Pocket Medicine: The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Internal Medicine (127 page)

BOOK: Pocket Medicine: The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Internal Medicine
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vital capacity


vessel disease


venereal disease research laboratory (test for syphilis)


vascular endothelial growth factor


ventricular fibrillation


very-low-density lipoproteins


veno-occlusive disease


vital signs


ventricular septal defect


tidal volume


ventricular tachycardia


venous thromboembolus


von Willebrand’s disease


von Willebrand’s factor


varicella zoster virus




white blood cell (count)


wide-complex tachycardia


World Health Organization




Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia


wall motion abnormality




Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome




radiation therapy



A-a gradient, 2-18, 11-5
abdominal CT scan, P-7
abdominal pain, 10-1
acanthosis nigricans, 5-28
accessory pathway, 1-33
as cause of metabolic acidosis, 4-2
hepatotoxicity, 3-19
achalasia, 3-1
acid-base disturbances, 4-1
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), 6-17
acromegaly, 7-2
activated protein C
resistance, 5-11
therapy, 2-23
acute coronary syndromes, 1-6
acute interstitial nephritis, 4-12
acute interstitial pneumonia, 2-10
acute kidney injury, 4-12
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), 2-22
acute tubular necrosis, 4-12
Addison’s disease, 7-9
adnexal mass, non-pregnant woman, 10-3
adrenal disorders, 7-7
adrenal incidentalomas, 7-10
adrenal insufficiency, 7-9
adrenal mass, 7-10
advanced cardiac life support, ACLS-1
albuminuria, 4-13
alcohol withdrawal, 9-5
allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, 2-10
-antitrypsin deficiency
as cause of cirrhosis, 3-24
as cause of COPD, 2-5
alveolar gas equation, 11-5
amaurosis fugax, 9-6
amiodarone, thyroid disease and, 7-5
amyloidosis, 8-22
cardiac manifestations, 1-19
anaphylaxis, 2-4
anaplasmosis, 6-21
anemia, 5-1
aplastic, 5-3
autoimmune hemolytic, 5-5, P-13
of chronic inflammation, 5-2
Cooley’s, 5-2
Fanconi’s, 5-3
folate deficiency, 5-3
hemolytic, 5-4
iron deficiency, 5-1, P-13
macrocytic, 5-3
megaloblastic, 5-3, P-13
microangiopathic hemolytic, 5-5
microcytic, 5-1
myelophthisic, 5-4
normocytic, 5-2
pernicious, 5-3
sickle cell, 5-4, P-14
sideroblastic, 5-2
angina, 1-6
angiodysplasia, 3-3
angioplasty, 1-5
anion gap, 4-2, 11-6
ankylosing spondylitis, 8-7
anoxic brain injury, 9-2
antibiotics, 11-3
anticardiolipin, 5-11, 8-16
anti-CCP, 8-3
anti-centromere, 8-11
anti-citrullinated peptide (ACPA), 8-3
anti-ds-DNA, 8-15
anti-GBM, 4-16
antihistone, 8-15
anti-Jo-1, 8-13
anti-La, 8-14, 8-15
anti-Mi-2, 8-13
antimitochondrial, 3-24
anti-MPO, 4-16, 8-18
antineutrophil cytoplasmic (ANCA), 4-16, 8-18
antinuclear (ANA), 8-15
antiphospholipid, 5-11
anti-PR3, 4-16, 8-18
anti-Ro, 8-14, 8-15
anti-Scl-70, 8-11
anti-Sm, 8-15
anti-smooth muscle, 3-19
anti-TPO, 7-3, 7-4, 7-5, 7-6
anti-U1-RNP, 8-14, 8-15
autoantibodies, 8-2
in connective tissue diseases, 8-11
anticoagulants, 5-6, 5-10
anti-GBM disease, as cause of glomerulonephritis, 4-16
antiphospholipid syndrome, 5-11
aortic aneurysm, 1-30
aortic dissection, 1-31
aortic insufficiency, 1-21
aortic stenosis, 1-20
aortoenteric fistula, 3-3
arrhythmogenic RV cardiomyopathy, 1-34
arthralgias, 8-1
arthritis, 8-1
IBD-associated (enteropathic), 8-8
infectious, 8-9
osteoarthritis, 8-1
psoriatic, 8-7
reactive, 8-7
rheumatoid, 8-3
asbestosis, 2-10
ascites, 3-26
treatment of, in cirrhotics, 3-21
aspergillosis, 6-4
asplenia, 6-4
asthma, 2-2
asystole, ACLS-2
atrial fibrillation, 1-32, 1-35
atrial flutter, 1-32
auto-PEEP, 2-20
AV block, 1-32
AV dissociation, 1-32


babesiosis, 6-21
back pain, 9-11
bacteremia, 6-14
Barrett’s esophagus, 3-2
Bartter’s syndrome, 4-5, 4-10, 7-8
basophilia, 5-12
basophilic stippling, 11-6
Beck’s triad, 1-26
Behçet’s syndrome, 8-20
Bell’s palsy, 6-11
Bernard-Soulier disease, 5-9
berylliosis, 2-10
bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP), 2-20
biliary tract disease, 3-27
bite cells, 5-4, 11-6
biventricular pacing, 1-16, 1-39
blastomycosis, 6-3
body surface area, 11-7
Boerhaave syndrome, 1-3
bone infections, 6-6
bone marrow transplantation, 5-26
bradycardia, 1-32, ACLS-1
breast cancer, 5-30
Brockenbrough sign, 1-18
bronchiectasis, 2-7
bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia, 2-10
bronchitis, chronic, 2-5
Brudzinski’s sign, 6-9
Brugada syndrome, 1-34
B-type natriuretic peptide, 1-14, 2-1
Budd-Chiari syndrome, 3-25
bundle branch blocks, 1-1
burr cells, 11-6
bursitis, 8-1, 8-10


calciphylaxis, 7-11
calcium disorders, 7-11
calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease, 8-6
cancer of unknown primary site, 5-37
infections, 6-3
carbon monoxide poisoning, 2-18
cardiac output, 1-12, 11-4
cardiac resynchronization therapy, 1-16, 1-39
cardiomyopathy, 1-17
arrhythmogenic RV, 1-17
dilated, 1-17
hypertrophic, 1-18
peripartum, 1-17
restrictive, 1-19
vs constrictive pericarditis, 1-27
Takotsubo, 1-17
cardioversion, ACLS-1
carotid revascularization, 9-7
cauda equina syndrome, 9-11
celiac disease, 3-6
cellulitis, 6-6
central venous catheter-related infections, 6-14
cerebrovascular disease, 9-6
Chagas, 1-17
Charcot’s triad, 3-28
Chediak-Higashi syndrome, 5-9
chemotherapy side effects, 5-34
chest pain, 1-3
chest tubes, 10-2
Child-Turcotte-Pugh scoring system, 3-23
cholangitis, 3-28
cholecystitis, 3-27
choledocholithiasis, 3-28
cholelithiasis, 3-27
cholera, 3-5
cholestasis, 3-15
cholesterol emboli syndrome, 1-5
chronic kidney disease, 4-13
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 2-5, P-1
Churg-Strauss syndrome, 8-19
as cause of asthma, 2-2
as cause of glomerulonephritis, 4-16
as cause of interstitial lung disease, 2-10
Chvostek’s sign, 7-12
cirrhosis, 3-21
claudication, neurogenic
. vascular, 9-12
clostridial myonecrosis, 6-7
Clostridium difficile
-associated diarrhea, 3-6
coagulation cascade, 5-6
coagulopathies, 5-10
coarctation of aorta, 1-28
coccidioidomycosis, 6-3
cold calorics, 9-1
colonoscopy, screening, 5-33
colorectal cancer, 5-33
coma, 9-1
compartment syndrome, 10-2
computed tomography angiography, 1-3, 1-4
confusion, 9-1
connective tissue diseases, 8-11
Conn’s syndrome, 7-8
constipation, 3-8
constrictive pericarditis, 1-26
continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), 2-19, 2-20
continuous veno-venous hemofiltration, 4-15
contrast-induced acute kidney injury, 4-12
conus medullaris syndrome, 9-11
cord compression, 5-36, 9-11
corneal acrus, 7-16
coronary angiography, 1-5, P-13
coronary arteries, P-13
coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), 1-5
coronary artery calcium score, 1-4
coronary revascularization, 1-5
Courvoisier’s sign, 5-35
creatinine clearance, 11-6
CREST syndrome, 8-12

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