
Read Miracles Online

Authors: Terri Blackstock

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BOOK: Miracles
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The Restoration Series

Last Light

Night Light

True Light

Dawn's Light

Cape Refuge Series

Cape Refuge

Southern Storm

River's Edge

Southern Storm

Newpointe 911 Series

Private Justice

Shadow of Doubt

Word of Honor

Trial By Fire

Line of Duty

SunCoast Chronicles Series

Evidence of Mercy

Justifiable Means

Ulterior Motives

Presumption of Guilt

The SunCoast Chronicles

Seasons Series with Beverly LaHaye

Seasons Under Heaven

Showers in Season

Times and Seasons

Season of Blessing

Second Chances Series

Never Again Goodbye

When Dreams Cross

Blind Trust

Broken Wings

Stand-Alone Novels

Emerald Windows


Covenant Child

The Listener
The Heart Reader)

The Gifted

The Heart Reader of Franklin High

The Gifted Sophomores

Sweet Delights: For Love of Money


Includes Two Complete Novels



The Listener
© 2000 Alive Communications
The Gifted
© 2002 Terri Blackstock

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas Nelson is a registered trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Published in association with Alive Communications, Inc., 7680 Goddard Street, Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80920.

Thomas Nelson, Inc., titles may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fund-raising, or sales promotional use. For information, please e-mail [email protected].

Scripture quotations in
The Listener
are from The Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV). © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations in
The Gifted
are from the New American Standard Bible ® (NASB). © 1960, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, organizations, or locales is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or publisher.

ISBN: 978-1-59554-511-4

Printed in the United States of America
08 09 10 11 RRD 5 4 3 2 1


At this, the man's ears were opened, his tongue
was loosened and he began to speak plainly.

MARK 7:35













































Y FRIEND TERRI BLACKSTOCK HAS WRITTEN A simple yet profound story with a vital message.

First, though, I want to say how I rejoice that
The Listener's
royalties all go to a great cause, Samaritan's Purse, an agency that gives people food, clothes, help, and the good news about Jesus Christ. You can read Terri's heart by her choice to lay up her treasures in heaven, not on earth. She is living out the book's vision by recognizing people's deepest needs and reaching out to help them in the name of Jesus. May the rest of us do the same.

We are all made for a person and a place. Jesus is the person. Heaven is the place. As Christians our lives and our words should draw others to what they desperately need. As we see in
The Listener,
we must become more alert to the people around us, realizing the Jesus we have is the Jesus they need.

While reading this book, I thought about how God hears the heart cries of all people everywhere, every moment. Jesus went to the cross to deliver us from our suffering. His eternally scarred hands and feet proclaim how expensive and valuable His gift is. We must first come to grips with this, and only then will others see it through us.

Terri captures the fact that it isn't just other people who are missing out on what we have to offer them. It's we who are missing out on the joy of being used by God. We need to share Jesus as much as people need to hear about Him.

If your Christian life is boring, this book offers a cure. Disciples live on the edge, asking, “How can I serve you today, Lord? Who can I touch for you?” And at the end of the day they can pray, “Thanks for using me, Jesus.” They don't think about the day's sacrifices. They think about the sheer joy of being used by God to touch the lives of others—to meet their needs, love them and share the truth about Jesus through their actions and their words. When Jesus said, “It's more blessed to give than to receive,” he wasn't kidding!

As we see in
The Listener
, every day people with great needs pass beneath our radar. We need to change our radar setting and learn to see those people and their needs. Neighbors, coworkers, parents we sit by at our kids' games, the mail carrier, bus driver, grocery checker, pizza guy, UPS delivery person . . . they all need Jesus. They need to hear us say, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” (I have a friend who regularly says to telemarketers, “I will listen to what you have to say, if when you're done you'll listen to something very important I'd like to tell you.” They almost always agree, and he shares the gospel. Even annoying interruptions can be divine appointments!)

I pray that through reading Terri's book, many will be inspired to listen to the cries—even the silent ones—of people all around us who need to know Jesus. And may we learn to treasure the privilege that's ours to tell people about the one we love, because he first loved us.



HE DREAM CAME ON A SUNDAY NIGHT, AFTER AN afternoon of golf and an evening of watching politicians debate on cable. Like some divine hand, it seemed to grab Sam Bennett by the collar and pull him under. As if he were trapped in front of a huge movie screen, he saw a woman in a tiny room with a tin roof and a dirt floor, searching desperately for something. She grabbed things down from cupboards, off of shelves, turned things over, removed the cushions from her couch, searched behind doors and under rugs. It was a frustrating dream, one that seemed to have no end, until finally, Sam saw a coin, carelessly dropped in the corner of the room. The woman in the dream saw it at the same time, and she fell on it and snatched it up and began to weep with joy.

One lousy coin?
he thought.
Why would she be so excited over one lousy coin?
Restlessly, Sam turned over in his sleep and buried his face in his pillow. The words of his pastor's sermon earlier that day played over and over in his mind. Words about reaching a hurting world. About hearing people's spiritual needs. He hadn't even listened that hard when the preacher had uttered them, but now they came back to him like recorded phrases that reeled around and around and around in his head, refusing to leave him until they sank in.

And then he heard the voice, the voice that woke him as it reverberated through his mind with holy power. “Ephphatha! Ephphatha!” He sat upright in bed.

The word vibrated through him, though he didn't know its meaning. It was Hebrew, he thought. Or, perhaps, Greek. And whose was the voice?

He was wide awake now, drenched in a cold sweat, and he was trembling. Kate, his wife, lay next to him, undisturbed. Quietly, he got out of bed and stumbled through the house. He went to the kitchen sink and splashed water on his face, then headed for the comfort and refuge of his recliner. It was four o'clock in the morning, too early to be up, yet he couldn't go back to sleep. It wasn't the dream that disturbed him so much, but the voice. It had had such power, such authority.

What did it mean? Now that he thought of it, he was sure the voice hadn't been a part of the dream. He had only seen the woman, the coin in his sleep. No, the voice had the authority of God. Could the Lord have spoken to him tonight? But why would he speak in another language? Why would God utter something that so disturbed his spirit, something resonating with importance, but something he wasn't able to understand? Was it some kind of sign, or was he just losing it?

He took a deep breath and tried to shake the cobwebs out of his brain. The thought of going back to bed and facing more of the same was out of the question, so he finally put on a pot of coffee. After it had brewed, he poured a cup, then sat there sipping on it, trying to decide if the dream was something he should give more thought, or if he should dismiss it altogether.

Did it have something to do with the sermon he had yawned through yesterday? John, the pastor, had been waxing eloquent about the lost sheep. Something about leaving ninety-nine to go after one.

Sam had been more interested in the second hand on his watch. He'd figured if John didn't wind down soon, there would be a ridiculous line at every restaurant in town.

Was that why he'd had the dream? Did that word,
, contain some kind of rebuke about listening in church? Now that he thought about it, John had been on a roll yesterday. By the end of the sermon, his face was reddening and he was leaning over the pulpit, shaking his hands to make his point. Sam hadn't seen John that worked up since he'd given his life to ministry during their sophomore year of college. Back then, John had often gotten red-faced and loud when he tried to change the hearts of Sam and his friends. Sam had hoped it wouldn't mean that John would give a long, drawn-out benediction, then have them sing all four verses of the final hymn, while the Presbyterians got to the restaurants first.

“Have you ever considered what God hears in the hearts of people?” the pastor had asked. “What spiritual needs cry out to him? What if we could hear with God's ears?” Then he had looked around the sanctuary at the faces one by one. His eyes had met Sam's, and Sam tried to look more awake. He felt guilty when he saw disappointment cross over John's face.

“Most of you don't even hear with the ears you have,” the pastor said in a duller voice. “Your ears are clogged up, and you can't hear the most obvious things. So there are people with needs out there just crying to be met, yet so few of God's laborers are going out to rescue them. If you want to hear, if you want to truly see, come to the altar now. Get on your knees and ask God to use you.”

If God was mad at him now, Sam thought, it was because of his attitude yesterday. Sam had checked his watch again. He remembered thinking that if anyone went to that altar during the first verse and ripped out a quick prayer of commitment, they might still get out of there by twelve. If no one came, they might wind down after the second verse. But after the second verse, the pastor had nodded to the choir director to keep the song going. He said that he knew there was someone out there who felt the Holy Spirit calling, and he didn't want to close the service until they did their business with God.

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