Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1)
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"You listen up woman! You listen up good. You are mine! It's my job to protect you and keep you safe. If I say to keep your ass here in this house, you keep your ass in this house. Lock the fucking doors and make sure each one of you has your piece with you. Someone comes to that door that you don't know or doesn't announce themselves, put a fucking hole in them!" Waiting a moment for her to argue back with me I glared at her in a challenge to do so.

Athena was looking from Carrin to me feeling out the tension of the room. She wasn't sure who’s side to take on the matter but she decided to put a compromise out there that would be good for both of us. "You two need to stop this shit and stop it now. Carrin your little ass will ride over with me when we get the all clear. Zeus, you will call her as soon as the coast is clear so she can see her brother. Now give each other a kiss and get the fuck over it!"

I moved in placing a kiss on my girl’s forehead and turned to leave the room. "I love you, babe. Please be safe and come back to me," my brave girl spit out before the sobs took her over.

"I love you too baby," my voice sounding like I had just swallowed glass. Without turning to look at her I kept moving. If I had turned around I would have seen she was shattered. As much as I wanted to comfort her my club needed me. There would be retaliation served for this shit. The time for playing games was done!








Oh, my god, Carrin was a screamer! My best friend sounded like she was a bitch in heat. In all honesty, it made me feel like a jealous bitch. It wasn't that I wasn't happy for her, it was true, I just wanted to have the same thing. Lying here in bed thoughts of Jacoby danced through my head. I love the asshole but he was never going to give me the time of day and even if he did I would just be a hole for him to throw his dick in. I needed some time away from this place. I needed space from him. God knows if I don't put some distance between us I'll never give myself the chance to move on.  My family wouldn't allow it, though. They would never let me go anywhere without someone affiliated with the club. Hell, I had to beg to move away from the compound. I don't know who was worse, dad, Axle or Wall when I decided to move in my little apartment in town. The only way I would be able to break free would be to leave without them knowing it.

Jumping out of bed set on a mission, I moved to my closet and grabbed my duffle. I'd pack a bag and disappear for a few weeks. I know I wouldn't be able to stay gone for long but I just needed a little break from the Dominant Devil's. I need to just be Madison O'Shea for a little bit, not Madison the club princess.

Listening in on the faint cries of passion my two friends were sharing, I realized they were now in the bedroom. Glad I was skipping out in the middle of the night because from the sound of things I wouldn't be getting any sleep. This would be the perfect time for me to make my escape. I hadn't heard Hawk come home yet and Zeus and Carrin were obviously occupied. The only one I would have to worry about running into was Athena. From the sounds of TV coming from her room, she was engrossed in her favorite show. Plus, her room was the furthest away from the stairs giving me a way out as long as I was quiet about it.

I swung my bag over my shoulder and checked one last time to see if I forgot anything. Turning the light off to my room I made my way down the stairs as quiet as possible while looking around to make sure I wouldn't walk into anyone while I escaped. I stopped in the kitchen long enough to leave a note for my family. Hopefully, I could put them at ease with words so I didn't have to worry about a search party coming after me. I grabbed a pen with the notepad we used for the grocery list to scribble out a note.

Hey, guys! I wanted to leave you some love before I ran off into the night. I beg you to please let me do this. I'm not sure where I'm heading. I only know that I need a few weeks to clear my head. Please know that I'll be back but I need some time to get my head on straight. To be honest with you I'm at a weak point in my life and you guys know that it's not like me. I can't crumble in front of you all, so please give me the time and the space to put myself back together. I'll be sure to check in with you all in a few days. I love you all with every ounce of me. Make sure you give my little diva kisses every day for me.

Your Favorite Crazy Bitch


I taped the note to the fridge and walked out the door. In the garage my old GTO sat waiting for me. Throwing my bag in the back seat I started the engine keeping off the gas as I crept out the driveway. Once I hit the county road I looked back and realized no one had followed me. Good! They won't know I'm gone until morning. I pulled out on the road in the opposite direction of the clubhouse and felt peace wash over me. As I accelerated I noticed headlights approaching in the distance. Oh shit! I hit the gas needing to put some road between me and the lights that appeared to be closing in on me. It must be the guys. I mean who and the hell is out riding this road after one in the morning. I kept watch in my rear view until I hit the sharp curve that wrapped around the mountain. Before I lost sight of spaced out single headlights, I saw one turn towards the driveway leading to the clubhouse while the other two blew right by me.

Damn that was close. It must have been some of the brothers racing back. Lord knows the one who made it back first would have bragging rights for a while. I'll have to make sure I ask who won when I make it back to town. For now, I cranked up the local radio station as one of my favorite songs began to play. Words about waiting for a lifeline struck a nerve.  Yeah, I could totally relate to that one at this point in my life.

With the window down and the radio blaring one of my favorite rock riffs I headed away from my life and into the unknown. A feeling
of excitement zipped through me. Yeah, this is just what I needed!


I raced from the clubhouse to the gate. I couldn't half make out what the prospect was saying. All I knew was that something was definitely wrong. Prospect Aaron sounded frantic. All I could make out was someone had been shot and was lying on the ground at the gate.  I began to run full force down the long ass driveway making a mental note that the club should probably invest in a golf cart or one of those ATV things Octavia was gifted for her birthday.

As I got closer I saw the prospect Aaron, trying to yank the bike off of someone laying on the gravel. When I caught the sight of the blacked out heritage being pulled off the man lying stone still on the ground my steps falter. It can't be. No fucking way! I closed the last bit of distance dropping to my knees next to my best friend and brother. Our enforcer lay motionless on the ground. "Talk to me brother! Tell me what fucking happened!"

"Tell Madison I'm sorry for being a dick," he said before he completely faded out. Instantly I felt for a pulse. This mother fucker couldn't die on me, not now!

"YES," I shouted loud enough for the whole block to hear. "He's still got a pulse and he's breathing but from the looks of it, he's lost a lot of fucking blood." Prospect just nodded his head to me. "Where the fuck is Doc? Did you get a hold of him too," I asked him?

"He should be here any minute Prez. Sorry but I called him first. I knew when I saw Wall drop with his bike things weren't good," he explained waiting for me to lose my shit. On every other circumstance, I would, but not this time. He made the right choice even though the by-laws state he should contact me or the Sargent at arms before anyone else.

"There he is now," Aaron stated as he got up and ran in Doc's direction. I watched as the prospect tore open the door to Doc's truck before he had even put it in the park. Although I couldn't hear exactly what was being said I could tell his actions didn't make the old head happy. Aaron just started pointing vigorously in our direction. All the yelling stopped as Doc finally zoned in on the situation in front of him. He ran in a full sprint in our direction.

"He's bad man! Look at all this fucking blood," I yelled!

"Move back Prez and let me get a fucking look at him. Get the fuck out of the way," Doc snapped back in the heat of the moment. Yet another one I was going to let slide as long as my friend was taken care. I moved back giving Doc room to access the situation. I heard several sets of heavy boots coming up from behind the carnage in front of us.

"What the fuck happened Prez," I heard Throttle ask.

"You know as much as I do VP. The prospect called me in a tizzy. I was already on my way out the door when I got the call. I haven’t had time to talk to the prospect, with everything going on. The only thing Wall said was for me to apologize to Madison for him, although he never said what for.

"I need help getting him loaded in the back of my truck. I've got to get him to the infirmary. Call Athena or Momma Bear. I need an extra set of hands but I don't want Madison or Carrin. Don't think those two would be any good when they catch sight of him."

Picking up my phone I dialed Athena's number. Not giving her a chance to even say hello I explained the situation. She promised to be at the clubhouse in less than ten. I was disconnecting the call as I watched the boys load Wall up in the back of Doc's truck bed. Jumping in with the rest of the fellas we made the thirty-second ride to the backside of the clubhouse. Tank and I lifted Wall from the truck and carried him into the infirmary.

Years ago life around the club was a lot more dangerous. Back in the beginning days, the club used to be involved in a lot more illegitimate ways of providing for its members. Of course, this was the main reason we converted the original president's dorm room into a small infirmary outfitted to care for our discretions.

My slain brother dwarfed the single bed in our makeshift clinic. The more I stared at my fallen brother the more the rage began to take over. To say my blood was boiling was a fucking understatement. I didn't realize how lost I was in my thoughts until I felt Doc shaking me while trying to snap me out of my lethargic state.

"Axle! Axle snap out of it! I need to get Carrin over here. She's the only one who shares the same blood type as Wall. I don't have enough blood stored up for him to replace what he's lost tonight."

"Yeah okay, I got it! You have any to get started with," I asked as he was cutting the clothes off of our unconscious brother. "I'll see if she'll ride over with Athena."

Before I could even get my phone out to call, both women came barging in the small room. I saw Carrin's eyes go wide as she took in the sight of her brother laying completely still. Doc walked over to address both women.

"Girls I need you to listen to me. The time to fall apart will be after we get him stabilized," Doc paused before speaking again, "Athena I heard you actually have some medic training so I'll need you to lend me a second set of hands as I dig out the bullets he has lodged in his shoulder. I know you’re a nurse Carrin but I think your too close to this babe."

"Yes sir! I'll go get washed up," Athena said before turning towards the bathroom.

"Carrin I need to draw some blood. You and your brother are both AB-. I don't have enough stored up to do the job tonight."

"Whatever I need to do Doc. Just take care of my brother. I'm counting on you. I'll go get Athena to get the drip going."

"You need me to do anything Doc," I asked before I got out of everyone's way.

It took him a few minutes before he answered me as he was moving at warp speed getting prepped before having to dig metal out of our man. "No, I've got this Prez. Go rally the troops. When I get him stabilized I'll be out to catch up."

"Sure thing. Take care of that fucker. He's going to be one pissed of son of a bitch when he comes to."

"That he will be," Doc said while walking away but turning back to address me one more time. "And Prez, make sure us old heads are included in retaliation."

"Will do man. The others should already be here by now. I have a feeling we're going to need all the help we can get."

I left them to it, walking down the hallway to the room that held the bar. I needed a fucking drink before I entered the meeting room. My head’s been all fucked up today. Having those fucks getting close enough to the girls today didn't help the uneasiness I've had in the pit of my stomach. All I can think about is the blonde who has haunted my dreams since the day she took off to take on the world alone. Avery hasn't been in touch with anyone in months. With the shit climaxing within the club she was a sitting target without any protection what so ever.

Pushing my worries aside for the time being, I downed two shots of Jack back to back. The newest prospect made his way over to me to top it off again but I flipped my glass over letting him know I would not be needing a third. As much as I would love to sit at the bar and drown my problems I had business to attend too.

The sound of the door opening caught my attention. I saw Boomer walking in holding a sleeping Tivie while Momma Bear and Tabby had their arms wrapped around Queenie for support. The trio of old ladies made their way to me no doubt looking for answers. Answers I really didn't have at this point in time.

"How's my son," Queenie spoke with worry in her voice. "What the hell happened? Was he alone?"

We all stood in silence as I tried to put the words together in my head. Not sure how much to tell them because I didn't know much about how Wall ended up with slugs in his shoulder.

"Yes, he was alone. After the drama that unfolded here earlier Wall took off like a bat out of hell. He was out the door and on his bike before I could even catch him." Looking straight at Queenie I finished my spiel. "You and I both know that when that hot headed mother fucker gets in a way the best thing to do is let him be. He's never been one to deal with emotional shit. Wind therapy is normally the only thing that helps put his mind at peace. Doc is working on him now. From the looks of things, he took two in the shoulder. Athena is back with Doc removing the metal and Carrin is having blood drawn."

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