Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1)
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"Crystal, and thank you for your hospitality. I’ll let the others know and then we’ll meet you out front to follow you," the hottie said as politely as she could through gritted teeth.

"Yeah babe, that's the plan. You'll see the other guys in formation out front. I'll be along shortly and we’ll ride out. You all can follow us out to the compound." With that, I turned around and went in search of my sister. I had to get the hell out of this mother fucking hospital pronto. For some reason seeing the feisty blonde standing in front of me had my head wandering to places I’ve made sure to block out almost five years ago. With Athena lurking around though, thoughts of my Avery flooded in making the need to down a bottle of Jack indeed a priority. I needed to numb that shit quick before I let myself turn into a goddamn pussy and call her leaving sappy shit on her voicemail again. This fucking day needed to end and soon!








Brookes requested to be cremated so we opted not to have a formal military funeral. I expected a shit storm from the Commander, but he seemed to know my husband well enough to know he would have wanted it this way. With all Brookes’ family here already, we chose to conduct a private memorial service in the club house. This was one of those things where I'm grateful for my father, god rest his soul, being one of the founding members of this club. It made having to open the doors to a few civilians a lot easier. If it wasn’t for Boomer and the rest of the old heads that shared the patch with my father, I’m sure we would be having the service at the legion a few towns over. Not that the club wouldn’t be in attendance but opening our doors to outsiders was always frowned upon. Even when we had parties that were open to the town, they were always outside on the grounds. The clubhouse was off limits unless you had a tat or a patch that staked claim to the place.

My dad, Rowdy, along with Boomer were the ones that amended the bylaws for their daughters. They wanted to make sure their girls always had the loyalty and protection of the club. So when the old heads started having just as many daughters as sons, the revision to the bylaws was made. Long story short, the daughters were able to brand their skin with the “club princess” tattoo on their left shoulder. This meant we belonged to the club not just like a member and not like a “property of” tattoo said for the Old Lady. We were free to roam the clubhouse with the exception of the chapel, where church was held for the brothers, and member’s rooms. We weren’t privileged enough to know all of the club business but weren’t kept as in the dark as the Old Ladies were. We were taught to ride a motorcycle, shoot a gun and fight just like any of their sons, yet we weren’t allowed to party or whore around like the boys were. Double standards I know but the only one of us who ever bucked the rules was Madison. My girl was hard headed and never liked the fact of not being seen as an equal to her brothers. She was still a daddy’s girl though, just like the rest of us club princesses, with the exclusion of myself of course. I used to be but my dad was taken from me right before I turned thirteen. Times like this is when the need for my dad hurt so bad it made it hard to breathe.

Besides being a founding member, my dad was one of the few that have been killed while conducting club business. Boomer and my dad, Rowdy, weren't just club brothers they were the best of friends, just like Axel and my brother. Boomer along with the rest of the guys made sure my brother and I got to grow up in our childhood home that was just outside the compound but still on club property. There wasn’t a day that at least one of my uncles didn’t stop by to check on us. They are just as loyal to my father thirteen years after his death as they were the day they founded this club. I'm so grateful for this band of misfits I get to call family. Without them I wouldn’t be able to get through the shit hand I’ve been dealt. Speaking of which, it was time to get my ass downstairs to my said misfits.

I took one last look at myself in the mirror before headed downstairs to meet my brother-in-law. Normally there wouldn't be a bike procession because Brookes wasn’t a member but he was married to a club brat from a founding family so it was expected. My mother was riding with Octavia in one of the cages with the rest of the club’s old ladies. The only woman allowed on two-wheeled machines, other than the widow, during the procession were ones that rode their own. The widow rode on the back of her old man's bike with a chosen member driving it. Although my late husband wasn't a member he still rode. We had even talked about him prospecting for the club once Octavia was born and I completed my last semester of nursing school. Although, that time will never come to be. Today as we travel to the cemetery that houses the family vault I will ride bitch for probably the last time.

I cleared those thoughts from my mind as I walked downstairs to the kitchen of my childhood home where I was greeted by familiar faces. As I took a look at Madison and Hyde I realized they must be riding their sleds today as they were dressed in their leather jackets, jeans, and boots. Both women came to me at the same time wrapping me in a bear hug. We held each other a few seconds before I broke the silence.

"Thank you guys for everything. I don't think I would have made it through without you guys. Where’s Izzy and Romy? Are they caging it or riding too?"

"They both are at the club house making sure everything is underway so it will be ready when we get back from the cemetery. You know those two don't trust the prospects and the club whores to set things up to their liking," Hyde said with a little grin. I knew all too well Romy and Izzy would make sure they were doing what they were supposed to.

"Both of them were on their bikes when I left the clubhouse earlier. You know just as well as I do, that pair will do you the same respect you would show any of us and be on their sled," Madison added.

I walked over to the kitchen table grabbing my leather off the back of the chair putting it on as I gave myself a silent pep talk. "Has mom left with Octavia yet? I haven't heard her in a bit. I was so lost in my thoughts before I came down."

"Yeah, the car stopped here first. They should be on their way to pick up Momma Bear, Tabby, and Vivie. They didn't want Queenie being the only one in a cage today so they opted to ride with her instead," Hyde answered me looking distracted.

"What's that look for, is there something you’re not telling me?"

"Not at all. Just thinking how much Octavia is going to be spoiled with those four fussing over her even if it is a short trip today. I can already hear Tabby starting on me about it being time to start settling down nonsense," Hyde continued.

I have a feeling it was more than that. I’d bet money it was the fact that Avery wasn’t here with us. That had to be what had Hyde off kilter, but I never got the chance to call her on it. Happy walked in the back door without knocking; scaring the living shit out of all three of us. The three of us let go of each other and spun around with fist drawn.

“Whoa… Whoa… Whoa… Easy killers. It’s just me. You all look like you’re ready to beat the shit out of me for just walking in the damn door. What the fuck girls?”

"God dammit dude. You just took ten years off my life. Don't you know how to knock," Madison yelled.

"Sorry ladies I didn't realize you weren't expecting me. I mean, damn girls, you said to be here at eleven-thirty and it's now eleven twenty-nine," Happy argued.

Knowing this could turn into a screaming match of mass proportions I took the time to throw myself into the crossfire to cool the situation.

"Thanks for swinging by and picking me up to meet at the clubhouse. I really didn't want to ride bitch to one of these two," I said with a little laugh.

With the attention turned to me and the tension gone from the air we all locked eyes, making all of them chuckle. All was well again. With a quick check to make sure we weren’t forgetting anything, the four of us made our way out the door. When Madison and Hyde went down the porch steps to their bikes, Happy stopped me, and look me in the eyes.

"You know you just had a baby by C-section eight days ago right. No one would think any less of you if rode with Queenie and the girls." I know Happy was worried about me but I had to do this.

I looked up at Happy with determined eyes. "I would think less of me. Unless you plan on riding like a complete asshole I'm sure I can manage the twenty-minute ride to the cemetery. I need to do this Hap. It's a part of who I am. You forget I'm part of the reason you and Brookes were introduced to this way of life. Your brother accepted that it was part of who I am many moons ago. So stop trying to talk me out of something we all know is expected, in our world. I'll be fine Hap I promise."

"Okay Care Bear but if Susan sees you, she's gonna give me a wrath of shit, I hope you know that!" She might possibly but I think even Susan would back off. She isn’t coming to the funeral as Dr. Collins today, she was coming as Susan, a childhood friend of my late husband.

As we made our way over to Brookes' bike sitting in the gravel driveway polished to the nines, I razzed Happy a bit hopefully lightening the mood. "I'm sure you can just bat those pretty chocolate eyes at her and get us both out of trouble. Now shut up and help my crippled ass get on the back of this thing. It's time to take my husband home."


Not sure what felt weirder, riding my dead brother's bike or having someone on the back. I had ridden his bike a few times while he was alive. Normally I'd take Brookes' bike for a spin after servicing it for him or if mine was down. I, however, have only had one instance with someone riding bitch with me and it was only because Izzy's chopper had shredded a belt. Although our spitfire redhead was one hell of a bike mechanic, if you don't have tools let alone the belt with you for a side of the road repair, there wasn't much that could be done. It was a pretty long ride to Daytona. Luckily we had brought the club's truck for a chaser vehicle and were able to load the bike in the back after readjusting everyone's duffels that were already in the back.

Blaze didn’t have a two-seater saddle on his sled which led to Izzy climbing on with me to finish the trek to bike week last February. I was hesitant at first, but I couldn’t leave Reds on the side of the road and I knew her stubborn ass wouldn’t get in the truck with the prospect. That girl could be just as fucking stubborn as Madison at times.

I was tense as shit when Izzy finally climbed on the back my bike. It didn’t take long to relax though. Izzy felt way too good folded around me from behind. That bitch was made for my bike. I made a vow that day that seat would only belong to her. I sound like a sappy prick, I know, but it didn’t make it less true. The only problem was she had no interest in me what so ever that way. Yeah, we flirt back ‘n’ forth but that’s it. That girl has more fucking walls built up than me. Feeling my cock start to come to life with visions of the fiery red head wrapped around me had me shaking my head in confusion. Those were thoughts for definitely another day. Thoughts that needed to be sealed away in the vault. Today is about paying my respect to a man that was so much more to me then my biological brother.

I swung my leg over my late brother’s soft tail and got myself situated. I flipped out the rear pegs, then braced my legs to stabilize the bike as I extended my hand to Carrin to climb on the back. Giving her a minute to right herself and find a comfortable place I started the bike and let it idle.

With Care Bear's tap to my shoulder, indicating she was ready, I took off carefully and began our short trip towards the club house with Madison and Hyde falling in behind us. It took all of five minutes before pulling into the parking lot of the clubhouse. I stopped the bike to allow Carrin to step off before I worked my way around the sea of bikes to get in front of the pack. Once I had Brookes’ Softail in place I put the kickstand down and climbed off. Taking my helmet off I saw a group of my brothers making their way over to me.

Throttle was the first one that pulled me in for the man hug with a slap on the back. Wall, Axle, Blaze and Tank followed by doing the same. With the last slap to the back, I started noticing the look on my brothers' faces. Something was off. Never being one to ever beat around the bush I spoke first. "Why the fuck does each one of you fuckers have the same look on your faces? Spill it assholes."

Watching them exchanging glances for at least sixty seconds put me on edge. Tank spoke up just as I was going to call them on it. "One of our sources from the hospital dropped us a line last night. Apparently there was a conversation overheard about a certain job not getting completed."

I stood speechless not knowing what to say. Honestly, because I wasn't exactly sure what that meant. I waited in silence willing the guys to explain. Wall looked like he was about to go apeshit. This can’t be fucking good if our enforcer was already turning into the hulk.

"From what I could gather from our sources this morning, the crash last week was meant for Madison and Carrin. The Grizzles organized some kind of kamikaze plan to try and take out the girls. I’d say someone has been watching them for a while if they knew the route they take to the doctor’s office. We all know it’s much easier to take interstate 77 but Carrin hates that stretch of road. Plus, Brookes had only been to two other appointments because of his work schedule. Madison always went with Carrin so it makes sense," Tank continued.

“I don't want the girls on bikes! There gonna be riding with a fucking bull’s eye on their backs," Wall yelled loud enough for everyone outside to stop and stare. Wall was pacing and running his hands through his shaggy black hair like a mad man. You could see the tension rolling off of him.

"Calm the fuck down. We don't need everyone knowing about this until we can do some research. This technically isn't a club member’s funeral so we have some lee-way to change things up a bit," Axle added trying to calm the furious Wall down. “Chill the fuck out for a minute Wall. I’ve got a plan,” Axle said before waiting until he had everyone’s attention.

"We’ll put Boomer, Viking, Doc and Ghost directly behind the Tahoe carrying the old ladies in a diamond formation. Then any female riders behind them. Blaze and Throttle will ride single file on the girls left while Wall and myself will take the right. Tank you will be right behind them and the rest of the riders will follow behind you."

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