Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1)
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"Ok, my little princesses it's time to break this little gathering up. Someone needs to explain to me why I've been summoned away from my dinner table, I and the old lady had a few things planned with that chocolate cake with vanilla frosting," the old head said with a smirk on his face.

I opened the door to Zeus' club room flipping the light on as we entered. I was surprised to find it sterile. It didn't look like he spent much time in here at all. Normally the brother's rooms were fucking pig sty's. Smelling of sweat and sex. My first thought was that it wasn't his but I remember him unlocking the door before we got all tangled up in the hallway. I stood with my back still to everyone looking around the room for even one thing out of place not finding anything. 

"Ok, is it just me or does it seem like there's something wrong with this picture," Madison said my thoughts out loud. "I don't think I've ever seen a club room this fucking spotless before. Hell even the rooms the club whore's share aren't as clean as this."

"Yeah, Yeah. Enough about the room. Let's get Doc to check me over so I can get back home to my little diva and my bed," I said as I turned to face everyone. I saw their faces drop as they looked at my face.

"What the fuck happened," Doc roared as he moved to inspect my face. "Have the brother's seen this shit?

"Doc you need to calm down and I'll explain what happen," Madison jumped in giving me a look of pity for a split second. Well shit, I guess my face looks like I've been tussling with Tyson. While Madison was explaining to Doc the events of the day I made my way into the bathroom to inspect for myself.

I gasped at the sight of the side of my face in the mirror mounted on the bathroom wall. The left side of my face was swollen. Bruising was spreading over my jaw line creeping up my cheek and down my neck. I'm surprised I was still able to move it. I knew it wasn't broken but, damn if it didn't hurt like a bitch along with the back of my head. Running my hand ever so slightly over the back of my head, I felt the rise of a huge bump. No wonder my head is pounding in rhyme with my heartbeat.

"Come on out here and let me check you over, then I'm going to have a coming to Jesus meeting with a few dumb fucks around here," Doc announced seeming very on edge.

I walked out and sat down on the side of the bed facing Doc. He pulled a small flashlight out of his kit and shone it in my eyes. "Take it easy on Wall. I'm just as to blame as he is. I knew things would get heated when I went for a ride on the back of Zeus' bike without talking to him first," I said while he was checking me over.

"I don't care why he was pissed. It doesn't give him the right to hit a woman let alone one of my princesses'."

"In his defense, I jumped on his back like a crazy woman. He had no clue it was me. He just reacted. I know he would never intentionally hurt me Doc."

"I understand where you’re coming from but if your father was still alive he'd have already kicked the living shit out of that boy. I and the old heads will be more than happy to fill in for your dad."

"Just don't be too hard on him, please. I was just a victim of circumstance once again," I said solemnly. "I’m kinda getting used to this shit. Promise me you won't hurt him Doc."

"Use to it or not, it shouldn't be happening. I promise I won't hurt him too bad," Doc said lying through his teeth.

I guess that was going to be as good as it was going to get. The men of my family are very over protective even if it was against one of their own. Hopefully, my brother would make it out without too much damage.

"Well, Princess you seem responsive enough. I think you'll be just fine. You’re going to be sore as a bitch but nothing seems broken and I don't think you have a concussion sweet pea," Doc said handing me a bottle of pills. "These are 800mg ibuprofen. They should knock out most of the pain and help with the swelling. They also won't make you loopy so you'll still be able to take care of the little one."

"Thanks Doc, I truly appreciate everything," I said kissing him softly on the cheek. Doc collected his supplies and made his way out the door. After Doc closed the door behind him I took a few minutes to collect my thoughts before I turned to Madison and Athena.  Wanting to say something to the two faces staring at me. They were trying to get a read on what I was feeling at the moment. I took a few calming breaths before I finally spoke. "You guys ready to head over to the house. I'm ready to take a long hot shower, pop a pill and curl up in bed. I need a good night’s sleep before I have to face my brother."

"Sure thing lady. Let's go tell the apes were headed over to the house," Madison said sarcastically. "Lord knows after today's events we won't be allowed to go anywhere without them knowing. Never thought I'd ever say this, but I would have to agree with them this time."

"Yeah I'm with Madison on this Carrin. We've got to be careful until the guys get this shit sorted. When we get back to the house we're gonna take a few steps of our own as well," Athena added.

"Okay, ladies let's get me home." Suddenly the door opens wide with my brother standing in the doorway. The three of us stood frozen as we looked at the man in front of us. I watched as the look of confusion turned to a look of pain.






What the fuck have I done. My sister is all fucked up because of me. Just because I couldn't control my temper but then again what the fuck was she thinking? I stood looking at the fucker scooping my sister in his arms while he claimed her in front of everyone present. That fucker had balls I'd give him that. Maybe I didn't give the big cock sucker enough credit.

Deciding to sit at the bar with my head hung low, I drowned my thoughts in a bottle of whiskey while waiting for news on Carrin. I knew she would be fine but it still bothered me that my sister was crazy enough to intervene. Has she finally flipped her dam lid or did she actually care for the fucker? Did she love him? I remained seated on my bar stool while blocking out the crowd. I'd seen Zeus come out and head to the opposite side of the room stopping to say something to Doc as he was making his way down the hall.

I managed to look down at what was a full fifth of Jim when I started and noticed it was almost empty. Fuck, how long have I been a swigging on the bottle? I looked at the clock on the wall once again. Fifty-six minutes. She’s been back there fifty-six minutes. Dam how much longer? I started looking around the room checking to make sure she hadn't slipped out when I wasn't paying attention.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Doc came into the room from the hallway. He didn't look very happy as he scanned the room looking for someone or something. The look of recognition on his face as he bee lined straight for me indicated I was the one he was searching for. This wasn't going to be good.

I stood from my bar stool with my hands in the air in surrender as I started babbling apologies to the man for my actions. Doc said nothing nor did he even acknowledge anything I was saying. He just kept coming towards me. Before I could mutter another damn word he threw a fist into the center of my chest with all his might sending me to spread eagle on the floor. I wasn't expecting that shit. The room grew instantly quiet. Everyone looking at the scene unfolding in front of them in complete silence while they were listening to what the old man had to say.

"You fucking asshole. What the fuck were you thinking, oh that's right you weren't. You wanna hit on someone get your ass up and swing on me mother fucker," Doc spit out between clenched teeth.

Not sure whether to get up or stay down I figured trying to calm his ass down was the right thing to do. I respected Doc so I'd give him the first one, but if he thought he was gonna beat on me while I laid there and took it he was dead fucking wrong. Trying to think before I reacted, this time, I decided to voice my concerns and talk this shit out. If plan A fails, then I'd flip to plan B and kick the old man's ass.

"I didn't know it was her. I thought one of the brothers was trying to pull me off the fucker. I had blacked out Doc like I've done so many times before. I wasn't in my right mind. When she jumped on my back my fight or die instincts kicked in. I would never have thought she would jump in help his sorry ass."

"You know son I thought you were smarter than that, I've watched you grow into the man you are today. I know how you handle yourself you fucking hot head," he spat back at me. "As a promise I made to her I won't kick your sorry ass, but mark my words son if anything like this happens again I will beat the brakes off you."

"If it happens again I want someone to kick my ass. Man, you have no idea how fucking guilty I'm feeling right now. I've done nothing but protect her, her whole goddamn life. I've done some stupid shit over the years trying to protect her from everyone else in this crazy ass world. Never thought there would ever be a fucking moment in time it would be me she needed protection from." I paused briefly trying to tame the raw emotions consuming my body. The guilt for what I did crushing me inside.

"If your old man was here you wouldn't be walking out of this room without his foot hanging from your fucking ass. He was the enforcer in my day kid and one of the meanest mother fuckers I knew. He knew when to react and when not to. It's something you better learn and learn real fucking quick son."

As my head hung in shame I nodded to the older man acknowledging the underlying message. Yeah, I fucked up and everyone knew it. Doc walked up closer, looking like he was actually bringing me in for a man hug. I raised my head looking him straight in the eye before moving in to pull him in for a bro hug. Surprise… Surprise… it wasn’t a hug that fucker was after. His fist flew out and landed on the right side of my face with a loud crack. I think that fucker just cracked my tooth.

"The first one was for the knot on the back of her head. This second one is for the elbow shot you threw in her jaw. Now she's even, fucker." With that Doc turned, picked up his bag and stormed out of the clubhouse letting the door slam on his way out.

I looked up to see all eyes on me. Faces showing emotions of rage, pity, and lust. Having nothing to say to that, I turned on my heel and headed for my room. As I made my way to the hallway I looked straight into the lust filled eyes of Jewels. She was leaning up against the wall, eye-fucking me as I got closer to her. I threw a chin lift in her direction letting her now to follow me. Warm wet pussy makes everything better!

Making my way through the dark hallway with visions of Jewels swallowing my dick I heard a voice that stopped me dead in my tracks. Eavesdropping on the conversation behind the closed door. Without thinking I turned the knob and opened the door. I stood at the entryway assessing the situation in the room. When my eyes fell on my sister I felt rage. Her beautiful face was swollen with the shade of purple marring the left side of it. I did this to her, fuck!

Sounding like a pussy, I started rambling off apologies to my baby sister. "I'm so fucking sorry Care Bear. I didn't know it was you. Dammit, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I never meant for you to get hurt."

Carrin made her way to me with watery eyes. She threw her arms around me pulling me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around her squeezing her tight. We stood there holding each other with her head rested on my chest while she spoke.

"I don't blame you for this. I blame myself. I should have never gone for a ride today without giving you a heads up. I should have talked to you about my feelings for Zeus before riding bitch on his bike today. I definitely should have known not to try and jump on you from behind. I don't want you to beat yourself up over this Jacoby," she explained throwing my real name in there reminding me that she loves me without saying the words.

"I think we both should have handled this shit better Care Bear. I'm not happy with the way the news broke of you fucking one of my brothers. You’re my baby sister. The one I swore to protect many years ago. I'm trying to get to a good place with it, but I should never have let you get hurt in the process."

Carrin lifted her head to look at me as she told me, "I know you would never hurt me physically on purpose, but you need to realize that if you oppose me being Zeus' old lady you will hurt me more emotionally than you could ever do physically. Not sure if I'll be able to forgive you if you stand in my way of happiness big brother."

"You love him yeah?" She just nodded up at me with a huge smile on her face, something I haven't seen since before Brookes was killed. I guess the fucker did make her happy. Who was I to stand in the way of her happiness? God, I'm almost jealous of what she is capable of having. Lord knows I want the same thing with Madison but I'm too chicken shit to take what I want.

"I'll talk to him. I can't promise to be okay with this shit right away or ever for that matter. I can promise that if he ever fucks up or hurts you and Tivie I will finish what I started tonight," I vowed.

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you," she said with a stupid grin that quickly turned into a scowl as my guest in the hallway made her presence known by placing a possessive hand on my shoulder as she spoke to the room.

"Come on baby. Enough with this sweet shit. Let the princesses return to their castle so I can take you to your room and ride your cock all night," Jewels said as I noticed she was looking straight at Madison as she spoke.

I watched Madison's glare turn from rage to hurt for just a second then to pure disgust. Part of me wanted to just shake the skanky bitch's hand away and tell her to go fuck herself but I didn't. I couldn't let my feelings for Madison show. She was definitely better off without me as her man. I couldn't let her know that she is affecting me the same way I know I did her. So instead of taking what I really wanted standing in front of me I rolled into my cocky self I use for a shield against my feelings for Madison.

"Yeah baby I'll be there in just a minute," I said pulling the keys from my pocket to give to her. "Go ahead to my room and strip down. I want the pussy sopping wet for me when I get there."

No one said anything as Jewels took the keys from me and left the room. I watched as Jewels walked away turning just in time to see my sisters hand smack me across my face while an emotional Madison raced from the room as well. I stood in shock while my tiny sister stood in front of me looking like a damn pit bull waiting to strike. Athena stepped up towards my sister placing her hand on her arm. Carrin nodded in the direction of Madison telling Athena to go after her.

Athena stopped in front of me finally speaking. "You’re one ignorant son of a bitch Wall. You’re too fucking stupid to see what has been right in front of you. At least, my brother has the balls to stand up and take what he wants." Then she was gone pulling the door closed behind her.

"I have to agree with Athena, you’re a douche bag. You don't have to rub it in Madison's face. You know that girl would do anything in the world for you but you’re too fucking selfish to do the same for her. News flash asshole love doesn't make you weak it makes you stronger."

"Don't know what the fuck you're talking about sister. The fairy tale isn't for all of us. Even if I wanted her I wouldn't. She deserves better. She deserves a man who will keep her on the pedestal. One that will be faithful to her and love her with everything he has."

Carrin began laughing hysterically. I guess she was fucking cracking up or, at least, some brain damage from the blow I delivered to her head. I turned to leave but froze in place as my sister said her final words on the matter between chuckles.

"You already do most of that asshole. All except the faithful part but I know you. I know that if your stubborn ass would just go after her you wouldn't want anyone else. You better get your head out of your ass soon big brother. Madison will eventually give up waiting on your sorry ass and move on."

I left my sister standing behind me without even saying goodbye. I needed an escape from all this emotional shit. I had pussy waiting for me in my room and yet I turned and went in the other direction. Feeling a moonlight ride that would help me get my head on straight. Walking through the clubhouse without a word to anyone I went straight to my chromed out two-wheel chariot. I tore out the driveway destination unknown with thoughts of my blue eyed goddess fucking with my head.

I rode for hours around the mountain side trying to push the urge to head straight to Madison. The urge to slam her up against the wall and fuck the shit out of her tight pussy. "That's it," I said into the wind whipping across my face. Maybe if I finally gave into my need to sink my dick into Madison I would be able to put her to rest. That would take care of the need I've had for her all these years. I could get my dick wet send her off with a smile and we'd both move on with life.

I laughed to myself at the shit running through my head. No way in hell would that work. It would just condemn us to what I've been fighting for years. Hell yes, it would. We'd end up hating one another and her blaming me for ruining her life. I couldn't do that to her. I loved the little vixen too much to have her hating me.

I was so lost in thought I let my guard down. I never heard the bikes quickly approaching or the shots that rang out into the night. The searing pain in my shoulder brought me back to the present. Fire burned through my arm as I twisted the throttle kicking the bike into high gear, my only chance was to out run these fuckers. Weaving back and forth across the road dodging the rain of bullets I chanced a look back at the fuckers hell bent on ending me. Two bikes with fat fucks in leather cuts are all I could make out as they were slowly fading behind me. Pushing my machine to its limits I managed to put some distance between us. I rode hard all the way back to the road leading to the clubhouse. I noticed the pussies continued straight ahead instead of following me on the dirt road that led you back to the gate. Fuckers too scared of what would be waiting for them if they followed me. I paused long enough to catch the ugly ass Grizzlies patch worn by two fat long haired fucks. Those fuckers were going to ground. I'd make sure of that shit just as soon as I got my shoulder fixed up. I looked down at my blood soaked arm while I waited for the prospect to fumble getting the gate open. Feeling the adrenaline leaving my body only to be replaced with exhaustion I waited for the gate to open.

Once my path was clear I tried to take off but my body chose to shut down at that point. My last thoughts were of my brown haired blue eyed girl who held my heart as I crashed to the ground taking my bike with me.

I could hear commotion happening all around me as I lay on the gravel ground. Someone was trying to lift the bike off of me while I heard someone else drop to their knees beside my head. "Talk to me brother.  Tell me who did this. I need to know what the fuck happened," I heard Axle scream to me.

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