Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1)
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"Who you having a sit down with Care Bear," Happy asked as he made his way up the steps from the basement.

Sending Aiden and the three women in the kitchen a pleading look, I answered Happy talking in somewhat of a circle. "Just talking about a hypothetical scenario." Wanting to change the subject I turned back to Madison. "Who’s all rolling out with us today?"

"Well no one is moving over at the clubhouse yet so looks like what you see is what you get. I'm not wasting any more of this break in the weather. I haven't ridden without looking like a damn Eskimo in months. If they want to join us when they wake up, then they can meet up with us on the road." At Madison’s words I had a visual of a damn eskimo on a Harley making me chuckle to myself.

"Athena I can ride with Hawk if you want. I know your use to being on the back of Zeus' bike," I said to Athena not really wanting to offer it but I knew she wasn't keen on riding with just anyone. That girl was too much of a control freak.

"She'll be fine," Zeus said from behind me. "There's only one woman that will be on the back of my bike for now on if I can help it."

I felt my face flush again. Trying not to read much into it I began to stuff my face with the breakfast plate that was made for me.

"Good call Zeus. You know bitches like staking claim to their seat. You might want to have a little discussion with Wall before you go closing your seat off to other women, though," Happy said sending me into a panic. Holy shit he's going to be on the phone with my brother before we even roll out. I turned to say something but was struck silent when Happy put his hand up telling me he wasn't finished.

"It's not my place to say shit if that's what you’re thinking Care Bear. It's not my damn place to go over your head with this but you two need to air the possibility to your brother. Everyone knows how much of a hot head that fucker is. Hell, it took him a year to warm up to Brookes and he was a civilian. Not sure how it's going to go down with you shacking up with a patch."

"Enough with the heavy fuckers. Let's ride," Madison said pushing us to get a move on. I love that woman. She always knew how to change a damn subject.

Ten minutes later I had kissed my baby good-bye and was mounting the back of Zeus' bike. Shit no sissy bar. Looks like there's no choice but to get up close and personal. I saw the glint of metal in the sun as I threw my leg over the back of Zeus’ bike. Now I was used to the guys packing but when we rode for fun they were normally in a saddle bag or a holster most of them had mounted on the bike frame next to the seat. Happy having a gun in his waistband was causing my anxiety to rear its ugly head. "You planning on us having the wrong kind of company today Hap?"

"You never now Care, but I'm not taking any chances,” Happy said casually before turning to the other guys. “I'll take point. Hawk to the right with Zeus to my left. Madison being you insist on riding your own sled you fall behind me." He said in the tone that meant not to argue with him. "Time for some wind therapy bitches. Let's roll."

The four bikes crept down the driveway to the road. When we hit the road Happy took off like a bat out of hell which left the rest of us to follow suit. I held onto Zeus like my life depended on it and loved every damn minute of it. Riding the back roads through the hills I let myself relax more than I had in years. I had the sun on my face, my braided tail whipping in the wind and my body molded to the backside of a sexy as sin piece of man. I was on cloud nine.

While on an open stretch of road Zeus rested his hand on my knee after squeezing my leg. To outsiders, it meant nothing but to a true biker chick it was one of the most intimate gestures your man can do while traveling the roads on two wheels. It’s a sign of intimacy between the biker and his bitch. Athena must have seen his little gesture. When I turned my head to her she was giving me a thumbs up. Looks like everyone is happy that Hart and I will try to see where this electric energy between us is going to go.

We headed north making our way into North Carolina before making a loop around Charleston and headed back south. We stopped at a deli at the state line to grab a drink and the guys needed a smoke. After pulling to the side of the building I unmounted the bike and unstrapped my helmet placing it to hang off the handlebars. I found my backside pulled to the front of the sexy biker still straddling the bike so he could whisper in my ear. "Don't wonder off without one of us," he said as he placed a subtle kiss to my neck causing me to shiver yet again in my boots.

"I'm a big girl Zeus. I think I can manage a trip in for a mountain dew without and escort."

"I don't want to get all bossy with you but I need you to stay close. We still have enemies remember. I got to hit the head but I expect you to be right here when I get back or you better be with one of my brothers," Zeus told me with a little bit of dominance in his voice. Standing he put a kiss to my forehead and then swung his leg over the seat to dismount his ride. I leaned up against his bike to wait. I pulled out my phone to call and check in with Queenie.              

After the brief conversation with my mother, I disconnected the phone. Looking around I saw I was by myself by the bike. Not seeing anyone in our group gave me and uneasy feeling; it made the hair on my arms stand up. My gut told me to move. Suddenly I had the sick feeling of being watched.  Moving towards the front of the store I kept my eyes sweeping the parking lot looking for anything out of the ordinary. Worrying about what was lurking to the side on me I totally missed what was standing right in front of me. Without knowing I walked straight into a tall musky smelling man flying a Grizzlies’ cut.              

Literally bouncing off the man's fat gut I fell back on my ass. Looking up into the unknown man's eyes I saw pure evil. That feeling in my gut had me wanting to panic but I refused to show this foul smelling son of a bitch he had any effect on me. Staring at each other in a silent showdown my ears picked up on someone shouting my name.

"Carrin....Carrin.... Carrin where the fuck are you," I heard Zeus keep repeating sounding frantic.

The stank ass man must have known it would not end well if I was found with him in my presence. He quickly threw out a warning that scared me to the core. "We know where you and that little girl of yours sleep bitch. I'll be seeing your pretty little ass real soon. None of those pussies you call family will be able to save you."

I lay there on the ground shaking at his words as he disappeared around the other side of the building. What the fuck was going on and what the fuck did he want with me and Octavia. I still lay on the ground as I heard footsteps coming from behind me.

"What the fuck Care? I told you not to go anywhere without one of us. Do you not understand that there's still a threat on your life," Zeus voiced sounding more like a damn father than a man wanting to get in my pants?

I still couldn't move. I just stay in the position I'd been in for the last few minutes while my mind raced at what was said. The scenarios running through my head weren’t anything that would bring a happy ending. Getting right in my face while giving me a violent shake, Zeus had me snapped back to reality. I didn’t register what he was saying but I knew I was safe to fall apart in his arms. I stared into his chocolate eyes as I started to cry.

"What happened, baby? When I went to the John you were with the bike. I come back out two minutes later and you’re nowhere to be found. You scared the fuck out of me. Talk to me baby," he said while visually checking me over for any physical signs I'd been hurt. "Tell me what happened. Are you hurt anywhere?"

Blinking my eyes repetitively giving me a sense of composure. I finally spoke. "Where's Madison and Athena?"

"We're back here," Athena said speaking for both of them. I turned to see Happy and Hawk standing with them all showing concern on their faces.

The sound of bikes drew all of our attention. Not being able to see the road from our location, Happy sprinted into action moving to the front of the building to try and get a better look. I tensed at the thought of Happy chasing after those nasty fucks. I wasn’t sure how many of them there was. I only saw the one who threatened me.

Returning looking defeated Happy informed us that they were moving too fast. He could tell there were only two of them and had a leather cut. That's all he could make out.

"They were Grizzlies," I said halting all other conversation around me.

"How do you know that? Did they approach you? What did they say Care Bear," Happy questioned me desperate to make sense of what had taken place in the ten minutes we’d been here?

Looking at no one else but Zeus I filled in the blanks for everyone. I repeated what the nasty fucking biker said to me causing everyone to suck in a deep breath. When I broke from Zeus’ eyes I saw the same look and tight jaw reflected on Happy and Hawk’s face. The look on the three men's faces told me without saying someone was going to pay. I thought Happy had looked to kill, but the look of pure menace on Zeus' face was something else. Looking to ease his frustration I took his face into my hands making him look at me.

"I'm fine Hart," hopefully using his real name would get through to him. "He didn't hurt me. I'm just a little shook up. His words had my imagination going crazy." I leaned in and placed a kiss first to his forehead, then one on each cheek and ending with one on the lips.

"We need to get home. I've tried calling a couple of the brothers to give them a heads up but they must be enjoying a ride like we were. I left a message at the clubhouse with the prospects for them to head back home in case they call to check in. Same formation and get ready to ride hard. No stopping until we're in the gates of the compound. Make sure you've got a piece handy," Happy barked out.

In the time it took us to get back word had spread. Before we could dismount the bikes after pulling through the gates, we were greeted by several of the brothers in the parking lot. All with looks of vengeance. Axel made his way through the sea of brothers stopping directly in front of me before addressing everyone present.

"Men church in five, ladies have a seat at the bar until your released," Axle must have known I was about to say something because I was cut off. "I'd advise you not to fight me on this one. It's our job to keep you bitches safe and if that means duck taping your ass to a goddamn chair to make you stay put I'm okay with that. Queenie and the baby are at Boomer's visiting Momma Bear so there's no excuse. The three of you sit your asses at that bar and stay put until I say otherwise." Axle meant business. I knew not to fuck with him when he was in the alpha zone so I walked to the bar and took a seat between Madison and Athena like a good little club princess.

"What the fuck? Axle is fucking fuming. Heads are gonna roll after this shit. Those fucking Grizzlie assholes better hope the brothers get to their asses before I do," Madison said out loud.

"Don't be stupid Mads. Wall will have your ass tied to a chair if he even hears you say anything like that. Plus, I'm sure your father wouldn't mind shoving his foot up your ass too."

"Wall is nothing to me remember, I don't belong to anyone. He might think he has a say in what I do but he's sadly mistaken. For Christ sake, I haven't even had sex with the asshole. He has no claim to this pussy," Madison added.

"Well, ya might wanna tell him that. Sex or not, claim or not that fucker loves you and you love him too. You dumb asses need to stop fighting that shit,” Athena butted in while pouring herself a shot of bourbon.

“Fate's a bitch! Right now isn't the time to worry with it. He cares for you and doesn't want to see you hurt. Hell, all the guys are over protective," I added while signaling Athena to pour us all a drink. “Don’t be stingy with the whiskey bitch. We all need one of those.”

"Yeah, well I can't keep dealing with them giving us half-truths. From what you were told today, this shit involves us and we deserve to know just what in the hell is going on around here," Madison snapped back at me. The sound of someone crashing through the meeting room door halted me from giving it back to Madison's smart ass self. The three of us spun around from the bar to see what the fuss was about.

"You fucking idiot! You fucking left her in the open by herself. Even though you’re new to this shit you should have known better asshole! That’s my fucking sister you let those nasty fucks get near.”

Wall was standing over Zeus while he had his hand tightening around his throat. Pissed wasn't even close to what my brother looked like. He was in what I called Hulk mode. When he began beating the living hell out of Zeus I sprang from the bar stool and jumped on his back like a damn spider monkey trying to defend the man I wanted for my own. Not knowing who was on his back Wall came back with a quick elbow knocking me from his back and out cold.








I knew Wall was going to be pissed before we even left that fucking gas station. I figured I'd never live this down when it came to him even though I wasn't the only brother who was with her today. I knew I'd be at the hands of his menace for allowing our enemy to approach her. Not to mention I had her on the back of my bike without him knowing. I was hoping to take her out on a little joyride today and then have a nice long talk with her tonight about how I felt. I wanted to make sure we were both on the same page before I talked to Wall and struck up all kinds of drama that would fuck with both of us.

When I walked into the meeting room I noticed that Wall hadn't taken his seat next to Axle yet. His stare was set on me with a furious look.  "Did you think I wouldn't know? I mean seriously mother fucker are you that fucking stupid? Don't think I haven't seen the looks on your face when my goddamn sister is around."

"Wall it wasn't like that. I was trying to do something nice for her. I want her man. I would die for her and Octavia. They are my priority! They have been for a while now!"

"Could have fooled me, asshole. That Grizzlie fuck could have snatched her ass up while you decided to take a fucking piss," Wall let me know. "Doesn't seem like she’s much of a fucking priority of yours, asshole."

"Don't you think I'm aware of the shit that went down today. I'm ready to kick my own fucking ass. I wasn't the only brother there today, fucker!! Maybe you should have got your ass up and come with us Mr. fucking perfect,” I said screaming the last bit.

That must have struck a nerve because with that Wall jumped over the meeting table coming straight for me. In a split second, I stood up taller and braced myself for this fucker's wrath. Even though I outweighed the fucker by a good thirty pounds of solid muscle I knew I'd be on the short end of the fucking stick with this one. His fist connected with my jaw and it was on. Hooks and jabs were thrown by both as we began moving around the meeting room.

"Quit this shit fucker's! We don't have time for this shit right now," Axle bellowed distracting me for only a second. That split second was all it took for Wall to stroke me hard enough that I was sent crashing through the meeting door. I didn't have a chance to get my ass up off the ground before the fucker was on top of me gripping my throat.

"You fucking idiot! You fucking left her in the open by herself. Even though you’re new to this shit you should have known better asshole. That’s my fucking sister you let those nasty fucks get near," Wall was screaming at me as I felt myself losing consciousness. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a glimpse of the long jet-black haired beauty jump on her brothers back like a fucking ninja only to be caught by the enforcer's elbow and sent flying into the wall. Wall was a mean motherfucker. I knew what was coming when I pulled out of that damn deli earlier. He didn't get to be the club enforcer for nothing, but I know he'd never strike a woman let alone his sister. Knowing that subliminally didn't help the rage that boiled when I saw her body lying in a heap in the floor.

Gathering strength from somewhere unknown I wrapped my hands around his wrist pulling his hands away from my throat and spreading his arms spread eagle. I quickly head butted the raging mother fucker while I had the chance, sending him off of me. I sprang to my feet making my way over to where my woman lay in a heap on the floor. I yelled at the fucker hell bent on making sure I didn't walk out of the club house as I moved to her.

"Who's the fucking idiot know mother fucker? You that fucked up in the head you wanna start hitting fucking woman now, you righteous fuck!"

I dropped to my knees and pulled her limp body in my lap just as Madison and Athena made their way over to the carnage. For a split second, I actually felt sorry for Wall. The looks on their faces were not something I would want to be on the receiving end of. Wall was stunned as the reality of what he had done to his sister set in. He remained dazed staring at his unmoving sister. Throttle and Axle intervened grabbing the two crazy bitches stalking towards him before they could do any damage.

"You listen to me asshole, listen up real fucking good," I said trying to calm a bit of my rage as I felt Carrin begin to stir in my arms. "I might be new to this and I know there's a process to doing what I'm about to do fucker. I planned on discussing it with her when we got back today but your hot headed ass has left me no choice." I cradled a loopy Carrin in my arms as I stood from the ground. I turned my attention to not only him but to everyone who was gathered looking at the scene that had unfolded.

"I fucking love this woman. I want to be her man and a father to Tivie. In a twisted fucking way, I was given permission by her dead husband to care for both of them. To love and protect them. I've sat back for the last few months bidding my time. Letting them get to know me better and care for me just as I do them. I was trying not to rush them into anything until they were ready but after everything that has happened today, I'm not waiting a fucking second longer. I'm staking claim to Carrin. She is my property, my Old Lady. She will wear my patch, wear my ink and be on the back of my fucking bike. If someone has a goddamn problem with that we'll deal with it when I get back. Right now I'm taking her to my dorm room to clean her up."

I gave the girls a chin lift letting them know to follow me. I started towards the hall that leads to the rooms when I stopped. Without looking to him I spoke the truest words that have ever left my lips. "She might be your sister but she's my woman. Mark my words if you ever lay a hand on her in anger again I will end you mother fucker! Again I might be new to this but I do know the by-laws fucker and killing you for attacking my Old Lady is my right." With that said I continued down the hall taking a moment to look down at my girl. She was awake wearing a grin on her face.

"You said you loved me? You want me to be your Old Lady," Carrin teased with a megawatt smile on her face.

"Yeah, babe I do. Your mine. I've known for a while but wanted to make sure you were with me, yeah."

Taking my head in her hands she pulled me towards her. When she pressed her lips to mine the world stood still. Deepening the kiss sent a shot of electricity straight to my cock. It was all I could do to let her remain in control. If I had my way I would be stripping her bare right here in the godforsaken hallway sinking my needy cock in her. My girl must have had the same idea. As she moved in my arms letting me know she was ready for me to set her upright. Without breaking the kiss, I moved to get her feet on the floor. Once her feet hit the ground I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around her, grabbing both hands full of her plump ass drawing her chest to mine. I had her pressed up against me as tight as I could possibly get her. My stone hard cock was pressing into her belly button. Never in my life have I been this turned on by just a kiss. I couldn't get enough of this woman.

She slipped her tongue out searching for entry to my mouth. Who the fuck was I to deny her what she wanted? Before I knew what was happening our tongues were rolling in sync and both of us were pawing at each other like fucking wild animals. I let out a growl as my need to consume her took over my common sense. Passion and need overcoming us both as we were looking to get lost in each other.  We totally forgot the company we had in the hallway with us until Madison’s voice cut in.

"Not to disturb the pregame to the future fuck fest but we need to at least look at her head. Between the monster’s elbow to the jaw and the crack to the head when she hit the wall she might have a concussion. I need to figure out whether I need to call Doc in or not," Madison said drawing my attention causing me to break the kiss.

Pulling back, I looked down into the pair of emerald eyes staring back at me searching for any sign I might have hurt my girl even more while I let my need for her take over. "I'm so sorry baby. I'm such I dick. Are you okay? Did I hurt you? I can't believe I let myself get carried away without checking you over first," I said pleading with her. I couldn't have her mad at me. I couldn't let my wants and needs come before her well-being. I just claimed her minutes ago in front of everyone and now I'm treating her like one of the club whores in the dark hallway putting my dick before her health. Fuck, what the hell was wrong with me. My Old Lady deserved better. “I'm so sorry baby forgive me”


I looked into Zeus' pained face wanting to shake the shit out of him for stopping but loving him more for worrying about me. Without even trying to right my clothes I took his face in my hands pulling him forward making him look me in the eye before I spoke. "Babe I'm fine. I'm not a piece of fine china that's going to break so easily," I pleaded with him taking a moment to adjust my swelling jaw to try and speak again. "My fucking jaw is swelling and from the pounding in my head I can tell I'll have a nasty knot but I'll be okay." I winced as Zeus touched my jaw that was probably already turning a nice shade of purple as I watched his face turn deadly.

"I'm calling Doc to have him come take a look at you and then I'm going to go finish your fucking brother off," my protector said seething through his teeth.

"Okay, call Doc. I won't complain if he can get me something for this headache. As for my brother, you will leave him to stew. I know my brother and right know he's probably numbing his sorrows in a bottle of whiskey because he feels like total dog shit for accidentally hitting me."

I watched as my man's face turned even more rigid at my words. "Zeus believe me when I say Wall would not have hurt me if he knew it was me or any other female for that matter. My brother is not that type of man. Lord knows I knew the consequences when I jumped on his back. I've seen my brother throw down with some of the meanest mother fucker's alive. If he had known, it was me, things would have ended a lot differently."

"That doesn't excuse him from his fucking actions babe. He still clocked you in the jaw and tossed you like a fucking rag doll."

"No it doesn't, but you’re not excused in the matter either. If you knew you were going to stake claim to me, you should have manned up and have a conversation with him before we went out today." I held my hand up to him silencing him before he could speak. I wasn't finished yet.

"We are all at fault. Pointing fingers isn’t going to fix this shit. Your anger, his anger, it needs to be focused on those Grizzlie fucks. We need to put all our energy into figuring this shit out. They know where I live and where my daughter sleeps. You put this shit to bed with the help of my brother and the rest of our family. Once the dust settles then you two can beat the fuck out of one another."

With a nod, he acknowledged I was right. He just stared into my eyes not saying a word. Everyone in the hallway was silent until Athena broke through. "Zeus get Doc over here to look at your girl.” “Carrin let me and Madison get you cleaned up and settled in the room before Doc gets here."

Without breaking eye contact with the man standing in front of me I answered Athena for both of us, "Ok." Leaning up on my tip toes I placed a quick gentle kiss on Zeus' lips before turning to the girls to let them know I was ready. Without another word Zeus turned and headed back down the hallway.

"Girls what in the hell am I going to do. I can't have them fighting with each other. If my brother thinks he's going to be a complete asshole to Zeus, just like he was to Brookes, then he has another thing coming."

"Your brother's just pissed because Zeus didn't talk to him before taking you out. It's a sign of disrespect. You know that girl," Madison said trying to smooth things over. "I will say this, if he gives you shit about this I will personally kick his ass."

With a slight smile on my face, I nodded in agreement. I knew she would be true to her word and I pitied Wall just a bit. I looked to Athena.  Not knowing her feelings on the subject worried me a bit. She was my dead husband's best friend and the one Zeus considered his sister. I knew she wouldn't be able to change my mind about the situation with Zeus but, I did value her thoughts and feelings on the matter. I watched as her somber face turned up into a smile from ear to ear.

"Hot damn!! My brother has sense after all. I'm so happy for you both. I've watched him for a while now. He's been hung up on you for months now momma," Athena said.

Breathing out a huge sigh of relief I questioned her. "Are you sure you’re okay with this? I mean he is your brother and I was married to your best friend. I want you to be okay with this."

"I'm not going to lie when I say that I had a feeling things would go this way for you two. I'm a very observant person, it's a blessing and a curse I know. I've watched my brother pine for you and I've seen the look in his eye whenever he's near. I know Brookes would be happy for you. I know he wanted you to have a life after him. I think in some strange way Brookes had a hand into moving you two towards each other." Athena looked to Madison briefly before returning her gaze to me. "I'm with my girl here. If Wall starts a bunch of bullshit he's going to find out what it's like to get his ass kicked by a girl!"

We all began laughing and pulled each other in for a trio hug. Not sure how long we were in that position before a voice broke up our little huddle.

"You know that's a grown man's fantasy right. Three beautiful women feeling each other up would be on the top of my list if it weren't for the fact that I think of the three of you ladies as my own daughters." We all turned to look at Doc standing in the hallway with the trusty medic bag he always carried.

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