Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1) (23 page)

BOOK: Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1)
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I paced around the room while holding the phone to my ear. Struggling to rationalize the thoughts brewing in my head. Then it hit. It was like a light bulb went off and the perfect compromise was clear. If she agreed to my offer I would have both of favorite girls home just a few weeks from now. Avery shouted into the phone obviously not taking my silence kindly.

"Look if you have nothing more to say then I'm hanging the fuck up. Honestly, I don't even know why the hell I'm talking to you anyway."

"Okay! Okay! Chill the fuck out woman. I'll make you a deal. I won't send anyone after Madison to bring her back but when this tour is over there will be someone waiting at the last stop to escort Madison and yourself home. She will have to give me her word that she'll never do something fucking stupid like this again and you have to guarantee me you'll stay around until the next tour picks up, that is if you want to go back."

"Well I'll agree to the escort home from the last show but I'm not sure when the next tour will be. The band is running on fumes from the eighteen-month stretch we've spent on the road. I told dad I would be home for a visit not for good. I was planning on coming home for a few weeks before I treat myself to a vacation on a white sandy beach with plenty of little umbrella drinks."

"This isn't up for debate Avery. I laid my deal out. So it's either you finish the tour with Madison’s company or I send someone after both of you to drag your asses back here kicking a screaming."

"Fine but if I get a call to head back to L.A. to lay vocals on the next album you've got to let me. This is my career you’re fucking with. If you remember correctly, you trying to dictate to me how to run my life sent me running years ago."

"Okay. I get it. I won't interfere with your career again. You've got a good head on your shoulders. I'm not telling you to live like a nun but keep your head low and for now on both of you answer your goddamn phones when they ring. I'll see you both in a few weeks." I hung the phone up without even saying goodbye.

I hoped I made the right decision letting Madison stay with Avery. Time will tell I guess. I'll deal with both of them when they get back but until then it’s time to find the other two. Time to figure out who has been fucking with us for the last year and a half.


I was growing tired of waiting. Axle was still on the fucking phone and the guys were still outside looking around for something to lead us in the girls’ direction. I was beginning to let the rage take over, rage that I hadn't felt in years. The rage that many years ago saved a girl who I now consider my sister. The rage that I buried after we both found peace. I swore I'd never let that same rage control me ever again. Blaze stared at me while I battled my inner demons. "What?"

"Nothing man. Just waiting to see how deep of a fucking hole you’re gonna wear in the floor," Blaze told me harshly.

"I can't help it. I'm going fucking nuts here. I just fucking got her man, I can't fucking lose her. Brookes is dead.... Madison's apartment fucked up... The shit with Yasmin... Wall's been fucking shot... The old heads dropped all kinds of heavy.... My sister and my woman are fucking missing.... I'm losing my fucking mind. None of this shit is making sense."

"Pull your shit together. You’re not any fucking good to them or to the rest of us when you're all hyped up. Calm the fuck down and think. Think about anything that has seemed off since you've been around," Blaze yelled at me just as Axle hung up the phone.

"I'm good man. It's the not knowing where the fuck my woman is that’s driving me fucking crazy. Someone is fucking with us and their too much of a fucking coward to face us. Instead, they want to act like a bunch of bitches and prey on fucking women."

Axle came forward spinning me around slamming me up against the wall. "Zeus you need to slow your fucking roll. We will find the women and put an end to everyone who is involved with this vendetta against the club."

"Boss you need to come out here. I think we found something,'" Happy shouted through the back door. Like lighting Axle released me and ran out the door with Blaze and myself right behind him. We followed Throttle out to the garage where the door to Athena's truck was wide open. At first glance everything looked neat and tidy as always, then Throttle shone a flashlight on the rear passenger window. It looked like one of the girls was trying to write something using lip gloss or chap stick. I moved closer noticing the letters Z Y J. What the fuck was that supposed to mean. All the brothers stood still deep in thought. All of us running shit through our heads when suddenly Happy spoke.

"Z for Zeke, Y for Yasmin and J for Jewels," Happy declared.

"The names fit but the shit doesn't make any sense. What would those three have to do with this shit? Zeke has only been prospecting for a few weeks after being a hanger for over a year. Yasmin and Jewels have been around for a few years. They only know what we want them to know. What could they have to gain from any of this," Axle said to no one in particular.

Just then Axle's phone decided to ring interrupting the quiet of the garage. "Speak," is the only thing he said. With a few grunts into the phone, he hung up putting the phone back in his pocket. Something in that phone call snapped something in our president. Without explanation, he turned heading straight for his bike while the rest of us followed were left to follow suit.

We all tore down the path leading back over to the clubhouse at high speeds. We parked the bikes haphazardly in no certain order and followed Axle in the front door. He went straight to the behind the bar snatching a bottle of Jack and took a nice long swig before addressing everyone.

"Happy's suspicions were right. Zeke, Yasmin, and Jewels are in on this shit. In a few minutes, I'm going back to the infirmary to talk to Diamond. She was attacked tonight and left for dead behind cabin three. Ghost found her while out taking a walk when he couldn't sleep. Boomer had run out to find him when Blaze's call came through about the girls missing. They didn't get much out of her just that those three had something to do with this shit."

"What the bloody hell? How the fuck did we let not one but three fucking enemies invade our club," Tank screamed losing his normal calm?

"I don't know but I'm going to fucking find out. You all start digging on that shit from the past. Prospects get some strong fucking coffee brewing; it's going to be a long fucking day! No one leaves this fucking building without my permission!"

Holy shit! This cluster fuck just went from bad too catastrophic. For the second time this morning I sent a prayer to whoever would listen. I went straight to my room and grabbed the laptop. With a cup of black coffee and my laptop, I set up shop in the meeting room with Happy. If there was something to find I was determined to break it wide open.








I came to looking into the eyes of Athena. They were mirroring the same fright I knew my own had. From what I could tell our feet and hands were bound together with duct tape. Our mouths covered with the same nasty material. I tried to move my head to take in my surroundings when a sharp pain ripped through the back of my head into my shoulders. That's when the events from the wee hours of the morning came back to me.

Athena and I stopped in to check on mom and Tivie finding them curled up asleep in the double bed in the dorm room. Momma Bear and Vivie were at each end of the couch deep in slumber. Boomer had come in behind us letting us know that he would be sleeping in the chair in the corner. He offered to get one of the air mattresses down or to show us to the room where Hyde, Izzy, and Romy were sleeping. Both Athena and I declined to opt to travel the short distance to our home. Both of us wanting to crash in our own beds and put an end to the day that would never end.

Boomer finally caved only after we agreed to take the prospect along with us. He knew that Zeus would be making his way over shortly after anyway. Zeke, the prospect assigned to watching over us, escorted us out the door and into Athena's truck. When he offered to drive us neither of us made any argument as we were exhausted.

Neither Athena or I noticed anything until we were pulling in the garage. Madison's GTO was missing from its normal spot in the garage but the sight of Yasmin and Jewels waiting for us sent a chill straight through my bones. The prospect must have noticed because he quickly pulled in the now open garage door.

Zeke said nothing as he exited the truck to greet the girls waiting. My first thought was he was attempting to defend us but the sight of Zeke embracing Jewels with a sloppy wet kiss quickly sent that thought racing off. I began pulling on the door handle to no success. "It's no use. I flipped the child locks on because Tivie rides back here remember," Athena told me while she was searching under that seats for something.

"FUCK! Those cunts must have had this planned. My 45mm is missing from under the seat. If they found my gun, then I'm sure the bitches found the bayonet I keep in the side pocket of the door."

"Look really quick while they're distracted. Is there anything else we could use in here," I asked frantically?

"The only thing else would be a Swiss army knife I keep in the center console," she said, while reaching her long arm through the small space between the door and the seat. At least, that way if they turned around they would be none the wiser. Looking in the center console was going to be a little different story.

"There is a god. Look what I found," she said as she discretely showed me the military issued knife.

"They’re coming this way. Hurry tuck that thing in your boot." Just as she had the weapon hidden my door flew open. I sat still weighing out my options. Zeke stood in front of me blocking my exit. Yasmin and Jewels were right at his back.

"Why are you doing this? I've never done anything to any of you."

"It's nothing personal. You're just collateral damage darlin’," Zeke informed me with a sick gleam in his eye. "We were supposed to grab you and the other club princess but it seems like little Madison has skipped town because she needed to clear her head."

"Okay well take me and you can let Athena go. She doesn't belong to anyone in the club except for me and Tivie."

"Now you see, I can't do that. She knows too much so she'll be coming with us. Rest assure when it comes time to kill you guys, we'll make sure she goes first," Zeke said before bursting into a fit of laughter. Just then a phone went off causing everyone to freeze.

"It's mine," Jewels said then informing us it was Carmen. Who the fuck is Carmen? None of this bullshit is making sense. Zeke shut the door again locking me back in the cab of the truck. The trio moved around to the back of the truck out of ear sight. While they were momentarily distracted I dug in my pocket only finding a tube of chap stick. Quickly I wrote the letters Z Y J on the glass. It was all I could do to leave some sort of clue before being discovered. Tucking the chap stick back in my pocket I turned to whisper to Athena before the assholes returned.

"What are we going to do? Do you think we'll be able to get out of this mess and get back to the guys?"

"Right now we're going to play it cool. Try to stall if we can and give the guys time to get over here. I don't have a problem with kicking some ass but with Zeke's size and those other two catty bitches, I'm afraid I'd put you in even more danger."

"I might not be military trained but I know how to brawl sister. I say when they open this door up again I kick Zeke straight in the balls and then we both jump those bitches. If we can just get to the alarm panel by the door, it'll send the alarm over to the club house alerting everyone there."

We never got to follow through. I guess they were smarter than what we thought. While Athena and I were still facing each other finishing our conversation the bitches opened both doors at the same time whacking both of us over the head. After that, the next thing I remember is waking up looking straight ahead at Athena.

We were both lying on our sides in the cargo area of my Tahoe while the vehicle seemed to be moving. I could hear the sound of the music playing on the radio before I heard Jewels speak again. "I can't believe we pulled this shit off. Carmen will be so fucking happy! This means we’re done with the whoring and can hopefully snatch someone up and make old ladies out of us Yasmin."

"If I hadn't come to your all's rescue you'd still be playing the club whore waiting for the perfect move. I've been in the inner circle six weeks and managed to orchestrate this plan while you two have been here almost three years. Hopefully, this means an officers position for me."

"You keep thinking what you want you two. I don't want to be anyone's old lady nor do I want to continue whoring myself in the name of the club either. Piston you still didn't manage to snatch the evidence you were supposed to grab so kiss that officers position goodbye brother," Yasmin told them both.

"You’re lucky you’re my blood bitch or I'd cut your tongue out for saying shit like that to me. Just because you’re my sister doesn’t give you the right to disrespect me, cunt."

The three of them fell into silence once more. Zeke or Piston worked for another club and Yasmin was his sister. I guess Jewels must be his lover? I don't know, but I wasn't getting a good feeling about this shit. I hoped that my man and my family found us before it was too late. Thoughts of Tivie growing up without me plagued my brain as I lay bound and gagged in my own SUV. Lost in my thoughts I didn't notice Athena squirming trying to get her boot off. I quickly focused my attention on the woman in front of me. There was hope yet.


To say my fight or die instincts kicked in were an understatement. I was a fucking Marine. Marine's don't go down without a damn fight. If I was to die my ass was going down fighting. Willing myself to think I realized that the dumb fuckers didn't check us for weapons before knocking us out and throwing us in this damn truck. If I could only get my boot off, I'd find the knife I stashed there.

Within five minutes I had slipped my boot off without the trio noticing a damn thing. Carrin saw what I was attempting and without words helped me. By using our legs, we sandwiched the boot and careful worked it up til it was between us. With the boot in front of me I carefully rolled my body over so my hands would be at the top of the boot. I managed to pull the knife from my boot and carefully roll back over facing Carrin.

"We've got to stop for gas. That spoiled cunt must have been waiting for someone else to fill the fucker up," I heard the former prospect say.

"Good I need to piss and I want to touch up my face before we get back. You never know who'll be there when we get there," Jewels responded.

"Yeah I could go for a drink and something to eat. I'm fucking starving," Yasmin added.

"Well, you to hookers have until I fill this damn truck up to do whatever you need to do. We've gotta get back on the road. Those fucks have probably already sent out a fucking search party for these two cunts."

I waited until I felt the truck come to a stop. When all three doors opened and closed I began working with the knife. Easily enough the knife sliced through the duct tape like melted butter. With my hands-free I quickly got to work on freeing my feet. I didn't dare take the duct tape off my face just in case I got uninterrupted and had to play possum. Once I was free I started on Carrin. In no time at all, we were both moving freely but keeping the tape across our mouths.

I used my hands to signal Carrin on what I was about to do. I slowly stuck my head up to get a look through the tinted back glass. As I rose I instantly saw the back of Zeke's head as he was leaning on the back of the truck while pumping gas. With one look at the gas pump, I notice we were almost out of time. I sprang into action climbing the seats stealthily as possible to remain unseen.

These fuckers were either dumb as hell or way over confident. Either way the keys were left in the front cup holder. I slid into the driver’s seat. With the keys in hand, I put them in the ignition waiting as the prick hung up the gas hose and screwed the fuel cap into place. In a blur I locked the doors, started the truck, drop the gear shift into drive and floored it. Speeding out across the parking lot I chanced a look in the rearview mirror only to see the two girls run out of the convenience store towards the dumb fuck who was already on his phone.

I pulled off the duct tape and yelled back to Carrin. "Coast is clear for the moment. Get your ass up here and help me figure out just where the hell we are. Make sure you bring that knife up here it’s the only thing we got."

"We actually might have something else unless they searched my truck too." Once she was in the front seat Carrin proceeded to flip the glove compartment down revealing a shining 9mm with holster tucked away. Then went on to open the center console and digging around. When she pulled her hand back it held a small revolver. "Remind me to thank your over protective brother when we get home,” I said to her with a quick grin.

"I know where we're at. There should be a truck stop about twenty miles up ahead. We need to ditch this fucking truck and try to hitch a ride somewhere putting distance between us and them. They'll be looking for this and hopefully, the guys will be smart enough to do that too."

"Smart girl. Do you have your cell phone with you?"

"No. We rushed out so quickly I left it sitting on the nightstand of my room. You got yours?"

"It was in my truck. I never take it in the clubhouse with me. You never know what kind of mood Axle is in. You know he’s still very reserved around me and the ways of the club."

She reached up and pushed the little blue button on the rearview mirror. An automated voice came over the line asking Carrin to say a command. "Call Hart," is all she said and the phone began ringing. Luckily for us my brother answered on the third ring.

"Who is this? Where are the girls you sick fucks?"

"Calm down Hart it’s me. Listen up and don't interrupt me we don't have much time,” Carrin said getting his full attention.

"Oh my god baby! Thank Christ you two are okay!"

"Shut it Hart and listen up. We managed to get away from our little trio of bandits but they'll be after us before long. We're on route 901 not far from where the accident happened. There's a truck stop up about fifteen miles. We're going to ditch the truck there and try to hitch a ride. Maybe we'll get lucky and one of the O'Shea trucks will be there. Neither of us has our cell phones with us so we won't be able to contact you so you'll have to trust we're capable of making it to the meeting spot. I think the hospital will be the best place for you guys to come collect us. It's well-lit and at this time of day, there will be plenty of people around. Hell, Suzanne might even be in. We could go hide away in her office. Never the less keep your phone on and round up the cavalry to come get us. I'll see you at the hospital in two hours. I love you baby!" I’d have to hand it to Carrin for devising a plan so quickly.

"I love you too! Athena, take care of my girl sis. I love you I'll see you in a bit."

"I love you too little brother now get your ass moving," Athena said as she hit the button on the steering wheel to disconnect the call. "We don't have much time. I plan on parking this beast in the midst of all the tractor trailers parked in the overnight slots to hopefully give us some cover. Be on the lookout for one of the O'Shea trucks. It’ll be a lot easier if we could just climb up in one of those and have them take us back in but if not we’re gonna have to come up with a plan B very quickly," I told my friend.

"I know; we'll make it work." We remained quiet until we saw the road signs indicating the exit for the truck stop was up ahead. I pointed in the direction of the sign letting her know the turn was coming up.

Both of us were scanning the parking lot as we pulled in. To our luck, our golden ticket was pulled up to the pumps fueling up. "Over there," I said pointing in the direction of a big rig. "That's Big Head's truck. He'll get us home," Carrin reassured me.

"Are you sure. That big son of a bitch looks like he'd have me for dinner before he would help us."

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