Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1) (22 page)

BOOK: Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1)
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Without answering Throttle, Viking continued down memory lane. "We were contract killers for over two years. Between the five of us, we have over forty-five kills in that folder. Between the expense of traveling around the country to full fill contracts, keeping a roof over our heads, funding our drinking habits and building our relationships in the MC world we manage to save up over a 100k. It wasn't until there was another party interested in the land that we knew we would have to do something and fast," Viking paused letting it sink in before continuing.

"I grew up on the streets of Las Vegas. The mob controlled everything. There wasn't a thing that went on in that damn town without it going through them first. The Vegas strip in the seventies was still in the process of growing. Certain people were breaking away from the old Vegas on Fremont street. It was a fucked up time, to say the least. The five of us were in town on business and decided to drop in on my mother."

"You see fellas; I was born to a single sixteen-year-old runaway in 1954. In those days, it was unheard of. When my mother ran away from an abusive "Christian" family she had no idea how to survive other than to use her looks. My mother had dreams of being a showgirl. She wanted the attention and the spotlight but soon found out it was harder than breaking into Hollywood. Lying about her age she found herself working as a cigarette girl in the casinos. Shortly after coming to Vegas she let herself be wined and dined by a pilot for United Air Lines that was ten years older than her. He would visit her on the regular when he was in town. That's how I came into the picture. Once he found out the news about me he claimed to love my mother and wanted to start a family. He helped set my mother up in a little shack on the outskirts of Fremont street. She kept her job as a cigarette girl for as long as she could and he kept flying. Once mom had me she went back to work having no choice. Dear old dad was visiting less and cut the amount of money he was sending. One of mom's closest friends actually moved in with her to help keep the house up and raise me. By April 1958, mom says my sperm donor had only been to see me twice that year claiming he was flying nonstop all over the country. On April 21, 1958, a fighter jet crashed into a DC-7 commercial plane. It was told that my father was on said flight catching a ride to Denver to pick up his new plane. The officials wouldn't talk to my mother. They weren't married nor was his name on my birth certificate. He claimed he had no living family so my mother didn't even bother to look. The only thing my mom had left of him was me. Over the years, my mother made her way on stage but never took to another man. For eighteen years my mother believed him dead until one day in 1977 she spotted him in the crowd of the show. The same show we managed to sneak into. She finished the show but completely lost it when she got backstage. When we made it to her she explained to us what she saw."

"Fuck Viking that's some fucked up shit brother. Like shit out of a damn soap opera," Blaze threw in.

"Trust me fellas we haven't gotten to the soap opera drama yet," Ghost countered before nodding to Viking to continue.

"Once we got my mother home and calmed down we decided to pay good old daddy a visit. With my boys by my side, we tracked the fucker down. It didn’t take long to find out the douche bag had been showing up at the Flamingo quite regularly. Little did he know I had an “in” with the head floor man at the casino. Jimmy had secretly been in love with my mother for years by then. On more than one occasion he had to be the shoulder for my mom to cry on so he knew the deal with dear old dad. If it was possible, I’d say that big fucker was more pissed off than I was. With his help, we found the room poppa was taking up residence in. We let ourselves in his room and waited for him to return. Imagine his surprise when he came strutting in with a cute little brunette on his arm only to find six very large pissed off men waiting for him. We sent the chick on her way while we had a little conversation with the asshole. Even tied to a chair he was an ignorant fuck. He proceeded to tell me how much of a whore my mother was. That he never really loved her. That she was only a good lay. He also let us know that he lied about being on that plane. He had wanted to cut ties with my mother for a while but couldn't think of a way to do it without my mother coming after him. He couldn't have his wife find out about the bastard son and mistress. So when the plane collided with the fighter jet killing everyone on board he had his buddy call my mother and break the news of his death. All the while he was alive and well living the good life with the wife of twenty years and their three kids outside of Denver."

I could tell when Viking stopped talking to gain his composure that this shit still infuriated him nearly thirty-five years later. As much as I wanted to get the show on the road I knew it was his story to tell. So again I stayed quiet and let the man finish.

"Before I could lay a hand on the asshole Jimmy began beating the fuck out of the dude. We stood back and let him have his way with him. By the time Jimmy had finished the man who had fathered me sat strapped to a chair barely breathing. Jimmy told us to take whatever we wanted from the room, then trash it. We staged my father's death to look like a robbery where my father battled for his life only losing in the end. You see Jimmy being the head guy on the floor knew the fuck was on a winning streak. They had been watching him thinking he may have been counting cards. We found the cash in two leather United Air Line carry-on bags. That night Jimmy forfeited his cut in the cash. He knew he would be able to cover up the death but if the mob found him with that much cash his ass would be on the chopping block and put my mother in danger. That was the last time I saw my sperm donor and Jimmy too. My asshole father died that night at Jimmy's hands. I felt no remorse what so ever. That fucker got what he deserved."

"Not wanting to waste time I said my goodbyes to big Jim and went straight to my mother’s house. When we arrived she was still passed out on the couch. I gave my mother a kiss and left her a note telling her something came up and we had to head back here. We took off in the middle of the night with the two bags of cash, strapped to the rear fenders of the bikes. We rode hard putting distance between us and the bright lights of Vegas. It took two days before a maid found him dead in his hotel room. We were well on our way back home by then. We never went back to Vegas after that. When the news broke of my father's death, my mother was so torn from reliving the death of the man she thought she lost years before that she packed her shit and fled to Atlantic City opting to manage the girls instead of actually performing. After Avery was born we made the trip to see my mother for the last time. While I was there I was informed that Jimmy had dropped dead of a heart attack on the casino floor. He had my mother listed as his next of kin. She flew out for the funeral and settle his shit. While she was cleaning out his room at the hotel she found a key to a security box at the local bank. That film roll and a letter to her explaining what happened that night was the only thing in the security box. My mother never viewed the film roll just packed it away with the note until she could deliver it to me.  She died in a car accident in 1989 on the garden state parkway after hitting the bottle a little too much to calm her nerves. She had just come across the Cape May Lewis ferry from visiting friends in Delaware." 

Viking was obviously lost in thoughts of his mother. Doc stepped up to finish the tale. "The death of Miss Shirley only left the five of us to know exactly what went on that summer night in Vegas. We have only watched the film roll once. The only thing it has on it is security footage from the floor showing the five of us visiting the casino and leaving with two large bags. We never counted the money until we got our asses back home. We found an answer to all of our prayers during the meeting we had when we returned. The bags we lifted contained just under four hundred grand. With the money we lifted along with what we had already saved, we were able to make a deal off the books to purchase this place. The big wig fucker was all too happy to have a side cash deal on the property as were we. He didn't have to report it to Uncle Sam and we didn't have to explain how we managed to come up with that amount. Still to this day the townspeople think we had something over the suit and he signed the land over to us because of it."

"We decided to go completely legit using the remaining funds to buy the bike shop and the bar. We built the cabins, one for each one of us, and the original version of the clubhouse. Leaving us with a small nest egg. Over the years we've had other members join. We've lost some to the expansion of other charters and some to Valhalla but we as the mother charter are where it started."

The brothers had fell silent. We all sat looking from one another letting the past sink in. Tank spoke up first. "So what you're telling me is that all these years later someone wants revenge for the robbery and or hits that are documented in that file?"

"Not saying it is or it isn't. Just putting it out there as it being a possibility. These aren't the only skeletons this club has but they are the ones, we five originals vowed to take to our graves," Boomer answered.

"Tank, I need you and Zeus to be the computer geniuses you alter egos play. Check online and any databases you can find about the Vegas ordeal. Throttle, Blaze and I will see what we can find out on the targets in this file. We won't have much to go on. The old heads only wrote down the initials of both the target and the client along with the dates. Hawk, I need you to take a prospect and hit the street. I need to know if there's any talk out there of beef with the Grizzlies. Viking, Ghost, Doc and Boomer stay available. We're probably going to need help deciphering this shit. Unless anyone has anything else to say I'm calling this meeting. The sun will be coming up soon and we all are gonna need to hit the head for a bit. I wanna see all you fuckers back in this room tonight at nine with whatever you can dig up," I said as I slapped the gavel down ending the meeting.

So much shit was running through my head. I didn't hang around to talk to the rest of the brothers in the room. I was going to stick my head in on my brother lying unconscious in the infirmary then I was carrying my big ass to bed. I needed to sleep on this shit. Maybe with a clearer head, something would make sense to me.

I walked over to the chair beside my best friend’s makeshift hospital bed. Planning only to sit for a minute I drifted off to the beeps coming from the machine monitoring Wall's vitals. At some point in my cat nap, my head had fallen to the edge of the bed. The smack to the back of the head had me jumping up abruptly sending the chair crashing to the floor. Righting my feet, I braced myself to swing at the fucker who dared to take a cheap shot. The low sound of someone laughing caught my attention while I searched for the unknown asshole in the room. I was the only one in the room other than the patient on the bed. Looking down Wall's eyes were still closed but I could see he was sporting a shit eating grin on his face. "You hit me fucker," I asked him jokingly?

"Yep. I couldn't help myself. Besides I tried to wake you but you couldn't hear me for all that fucking snoring you were doing," Wall said straining to talk.

Before I could argue the fact of my snoring Wall spoke again. "Madison, I need to talk to Madison," he declared before falling asleep again. Well shit, I wouldn't be getting anything out of him tonight. It wasn't even seven in the morning yet. I sure as fuck wasn't going to wake my twin. Can't deal with the wrath that is Madison in the early morning hours. She must really be pissed at his ass. She has to know by now and yet she wasn't anywhere to be found around here. She must be curled up in bed knowing his ass would be looking for her when he wakes. She always liked making that mother fucker stew.

Not sure how, but I managed to get my tired ass from the infirmary to my room. I fell into the bed fully clothed and crashed hard only to be awoken by the sound of my cell going off an hour later.








I stayed quiet waiting for the Prez to bring the meeting to an end. When he got up and left the room I couldn't make myself follow. Blaze, Happy and I were the only ones left in the room. Happy was going through the information in the manila folder with Blaze hovering over his shoulder. "Anything making sense to you guys?"

"Not really brother. Just seems like a bunch of gibberish. Ghost was the club secretary back in the day. I'm sure this is his handwriting. Hopefully, he'll be able to shed some light on this shit," Blaze responded while Happy kept his focus on the folder in front of him.

"Hey Hap, you okay? I can see the wheels turning in your head from here dude. You think you've found something already?"

"Maybe, but nothing solid. I see a pattern here but it’s going to take a minute to make sense out of it. I need my fucking laptop to start running the dates against the initials in here to test my theory."

"Your laptop here or over to the house? I'm getting ready to head over and grab my own."

"Don't lie to us fucker. Your laptop is down the hall in your room; we know what you’re going over to the house for," Blaze told me with a smirk on his face.

"Damn straight! I need to check on my woman too. Haven't talked to her since all hell broke loose and it was her fucking brother that was shot tonight."

"Easy asshole. We get it. If she was my woman I'd be checking on her too. Go check on my sister in law and bring my laptop back with you. I'm going to head back to my dorm room for a cat nap. I'll see you fuckers in a couple hours," Happy said while getting up from the table and making his way out the door.

"Hey man, I'll walk over with ya. I need to get out of this place for a bit. I'll just crash on the couch over there for a few. Besides, ever since I quit fucking Yasmin and Jewels my room has turned into a disaster zone. I meant to say something to Diamond earlier but chaos showed up."

"Blaze did it ever occur to you to clean up after yourself fuck face? I mean god did give you two hands and two feet," I said while laughing at the look of pure confusion spread across my brother's face at the mention of cleaning up after himself.

"Why clean it yourself when all you have to do is throw some dick at one of the club whores and they do it for you. It's a good deal for all of us man!"

I just shook my head. "Well come on asshole let's get moving. I'm ready to curl up next to my woman and check on the little diva."

As we walked through the meeting room door into the bar I noticed prospects, Aaron and Dalton, cleaning up. "Why are you guys out here cleaning up by yourselves? Shouldn't there be a third one of you," Blaze asked.

"Zeke went with Carrin back over to the house with Athena," Dalton answered.

"Well, we're headed that way. We'll send him back over to help you fellas out and if I were you guys I wouldn't dick around. Get the shit cleaned up and then you three rotate sleep shifts," Blaze informed them.

"Did Tivie go with Carrin and Athena? Are the other old ladies still here or did the old heads take them home," I asked the prospects?

"Athena went back with Carrin but from what I understand, Tivie was sleeping right along with Queenie, Tabby and Momma Bear. They were still crashed out in the spare room with Boomer sleeping in the chair. Doc didn't want to leave Tabby so he made his way back to the infirmary in case Wall wakes up." Dalton paused as Aaron jumped in and added to his conversation. "Izzy, Romy, and Hyde are all here too. Doc called them all in before heading into the meeting. We put them in his room while Vivie and Marley are sacked out with their old men."

"So everyone except Madison was accounted for? That's not sounding good. She must really be pissed with Wall if she didn't even pull herself out of bed to come over earlier, " I said to Blaze as we turned towards the door.

"Yeah, that crazy bitch will withdraw herself from him when he gets in a way. She made the mistake of punching the fucker here in the bar a few years back and was punished big time for it. Even though she's a club princess the by-laws say that if she ain't wearing his patch she's not to disrespect him, especially not in the middle of a club party. Those two have been at each other’s throats since freshmen year. They need to just fuck or move the fuck on."

I just smirked and nodded my agreement as we mounted our bikes. The sun was already rising in the sky lighting our way home. The two of us made the trip down the path we put in through the woods leading to the house. As we came into the clearing on the other side of the woods, I could see the house was completely dark. That's odd. The porch lights were always left on for everyone going back and forth to the clubhouse all hours of the night.

As we parked our bikes Blaze hit me on the shoulder then pointed in the direction of the garage. Two bay doors were open with both vehicles missing. What the fuck was going on around here.

We unmounted our bikes barely giving the kickstands time to drop before we were sprinting towards the opened building. "Looks like Madison's GTO and Carrin's Tahoe are missing brother," Blaze said scanning the building.

Without saying anything to him I spun on my heels and ran the distance to the house. When I got to the door and turned the knob I found the house unlocked and the alarm disarmed. As I let myself in not one light was on. Not even the light under the microwave over the stove was on. It was pitch black. Warning bells started going off in my head. Something was off. My girl might have been dog tired when she got here but she would have never left the house unlocked. Carrin and Athena were forever bitching at us fellas for not setting the alarm when we returned home in the night. The stupid fucking light at the microwave was always on day or night.

"Why the fuck is it so dark in here man? I know these bitches like to have the house lit up like the fourth of July. Happy is forever bitching bout it," Blaze said from behind me.

"I don't know brother something isn't fucking right," I stated while drawing my piece from my back. I walked through the first floor flipping the lights on as I went. Together Blaze and I made a complete sweep of the first floor.

We made our way quietly up the steps to the second floor. When we came to the landing nothing looked out of place. After sweeping through the three bedrooms and the bathroom my gut started to turn. No sign of anyone or anything. I raced to the steps taking two at a time with Blaze at my back. No lights, no noise, no Athena, no Madison, no Carrin and no fucking prospect.

"Where the fuck are they man? Where's the fucking prospect assigned to them?"

"Let’s check the attic and even down in Happy's domain in the basement," Blaze said while pulling out his phone. I knew he was calling for reinforcements.

"You check the attic; I'll take Happy's room. Get those fuckers over here from the clubhouse. My gut is telling me the girls have been fucking taken."

I left Blaze on the third floor with the phone in his hand. The basement or Happy's little basement apartment, was just like the rest of the house, dark and untouched. I fell to my knees as the anxiety began to set in. My girl was missing without a clue. My heart ached from the not knowing. I found myself praying for them to be alright. Praying that they would come walking through the front door any minute and this would be a big misunderstanding.

Not sure how long I stay on the floor in the basement but the sound of feet pounding on the upstairs floor brought me back. I didn't have time to fall apart, my girl and my sisters needed me. Pulling myself together I made my way up the stairs and buried the anguish I was feeling. My brothers couldn't see me vulnerable. It was time to man the fuck up and get my woman back!

Everyone was gathered in the kitchen staring at Axle while he was reading a piece of paper. "What's that? Where did you find it? It got anything to do with the girls whereabouts," I rattled off to him as I made my way further in the room.

"Madison has taken off to god knows where. I pray that it was before the shit went down with Wall as I know she wouldn't run away knowing he was fucked up. Somebody call her and see if she picks up," he shouted into the sea of brothers.

"Maybe the other two bitches went after her," Throttle suggested.

"I doubt that. Carrin knows Madison better than anyone. She would know to give Madison, at least, a day before trying to reach out to her," Axle threw back at Throttle.

"Yeah and even if she did go after her she has a kid. She wouldn't be taking off into the night after Madison without reaching out to one of us or, at least, leaving a fucking note too," I added.

"Her phone's ringing Prez. I'll leave it on speaker," Blaze said. The room filled with the sound of the phone working its magic. After seven rings the phone kicked over to voice mail. Blaze ended the call and called right back. Hopefully, it was just Madison being stubborn. Hopefully, she was just ignoring the call because she thought she would be made to come home. After three times of calling Blaze looked at our president for direction. "Prez I don't think she's going to answer or maybe she's asleep somewhere."

"Happy, Hawk and Zeus you live here. Is there anything out of the ordinary to you?"

Happy answered before I could say a word. "Everything looks normal to me boss. Almost too fucking normal."

"The girl’s road over to the clubhouse earlier in Athena's truck yet it's parked in the garage. Which means they made it to the garage before they disappeared," Hawk added.

"I think we need to take a closer look in the garage fellas. Maybe it'll give us a clue as to whether or not they left willing or not," Tank chimed in. Tank took the lead as the brothers followed him outside.

I stayed back with Axle as he stared at the note Madison left behind. I couldn't get a read on him. I stood beside him willing him to break the silence. After standing stock still for a few minutes he finally spoke. "I can't believe she took off without even telling me man. This is the second time I have woken up to a goodbye letter from someone I love. That’s if she even made it out of here before whoever snatched the others showed up."

"She'll be back man. I'm sure she left well before anything went down. She just needs time to clear her head. You know it's hard on her being the daughter of the former president and a twin to the current. Her whole fucking life is under a microscope Prez," I strained to say. I was doing my best to keep my head in the game.

"I've always been overprotective of her but ever since I stepped into this role it got worse. I just hope your right." Before I could respond Blaze ran in through the door with the phone at his ear.

"You sure you’re okay?" Then there was a brief silence as he listened to the other person on the line. "I know, I know Madison. No one said you couldn't take care of yourself. I need," he was beginning to say something else but from the sound of things had been cut off once again.

Axle walked up to Blaze taking the phone out of his hand before yelling into the phone. "shut the fuck up and listen to me Madison!" That apparently got her attention as he began to speak again.

"Look I'm pissed you took off but right now I can't deal with that shit. I need to know if you have spoken to Carrin, Athena or the prospect Zeke," he said then waiting for her to answer then questioned her again. "Nothing at all?"

"Well, there has been some major shit go down in just the few hours you've been gone. I need you to tell me where you’re at so I can arrange for someone to escort you home." From the yelling coming through the other end of the phone and the angered look on Axle's face, I don't think Madison took too kindly to what she was told.

"Once we get this shit settled you can take the fuck off forever if you want but right now I've had a fucking brother shot and two women of the club disappear. Now is not the fucking time for you to seek your independence. You need to get your ass back here so I can protect you."

I felt like a stupid fuck trying to listen in on their phone conversation but I couldn't help myself. The need to listen in for any type of hint that could point me in the direction of my old lady was high.  Before the president could speak I overheard the voice change on the other end of the line.


"Avery! What takes Madison with you? How the fuck did she know where you were when none of us have been able to find you?"

"Well, unlike you, she pays attention. She knew what band I was traveling with and looked up their tour schedule. Apparently she saw we were in Jacksonville tonight and headed this way. Hell, I was asleep when she pulled in the arena parking lot. One of the other backup vocals drug me from my bunk because the fucking incessant ringing of my phone woke her up."

"There's so much I want to say to you but I don't have enough time. There's some heavy shit crashing down around the club. I'll get the Brunswick chapter to lend us a few escorts for you guys. They can ride down and escort you guys back."

"Not going to fucking happen Braxton," she said throwing out my real name. "I'm on the job. I can't just up and leave. We still have two weeks left of the tour. With shows scheduled between here and New York City. Traveling with a high profile all female band means lots of security. I’m fine and I'm planning on getting Madison cleared to hang around for the rest of the tour. If all goes well she'll be able to hang with me for a bit, she’ll get to see a little of the glamor and clear her head away from the club shit."

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