Franklin Goes to the Hospital, Franklin and the Tooth Fairy, and Finders Keepers for Franklin: Three Classic Franklin Stories

BOOK: Franklin Goes to the Hospital, Franklin and the Tooth Fairy, and Finders Keepers for Franklin: Three Classic Franklin Stories
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Franklin Goes to the Hospital
Franklin and the Tooth Fairy
Finders Keepers for Franklin

With Special Thanks to the Community Memorial Hospital in Port Perry and The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto – B.C.

Franklin is a trademark of Kids Can Press Ltd.

Text © 2000 by Context

Illustrations 2000 © Brenda Clark Illustrator Inc.

Story written by Sharon Jennings

Interior illustrations prepared with the assistance of Shelley Southern.

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Kids Can Press acknowledges the financial support of the Ontario Arts Council, the Canada Council for the Arts and the Government of Canada, through the BPIDP, for our publishing activity.

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This book is limp sewn with a drawn-on cover.

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Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data

Franklin goes to the hospital

Based on characters created by Paulette Bourgeois and Brenda Clark.

eISBN 978-1-4532-1862-4

ISBN 1-55074-732-0 (bound)     ISBN 1-55074-734-7 (pbk.)

I.     Bourgeois, Paulette.         II. Clark, Brenda.

PS8550.F724 2000 jC813’.54           C99-931786-5

PZ7.F724   2000

Kids Can Press is a Nelvana Company

Franklin Goes to the Hospital

Story based on characters created by
Paulette Bourgeois

Illustrated by
Brenda Clark

Kids Can Press

RANKLIN sometimes had colds and tummy aches, and every now and then he got cuts and bruises. He went to the doctor’s for regular checkups, and once the doctor came to Franklin’s house. But, until now, Franklin had never been to the hospital.

Franklin and his friends were playing soccer. The ball was kicked to Franklin, and it hit him hard in the chest.

“Ooof!” he groaned. But he kept on playing.

That night at bathtime Franklin said, “Ouch!” when he dried his tummy.

His mother took a closer look.

“Hmmm,” she said. “We’ll go to the doctor first thing tomorrow.”

With gentle fingers, Dr. Bear poked and prodded Franklin’s shell. She discovered a small crack.

“It isn’t serious, Franklin,” she said. “But I have to put a pin in your shell to help it grow properly. I’ll schedule an operation for you tomorrow morning at the hospital.”

“Will it hurt?” asked Franklin.

“We’ll give you sleep medicine before the operation, so you won’t feel a thing,” replied Dr. Bear. “When you wake up, you’ll be a little sore. But we’ll keep you in the hospital overnight to make sure that you’re okay.”

Dr. Bear explained that operations can only be done when a patient has an empty stomach. She told Franklin not to eat or drink after bedtime that night.

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