Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1) (26 page)

BOOK: Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1)
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With my thoughts consuming me I felt the tears building. Stubborn as I am, though, I will not let him see me cry. I won’t give that to him. If he’s going to sit here and rip out my heart, then I’ll make sure he won’t see the power he has over me.

"I can see the wheels rolling in that beautiful head of yours Care Bear. You need to stop. You are my world, along with Tivie and the babies I plan on burying deep in your belly when the time comes. When I said kids, I meant our little diva and our future little bikers."

It took a minute for what he was saying to register but when it did I felt a few stray tears escape out the corner of my eyes. What the hell was wrong with me? Am I that fucking cynical that I’d go straight to thinking the worst of this perfect specimen of a man. I should have known better. Hell, I can see it now with the loving and adoring way he's staring at me. That alone should tell me that this man wants me. Looking into his eyes at this moment tells me all I need to know. He wants me and only me. No, we won’t be like my parents. Hart and I will write our own version of a love story if I can put away my issues and just go with it. If I’ve learned anything from what has happened in my twenty-seven years on this earth, I should know better than to wait. Life is too short to wait patiently for anyone or anything. It's time to learn to go with the flow and live each day to be happy regardless of anyone else.

My little epiphany calmed my nerves only for a quick second before my mind moved onto what he said specifically. Oh my fucking god did he just say babies as in plural? This man is talking about babies. Holly shit I'm screwed. I know that as long as he looks at me the same way he is now I would gladly give the man a football team if he wanted. I'm not about to tell his cocky ass that, though. Hell no I’m not breathing a word of that shit.

"Say something woman. I can't get a read on what you’re feeling. I need to know that you see a future with me. I need to know that my old lady is that ride or die bitch of my dreams."

"I don't know what to say. Zeus you fuck me senseless then start laying on the heavy. I'm at a loss for words. I can't think straight when it comes to you. This relationship between us is still fresh and new to me. I want you and I want a future with you, whatever that brings we'll face it together. As much as I hate to admit it to you, I have to confess; I have to tell you that you will be the death of me. In the short time we've actually known each other you have woven your place in my heart. You were there even before we decided to make a go at being a couple. You own every part of me. I just beg you not to break me."

"I'm glad to hear you say that baby. I feel the same way, love.  I love you and I love Tivie. I want to be your old man, your husband, and your baby daddy. Even if it's only me, you and Tivie I'll be the happiest mother fucker alive. This is our life, our story to write," he tells me before assaulting my lips with his. With his lips on mine, I felt my body warming up. I felt myself yearning to have him again. He must have noticed though. All too soon he broke the kiss and pulled away leaving me breathless.

"As much as I need to lose myself in you again, I need to say a few things. I need you to listen to me and understand what I'm telling you, yeah?"

"I'll try to listen but with just a kiss you've got me wanting to climb you and ride you like there's no tomorrow."

Grinning like the cat that ate the canary, he started to speak in a seductive tone while brushing the few stray hairs out of my face. "We've established that you are mine as I am yours. You will own me until the end of time, love. I need you to know that there will never be another. If I even think about another woman I need you to know that I will deliver myself to your brother for a beat down, that he will most willingly deliver. We will have it all baby. I will work my ass off to make sure our little family is taken care of. I will lay my life down for you and won't hesitate to take a life for you or our little girl."

He must have noticed my face changed when he referred to Tivie as our little girl. He went on to explain just what that meant. "I see you looking at me when I say our little girl. She is ours and will always be. I made a vow to a dead man a year ago to watch over the daughter he helped create as my own and I will. I will be the one she calls daddy. I will be the one who teaches her to ride a bike, throw a punch and shoot a gun. I will be the one who's there with you when she goes to school for the first time. I’ll be the one who goes to the high school football game just to cheer on his little cheerleader or the one whose watches his little girl dance her fucking heart out at the dance recital. I'll be the one, along with all of her hard ass uncles, that stand on the front step interrogating the boys who think they're good enough to date our little girl. When the times comes I'll be the one who walks our beautiful daughter down the aisle to the man who wins her heart. I'll be the pop-pop to the grand babies she'll give us, although, that better be a long fucking time for now." I can't help but giggle at his comment as he continues.

"It will be me right there with you all the way. She will always know who her first daddy was and that he was a good man that loved her but she will still be mine. She will be my daddy's little girl. Hell, I'll give her my name if you'll let me but even if not she will still be mine. I love that spoiled little girl just as much as you. I might not have been with you to help create her but I will be with you to help raise and protect her."

I began to let the tears flow at his words. This man is too good to be true. He doesn't realize that he has been doing that since the day he arrived. He is the one, next to Madison and Athena, that spoils her the most. She's had him, along with all the rest of the roughnecks, wrapped right around her little pinkie finger since the day she was born. I can only imagine what will happen when she gets older. She'll be running the place by the time she's five. The thought makes me weep a little more.

"Don't cry baby. I'm not saying this to upset you. We will go at your pace but I need you to know that little girl will always be mine."

"These are happy tears dumb ass. Thank you for loving both of us. I know in my heart that you’ll stand by what you say. I see it every day when you’re with her. She is one lucky little girl to have you."

"Right on! Glad your stubborn ass is willing to admit that. From the looks you were having a few minutes ago I figured we’d be here all day before I could convince you otherwise. Don’t ever doubt my feelings for you or our little girl. That shit doesn’t sit well with me.”

Well, fuck! Now I feel like the asshole. “I won’t. I promise you I will never doubt your love for us.”

“Now on to my next topic, our living arrangements. I know you love this house," he says to me as fear of what he's about to say takes over me. "Let me finish before you start jumping to conclusions and shit. Remember no doubting me woman,” he told me while looking at me for a sign of agreement before moving on. I couldn’t find words so he got a nod. That’s all he was getting at the moment. He must have been okay with it because he carried on.

“As I was saying I know you love this house and I have no intention of leaving this place. I want to build our family here, but we will be sharing the same room. I'll let you decide which room you would like to keep, yours or mine. When the time comes and our family grows we'll add on if we have too but you and I are one now. That means one love, one life, and one bedroom."

Okay, so I wasn’t expecting that. At the mention of the house, I was expecting him to lay into me about living in another man’s dream home. When the declaration of wanting to stay here but just in the same room came from his lips a thought instantly popped in my head. "Okay. If that's the case, you'll probably get a little upset with my suggestion then."

"I won't get mad I promise. Tell me what you’re thinking and I'll do whatever in my power to make it happen," he promised me.

"Well, I was thinking that maybe you and I should take the room downstairs. It's the only room that has its own bathroom attached and it's much larger than either of ours. I know Madison wouldn't mind moving to one of our rooms so we would have someone close to Tivie's room.  I'd also like to offer the other room to Avery when she returns with Madison in the next few weeks. Maybe if she has somewhere to stay without all the business of the club rolling around she might want to come home more often or even forever. It would be good for everyone."

"It sounds good to me. Once we get a shower and pick our little diva up we'll get started on moving in there today. We can set the pack and play up in there with us until Madison gets back home. Or we can even offer for Athena to move down there instead."

I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him to me. I placed soft sweet kisses on his lips in between my words. "Thank you, baby," we kissed, "I appreciate everything you do for us," and we kissed again, "you’re too good to me." Before I could say another word Zeus jumps up startling me. "Zeus you scared the shit out of me."

"We need to get up and moving you little siren. If I stay in that bed while you’re kissing me like that, I'm going to bury my cock to the hilt in that glorious pussy again before getting a shower. Now get your sexy ass up out of that bed and join me in the shower. That way I can fuck you then wash you up. Two birds one stone and it gets us out of here faster to get my little girl from her Nanna," he said with a sly grin on his face.

Damn, I like the way my man thinks. I climbed out of bed and walked past him to the door. Before I could reach for the knob his hand smacks my left ass cheek causing me to stop in my tracks. "That my little vixen was thinking I would ever keep things from you. The next one is for you imagining me having kids with anyone but your fine ass. The third and final one will be for calling me Zeus while in our bedroom."

Just as he explained I received two more smacks on my ass making my pussy grow wet with need for him. I think I could get used to this. I've heard Izzy talk about being spanked and how much she enjoys it but I’ve yet to experience it. It may just become one of my favorite bedroom activities. I like when my man gets all alpha on me. I stand still, waiting to see if he would give me more than three. He leans over my shoulder and begins kissing my neck as he quietly speaks to me. "You are my woman, my old lady, my future wife, but when we are here in our room you are my lover. You are the only one who’s allowed to call me by my real name and expect you to do so when we’re in our room. When we’re outside these walls you may refer to me as Zeus but when we’re here in alone in our room you will call me Hart or I will spank that ass. You feel me, yeah?"

I shivered at the threat of that. I really like the thought of that and apparently he does too. With him at my back, I could feel his cock begin to grow. "Oh, I feel ya. I understand, but I will hold you to that promise. Lord knows I might slip up from time to time just to get you to spank me, lover."

"If we weren't pressed for time I'd show you how I can turn your plump ass several shades of red. Now get your ass moving to the bathroom so we can get ourselves together. I’ve got club shit to tend to, but I want to get our girl before I get wrapped up in business for the rest of the day."

I led the way to the bathroom where he took me again against the shower wall. Thank god for my man his stamina. A girl could definitely get used to all the attention. This man will be the death of me in more ways than one that's for damn sure. Death by orgasm, what a wonderful way to go!

Once we stepped out of the shower I left him in the bathroom to shave while I went back to the bedroom to get myself ready for the day. I had plans of spending a lazy day with my baby girl. I dressed comfortably in a pair of yoga pants and an oversized hoodie. I was just pulling my hair up in a sloppy bun when Hart made his way back into my room. I licked my lips at the sight of the god-like man before me. This man was mine, all mine! In three strides of his long ass legs, he was standing directly in front of me wrapping me in his arms.

"You ready to go pick our girl up baby?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure she's missing both of us like crazy. Lord knows even at the tender age of one she gets overwhelmed by all things Queenie. Let's go save our girl from her Nanna."

Hart stepped back taking my hand in his leading me out of the bedroom. Still, hand in hand, we walked down the stairs through the house and out the door. We both walked over to the side by side and climbed in. Not sure what happened to my Tahoe after the events of the days before. Looks like I would be borrowing vehicles until it was returned. I really could care less. Right now I wanted hugs and sloppy kisses from my little girl. We made our quick trip through the woods over to the complex where I noticed my mother’s car already parked in the gravel lot. Looks like I won’t be needing to borrow anyone's vehicle. I’ll just ask my mother to use hers if need be.

Part of me wanted to jump off the ATV even before it stopped but I managed to wait until he had parked. I stepped out of the ATV and waited for Zeus to join me taking his hand as we made our way in the clubhouse. When we walked in no one was even moving around yet with the exception of the prospect behind the bar leaving the place deserted. Seems that everyone was still sleeping off the last few days.

I waved to prospect Aaron as I went towards the hall housing the doors for the dorm rooms. Walking down the hall I could hear everyone that was beginning to stir. I could hear showers running, muffled conversations and moans of passion as I made my way down the hall where the four spare rooms were. Even though I wasn't sure which room my mother and daughter would be in I stopped behind the third door I came too. The sound of cartoons coming from the television was a good clue that my little girl was behind the door. I knocked twice before quietly turning the knob to open the door. My mother lay sleeping in the bed with my daughter tucked protectively by her side. Octavia lay next to her Nanna while watching some cartoon on the television. My hopes of letting my mother sleep went right out the window when my little girl squealed, "Momma!"

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