Instant Orgasm: Excitement at First Touch (37 page)

BOOK: Instant Orgasm: Excitement at First Touch
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Peace in Everyday Relationships
(Alson and Burnett), 82
peaking, 130–148; by changing the stroke, 142; and control, 142–143;
; before ejaculation, 145–147; between peaks, 141–142; slowing down, 131–133; in a trained woman, 121, 124; train-
ing, 144–145; ways of, 139–141 penis, squeezing of, 97–99 performance anxiety, 12, 74, 76
pheromones, 17
, 147
playfulness, 75, 83, 99
pleasure: giving and receiving, 59– 60; giving to a trained woman, 121–129; giving to an untrained woman, 111–120; importance of, 5–7; and slowness, 131–133
pleasure training, 49–66; asking for what you want, 64–65; giving and receiving pleasure, 59–60; inheriting information, 50–51;
mind/body connection, 65–66; talking while pleasuring a man, 63–64; training your partner to give you pleasure, 52–55; training your partner to receive pleasure, 55–59
point-and-feel orgasm, 73–74
pornography, 30
positions for manual stimulation, 113–115, 125–126
practice, importance of, 21 premature ejaculation, 10
pressure, applying, 92, 118–120
pubic hair, 116–117
pulling, 92
push outs, 88


questions to ask about pleasure, 56– 58
receptivity, 25–26
reciprocity, 68–69
religious conditioning, and attitudes toward pleasure, 15
resistances, and pleasure, 68, 86–90; and control, 110–111; excessive ap- preciation, 87–88; fast breathing, 88; how to handle, 79–80; as psy- chological problem, 89; shaking, 88; too many requests for change, 87; too-sensitive clitoris, 88–89; in an untrained woman, 115–116
response, differences in men and women, 17–18
role playing, 158


scrotum, 98
self-assuredness, 77
self-image, 39–40
self-pleasure, 24–48; applying lubri- cant, 44–45; focusing attention, 26–27; and peaking, 147–148; re-
ceptivity, 25–26; single-stroke
masturbation, 45–47 sensation, awareness of, 25–26 shower, touching yourself in, 28 single-stroke masturbation, 45–47 slowing down pleasure, 131–133
(Kundera), 131
space, arranging for pleasure, 39, 69
stretching, 92
stroking, 127–128; for ejaculation, 161–162; graduating to more strokes, 75–76; one at a time, 75; steady, 46–47; for a trained
woman, 124–125
surround stroke, 127–128
tactile inventory, 40–41
talking: and the importance of ac- knowledging pleasure, 50–51,
53–54; to extend peaks, 136–137; while pleasuring a man, 63–64
tensing up, and pleasure, 9–10 therapy, marital, 83
To Bed or Not to Bed
(Bodansky), 77,
116, 154–155, 163, 168
touches, pleasurable, 116–118; expos- ing the clitoris, 93–95; placement of the second hand, 107–108; pressure on the lower abdomen, 95; pressure on the vulva, 95–96; pulling, stretching, and applying pressure, 92; retracting the clito- ral hood, 104–107; squeezing the penis, 97–99; stroking the lower clitoris, 107
touching techniques, 78–79
. See also
touches, pleasurable
touching yourself, 27–41; in the bed- room, 30–31; for men, 31–32; setting up your space, 39; tac- tile inventory, 40–41; in the tub or shower, 28; using fantasy, 29; visual inventory, 39–40; with a
water hose, 28–29; for women, 32–36; with your hand, 30
109, 147, 160
turn-on: defined,
; resistances to,
79–80, women as source of, 8, 17


vagina: and the G-spot, 169; insert- ing fingers into, 88, 108
vaginal orgasm, 19
Vaseline, 38
verbally acknowledging pleasure, importance of, 54, 69–71, 72
vibrator, 28, 111, 167
visual inventory of your body, 39–40 visualization, 29, 30, 163
vulva, pressure on, 95–97


water hose, touching yourself with, 28–29
women: and capacity for self-gen- erated pleasure, 17; in dominant role, 157–158; and the influence of erotic language, 22–23; and masturbation, 41–42; and poten- tial for instant orgasm, 9; as the source of turn-on, 8, 17
Books on Orgasm, Seduction, and the G-Spot
How You Can Give and Receive Intense Sexual Pleasure
by Steve Bodansky, PhD, & Vera Bodansky, PhD

Yes, extended massive orgasms can be achieved! In this hands-on guide to doing it, Steve and Vera Bodansky describe how to take the experience of sex to a whole new level. Based on their research and work with clients, they explain the nature of orgasm, detailed techniques and positions for
extended orgasm, and how partners can help each other overcome resistance to pleasure.
The authors disclose stimulation tech- niques and uniquely sensitive areas known only to specialized researchers, recommend the best positions for orgasm, and offer strategic advice for every technique from seduction to kissing. With the help of this book you’ll find it’s never too late — or too early — to make your partner ecstatic in the bedroom.
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In this companion book, Steve and Vera Bodan- sky give much more detail about the best hand and body positions
for performing and receiving EMO. More than 70 photographs and drawings illustrate geni- tal anatomy and stimulation techniques, and the book covers new ground in the area of male arousal and orgasm.
Suddenly orgasm is no longer just a fleet- ing moment, but the beginning of lasting arousal that goes far beyond the bedroom.
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& Steve Bodansky, PhD
This saucy guide to seduc- tion, better sex, and a great relationship was written by the Bodanskys to help both men and women get it on. In their extensive practice with clients, the authors have found that most men do not know what to do to get a woman to bed, or what to do when they get her there.
Women also want to have sex, but they have learned to put up obstacles for men so as not to be considered “easy.” This book describes, with examples and exercises, what people can do to make getting into bed and having great sex possible, easier, and a whole lot of fun.
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