Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1)
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I took a few cleansing breaths and waited in silence looking at the sleeping precious bundle laying in my arms. I felt a sense of peace fall over me and heard Brookes voice in my head saying, "take care of them Mads". I looked up quickly thinking he said it out loud but the only sign he was still breathing was the sound of the machines. I took that as a sign that Brookes would always be watching over us, causing a small smile to form on my face.

Happy walked out of the bathroom silent as a mouse. He made his way to the door to the room opening it wide letting me step through before motioning for me to lead the way to the maternity floor. As we rode the elevator up I found myself sending out more silent prayers. Prayers asking for help to get my best friend through being a new mother and widow.








I waited patiently for Madison and Happy to join all of us. I told the nurses to fuck off when they started asking my family to wait in the waiting room. If it wasn't for Susan being my doctor (she was making the staff give us some leeway) I believe the hospital would've had a riot on their hands. Susan understood that I needed to talk to everyone at once. I didn't have it in me to retell my story over and over again. I needed to get this out so that I could let myself fall apart. I keep replaying the last conversation I had with my husband over in my head.

"Oh my god Brookes your bleeding," I all but yelled at him as I took in the mangled mess of my car.

"Sssh, calm down baby. I need you to listen to me. I don't have much time to get this out."

Looking over at Brookes while he tried to turn his head to look at me, I began to realize what he meant. I totally flipped my lid. "No baby. You can't talk like that! You can't leave me. I won't survive without you"!

Taking a new tone to his already authoritative voice, "Stop it right now Care Bear! I need to get this out and I need you to listen to me. I mean really listen to me without interruptions."

"When Whit and I took our little road trip many years back I never thought I would find somewhere to call home. I had planned on making a lifelong career of the Marines. Then we happen to stop in the Piggly Wiggly here in town and there you were working behind the counter. I knew right then I had to talk to you. I had to have you. I sent a little vow to the man upstairs telling him if he would just give me the chance to get to know you I would die a happy man. I never believed that one day you would become my everything, but you did. For that, I leave this earth with only one regret. Make sure Octavia knows that her daddy's last thoughts were of his two girls. Make sure she knows who I was."

Trying to sound as calm as possible, "I will baby. I promise you. We will both love you forever".

"I know you will, Care Bear, but don't shut your heart off to love. Promise me one day you will let someone in and love them just as much. My girls deserve to have someone who will be there for them and treat them like the Queens they are."

"I promise you that I will try to love again when the time comes."

"Good girl. Look after Whit for me. He has you two and the club now but I know if you guys let him he will shut down. Next to Octavia he's the last one standing in our family. He's gonna need you as much as you two will need him. Lean on each other baby."

I stayed quiet not knowing what to say. If these were going to be our last moments on earth, I sure as hell wasn’t going to spend it arguing with him. I will promise him whatever it takes for him to find peace. He shocked me with his request:

"I have one final thing to ask of you. I need you to promise me you will finish the nursing program. It's been a goal of yours since you were little. Make yourself happy Care Bear".

"Brookes I feel so sleepy. I just need a cat nap. Please stay with me".

"Carrin I need to you to stay awake for me baby. I'll let you know when you can rest. I need you to talk to me until the ambulance gets here baby".

At that point, I could hear the faint sounds of sirens in the background and people talking outside the car. I heard them say something about the person in the other car was dead.

Brookes drew me back to him with the final words he struggled to say to me. "Make sure you cremate me. I want to be put in the vault with you and Whit. I have no other family but you guys. Make sure someone notifies my old commander and Athena. Hopefully, my life insurance and my savings will be enough to purchase that little house by the falls we looked at. Please live for me, baby. I mean really live, Life is too damn short. They’re here baby you can sleep now. I love you forever and always Care Bear".

That's when I blacked out. I remember waking up when I got to the hospital to Susan's voice explaining that she was getting the baby out by C-section. She told me she would be there with me the whole time and I made her promise to stay with Octavia until she was able to take her to Madison. From what I could tell in the thirty minutes I've been awake she stood true to that promise.

The door to my room opened and I saw the group of a family crowding my small room split like the red sea allowing Madison to come forward holding a blanketed bundle. I couldn't speak while the tears just overcame me. As if some force of nature my baby girl began to cry at the same time. It's like both our hearts were breaking. Through the tears, I extended my hands to Madison for her to place my daughter in them.

The room was completely silent as all the hardened burly biker men observed the emotional ordeal. I spoke up at that point, saying it to anyone who would hear me. "Octavia Brookes Manning welcome to the world baby girl".

Around me, I heard sniffles and sobs. It's like those words released a flood of emotions everyone was struggling to keep contained. I continued to stare in awe at the little life laying in my arms as I spoke again.

"I had a few minutes to speak with Brookes before I blacked out in the car. I can't tell you all everything from that conversation but I will give you a quick summary of my take on it". I paused long enough to pull the courage from deep within to continue.

"Before anyone got to us, Brookes knew his time was short and he was okay with it. He never said anything about pain or not wanting to die. It was as if he accepted it and was ready. He made me promise to move forward and live my life with the help of all of you. He wants his daughter to know him, and who he was. He also told me to contact his old commander and Athena as he thought of them as a family.” I stopped long enough to take a few deep breaths before continuing. “Brooks wants to be cremated and placed in our family vault. When the time comes I'm to finish my nursing degree and take the money he left behind to purchase our little dream cottage by the falls,” I stated like I was reading it from a script.

"I've never been the type to ask for help but I have no choice but to ask now. I ask that you all stand behind us and help us move forward. I'm telling you now not to hesitate to call me out on my emotional shit, for Brookes made it clear he didn't want me to fade away without him. I'm going to do my best and with the help from all of you, I know it won't happen. I will take today, however, to wallow in my self-pity and grief. I ask that every one of you let that happen because right now I need you all to support him. As much as I appreciate what the doctors have done by keeping him alive on that machine, we all know that the marine in Brookes would be kicking our asses for that. So please know I will be okay without you today while you take the time to say your goodbyes. I trust every one of you with mine and my daughter's life and I want you all to make sure that when you are in the room with him she is too. Give her the time with her daddy and when the time comes to let him go I want her in the room with everyone of you. I cannot be present because I have already said goodbye and let him go prior to coming to the hospital," I said taking a breath before finishing. I know it sounded rushed but it was all I could do to get it out.

"Please know that I love you all and truly appreciate you being here as my family changes drastically today. With that being said please leave and take Octavia to her daddy".



With those words from Carrin, I stepped into action. I moved to the bed to lift a now cranky Octavia in my arms. I turned with a look daring anyone to say anything. That same look let them know that it was their cue to leave. When the last person walked out the door I turned to Carrin with one final question for my best friend before I would leave to let her fall apart in private.

"I know you want to have the day to yourself and I will support you in that. I will care for Octavia as if she was my own don't you worry about that, but what I need to know is what to tell your mother when she finally gets here. I know Queenie will be completely upset coming back from her trip to this. You know she was against leaving before the baby was born anyway. I would hope that she would be able to keep the "I told you so" to herself, but I’m not sure if she has it in her. If I leave it up to your brother you know those two will just be in another screaming match and I think the tension around this hospital is already high enough. So I need to know whether or not you want to see your mother when she gets here"?

"I hate to do this to you, Madison," Carrin strained to get out, "but keep her out of here today. I love her deeply but my nerves cannot handle Queenie right now".

"I understand love. I will take care of it and I get that you need solitude today. I'm leaving this room, but I will not be leaving this hospital. If you need me at any time today all you need is to text me or have me paged. You’re not alone in this girl. I've got your back woman just like always. I love ya Care Bear".

I knew her nod meant she understood so I turned to leave closing the door behind me to make my way to the nursery to get our little diva a few fresh diapers and bottles. It was going to be a long day and night saying goodbye.








"Commander Quin's office," I said into the telephone for what seemed like the hundredth time already today and it was only three o'clock.

"Hello, is the commander available to speak," an unfamiliar voice said on the other end of the phone.

"The commander is actually meeting with someone right now; is there something I could help you with"?

"I'm not sure. I'm calling on behalf of Brookes Manning's family. Apparently he and the commander kept in touch regularly, that's why I have this number to contact him".

I went on high alert as he said, "on behalf of Brookes Manning's family" not just Brookes. Oh my god that only could mean one thing. Was this Whit? It has been a year or so since I saw or spoke to him, although I kept up regularly with Brookes. I know his new wife was pregnant with a baby due any day now.

"Is this Whit," I asked the man on the other end of the phone.

"You know Whit? Shit, so I take it you must know Brookes if you’re asking about his brother".

"I'm not exactly sure how to answer that formally but yes I know Brookes and Whit. I spent some time with both of them while Brookes was in the marine corps, sir. Would you care to enlighten me why the need for this call or would you rather leave a message for the commander? I'm not sure how long he will be behind closed doors with his latest meeting," I said hoping the mystery guy on the end of the phone would just say why he was calling.

There was a long pause of silence on the line before he spoke again.

"Dammit! I'm kind of at a loss ma' am on how to handle this but I need to fulfill a dead man’s wish".

His words cut me like a knife. Other than Hart who I've been glued to since our stints in and out of foster care, Brookes was the closest thing to family I had. He and I went through basic together. If it wasn't for his faith in me I would never have made it through the Crucible. He was always there to back me and push me. Growing up an orphan and awarded to the state of South Carolina I never had anyone other than Hart be there for me until I met Brookes. I returned the same favor to Brookes when he got the call that both his parents were killed in a botched B&E of their home. I stood behind him then and I will be there for him now.

“Ok before I start to lose my shit can you tell me who you are? What dying man's wish? Why isn't Whit calling here?”

His tone took another level as he proceeded to speak. "My name is Jacoby. My brothers call me Wall. Brookes is married to my sister Carrin. Whit isn't in his right mind to make this call right now. Physically Whit is fine but not so much emotionally. There was an accident this morning and Brookes is only partially alive because of a machine keeping him that way in order for those who love him to say their goodbyes".

To say I felt like I was sucker punched in the gut would be an understatement. As much as I cared for Brookes I had never met Carrin. I've spoken to her numerous times and felt as if she was a friend. Not many women would be secure enough to allow their husband to have any type of a relationship with a woman, especially since she had never laid eyes on me. It was that moment it clicked. I needed to end this call and make my way to Great Falls. Having no real family meant no one to visit. Sure Hart and I would take a day here or there over the years to catch up but no real time off. I have plenty of time saved up and it looks like it would time to put it to use.

"How long do we have before they pull his lifeline," I asked?

"Carrin was adamant that he would not want to be kept alive that way and would like to let him go sooner rather than later. If you know Brookes, the way you seem to, I'm sure you would agree her assumption is correct," Wall told me sternly.

"Yes, I would have to agree with her. Is there a number to which I can call you back? I'm going to break some rules and interrupt the commander's meeting. I know he would want the chance to say goodbye to a man of whom he thought very highly. Can you tell me exactly what happen so that I can pass it along," I said on the verge of tears?

He then gave me a quick run-down on the mornings events before he spit out the cell number he was calling from. He reassured me that he would touch base with me if he didn't hear back within the hour. I held the message paper in my hand with the number on it and moved to the commander’s office door. I banged on the door harder than I ever had before hoping that it would give a clue that this was an urgent matter and excuse my disruption of his meeting with his son.

"Come in! This better be important Sargent Young," he boomed as I made my way to the door.

"Yes, sir. I do apologize for the interruption but I know you would want the news as soon as possible," I said straining to keep the tears at bay. I mean come on I was a fucking marine. Crying was not an option, especially before the commander.

The commander's eyes went to his son signaling him to step out of the office when I spoke, "Excuse me, sir, if I seem out of line but I'm sure Aiden will want to know this as well".

Both men turned to look at me in utter confusion. "Okay well let's have it Young. I don't have all day," the commander sprouted.

"I just received a phone call from someone in Great Falls. He was calling on behalf of a family member". This got their attention. I could tell by the look in their eyes that they both knew what family it had to deal with. The commander began to smile and it was then I realized he thought I was delivering news about the birth of Brookes' baby, the baby he and his wife promised to be the fill in grand-parents for in place of Brookes’ deceased parents. I hurriedly spit out the rest.

"There was an accident this morning sir. Brookes and his wife were involved in a head-on collision. Carrin and the baby are doing fine. They took the baby by C-section when she arrived at the hospital". I stopped for a moment to catch my breath, for these were probably going to be some of the hardest words to get out. "Brookes injuries were severe from what I gathered. Right now the doctors are keeping him alive by the aid of machines. The doctor thought he was doing the right thing, being that Carrin was unconscious, giving her the chance to tell him good-bye. Jacoby, Carrin's brother, told me that Brookes' time is limited and anyone who would like to see him would need to get there fast. Being roughly a three-hour drive without traffic I wanted to let you know as soon as possible and to inform you that I'll be headed out as soon as I finish explaining the situation. I also ask that you understand my need to take some leave given these events".

The commander picked up his phone and called who I assume was his wife. Within minutes, he had quickly explained what was going on and told her to get them packed in a hurry as he would be home in thirty minutes flat. From there they would be headed to Great Falls to see a man they both thought of as a son. He looked at his son to say, "I know you and Brookes were very close. I expect you to handle any affairs pressing at this very moment and get your ass to Great Falls. I know how you drive so I'll expect you there before me son".

As Aiden made his way out the door the commander then spoke to me. "Athena I know that you and Brookes were close and you think of him as a family. I will approve whatever leave you need. If there's anything I can do for Brookes' family prior to arriving let me know. I'll see you in Great Falls this evening. Now get your ass out of here and get moving".

"Yes sir," I said as I was already walking out the door going straight to my desk grabbing my belongings and flying out of the building. Once in my truck, I used my Bluetooth to make the phone call to Jacoby, or as he referred to himself, Wall, as I pulled off the base onto the highway.

"Jacoby, the commander and myself will be there by eight o'clock this evening if all goes well. We're already on the move".

"Okay, I'll let the rest of them know. If anything happens and if you guys can't make it down be sure to call. I'll have this number for the rest of the day".

Not sure what "have this number for the rest of the day" meant but I wasn't about to strike up that conversation. I just told him okay and goodbye then hung up abruptly. I needed to call in reinforcements if I was going to make it through this. With tears flowing freely now, I made the call to my brother. Hopefully, Hart wouldn't have an issue with dropping everything and, at the least, taking the drive with me to Great Falls.


They say everything happens for a reason. I guess there's truth to that, given the way my day was going. It started with the asshole of a shop foreman we had a work. He started riding my ass as soon as I walked into the shop this morning. He's had it out for me over the last few months and I haven’t been able to put my finger on why that is. He’s never agreed with my tattoo’s, which stay “covered at work”, or the fact that I ride a motorcycle. Fuck his uptight ass.  

Today was like any other day. I tried to ignore the little prick the best I could. It always amazed me how someone got to be promoted to foreman when they had no mechanical sense at all. He made himself look good by taking credit for everything the rest of us did. As long as the shop was cranking out the work and the numbers stayed out of the red we never saw the owner or the general manager of the dealership.

Being a parts manager at a very large Ford dealership can be downright frustrating and stressful at times. It was days like today I wished I had just jumped at Hyde's offer.  After meeting Hyde at the ASE testing forum two years ago we stayed in touch. The woman was ballsy and knew her shit. I remember sitting in shock when the pretty blonde walked into the meeting room surrounded by a bunch of disbelieving men. We were all called to ASE headquarters to help develop the new test for the heavy duty parts certification. Needless to say that well put together woman left her mark. By the last day not only had she proven herself but she had every one of those men eating out of the palm of her hand. And for the first time since Athena came into my life I had a purely platonic relationship with a woman. We kept in touch over the last two years however I needed to give her a call. It had been almost a month since I had heard from her when she called to see if I would be interested in a position opening up at her family’s parts store. Hyde thought I’d be a good fit. The store has had issues keeping help. Apparently her family and the club she calls family, working so closely have made other employees tuck their tails and run. I was the opposite though. I’d kill to be around more people like myself, not these uptight boring assholes I’m stuck dealing with every day. Maybe it was time to start thinking about her offer. Athena would finally be out of the military soon and we plan on moving somewhere to put down roots. Roots neither of us had growing up and Hyde’s offer might be something that could work for my sister and me.

She knew that I would never be too far away from the woman I considered my sister but I agreed to think it over and let her know. I had been so caught up in work I had completely forgotten. I made a mental note to talk it over with Athena after work and touch base with Hyde later this evening. I had to get the fuck out of this place or I would not be held accountable for what would happen to that sad excuse of a shop foreman we had.

Just as I was making my mental note, my cell phone began to ring. Looking down seeing the picture of the other blonde in my life light up the screen. I quickly grabbed my phone and made my way out back to take her call.  Part of me was worrying why she would be calling me at three forty-five in the afternoon. The marine in her stuck by the books and personal phone calls while on uncle Sam's dime were frowned upon.

"I was just thinking of you sis. To what do I owe the pleasure of this call," I asked before putting a cigarette to my lips and lighting up?

Other than the sound of her taking a few deep breathes, there was complete silence. I could tell she had me on Bluetooth, which meant she was driving. This was already starting to get me unnerved. Even if she was butt dialing me I could tell by her breathing something was not right with her.

"Athena, if you're there answer me, girl," I yelled into my phone hoping to get her attention.

"I'm here Hart. I'm sorry I was trying to get myself together before having to ask you a favor."

"It's alright sis. You can ask me anything. You know that. So why don't ya just lay it out for me? Your starting to make me worried dammit".

I sat silently listening to Athena explain the events of the day to me. My heart broke for her just as much as it did for Brookes and his family. At first, when I was introduced to Brookes I was a dick. I thought he had alternative motives for helping my sister through one of the toughest times in her life. If I'm honest with myself, it was a little bit of jealousy. Not boy girl jealousy, I just didn't like being on the fence when it came to getting her through boot camp. I eventually manned up and went as far as apologizing to Brookes for being such a douche. After that, we remained friends in passing. I knew that Athena stayed in touch with Brookes and his family. I'm also aware that she hadn't been to visit him since he retired from the military and settled down in some little town a few hours from here. It was her longing to have what he had that kept her at bay. Athena had longed for years to have a husband and a couple of kids. Even though she would never breathe the words, I knew it for a fact.

"So is there any way you would be able to get the time off to go with me? I can't do this alone Hart," my sister pleaded with me.

BOOK: Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1)
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