Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Moving On (Dominant Devils Mc Book 1)
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"You sure are honey. I know losing Brookes is still fresh but he was adamant on you finding love again. Don't just shut those feelings you’re having out.” Madison paused before asking the question I knew was coming again. “Have you even watched the video he left you yet," Madison said from across the living room?

"No, I haven't. Like I’ve said before I can't bring myself to watch him say goodbye to me again. It was hard enough in the car but not sure I’ll make it through it again.”

"The time will come babe. You’re the only one who knows where you stand with that. Just know that each and everyone one of us will be here to get you through the last hurdle," Hyde said quietly to me.

"Yeah I know but enough with this shit. Let's crank up the tunes and rock out like we use to. There's still plenty of beer left and our liquor stash has been unpacked already. The night's still young and we need to break in the new house right," I said with the most mischievousness grin I could muster.


I felt like such a shit. What grown ass man sits quietly while listening in on a bunch of half-drunk women. I couldn't help myself, though. I needed to know what the woman who had been wreaking havoc on my mind for the last few months thought of me. I've just got to keep my feelings to myself until she gives me a sign she's ready. I don't want to push myself on her even with her dead husband’s approval. Yeah, I never would have thought he would peg me for the one to stand up for his wife and daughter he was leaving behind. His exact words were:

"watch over them man. I have a feeling Aiden and Athena will finally get the heads out of there ass's and give in to what they feel. I don't want Carrin and our daughter left out when that happens. Be there for her man. She's going to need it. In time if that friendship buds into something else, know that I'm okay with it if it does. She deserves to be happy even if happens to be with you, asshole. If not, then I'm okay with that too, but make sure whoever it is, treats her right."

I keep that scene from the DVD on repeat in my head. I never really paid much mind to Carrin that way until I watched the video Brookes left behind. After that, it's like the normal attraction turned into that of need. That woman will be mine eventually and I plan on raising that beautiful little girl as my own, no doubt about it.

I unmounted my bike and made my way into the clubhouse. The scene was like any other night. Prospects behind the bar, brothers surrounding the stage while Jewels worked her ass around the pole, Wall was back in the corner behind the pool table with Yasmin between his legs and the old guys in the opposite corner bullshitting about old times while chugging their choice of beer. I fucking loved this shit and soon it would be me mingling around telling other prospects what to do.

Without even being told, I started making my rounds collecting the empties and throwing them in the bin. As I made my way behind the bar to relieve Aiden when I noticed the Prez talking to beautiful curvy number at the end of the bar. They looked like they’re in a pretty deep conversation. I shook it off knowing that if I asked it would only mean more days added to my sentence. Aaron was a prime example of that. He was a straight up motherfucker but dumb as hell. At twenty years old he'd already been prospecting close to a year and at the rate he was going he had already accumulated almost another year for stupidity. The running joke was he was only fucking up so that he would still be prospecting when Beau finished college and would be prospecting right along with him.

Although I had never met Beau I heard that he wasn't happy about being made to go to college before his father or brother would allow him to prospect for the club. He didn't even return home this summer opting to take classes during summer break in order to graduate with his degree in business management at the end of the fall semester this year instead of the following spring. From what I've been told, that boy had determination.

Apparently done with his conversation Axle came to us at the opposite end of the bar. "Aiden I need you to get over to the house, you’re on babysitting duty tonight. Take Breeanna over with you when you go. It might do her good to see some friendly faces. The women know who she is. They'll take care of her".

Turning towards the rest of the men he shouted, "The rest of you assholes church in ten!" "Prospects join us in fifteen. Knock before you open that fucking door, you hear me."

"Got it, boss," I said rounding the bar to clean up after the brothers as they slowly began moving to the meeting room griping the whole way. After a few minutes, the only one left in the room, aside from us prospects, was Wall, as Yasmin hadn’t finished him off yet.

With a minute to spare the screech of the old wooden chair let us know that Wall was now finished and making his way into the meeting room promising Yasmin, he would meet her in his dorm room to finish what they started. I sat back and observed Yasmin waiting for Wall to walk into the meeting room. When the door closed to the chapel she jumped up and flew out the front door pulling her cell phone out on her way. That's odd. Any other time she would be racing off to Wall's room to wait.

I moved my way towards the outer wall of the room, acting as though I was cleaning up in hopes to overhear some of her conversation. I froze when I was next to the window listening to her talk frantically through the phone.

"How much longer until that bitch is out of the way Carmen. He called me by her fucking name again while I was giving him head. This shit has got to end or I'm cutting ties and beating feet while I still can," Yasmin said viciously into her end of the phone.

I looked at my watch realizing I have two minutes before I was expected in the meeting room. I sat there listening for anything else I could overhear.

"I know these things take time but if the dumb ass had answered the fucking phone when I called to give him a heads up we wouldn't have had to start all over when he took out the wrong one with the truck. Now these fuckers are guarding the women like some lost goddamn treasure." Torn between staying to listen to more of her phone conversation making myself late or to take what I had already overheard straight to the table, I chose to not be late and hope I was called upon to let the guys in on what I just heard that nasty bitch say. After hearing her talk about the accident that took Brookes life I was certain that dirty bitch had something to do with it. Now how do we prove it?


                                          Three months later...







I woke up from the reoccurring dream I kept having. A dream of me not being there for Carrin and Octavia. Yasmin is got both of them shoved in a trunk of an old beat up Beretta. After taking Yasmin out I started a dead run towards the car only to watch it explode before my eyes. When I woke up, I was sweating like a whore in church. I’ve had the dream so often Athena and Carrin have made jokes about wet dreams because I'm washing my sheets every day.

The last three months have been awful, to say the least. After I spoke up at the meeting that night about what I overheard, the guys have been on red alert. They've kept Yasmin around to try and keep tabs on her plus tapped her phone. So far the only thing we've been able to piece together was that she is infatuated with Wall and seems to be a pawn in some big scheme. The main player was someone by the name of Carmen. We know that the plan of attack is aimed at the women. I guess they know they would ultimately be the club's weakness.

Moving the disturbing thoughts from my head I jumped out of bed pulling my jeans on from the night before and made my way towards the direction of the smell of French toast. It took no time to get down the three flights of steps. I was brought to a sudden stop as I took in the sight before me. Carrin was standing at the stove wearing nothing but a pair of boy shorts and a mid-drift kami. She turned to look at me as I walked in the kitchen. She must have been a little embarrassed by the blush in her cheeks. Her face was clean of any makeup with her black hair thrown up into a one of those messy buns. I never noticed how many tattoos she had until now. The moons and stars covering her left arm were incredible. I had seen bits and pieces but never the entire sleeve. The ocean theme piece she had on her right calf seemed to have had some work added to it recently. This fucking girl was gorgeous. An absolute knockout. What I wouldn't give to throw her ass up on the kitchen counter and spend hours with my head between those luscious legs of hers. With just those thoughts my dick began to rise to attention. She stood there taking me in just as I was her. I noticed her nipples harden under her barely their top. She quickly turned around to the stove and began busying herself with the breakfast. Without a word, I moved closer to her. Just as I was about to place a kiss on that long neck of hers, a sudden crash drew my attention to the corner of the room.

Taking the time to right myself I spoke to Carrin in what sounded much like a lust filled plea. "You finish up breakfast, I'll tend to the little diva. Then after breakfast, I would like to take you with me while I go pick out the perfect birthday present for the prettiest little girl in South Carolina," I finished looking straight ahead at the little girl sitting in her high chair.

"I'm not sure I can. I don't have anyone to sit with Tivie," she answered.

"Tivie is more than welcome to hang out with me today. You two should go. That way you can pick up any last minute things we forgot for the diva's birthday party," Athena chimed in as she walked into the kitchen to join us. She stopped at the cupboard and pulled out two cups to pour coffee into. She then brought a cup over and placed in front of me with a wicked smile dancing across her lips. My sister knew me better than anyone. Even though I never spoke the words, I was certain she knew my thoughts when it came to Carrin. Apparently she approved or she wouldn't be offering to take the baby so I could get her mother alone.

"Are you sure Athena. I know you mentioned having paperwork to get caught up on at the shooting range," Carrin pressed.

"Nope. I'm good. I could use a little relaxation with my favorite little girl. I'm sure the Commander can tend to anyone coming into the shooting range today. He's trying to get a feel for things for when he's here permanently. At least, he'll have something to keep him busy. Besides, Rosalie will probably thank me when she gets a few minutes alone with the contractors. You know their almost finished with their house. They hope to be moved in by Thanksgiving. Even though Martin will still have to commute back and forth each week until the first of the year," Athena answered leaving Carrin no room to argue.

Carrin turned to me to say, "well I guess that settles it". "You’re stuck with me today bud."

"Sounds good to me. We’ll have to take your Tahoe though. What I have in mind for the diva won't be fitting on the back of my bike."

"Okay," she said looking a little defeated at the thought of not taking the bike.

"When we get back I'd be more than happy to get you out on the bike for a bit if you’re up to it Care Bear."

"As good as that sounds, we'll have to see where the day leads us," she said with a little more excitement in her eyes.

"What smells so fucking good up here," Happy said as he made his way up the basement steps.

"Language Hap. You know she’s picking that stuff up quickly," Athena scolded Happy.

"Yeah our little diva looked at the president yesterday and called him and asshole," Happy choked out between laughs.

"Oh my god, Braxton's going to kill me," Carrin shouted.

"Nah babe I was there. Axel couldn't do anything but laugh. He's cool with it. Besides that, the little girl has him wrapped around that little pinkie of hers just like the rest of us," I threw in as I reached across the table stacking my plate high with scrambled eggs and French toast.

As I began pouring on the syrup I thought to myself, today was going to be a good day. Hopefully, I'll be able to get a read on where I stand with this woman. I began to stuff my face eating as quickly as I could. I still needed to check in with my sponsor and get a shower before I could get this sexy little thing out the door all to myself for the day. Even if that meant dropping a fortune in the Toys ‘R’ Us the next town over.

"Hey sponsor, you okay with me falling off the grid today. I'm going to take Carrin over to help me pick out Tivie's gift for tomorrow," I directed towards Happy.

"Shouldn't be an issue man just keep your phone on," he paused to swallow a mouthful of scrambled eggs, "you’re gonna be another asshole who tries to show me up tomorrow at the kid's party aren't you?"

"I'm going to win that bet if it's the last thing I do man."

"We'll see fool. Just make sure you've got the coin to cover losing when it comes time for the little diva to open her presents," Happy said with a wide grin on his face.

Oh, it's game on, fucker. I'll show him up if it's the last thing I do!

I quickly stood and made my way to the sink. After scraping the leftovers in the garbage disposal I stopped and looked over to Carrin. “I’ll be ready to roll out in thirty."

"Alright but all you’re getting out of me is a change of clothes. If I can't go like the bum, I am then I'm staying home."

"Babe you look perfect just the way you are, although I don't feel like cracking skulls today so a change of clothes would be nice." I turned leaving her speechless as I made my way up to the third-floor bathroom. I just had four more days before I could confess my feelings to her. Once we got past the one-year anniversary of Brookes all bets were off. She'd had her time to mourn, now it was time for me to help her get back to the land of the living.


"Thank you for getting me out of the house, Hart. It's weird to be able to get out as an adult and not just as a mommy, even though we are standing in the middle of a toy store," I said laughing a little at my choice of words.

"I should be thanking you, babe. You’re my saving grace in the midst of all this pink shit," Hart managed to get out while his eyes were surveying the walls of little girl toys.

"I'm going to show you something, not because I expect you to waste your money on it but because I think it's a cool idea for Santa. I need some input dude. Follow me."

I grabbed his arm and lead him to the back of the store where the power wheels were held. I stopped just in front of a pink and purple battery-operated Harley. "You think she'd like it?"

"With the family, she's got how could she not. She's not waiting for Santa for this, though. It's coming home with us today," Hart belted with a victorious gleam in his eye.

"Is this going to be something nice for her or just because your ego can't take losing a bet with the guys," I said giggling out loud.

Hart turned to look at me taking my face in his hands. "I told you months ago, you and that little girl will never want for anything, not if I have anything to say about it."

I stood there for a moment searching his chocolate eyes looking for any flaw to prove what he said was bull shit. I couldn't find any. I knew what he spoke was the truth. Somewhere deep in my heart, I knew that if I would allow it this man would easily be my everything. He might not have vocalized his wants or needs with me but I knew. I know he wants me just as much as I want him. The problem is when would I be ready for that and if I took too long would he still be here waiting.

I pulled back before speaking changing the subject back to the battery powered vehicle in front of us. “I’m sure you'll definitely be a little girl’s hero with that."

"Then it's settled. Let’s get this thing paid for and loaded up. If we finish shopping early enough maybe we'll even have enough time to slip away on that little bike ride I promised this afternoon," he said grabbing the slip to carry to the front so we could pay for our purchase.

Once Hart had paid for the little Harley and the few decorations I had picked out we pulled my Tahoe around the back of the store. As we both went to climbed out of the SUV, the Bluetooth in my truck began to go off. Looking at the radio display I saw it was Madison calling. I pointed to the screen letting Hart know I needed to take the call. With a nod, he got out of the truck to meet with the store personnel to load up Tivie's present.

"What's up Hooker? Haven't heard from or seen your ass in over a week," I said into the truck waiting for a response from Madison but not getting one. "Madison answer me. I was just joking. What's up with you woman?"

Madison sounded like she was crying which sent me on full alert, she was not a crier. My senses peaked knowing something was wrong with my friend. "You're scaring me CB. I need you to tell me what's wrong".

"Oh my god Care Bear I'm losing my shit. I need you to come get me please."

"Where are you love? I'll head that way right now."

"I'm sitting at the table in my apartment with the forty-five in my hand. Please don't say anything to the guys just yet. I need you Care Bear," she said sniffling into the phone.

"Okay I'll be there in less than thirty, but I have Hart with me. I won't tell him your upset but he's gonna question shit when we get there."

"Okay, I'll see you guys in a bit," Madison said sobbing into the other end of the phone before disconnecting.

Sitting waiting for the store personnel to load the big box in the back of my SUV was making me anxious. As soon as it was loaded and Hart made his way into the passenger side I tore out of the parking lot.

"Whoa babe where's the fire," Hart asked still trying to right his self in his seat?

"Madison called. She said she need some help with something."

"Okay, but does that mean we have to run like a bat out of hell to get there"?

"She said it was urgent and I know if I don't get there she'll try and do it by herself," I lied.

"Okay would it be easier for me just to call Axle and get one of the guys over there," Hart asked trying to figure out what the rush was.

"NO! I told her I would be there in less than thirty," I said a little too quickly.

Hart’s voice deepened, "I'm not sure what it is you’re not telling me but I don't like it, woman. I need to know what I'm walking into."

"I don't know what's going on at the moment. She knows you’re with me but made me promise not to call anyone until I get there. She was crying Hart. Madison doesn't cry easily."

"Oh hell! Don’t rush and roll the damn truck trying to get there then. Maybe she just had an argument with her boyfriend or one of her brother's" Hart responded.

"You’re not very perceptive if you hadn't noticed that Madison doesn't date. She won't admit it but Wall is it for her. She may play around and possibly a one night stand every six months or so but I doubt she'll ever settle down. Plus, she fights with her brother's all the time. Besides their normally more scared of her, not the other way around. She didn't get the nickname “Crazy Bitch” for nothing. She's not one to take lightly. Trust me."

"Okay then I'm trusting you to know your friend, but know that when we get there and I get a handle on what's going on I will be reaching out Axle. He'll kill me if I don't," Hart stated while looking out the window at the passing scenery.

"I'm sorry this afternoon isn't going to go as we planned. Rain check on that bike ride handsome?"

That brought a little smile back to his brooding face, "sure thing beautiful. I'm going to hold you to that".

I smiled to myself at the word beautiful. How this god of a man would want someone like me is beyond me? I know I'm far from ugly but I've had a kid for Christ sake. My body isn't as tight as it once was although it's still better than most. Looks like I might need to start hitting the gym again to help rid myself of insecurities.

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