Steel: Blue Collar Wolves #3 (Mating Season Collection)

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Authors: Ronin Winters,Mating Season Collection

Tags: #romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: Steel: Blue Collar Wolves #3 (Mating Season Collection)
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Blue Collar Wolves #3

Mating Season #17

Ronin Winters


Romantic Geek Publishing


Romantic Geek Publishing

Copyright © 2015 Ronin Winters

E-book ISBN 978-1-938593-28-4

Kindle Edition

Publication Date: July 2015

Editor: Sara Lunsford

Cover Design: Croco Designs

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This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons – living or dead – is purely coincidental.

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

Books by Ronin Winters

Mating Season – Books Released so Far

What is The Mating Season?

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Note from Ronin Winters

About The Mating Season

About the Author

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Books by Ronin Winters

The Mating Season

The mating moon is rising…

Blue Collar Wolves


Brick House


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The Mating Season

The mating moon is rising…

Books Currently Released (In Order):

Temptation (Grey Wolves Rising #1)

Brindle (Winter Valley Wolves #1)

Hero (Wolves of Angels Rest #1)

Jace (Wolves of the Rising Sun #1)

Iron (Blue Collar Wolves #1)

Wild (Devils Point Wolves #1)

Obsession (Grey Wolves Rising #2)

Bosun (Winter Valley Wolves #2)

Joker (Wolves of Angels Rest #2)

Aiden (Wolves of the Rising Sun #2)

Brick House (Blue Collar Wolves #2)

Wicked (Devils Point Wolves #2)

Salvation (Grey Wolves Rising #3)

Berch (Winter Valley Wolves #3)

Rogue (Wolves of Angels Rest #3)

Luc (Wolves of the Rising Sun #3)

Steel (Blue Collar Wolves #3)

What is The Mating Season Collection?

The Mating Season began when six friends (who also happen to be Paranormal Romance Writers) got together and starting talking about how it was funny that authors could take the same premise but make such different stories around it.

A little more talk (and perhaps a little more wine – no telling) and they began to brainstorm about a werewolf world revolving around The Mating Season, a special time of year which would be the only time a werewolf could take a mate. One author suggested she would take a story this way while another laughed and cut her off and said, nope, she’d tell a story like this.

And then they all stopped and thought,
Hey, why don’t we write these different stories and release them all together in one collection?
So they did.

Six Authors. Six Different Packs. Eighteen Stories. And all of it revolving around One Premise – The Mating Season.

We are proud and excited to have worked on this project together. I hope you enjoy my take and my pack as they navigate The Mating Season, and please check out my friend’s packs and their takes on it as well.


Chapter One

he gun sat
heavy in Regan’s hand, unwieldy, mocking her fright in having it so near. Beside her Annabeth began crying, the gun in her hand shaking with the force of her sobs.

“Enough.” Their father’s voice was a crack of thunder, too loud amidst the terror circling the little girls who stood together. “Werewolves don’t care if you cry. They’ll take you into the night as you scream…”

…like what happened to your mother.

The latter was unsaid, but Regan heard it anyway. She’d heard the story enough it was now part of her, etched into her skin as surely as the blue veins that pushed blood through her body. The beasts who had taken away her mother, had left her and her sister with a father whose every word dripped vengeance as the breath that spoke the words reeked of alcohol.

Regan put her hand over Annabeth’s, the gun steady by force. “Shhh, Bethie, I’ll make it okay. Don’t cry.”

Annabeth’s wide blue eyes looked up to her big sister, and taking a sniveling, snorting breath, quieted herself as well as a seven-year-old could.

Pushing the fine blonde hair away from her sister’s blue eyes, Regan then took the gun. “Go sit. I’ll teach you later, just you and me.” Giving a fearful look in their father’s direction, Annabeth did as told and went over to the bench, where her beat-up teddy bear lay and a book on fairies Bethie was only half-finished with.

“What the hell–”

Regan interrupted her father. Stopping him before he could work himself up into a temper was the best way to keep the peace. “Daddy, I’ll teach her while you’re at work. Right now all she’ll do is waste time.”

Her father’s eyes were always half-clouded these days, always containing a sheen of confusion. He seemed to want to argue, but couldn’t quite form an argument why he shouldn’t go along with what she was suggesting. He shook his head, greasy hair flying in his face. “Fine. But she better know how to handle the gun next session, or you’ll be the one getting the belt.”

Regan lifted her chin, not letting the instant fear the words brought color her voice. Showing fear sometimes made Daddy mad, and he’d get the belt for that alone. “She will, promise.”

As she loaded bullets, as she took in the heft and strength of the gun, with every slap her father gave her when she failed, a vow etched itself into her heart. She would hunt them, just as her father was teaching her to do. Every one of them, every wolf who hurt a human, every wolf that destroyed a family, every wolf who took a Mommy away.

She’d hunt them.

She’d kill them.

And she’d move on to the next.

Chapter Two

t was the
sunlight filtering through the window that began bringing Regan out of sleep, the type of crisp light that only existed mid-spring and mid-fall. Eyelids tightened in reflexive action, but the damage was done. Sleep was ebbing away in small strokes, and she stretched her arms overhead, the clink of chains in her ears and the bite of metal against her wrists.

What the…

Eyelids flew open.

“You’re awake.”

The smoky voice came from the corner of the room, with Regan following it to the source.

He had his hands in his pockets and his one shoulder leaned against the wall, but the brightness of those gold eyes under thick bangs and thick brows and the intensity he exuded belied the casualness of the pose, as did the way weight was distributed in his stance, the way the muscles bunched and relaxed – all telling of a man ready to take on an enemy at any moment.

His black hair was messy, suggesting hands running through it dozens of times. Clothing was rumpled. Nice layer of stubble. Beginnings of dark circles under those eyes.

“From last night. Outside the bar. You’re-”

“The big bad wolf? Yeah.” His voice was husky and appealing, an underlying sharpness to every syllable. His mouth formed twisted up, formed something just shy of a smirk, but overriding it all was the fierceness of gold eyes on her. “Got to say, you pack a hell of a punch, Red. Granny taught you well.”

It was a tangible wrench, but Regan tore herself away from those eyes, going instead to the chains which held her tethered to the bed. The coil was long enough to allow her a full range of motion with her arms, but didn’t allow beyond that. The metal was thick, as were the wood slots he had fitted the cuffs through. Solid and domineering, the chains, the bed, the man himself. She’d pull her bonds later, of course, but she’d do it knowing it was useless. Escaping wasn’t going to be as easy as rusty chains or rotted wood.

“Looking for escape?” The voice wasn’t mocking, but it wasn’t innocent either, and whether he meant to or not, it was hitting all her buttons and making her usually even temper go wild.

, she couldn’t let happen. She needed to keep it together until she could get out of here. He’d screw up, think her a poor, weak, stupid woman, their meeting be damned.

Soon, he’d underestimate her.

And that’s when he’d be dead.

“Rather handy you having these chains around. Got a BDSM kink?” Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to taunt him, but if something was going to happen, she wanted it done now. The sooner he lost his temper and began to hurt her however he meant to, the sooner she’d be on the path to freedom.

Those gold eyes glowed, a good sign she was getting under his skin. Werewolves only had a few traits that revealed what they were when in human form, the most obvious being their eyes. They took on a slight glow with extreme emotion. It was usually quick enough that, if the person seeing it didn’t know werewolves existed, they’d attribute it to a trick of the light or something in their own eyes.

People could explain anything away when they didn’t want to think on the possibilities of what they were seeing.

His eyes wandered her form, starting at the top of her head and in a slow, unhurried perusal followed the slope of her nose, down to the swell of her chest and the taut length of her stomach. He paused, only a moment, as he took in the cradle of her hips and the juncture between her thighs, before following the long length of her legs still encased in the jeans she wore last night. When his eyes met hers again, they were a molten gold, leaving no doubt he wasn’t human. “Part of me would like nothing more than to have you like this forever, but I guarantee, if I kept you here, chained? You’d beg me
never…let you…free

The combination of those hot eyes and that smoky voice twisted something in her belly, deep and low, a pleasurable pressure no man – no
 – had ever set within her before. She swallowed, looked away, refusing to meet those gold eyes anymore.

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