-16
dyspepsia, 3-2
dysphagia, 3-1
dyspnea, 2-1
dysuria, 6-5


Eaton-Lambert syndrome, 5-28, 9-9
echocardiography, P-9
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, 1-31
ehrlichiosis, 6-21
electrocardiography, 1-1
encephalitis, viral, 6-11
endocarditis, 6-12
endomyocardial fibrosis, 1-19
enthesitis, 8-7
eosinophilia, 5-12
eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis, 8-19
as cause of asthma, 2-2
as cause of glomerulonephritis, 4-16
as cause of interstitial lung disease, 2-10
eosinophilic pneumonias, 2-10
epidural abscess, 6-8
epidural hematoma, 9-7
epilepsy, 9-3
erysipelas, 6-6
erythema migrans, 6-20
erythema multiforme, 6-23
erythema nodosum, 2-9, 6-23, 8-20
erythrocyte sedimentation rate, 8-17
erythromelalgia, 5-15
esophageal reflux, 3-1
esophageal ring, 3-1
esophageal spasm, 1-3
esophageal web, 3-1
esophagitis, 3-1, 3-3
essential thrombocythemia, 5-15
ethylene glycol intoxication, 4-2
exercise tolerance test, 1-4


factor V Leiden, 5-11
familial adenomatous polyposis, 5-33
familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia, 7-11
familial Mediterranean fever, 6-22
Fanconi’s syndrome, 4-3
Felty’s syndrome, 8-3
neutropenia and, 5-36
Pel-Ebstein, 5-21
fever syndromes, 6-22
fibromyalgia, 8-13
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome, 8-10
focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, 4-17
folate deficiency, 5-3
folliculitis, 6-6
food poisoning, 3-5
Forrester class, 1-11
Fournier’s gangrene, 6-7
fractional excretion of Na, 4-12, 11-6
free H
O deficit, 4-8, 11-6
fungal infections, 6-3
furunculosis, 6-6


Gaisböck’s syndrome, 5-15
Gallavardin effect, 1-20
gallstone, 3-27
gallstone ileus, 3-27
gas gangrene, 6-7
gastric antral vascular ectasia, 3-3
gastric ulcer, 3-2
gastritis, 3-3
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), 3-1
gastrointestinal bleeding, 3-3
gastrostomy tubes, 10-2
giant cell arteritis, 8-17
Gitelman’s syndrome, 4-5, 4-10, 7-8
Glanzmann’s thromboasthenia, 5-9
Glasgow Coma Scale, 9-1
glomerulonephritis, 4-16
as cause of diabetes mellitus, 7-13
as cause of diarrhea, 3-7
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, 5-4
glycemic control, in critical care, 2-23
goiter, 7-4, 7-5
Goodpasture’s syndrome
as cause of alveolar hemorrhage, 2-10
as cause of glomerulonephritis, 4-16
Gottron’s papules, 8-13
gout, 8-5
-host disease (GVHD), 5-26, 5-27
granulomatosis with polyangiitis, 8-18
as cause of glomerulonephritis, 4-16
as cause of interstitial lung disease, 2-10
Graves’ disease, 7-4
Grey Turner’s sign, 3-13
Guillain-Barré syndrome, 9-8


Hamman-Rich syndrome, 2-10
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, 7-4
headache, 9-10
heart failure, 1-14
with preserved EF, 1-16
heart valve anatomy, 1-24
Heinz bodies, 5-4, 11-6
Helicobacter pylori
infection, 3-2
heliotrope rash, 8-13
hematemesis, 3-3
hematochezia, 3-3
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, 5-26
hematuria, 4-19
as cause of cirrhosis, 3-23
as cause of DCMP, 1-17
as cause of RCMP, 1-19
hemodialysis, 4-15
hemolytic-uremic syndrome, 5-9
hemophilia, 5-10
hemoptysis, 2-7
hemostasis disorders, 5-6
Henoch-Schönlein purpura, 8-19
as cause of glomerulonephritis, 4-16
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, 5-8
heparin nomograms, 11-7
hepatic encephalopathy, 3-22
hepatic hydrothorax, 2-11, 3-21
hepatitis, 3-17
alcoholic, 3-19
autoimmune, 3-19
ischemic, 3-19
viral, 3-17
hepatocellular carcinoma, 3-22
hepatopulmonary syndrome, 3-23
hepatorenal syndrome, 3-22
hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, 5-33
hereditary spherocytosis, 5-5
Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome, 5-9
herpes zoster, 6-11
histoplasmosis, 6-3
Howell-Jolly bodies, 11-6
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 6-17
hyperaldosteronism, 7-8
as cause of hypokalemia, 4-10
as cause of metabolic alkalosis, 4-4
hyperbilirubinemia, 3-16
hypercalcemia, 7-11
hypercapnia, 2-18
hypercholesterolemia, 7-16
hypercoagulable states, 5-11
hypercortisolism, 7-7
hyperhomocysteinemia, 5-11
hyperkalemia, 4-11
hypernatremia, 4-8
hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state, 7-15
hyperparathyroidism, 7-11
secondary, 4-14
hyperpituitary syndrome, 7-2
hyperprolactinemia, 7-2
hypersensitivity pneumonia, 2-10
hypersensitivity vasculitis, 8-20
hypersplenism, 5-5
hypertension, 1-28
hypertensive crisis, 1-29
hyperthyroidism, 7-4
hypertriglyceridemia, 7-16
hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy, 5-28
hypoaldosteronism, 7-9
as cause of hyperkalemia, 4-11
as cause of metabolic acidosis, 4-3
hypocalcemia, 7-12
hypoglycemia, 7-15
hypokalemia, 4-10
hyponatremia, 4-6
hypoparathyroidism, 7-12
hypopituitary syndromes, 7-1
hypothermia, induced, 9-2
hypothyroidism, 7-4
hypoxemia, 2-18


ICU medications, 11-1
ideal body weight, 11-7
idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, 2-10
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, 2-10
IgA nephropathy, 4-17
IgG4-related disease, 8-20
ileus, 3-8
immune thrombocytopenic purpura, 5-7
impetigo, 6-6
implantable cardiac defibrillator, 1-16, 1-39
inclusion body myositis, 8-12
infections in susceptible hosts, 6-4
inflammatory bowel disease, 3-10
inflammatory markers, 8-2
influenza, 6-2
interstitial lung disease, 2-9
intracardiac shunts, 11-4
intracranial hemorrhage, 9-7
intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm, 5-35
intramural hematoma (aortic), 1-31
iron deficiency, 5-1
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), 3-7
ischemic colitis, 3-12
isopropyl alcohol intoxication, 4-3


Janeway lesions, 6-12
jaundice, 3-15
Jod-Basedow effect, 7-6
joint fluid, 8-1


Kaposi’s sarcoma, 6-19
Kernig’s sign, 6-9
ketoacidosis, 4-2
kidney transplantation, 4-15
Killip class, 1-11
koilonychia, 5-1
Kussmaul’s sign, 1-27


lactic acidosis, 4-2
lactose intolerance, 3-6
Langerhans cell granulomatosis, 2-10
left ventricular hypertrophy, ECG criteria, 1-1
left ventricular thrombus, 1-11
leukemia, 5-17, P-14
acute lymphoblastic, 5-18
acute myelogenous, 5-17
acute promyelocytic, 5-18
chronic lymphocytic, 5-20
chronic myelogenous, 5-19
hairy cell, 5-22

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