Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1)
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After disconnecting the phone, I leaned back in my kitchen chair to look at the mess of apartment before me. While I was at the shop today someone had let themselves in my apartment to wreak havoc. It was almost like they were looking for something. At a quick glance, I would say they didn't find exactly what they were looking for. Nothing seemed to be missing everything was just thrown and scattered around the room.

My first thought was to call Wall. I quickly decided against it when the thought of that skank whore Yasmin answering his phone again came to mind. The last time she was more than forthcoming about the way she had wrung his dick dry. Apparently she did such a good job he was sleeping it off.  Even after she told me she would let him know I called, my phone never rang back. He came into work the next day as if it was a normal day. Still weeks later that shit still bothered me. Either he was just as big of a douche as he makes his self out to be or that conniving whore didn’t tell him I called. Either way, my pride wouldn't let me address the issue. Fuck him and the ground he walked on for playing with that piece of trash. Out of all the club girls that had come and gone, she was the one I detested. I was friendly with Diamond and even Jewels. I knew they had their reasons for resorting to the life of club bunny, but, at least, they had a little dignity about the service they supplied those men. Yasmin was just pure trash. I'm surprised her antics hadn't gotten her the boot in the ass out the door.

Hearing the knock at the door I grabbed my forty-five in my right hand as I made my way to the door. Looking through the peephole I saw Carrin with Hart right behind her. Taking a deep breath, I undid the chain and the deadbolt letting them in my mess of an apartment.

"What the fuck happened here Madison? Are you hurt," Carrin asked before she made it entirely through the door. Hart taking that as a clue, something wasn't right he pushed past Carrin into the living room. He stood with a stone cold look on his face while he surveyed the mess. Without saying one word to me he stepped out the door with his phone to his ear.

"I’m fine Carrin, just a little shaken up is all. I was at work this morning. This was waiting for me when I got home. I was going to call Wall but didn't feel like dealing with his shit so I called you. I can't stay here and I don't mean to invite myself to your new house but I don't think I have a choice in the matter."

"I ought to slap the shit out of you. You know you’re always welcome in my home no matter how new it is. You have spare clothes there already and if they’re not good enough I have a closet full. I don't want you touching anything until the guys are finished looking through this mess. Come with me and we'll go wait in the truck for the guys to get here," Carrin told me taking me by the shoulders to nudge me out the door.


"Speak," Axle said on the receiving end of the phone.

"Hey man it's Hart. You and a few of the guys might wanna head over here to your sister's apartment.  Someone got in while she was at work today and tossed the place."

"How the fuck do you know that and why the fuck are you with my sister," Axle screamed into the phone?

"I was with Carrin earlier picking up Tivie's birthday present. While I was loading the shit in the truck Madison called Carrin to come to her. I had no idea what was going on til I got here. As soon as I saw the mess of her apartment I called you without even saying anything to Madison."

"Stay with the girls prospect. I'll grab Wall and Tank and head over. Should be there in no more than twenty," Axle said forcefully before abruptly disconnecting the call.

I made my way up the steps to the apartment just as Carrin stepped out leading a distraught Madison down towards the street.

"Where the fuck do you two think you’re going," I said noticing Madison still held the gun in her hand?

"Nowhere Hart. I just thought it’ll be easier on her to wait in the truck instead of in the midst of all the shit that use to make up her goddamn apartment. Back the fuck off," Carrin said with anger I had never heard before.

Damn, my girl had a temper. She was pissed and right for a change. "Sounds like a good idea. You two hop in the back. I'll sit in the driver's seat in case we have to leave in a hurry."

"I've been here by myself for almost an hour before you two showed up. I would think if someone was still here waiting to make a move they would have done it by now Hart," Madison said as she made her way to the rear passenger’s door of the SUV.

"Point taken dear but I'd rather be safe than sorry," I told her as I opened the door for them.

The hair on the back of my neck stuck straight up. It was like I could feel someone's eyes on me. Someone was definitely watching us. At least, in the comfort of the SUV, we wouldn't be as vulnerable.

We sat in silence for the whole fifteen minutes it took for the guys to get here. Our enforcer was the first one I saw. Wall was out of formation racing forward like a wild banshee. He slammed on the brakes right beside the truck dismounting the bike before the kickstand was even on the pavement. By some saving grace, the bike's kickstand made it out in time to catch the machine and hold it upright without it falling over. Wall had the rear door flung open pulling a sobbing Madison in his arms before Axle and Tank even got to a full stop.

"Are you hurt anywhere? Was anyone in there when you got home? Why the fuck didn't you call me Madison?" Wall was spitting out questions quicker than Madison was able to even answer but something with the last one sent her into bitch mode. By the look in her eye, I knew it wasn't going to be pretty. Backing away from the two to give them some space I stuck my hand up to the two men on the march towards to the truck to indicate they might want to wait a minute.

"FUCK YOU WALL!!,” Madison yelled while throwing a right hook at Wall’s just missing his face. “You have some fucking nerve. I'm a big girl I can take care of myself dammit!" Madison lashed out at Wall again.

Wall didn’t let the missed punch affect him one bit. He just wrapped his arms around her pulling her into his chest. "If you can take care of yourself then why are you shaking like a leaf in my arms baby girl? Why did you call Carrin to come get you? You need to let us help you. You need to lean on me when you need someone!" Wall retorted back.

"Oh like the last fucking time I needed you," Madison threw back at him while pushing away from his chest with a raised eyebrow. Shock is what I saw on Wall’s face. He froze at her words giving her the opportunity to break away from him. She moved back watching him carefully.

“What the hell are you talking about? Whenever you have needed me I have always been there just like I'll always be. All you have to do is call WOMAN!" Wall said back frustrated. He was pacing back ‘n’ forth now.

"Oh yeah then why in the hell did you not take the time to return my call the last time I needed your sorry ass," Madison shouted making Axle jump to life. In a flash, he headed straight for Wall throwing him up against the brick wall of the apartments.

"What is she talking about asshole? Did you deliberately ignore a phone call from her? You know that we’re all supposed to be keeping an eye on them. You know my fucking orders. If they need us, we go no matter how stupid it fucking is. That means if one of them calls on your sorry ass you make sure they’re good," Axle spat out through clenched teeth.

"I have no fucking clue. I never had any missed calls from her. You of all people know if that pain in the ass female calls me my ass jumps," he said while pointing over to where Madison was standing watching shit unfold.

"Explain yourself Madison before I have to beat the hell out of my own enforcer," Axle said looking straight at his sister.

Madison seemed embarrassed and began to stall. "Now Madison or so help me I'll take you over my knee and whip your ass too!" Axle shouted.

"Alright god dammit! For fucks sakes give me a minute,” she yelled back at her brother. “Two weeks ago I noticed I had a flat tire coming out of the grocery store. I called the douche bag over there only to get his slut on the phone. After a long description of how she worked his dick over she informed me, he was asleep and she would let him know I called. He never did. Then he had the fucking nerve to come strutting into work the next day as if nothing ever happened. Anyway, I was lucky enough that prospect Dalton was coming out of the store shortly after. He gave me a ride back to the shop and rode back with me when I brought the roll back to pick it up. I swapped that tire and headed home for the night. Not once did my phone ring," Madison screamed loud enough for the whole fucking block to hear.

With death in his eyes, Axle turned back to the club enforcer. "Is that true. Did you ignore a fucking distress call from her? If your wanting to be the one she calls, then your ass has got to be the one who answers or follow-up dickhead."

"I've never gotten a fucking message to call her. Hell, my phone never even showed she called me. I check my phone every hour out of habit. Take my phone and look through the call log. See when the last time she called me was," Wall said to his president obvious feeling guilty of not knowing she had called him for help and he wasn't there.

Axle released Wall from his hold but still caged him in towards the wall. After a minute or so of scrolling through Wall's phone Axle moved away from Wall and towards Madison. He seemed to instantly calm after looking over the phone. "I think he's telling the truth, Madison. From the looks of it, he has never deleted a text message he's received from you and the last call into him from you was over three weeks ago. " Turning away from the two women to face us Axle said, "looks like his slut didn't relay the message".

Well damn looks like Yasmin was playing road block. I wonder if the cunt had anything to do with the ransacking of Madison's apartment?

"Look Prez don't blow off at me for overstepping, but, Carrin, I think you need to take Madison to the house. You might want to gather up the rest of the ladies and have them meet you there. Make sure you reach out to Bree and let her know to come to you after her shift," Tank said waiting for the president to overstep him. When that didn't happen the girls moved back towards the truck.

Surprisingly Carrin stopped in front of me and stood on her tip toes placing a quick kiss on my cheek. "Thanks for going with me today. We'll see you back at the house later." I nodded like a dummy while I watched her climb her tight little body in the front seat of the Tahoe. After enough time to get their seat belts on the girls took off leaving us standing on the sidewalk.

"You and I are going to discuss that little kiss prospect," Wall threatened as he began righting his self from being pushed up against the wall.

"Yeah I kind of figured as much but, for now, follow me. You need to see the number they worked over on Madison's apartment," I said walking up the stairs to the open apartment door.


On the way back to the house I made use of my Bluetooth in the truck. I called all the girls, summoning them to the house for what looked like to be a long night. When my calls were finished, both Madison and I sat in silence until we pulled up in front of the house. I noticed Hyde's Camaro sitting in the driveway already. Before opening my door to get out I reached over to grab Madison's arm stopping her before she could climb out.

"Please don't mention the kiss. I honestly don't know what it means. It was just natural. I can't explain it."

"I won't breathe a word Care Bear, but I must agree it did look natural. Maybe it's time to watch that DVD and find closure. That way you might be able to move on with what’s right in front of you." She raised her hand to stop me from saying anything before she could finish. "A blind man can see how much he's into you. The way he watches over you and Octavia is unnerving sometimes. The look he has on his face is one of a patient man. I think he's just sitting back waiting for you to make a move."

"Yeah, maybe you're right. Maybe it is time to see what Brookes' final words were for me. I just can't do it this week. He'll be gone a year in a matter of days. Although I would like to think I've picked myself up and moved on with life as he wanted, I'm not sure I can deal with the emotions surrounding the anniversary of his death. Watching him talk to me from the grave will just fuck me up even more. Maybe next week after everything settles down."

"I understand love. I hope you can move past this and grab life or, in this case, Hart by the hair. You deserve to be a happy girl. Whatever that may bring. No one, including your late husband, will fault you for finding love again. I mean damn, your twenty-six years old Hun. You have a whole lot of life left to be had. Don't do it second guessing your every move."

That was her final words on the subject. Madison hopped out of the truck placing a fake smile on her face and walked up to the house. Taking her lead, I did the same walking in my home wondering what the night would bring. With the birthday party tomorrow I sent a little prayer that my family and myself would be able to pull it together for the innocent little girl playing on the floor of the den.



After reaching out to Rufus, our in at the local police station, he came out to look over Madison's apartment while we sat dumbfounded. It was apparent that whoever was in Madison's house was definitely looking for something. We didn't have a fucking clue as to what it was, though.

BOOK: Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1)
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