Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1) (27 page)

BOOK: Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1)
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Tivie began to squirm trying to break free of her Nanna's hold. I quickly snatched her up leaving my mother half asleep in the bed she was sharing with my daughter. Once I had my little girl in my arms I turned back to Zeus standing in the door frame. With my daughter in my arms, we left my mother to fall back asleep. The three of us made our way into the clubhouse kitchen in search of breakfast. Zeus went straight to the cupboard getting two coffee mugs and a bowl.

"Why don't you take our girl and get her in the high chair. I'll get her cereal and our coffee's ready," Zeus said before placing a kiss on my forehead then to Octavia's chubby cheek.

"Okay babe. Yell if you need me." I began walking to the closet in the corner of the bar to retrieve the high chair. I sat Tivie on her feet while I dragged the high chair out from the small closet. Once I had the high chair free of the clutter I moved it over to one of the tables in the bar area just feet away. I turned back to pick my little girl up only to find she had vanished. The little diva was a sneaky one liking to play hide-an-seek regularly. I looked around the room checking under furniture and behind the bar not finding one trace of her. As I made my way back towards the kitchen I stopped to eavesdrop on a mostly one-sided conversation between my daughter and the man who stole my heart.

"Are you hiding from mommy baby girl," Zeus asked as my daughter babbled her response back. "I thought so, little one. Let's get your cereal baby. I know you’re hungry and mommy misses you like crazy. Daddy misses you too. Don't be mad at daddy but after we have breakfast daddy will be caught up here for the rest of the day. Hopefully, I'll be home to eat dinner with you and mommy tonight. I love you little girl." I stood in awe as my daughter stared at him like she understood every word he just said before she pulled the pacifier out of her mouth to place a sloppy kiss on his cheek.

When I heard Zeus' feet begin to move towards me I quickly ran back to the table in the bar, I didn't want to get caught listening in. I made it back to the high chair removing the tray just in time for Zeus to plop Tivie in place. Once she was settled in her seat with her breakfast I sat down to enjoy my coffee. Sitting in between my daughter and my man I felt a wash of peace come over me. In that moment, I knew my future would include both of them and I couldn't be happier. For the first time in a long time, I could feel myself getting excited for what was to come.

Just as we were settling in with light conversation the door to the clubhouse burst open. My eyes did a double take at the three faces making their way through the door. Two of them I had known since I was born. The third couldn't be much older than a five and was a spitting image of Avery but those blue eyes I would know anywhere. Those deep blue eyes were the mark of an O'Shea. I stood in silence as I looked at a very shaken Madison holding a battered Avery next to her side while the little boy clung Avery's leg.

I broke my stare at the three in front of me to turn back to Zeus. Without words, I let him know he needed to round up the family. Something big is going on and the shit is going to hit the fan. Zeus began getting up from the chair to make his move when Madison's voice stopped him.

"Zeus please no. I promised her I would get her cleaned up before having to face everyone. Please call Doc and have him meet us over at the house. We need to get checked over before we fill everyone in on what happened last night."

"If Axle finds out that you're here and I didn't tell him it's going to be my ass C.B. you know that," Zeus said calmly. There would be hell to pay if he didn’t alert his president not only because of his sister’s return but also about the blonde blast from the past that just stumbled in. He was going to lose his shit when he sees what I see. One look at that little boy and I now know why Avery has been gone for so long. She better get ready to do some explaining or I would willing beat her ass for keeping a child from his father. The only thing keeping me from passing judgment right now is the fact that Madison is standing beside her defending her. If Madison’s crazy ass was helping her something tells me there’s a reason for Avery’s secret. I’ll make sure to pull Madison aside as soon as we get over to the house.

"Yes, I know and I’m begging you to just give us a few hours. If he sees her like this your president is going to go off the chain before anything gets explained. Not to mention I don’t need to deal with Wall’s shit on top of it. We’ve had a long fucking night and what seems like a longer trip here. We're whole, just a little bruised and shaken. Let us get cleaned up before the over protective assholes swoop in. I promise you we won’t disappear; we just need to pull our shit together." She must know how torn Zeus was because she continued to plead with him. I stood and made my way over to Zeus to whisper in his ear.

"I know what you’re supposed to do baby, but I'm asking you to give me time to get them over to the house and freshened up before their attacked with questions. Doc is Avery's father. He's going to need to check them over anyway. Just give them time for him to meet us at the house before you wake the devils."

Zeus said nothing just gave me a slight nod as he pulled his phone out of his pocket to make the call to Doc. I turned back to our unexpected guest to speak. "Madison get them out to the side by side while I grab Tivie. We'll get you guys over there before all hell breaks loose. Everyone is stirring and if you don’t want anyone to know you’re here we gotta get out of here now,” I said before focusing my next words to very alone. “Avery I can see looking in the eyes of that little boy you've got more to tell then just what the three of you endured last night. I hope like hell there’s reason you kept your little secret but even we can’t help you for the wrath that will come."

Madison nodded her head in agreement as she turned the lot of them around and back out the door. I sent up a silent prayer for peace. Peace I knew that would only come if we were granted a miracle. Axle will take one look at that cute little boy and know why Avery has stayed away. I just hope that he keeps his shit in check or I have no doubt Avery will be running again. From the looks of her, whoever has been fucking with the club, managed to find her. If they found her once they'll find her again. She needs a safe place and support. I only hope that place is here.

Coming Soon….


Coming Home

Axle & Avery’s story

Chapter One


I was sitting on the tour bus with Hunter asleep in my arms. I should be napping right along with him yet here I sit holding a sleeping toddler dreaming of what was. The last few days I've found myself lost in thoughts of the life I left behind almost five years ago more often than not. I missed my family like something fierce but I'm not quite ready to explain Hunter to everyone. No one has a clue that I had a kid a little over seven months after I high tailed it in the middle of the night. I know my mother will be over the moon but not sure what everyone else will have to say. It killed me not to spill the beans when I spoke to dad two nights ago. I wanted so bad to tell him but it's not really something that should be said over the phone. The urge to come clean is killing me but it will soon be put to bed. I promised to go home for a visit as soon as the tour is over. My visit home will ultimately depend on Axle's reaction. Not knowing how he would react to seeing his son for the first time is what has kept me away for so long. I keep telling myself that he wouldn't want a kid. When we use to sit up and talk about our dreams he made it very clear he had no intention of doing the family thing until much later in life.

Hunter began to stir in my arms. A look at the clock let me know he'd had been asleep for over two hours. Damn time flies when your deep in thought. Looks like no nap for me before tonight's show.

Speaking of which I need to get little man fed. Trevor will be here soon to keep an eye on him while I go for sound check. Trevor's not only my favorite roadie but also my favorite babysitter. He's been my rock for over four years now. Hell he's the reason I got the chance with the band in the first place. We happened to run into each other literally at a show I was able to attend back when I was lending my voice to cartoons and commercials. He was a roadie for the band even then. He's the one who introduced me to Layla, the lead singer, which lead to my audition for backup vocals.

After getting quite drunk off of tequila one night I confided my life's history in just one sitting. He knows about my family including the man I love. Trevor knows how I split in the middle of the night without a trace to make my way to Hollywood only to find out I was pregnant two months after arriving. I filled him in on how I worked my ass off waitressing at night, what I later found out was his mother’s bar, while I auditioned religiously during the day. I'm not sure why but he took a liking to me that night and we've been stuck like glue ever since. He keeps an eye out for Hunter and I like the big brother I never had. Hell the three of us get mistaken for a happy little family more often than not. The problem with that is a big one. Trevor is one fine specimen of man but he bats for the same team if you get my drift. He is very masculine but gay as they come.

Just then bus door opened and in walked Trevor looking exhausted. The roadies are always the first up when we roll in. They’ve got the task of setting everything up while the rest of us get to sleep in. Today was no different except the truck carrying the equipment had a flat just as we hit the Florida line coming from Alabama last night. This put everyone behind but, as they say “the show must go on”. When we finally rolled into the venue everyone was scrambling to get the stage set and the band’s equipment in place. Normally Trevor had had time for lunch and a nap before he sits with Hunter while I go to sound check.

“Hey there good looking. You look like you need a cup of coffee,” I said looking into Trevor’s droopy eyes.

“As much as I would love a cup of that special brew you make, you don’t have time sweet cheeks. Layla stopped me on my way here to tell you to hurry your skinny ass up. Apparently with us rolling in late they had to reschedule an interview for this afternoon. Not only will sound check be cut short but it’s also been moved up and hour.”

“HOLLY SHIT! I’ve got to go but Hunter hasn’t even woken up from his nap yet. I’ve still got to make him something to eat,” I said beginning to panic. “I’ve never been late for sound check.”

“You won’t be late. Just go. I can get little man lunch. Then hopefully he won’t mind curling up on the couch with uncle Trev and watch some TV.”

“Okay. Okay. Don’t go to any trouble. He’ll be fine with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. There’s fresh fruit in the fridge if Harvey and Luther didn’t get into it this morning,” I said not trusting the men I shared the bus with not to take advantage of the fruit I sliced up before bed last night.

“Quit it Avery. I got it. You act like I haven’t taken care of my nephew without your help before. Now get your ass moving sweet checks. Layla is really feeling the pregnancy hormone thing today.  As much as she loves you I don’t think even you will be able to escape her wrath today,” Trevor said with a serious look.

I reached up and placed a kiss on his cheek as I made my way to the door. “I love ya good looking,” I said to my best friend (Romy would kick my ass if she heard my thoughts) as I made my way off the bus. Before I closed the door I heard him say “right back at ya sweet cheeks”.

I dashed across the parking lot to the back entrance. Waving my pass in the air as I made my way past the stadium’s security. Thank god neither one of them decided to stop me. I made my way to the stage set up on the stadium floor while the rest of the group was walking in talking to their asshole manager Leonard. I could see Layla, the lead guitarist and lead vocals, getting very emotional as she let the groups manager have it. Cali, Layla’s sister and the bands drummer, was showing strong support for her sister while rubbing her back. Demi, the bands bass player and Cali’s best friend, stood with her arms crossed staring out at the empty seats with one hell of a pissed of look on her face. Ember, the second guitarist and keyboard player, was the only one on the stage away from the heated conversation. I made a bee line straight for her. It seemed like the safest place for me. Although, I thought of these four girls as family I was not a member of the band technically. There asshole manager made sure to remind me every chance he got.


More to come July 2016


Where do I start? This has definitely been a long time in the making, three years to be exact but with the right encouragement it’s finally here. When I first decided to publish not many people knew, however the ones who did have supported me every step of the way. I am so greatly for my family, blood and those who I have chosen myself. Without a select few I wouldn’t have come this far. With that being said I’d like to call out a few special people:

To my parents, thank you for everything you have ever done for me. You have been my rock when needed, my shoulder to cry on and my biggest supporters over the years.  You’ve taught me to go after what I want, but prepared to work for it. For the bottom of my heart, thank-you!

To my other half, thank you for putting up with my late nights that turn into early mornings. You have to put up with so much when I get in the writing groove and I love you for it. You have pushed me to go after my dreams and with you by myside they are slowly becoming a reality. I love you, fucker, forever and always!

              To my Munchkin, my Giant, my Lil A in training, my Rye-Rye and my Tator-bug, thank you for letting momma have time to herself to finally get things rolling. Lord knows you five have had to deal with mom’s head buried in the laptop, overflowing laundry baskets and late dinners I’m sure there’s more but you all took it in stride.  I love you guys. No matter what you five will always be my greatest accomplishments.

To camp counselor and the queen of awesomeness, thank you to the world’s greatest bestie’s. You ladies have made me laugh, made me cry, put your fears aside for me, rocked out right along-side of me, got drunk and road around off road with me and so much more. We’ve had some pretty amazing times and lived to tell the tale.  Just remember, “It wasn’t me!” Love you ladies!

Last but not least, thank you to everyone who is reading this. If your reading my last page, then you’ve taken a chance on me. I hope you enjoyed the book and will come back for more.



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