Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1)
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"How long do I have before you get here? I'm gonna have to let my superiors know that I'll be taking some of that vacation time I have socked away," I said sarcastically hoping to lighten the mood.

"Thank you so so much Hart. I don't know what I have done in this life to deserve you. I'm jumping off of 95 now, so I should be there in less than ten," she said into her Bluetooth.

"I'll be ready; I'll grab the ramps in the shop so I can just load my bike up in the back of the truck. That's my only condition, my bike comes with me whether we load it in your truck or I follow behind".

"Gotcha, I’ll pull up in front of your bike so we can get the fucker loaded quickly. Then we can both swing by the house to pack a bag. I've got to be in Great Falls no later than eight o'clock tonight.”

"Did you just say, Great Falls"?

"Well yeah, does it mean something to you? If it holds memories of the past, then I can try to get through this on my own," she quickly said, no doubt worried of the possibility it would hold memories of my messed up childhood.

"No darling no past there but maybe an opportunity. I'll explain on the way there. I'll see you in a bit little warrior."

"See you soon Zeus. Good-bye," she said as she disconnected. Putting away the cigarette butt I turned to open the door squaring my shoulders and moved like I was headed into war. War is probably what will happen when I head to the tower to let them know I would be gone for a few weeks and if they didn't like it they could kiss my white ass.

After speaking to the manager, he begrudgingly agreed to my request. I made my way outside with the ramp just as I caught sight of Athena's Chevy backing up in front of my bike. Time to get this show on the road and support my sister.









To say the day was wearing on my damn nerves was the understatement of the year. I needed a bottle of Jack and one of the club bunnies riding on my dick. Then maybe I might be able to breathe without having to be so close to Madison. I shook my head at the thought. Normal people would think that I was an asshole to even think that way. Thank the gods I'm not surrounded by normal people. I know for a fact as I look at the sea of faces around the room, that I wasn't the only one feeling that way. I knew that before this night was through most of the brothers would be dealing with it in a similar fashion.

I stood nodding to Tank and Throttle letting them know I was headed outside for a smoke. It was to no surprise when both of them followed me out the door. We stood in silence while each of us lit up. Tank, was the first one to speak.

"It's getting close to eight. Do you think his military buddies are coming"?

"The girl, Athena, said they would be here no later than eight. Don't know them personally but I'm sure they’re similar to us in a way. I'm sure it's like an underlying oath for them as they give someone their word," I said as my eyes watched a newer K2500 Chevy with what looked to be a late model Harley FXR loaded in the back pull through the parking lot.

I watched as a tall muscular blonde woman climbed out of the driver’s side with a well-built man on her footsteps. As they approached I nodded my head in acknowledgment as I spoke. "You Athena?"

"The one and only. This is Hart Redding or as I call him Zeus. You must be Wall I presume," the foxy little blonde asked?

"That be me. This here is Throttle and Tank. Is the commander on his way too? I assumed you would be traveling together".

"I spoke with his wife when we stopped for fuel about an hour ago. They’re only about ten minutes behind us. His son should be here by now, though," she said just as the loud sound of pipes, that only a set of ground pounders could produce, caught our attention. We all turned towards the sound to see the blacked out Dyna glide cruise into an open spot. When the man got off and hung his helmet over the apes, I noticed a nice limp in his step as he made his way towards us.

Before I could even ask Athena explained just who the stranger was.

"Wall this is Aiden Quin or as we like to call him Hawk. He is Commander Quin's son although he doesn't like that to be known by many," she said with a slight grin. The look she was giving him led me to believe there was history between the two of them. Being the asshole I am, I normally would have made a joke about it but today wasn’t the day. Instead I figured a change in subject was needed.

I stuck my hand out to shake Hawk's hand as I asked, "Hawk huh? How'd ya end up with a name like that and don't tell me it's family ancestry". I knew by looking at this man and hearing his last name that there was definitely some native American blood there.

"Nah man they call me Hawk because of what used to be my profession before the Army decided that I was a little too broken to fly and gave me an honorable discharge". Well damn, what the fuck am I supposed to say to that. I guess I should of just made a crack about him and the blonde. Too late now. This is why I just go with being the asshole that everyone knows me to be. Even when I try not to I still end up being a fucking asshole.

I noticed the limp as he walked over but didn't read too much into it. I see no reason why this man shouldn't be able to fly. As if the mother fucker could read my mind he lifted the pant leg on his right leg showing a titanium rod where human flesh should be.

"I'm not showing you this for any type of pity or sympathy. I'm showing you this to prove a point. I was shot down while flying a group of marines to a drop off point in enemy territory four years ago. It was with the help of Sargent Manning and Sargent Young that I was able to rehab my body and mind. Brookes had a huge influence on me striving to overcome this fucking thing. He was determined to prove to me that I didn't have a disability regardless of what the army told me. As you can see I'm walking, talking and even riding my preferred way of transportation, next to flying that is. I'm living proof that you can come back from your lowest place in life and move forward," he said. I got the feeling he’s said that very same speech many times before.

I sat in silence as Throttle spoke up. "I take it you were at the controls of the beast, the black hawk helicopter right"?

Hawk had a grin spread wide across his face. "You know your birds man. Yeah, that's how I got my name. They gave it to me in flight school and it sorta stuck. Enough about me, though. I think we should go and say our peace to the man to whom I owe my life".

Without words, the six of us began making our way in the hospital. The screeching of tires made me stop in my tracks. I laid eyes on a black suburban trying to frantically find a place to park. I nodded to the rest of the crew to proceed to the hospital. I had a feeling this was someone I needed to greet.

I lit up another cigarette while I patiently waited for the occupants of the suburban to emerge. When the doors opened, I saw an older native American man dressed in a tee shirt and jeans step out of the vehicle with such a commanding presence I had to stand still and wait for the man to address me. He and the woman, I presumed to be his wife, approached me as I stood completely silent.

The man looked down at my cut then back at my eyes before he spoke. "From the little bit Brookes has spoken of your club to me I assume you were appointed as the welcoming committee for my wife and me". He stuck out his hand, "Commander Martin Quin and this is my wife Rosales Quin".

"Nice to meet your sir, mam. I wish it was under different circumstances. If you’d follow me, I’ll take you to Brookes' room".


When the three strangers made their way into the room the rest of us took that as a cue to leave for a few minutes, giving them some time by themselves. As always I was the last one to leave but I had Octavia in my hands and I knew Carrin specifically requested she stay in the room at all times with Brookes for the day. The problem was I knew neither of these people. I assume the girl was Athena, the one Wall spoke to earlier. She was the one I decided to address.

"I hate to do this but Carrin wanted Octavia in this room at all times with Brookes today. I would like to step out and give you all a few minutes alone with him but to be honest, I don't know you. I made a promise to Carrin that I would watch over her as she was able to grieve in solitude today. I hope the three of you can see my dilemma".

The woman spoke first, "You must be Madison". The shock on my face must have said enough because she continued. "You might not know me but I do know some about you. Brookes has actually complained to me sometimes about how close you and Carrin are". 

I stared at this woman edging her to explain the meaning of complaining as she put it. "I hope that Brookes jokingly complained about Carrin and me," I said defensively.

"In actuality, I think it was more in admiration. I think he knew no matter what life brought, Carrin would always have you in her corner, just as he was for me and Aiden". She pointed to the darker skinned man next to her.

"Please know that I plan on honoring Brookes by looking out for Octavia and Carrin the same as you. You’re going to have to trust me on that. I will not let any harm come to her if you would like to step out for a few".

Even though I didn't know this woman from Adam I knew what she said was true. The look in her eyes told me that she was hurting just as much as anybody else here and that she would help protect Brookes' legacy just the same.

I walked over moving to give the baby to Athena. "She's just been fed and has a fresh diaper. If she continues like she has been all day she shouldn't give you any problems for at least another hour. Be warned though our little diva has a set of lungs on her and she doesn't like her ass wet," I said trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"Thanks for the heads up. I'll send Aiden or Hart out to you when we're finished. Feel free to send the commander on in when he gets here".

"Okay. I'm going to go find the doctor to let him know that everyone will be here soon so he can get ready to proceed”.

Once I was out of the room I found myself contemplating on checking on Carrin. I wanted to make sure without a doubt she didn't want to be in the room with all of us as we watched Brookes slip into the unknown.

Moving further down the hall I ran into a couple being led straight towards me by Wall. No words were exchanged just a simple nod as they passed me and headed into the room where Brookes lay.


Once Madison returned from seeing Carrin I knew it was time to fulfill Care Bear's wish. I stood and walked to the nurses’ station. "Would you be so kind to let Mr. Clendaniel know that we're ready for him".

"I'll page him in just a moment. He slipped down to the cafeteria for a cup of coffee just a few minutes ago." the older nurse said quietly.

"Thank you, darling," I said causing the little old nurse to blush a bit.  

Clearing my throat, I got the attention of our group of friends and family huddled in the waiting room. "Before we head into the room with Brookes I would like to express thanks and appreciation on behalf of Carrin. We have each had our time for goodbyes to one hell of a man, but now it is time to make sure he's not alone as he takes his final breath. In a few minutes we’re going to follow the doctor back in there and do what needs to be done," I said stronger than how I was feeling.

Not long after my little speech Dr. Clendaniel arrived with two nurses to lead us back to Brookes’ room. At nine twenty-six pm retired Sargent Brookes Manning took his last breath surrounded by his closest friends and family. Watching the man, we all have come to think of as a brother, take his last breath was one of the hardest things I've ever seen and that's saying something. The club, myself included, have taken many lives and never lost sleep. Watching this, however, will stay with me forever. Observing the looks on most of my brothers’ faces I could tell I wasn't the only one feeling that way. I looked up at the ceiling needing to bury those feelings allowing myself a moment before pulling the imaginary mask on my face and moving out of the room. I stopped to say something to a few of my brothers before I could make my way out of the hospital and head to the clubhouse.

"I've already contacted the funeral home. Lewis assured me that he would pick him up tonight so Brookes' won’t be spending the night in the morgue. Brookes may not have been a patched brother; however, he married Rowdy's daughter and Wall's sister, that makes him family. I’ll wait until tomorrow to speak with Carrin to find out exactly what she wants as far as a memorial service. I know she wants him cremated and sealed in the family vault, but I’m not sure bout anything other than that. I’m sure the women can get everything together for her before we spring her from this joint. Right now though she needs to rest up. As for the rest of you get ready to head out. I'll meet you guys out front". Wall, Throttle, Blaze and Tank all gave me a chin lift and headed for the door. I need to find my sister and get the hell out of this hospital.

   “Do you know of a good hotel close by," Athena asked from behind me?

Without turning I spoke in a voice just above a whisper, "we have a couple cabins on the compound if you would like to stay there. They aren't much but they have a bed, running water, electric and they’re free".

"I thank you for the offer but I don't want to put anyone out," she said quickly.

"You wouldn't be putting anyone out. The cabins are normally used for members from surrounding charters but they’re for the family just the same." Putting my hand in the hair indicating I wasn't done speaking. Before she had a chance to say anything I began again. "Before you say anything else let me say this. Brookes was married into our club just like being married into any other family. From what I’ve seen and heard from Happy the five of you were Brookes’ family which in return makes you our family.”

The chick seemed taken back by my statement but I went on with my spiel anyway. We could get into details once we got back to the compound but not without a few ground rules.

“There’s some things I need you to understand, woman. Brookes might have been family but he was not privy to any club business. He knew his boundaries and I suggest you all learn them quickly.  I'm normally not open to inviting civilians into our world, but as the president of this club and giving the current situation I’m bending my rules. I better not catch any of you anywhere else on the compound other than the area the cabins rest on. Believe me, it will not go well for you to be caught anywhere you’re not supposed to be within our gated community. As long as you stick to the rules you are more than welcome to occupy a cabin for as long you need. If catch you in my clubhouse without being invited by a patched member of the club, not only will you be thrown out on your ass, you'll also face my wrath. Do I make myself clear sweetheart?"

I didn’t mean to be such a dick to a woman who was obviously grieving but I had to protect my club. I can’t let my emotions blind me into rash decisions or show signs of weakness. This chick had to know I meant business. From the body language, the hot little blonde was throwing out, I waited for a shitty comeback that surprisingly didn’t happen.

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Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1)
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