Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1)
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    I'm not a religious person. Lord knows I've already done things in my twenty-seven years to guarantee my spot in hell. Even knowing that, I found myself praying to every god there was for my sister to pull through while I paced the floor in the waiting room awaiting any kind of news.

"Where in the hell are they" I questioned loud enough for everyone seated in the room to jump. Saying I have very little patience is putting it mildly. For those who knew me, they made sure not to try my patience unless willing to suffer the consequences. I could feel myself losing my grip and I know it would only be a matter of time before I unloaded or took it out physically on an innocent by-standard. By the looks of my brothers and the rest of our club family, they knew it too. They also knew that there would only be one person to make me see reason in times like this and she wasn't here yet. I needed Madison like I needed my next breath.  Maybe I should have been the one to go pick her up although I knew I couldn't in good conscience. I had to be here for my sister, being that her next of kin was hanging on by a thread as well. I know in my blackened heart that Carrin would be looking for me as soon as she was awake and I didn’t want to disappoint her.

We might not have the same "twin bond" crap that Madison and Axle have but it’s damn sure close enough. I’ve always looked after Carrin growing up. After being made the man of the house at a very early age I stepped up to take care of mom and my sister the best way I knew how after dad was killed when I was fourteen. Since then I have done nothing but sacrifice and work my ass off to make sure my mother and baby sister didn’t go without. I still have a hard time stepping aside to let Brookes care for Carrin even though they’ve been together for a few years.

Even lost in thought I could feel her presence before I even heard the door to the waiting room slam close. I turn to give the threesome walking through the door my full attention. I settled my stare on the girl who owned my heart and soul. Madison O'Shea, as usual, had her guard up and the tough girl persona going. Although, Madison was a force to be reckoned with when it came to her family, she remained quiet for some time. I could tell by the look on her face she was contemplating on how to take charge of this situation and keep everyone in check. She is the most calming, strong and independent woman I know. She took shit from no one except Boomer and Momma Bear. She could call you out on your bullshit with a smile on her face then throw it right back at you with so much vengeance that even a grown man would think twice to cross her. She had no problem handling herself, even though she had more than enough men willing to stand up for her. That girl was fearless and she will be the one to get us all through this shit today. I was so lost in thought about the woman standing in front of me I almost didn’t catch what she was saying.

"I know this is hard for everyone but I need an update on things so I can figure out a way to help," Madison finally stated to our group of family converged in the small sized waiting room.

Thank God Izzy spoke up so I didn’t look like a fool asking her to repeat herself. "Carrin was brought in and taken straight to the OR. She was still unconscious and the baby was showing signs of distress. Her doctor met the ambulance here and thought it best to get the baby out as quickly as possible. Once she is done with the C-section and Carrin is stabilized she will be out to give us a complete run down," Izzy explained. After taking a breath, she began again. "Brookes was in bad shape. From what the paramedics could tell he suffered a collapsed lung, two broken legs, and broken collar bone on top of internal bleeding and injuries to his head from being partially thrown through the windshield. He quit breathing on his way in but the medics were able to revive him. However, his prognosis isn't looking very well. He was taken to the OR straight from the ambulance, but from what they said at the desk along with the looks on their faces I'm not sure if he's going to pull through this," Izzy stated quickly before her whole body was wracked with sobs, losing it completely.

Madison took that as a cue to run to Izzy's aid pulling her in for a bear hug. At the sight of the two women clinging to one another, I dropped to my knees in front of them and pulled them both in for a hug. I sought comfort just as much as I was trying to comfort them. I will not cry in front of anyone but that didn’t mean I wasn’t craving the security from my family to get me through this mess of a day.

We were interrupted by a man wearing hospital-approved scrubs coming through the swinging doors scanning the waiting room. "Is there a Whit Manning present?"

Happy stood up and walked towards the man with a look that will forever be embedded in my mind. The look on the doctor’s face told me that Brookes would never make it out of this hospital. My stomach began to turn as Happy spoke.

"I'm Whit Manning. You got some news for us Doc?" Happy must have noticed the doctor's hesitation of speaking in front of our group of family spread out before him and spoke to the doctor again. "We are all his family here. Whatever you have to say just spit it the fuck out so we can deal with it."

Seeing the doctor was a little taken back by the sharpness of Happy's statement, Axle took charge speaking like the leader he was. "As you can see sir we’re all wound a little tight given the situation. Please understand that all of us here are Brookes' brothers and sisters.”  Axle then pulled a chair out for the doctor to take a seat at the small table he was sitting at and then motioned for Happy to take a seat as well. This seemed to relieve some of the tension radiating off the doctor.

"As you know Mr. Manning was brought in by ambulance this morning in pretty bad shape." Taking a nervous breath, the doctor continued, "We were able to remove his spleen and repair most of the internal damage caused by the impact. However, the head injuries, I'm afraid were more than medical science was able to repair. At this time, Brookes is not exhibiting any brain activity. He is on a ventilator, which is breathing for him completely, and many monitors in order to give you, his family, time to say goodbye. I took this situation to heart being that I to have a son and a very much pregnant daughter-in-law. I wanted to extend to you the same courtesy I would want if I was facing this predicament. Hospital rules state that only immediate families are to be allowed in but as you have already informed me Mr. Manning has a very large family so I will make the nurses aware of this.” I stepped up to the doctor to ask about my sister. The old man must have sensed what I was about to ask because he looked right at me as he began to speak again.

“I'm sorry I do not have any news on his young bride or unborn child at this time. I hope her doctor will be out to speak with you shortly. At this time, I would advise any of you wishing to see Brookes to do so soon. I’ll make sure the nurses show you to his room, but please know that I'm going against policy by extending a twenty-four-hour period for visitation in hopes that you, his family, and Mrs. Manning will be able to visit him before he passes. Please know that your family will be in my prayers this evening. I will be back to check in at the end of my shift."

"Thank you, doctor. You have done our family a great service today," I stated while everyone else sat in silence.

I watched the doctor disappear out of the same swinging doors he entered when the sounds of a raw scream followed by a loud crash got my attention. Before I could tune into the situation Axle had Happy against the wall with his forearm at his throat. I couldn’t hear what the president was saying to him but after a few minutes I saw Happy's rage deflate. Axle let up on his hold of Happy and turned to address the group.

"Izzy I need you to put a call out to the surrounding charters that knew Brookes explaining the urgency for a visit if they would like to say goodbye tonight instead of paying respects later. Blaze I need you on the phone with anyone we weren't able to get in touch with earlier. Madison, I need you calling in drivers to cover the loads for our patch members so they can be here with the rest of us," Axle said out loud to the group.

Before Axle had a chance to speak again I spoke up. Looking at Happy I addressed him alone, "Happy you should go see him first. Take as long as you need brother. We'll be right here for you".

I could see Happy fighting back tears as he looked up to question me. "Can’t we wait until we get news on Carrin and the baby. If the roles were reversed and that was me in there I would want to know how my old lady and my kid were before I had some asshole blubbering on about goodbye".

As if like clockwork the doors to the waiting room swung open again revealing a woman dressed in those same colored scrubs as the doctor before. In her arms, she held a tightly wrapped pink bundle that looked no bigger than my half shell helmet. I wanted to move towards her but my gut had me rooted in place. My head screamed to me that something wasn't right. That she was bringing the baby to see us because something had happened to Carrin. It wasn't until the woman started talking that I finally blew out the fucking breath I was holding.

"As some of you know, I'm Carrin's OBGYN Dr. Collins. I'm sorry I wasn't out here sooner but Carrin made me promise I would bring this precious little girl out to meet everyone".             

"Please don't take this the wrong way Doc but how's my sister," I started moving towards her, trying to take a peek at my niece. "I'm assuming that by you bringing the little one out to meet us that she wasn't able to do it herself".

"When Carrin was brought in she had only suffered slight bruising from the seat belt and a concussion from the air bag deployment that was caused when her head hit the B pillar of the car. She was fading in and out of consciousness before receiving the epidural for the cesarean section I performed. Before she dosed off in the operating room she made me promise to stay with this beautiful little girl until I could bring her to Madison to watch over. I also wanted to speak to Dr. Clendanial before making my way out here. I'm not sure how much Carrin will remember about the accident one she’s awake but from the mumbles I could make out she had a conversation with Brookes before they were pulled out of the wreckage. I would advise you to not bring this up to her until she speaks to you about it. I cannot prepare you for the emotions she will have once she is fully awake. In my few years in this profession, I myself have never been faced with a patient giving birth the same day her husband passed. There was no telling what level of peace, if any, that little conversation might have instilled in her".

Madison was the first to speak, "I assume that you are only telling us all this because of the friendship you shared with Brookes during your childhood. I know you cared for both of them. Both Brookes and Carrin seemed to think a great deal of you and spoke very highly of you. I want to thank you for tending to Carrin and our little diva today. I know Brookes would appreciate it as much as we do. Anyone who knew them knew that she was his heart and would stop at nothing to protect her from anything". Madison paused only for a moment before continuing. "I'm sure Dr. Clendanial has informed you of Brookes prognosis. I speak for Carrin and the rest of us by saying please don't hesitate to stop in and say goodbye to him". I was so glad Madison was here. She always knew how to handle someone no matter what the situation.

"When will we be able to see Carrin doc? As much as I want to hold my niece I think her mother should have the first honor," I said in a non-threatening authoritative voice.

"Honestly Jacoby,” the doctor started. "Wall," I interrupted her. "Okay, Wall, honestly I will do whatever you wish, however, Carrin was adamant that I bring her to Madison. I think she didn’t want this little girl out of anyone’s sight or feeling alone for any reason. So until Carrin wakes up she’s all yours Madison,” Dr. Collins stated while placing my niece in her arms as she continued talking to the rest of us. “Normally it's only a matter of an hour, however giving the traumatic circumstances of today's events it will probably longer. Other than being sore from the accident and the surgery Carrin will make a full recovery physically. The emotional status is what I fear we will need to worry about. Post postpartum on top of grieving the loss of a husband is enough to make any woman crack".

"Carrin's not most women doc. She's one of the strongest women I've ever met. Whatever the emotional status ends up being she has a whole lot of family to see her through it,” I let the doctor know.

I turned to see Happy moving across the room where he stopped in front of Madison. "I know she was to be brought to you to look after and I know Carrin was only worrying about the rest of us having to watch over Brookes on top of looking after my niece, but with your help, I wanna take the newest brat of the Dominant Devils to see her daddy,” Happy said before carefully taking the little bundle from Madison. After situating the baby in his arm he held his hand out for Madison to take. Together hand in hand they followed Dr. Collins through the swinging doors.

As I watched Madison walk through the door holding my brother's hand a pang of jealousy rushed through me. I turned and rushed out of the room for some much needed fresh air. Even though I knew better, the thought of them together had me seeing red. What the fuck is wrong with me? This ain’t the damn place or time for this shit. I made a beeline for the parking lot to get my head straight.

Once outside I drew in several deep breaths trying to calm the rage boiling inside me. I had no reason to be jealous. Not only is it being unreasonable given the situation we all were facing, but I’ve never even told her how the fuck I felt. Sure there was some shameless flirting between the two of us but we never crossed that line past being friends. If I was honest with myself that knockout brunette was my best friend. Growing up together as club brats you have no choice but to be close, however, the two of us were so much more than that. I can't remember a time when Madison hasn't been there for me. That girl has been my shoulder to lean on, my counselor and my rock getting me through some of the hardest times in my life and in return I do my best to protect her from life and assholes like myself that come with it. Maybe I'm being selfish, but every day it gets harder and harder not to claim her in front of all our family and tell her just how much she means to me. That’ll never happen, though. That goddess deserves so much more than an asshole like me!

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