Celestial Love (30 page)

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Authors: Juli Blood

BOOK: Celestial Love
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“Very well,” King Douglas agreed and would have asked Randolph a question but noticed that Bryan seemed to have more to say.  “Is there something else?”

“Yes.  If Dr. Wingate feels that Nathan is up to it, I would like him to be one of the first interrogated.  Then I want him brought up to speed on the entire plan and given a means by which to communicate with Kalea and me that bypasses my government completely.”  He felt like a traitor but he knew it had to be done.

“That isn’t necessary...” King Douglas said but then continued before anyone could comment. “…but it is appreciated.  You are far wiser than many.”

Bryan didn’t answer.  He just hoped that Nate and Benjamin would forgive him.  He would have volunteered himself but knew the link was all the proof they would ever need.  Suddenly he felt a bit exposed and uncomfortable but didn’t let it show outwardly.

Kalea, unsure exactly what Bryan was thinking
, couldn’t help but sense his feelings.  She wanted to talk to him but felt he needed some privacy and so she held back.

After you have contacted your staff and Nathan regarding these changes, you will be leaving Estar Beta.  The specific details of your departure, including its time and allocated personnel will remain on a “need to know” basis.  Kalea your security detail, led by Franklin, will be joining you, as will three members of Bryan’s detail and Benjamin.  All other staffing will be sent separately.  We will add bio identification systems to the transport you will be using.  Gilbert is already working on including this same feature in the new security system he is working on.

“I realize this might not give you a lot of time to visit with your sister, Bryan, but it seems your father is quite
anxious to have you return.  I’m hoping the arrival of the Environmental Restoration teams on 6
day will ease his anxiety,” King Douglas explained.

Oh, and Bryan do you wish to take Leo along or would he be more useful to you here?” King Douglas asked.

, Leo does not like to be my personal assistant.  He may be able to assist Nathan or I could just send him back to Saxionias with my shuttle and say that he is to prepare for our arrival.  However, he should be interrogated first and then, if possible, perhaps you could help him forget that he was.”  Bryan gave a small smile and then continued.

“If I might ask, what was Leo’s position prior to being your assistant?” Randolph asked.

“Oh, he was my assistant, just not my personal assistant.  He prefers office work,” Bryan said with a smile.  Everyone laughed at that and then Kalea suggested they go prepare for Princess Jasmine’s arrival.  Within the hour Kalea and Bryan were waiting in the same gray tunnels that Bryan first saw upon his arrival.  Bryan had just enough time to contact his teams with the change in their orders before she arrived.  He was also thankful that Henry had provided the information regarding the three military bases and which teams were needed where.

Just then the doors opened and out came two security guards followed immediately by Jasmine and her two personal attendants.  As the last attendant cleared the doorway a third guard exited and closed the door behind him.

“Welcome, Princess Jasmine,” Kalea greeted using her always improving language skills.  “I am Princess Kalea, and I would like to officially welcome you to Estar Beta.”

“Thank you for your kind greeting,” Jasmine replied as she stepped forward and gave a brief curtsy.

Using the link Kalea asked, ‘Where are the rest of her security detail and staff?’

‘This is all that was provided,’ Bryan answered before
speaking aloud to his sister.  “It is good to see you again Princess Jasmine.  I am sure you will find your stay here a wonderful experience.  However, due to security and health concerns you will need to follow us to the Med Lab for a brief examination and then you will be shown to your quarters.”

Jasmine barely had time to nod her head when Bryan turned and began leading the way.  Kalea stayed at his side but wasn’t sure how to react to their very formal treatment of each other.

Arriving at the Med Lab, Princess Jasmine simply stood at the window and stared at the garden.  Her staff had a difficult time not doing the same.  Med techs quickly ran their tests and took DNA samples in an effort to verify each person’s identity. Then after the necessary immunizations, everyone was dismissed.

As they left the Med Lab, Princess Jasmine ventured a question to her brother.  “Crown Prince Bryan?”

Stopping, Bryan turned to face her on the path through the garden and raised an eyebrow signaling her to continue.

“Is this all real?” Jasmine asked with a sweep of her hand at the lovely garden and the lush forest beyond.

Smiling, Bryan answered, “Yes, Jasmine, it is all very real.”

Everyone heard her sigh of pleasure as they resumed their walk to the palace.  Once inside they showed Princess Jasmine and her staff to a large suite on the third floor a bit down the hall from their own.  The suite had adequate accommodations for Jasmine and her attendants and Bryan had summoned two of his own security detail to guide Jasmine’s to their quarters.

Jasmine’s suite looked out over the garden and Kalea realized it couldn’t have been more perfect for the girl.  Surprised that she thought of Jasmine as a girl when they were nearly the same age, she realized it must be a reaction to Jasmine’s response to nature.  Even now Jasmine stood at the windows looking out at it.

“While your attendants settle in why don’t we take a walk in the garden, Jasmine?” Bryan suggested and watched as Jasmine was out the door in a heartbeat.  “She’s really fascinated by the garden it seems.”

“So it would appear,” Kalea answered as she and Bryan followed Jasmine back outside.

They walked out toward the rose arbor before Bryan addressed Jasmine again.  “Jasmine I am not sure what Father told you regarding your
presence on Estar Beta?”

“Oh, you know Father.  He sent a message to be prepared to leave for Estar Beta
as soon as possible and the length of stay was indefinite.  Mother had a fit and learned that there was some type of trouble and that another Royal was needed to show our continued commitment to the agreement or project or something.” Jasmine answered without taking her eyes off the rose she was studying.

“The trouble includes the destruction of an underwater city
that is showing evidence of Saxionias terrorists.  Do you realize what this means?” Bryan asked.

Finally looking up from the flower Jasmine gave in to a temptation she had fought for a very long time
. “Yes, I understand Bryan.  I’m not stupid and I resent the implication.”

Bryan was surprised by his sister’s outburst but didn’t let it show.  Feeling Kalea’s smile and her
efforts to hold back a laugh were nearly his undoing.  Shooting a glance in her direction, he focused back on his sister.  “Nate is undergoing treatment.  He was attacked by a man impersonating a member of my staff.  It will be two weeks before he is fully recovered.  When he is, he will be taking charge of our delegation here on Estar Beta.  I’m not really sure what, if any, duties you will have but I’m sure Queen Nadia and Princess Alexis will help you settle in and find your place.”

“Actually,” Kalea interrupted.  “My mother is going to be hosting a banquet soo
n for the Ministry of Education; I’m sure she and Alexis could use your assistance.  Also, it will be a wonderful opportunity for you to learn more about our culture and perhaps take advantage of your time here on Estar Beta.”

Jasmine nodded and Bryan seemed to relax a little at the suggestion.  Kalea knew that between her
mother and Alexis, Jasmine would have a wonderful stay.

“It will be nice getting to know you as well,” Jasmine said to Kalea with a smile.

“Oh, I’m sorry Jasmine, but I won’t be here.”  Kalea’s expression clearly showed her disappointment.  “I have to travel to Saxionias to lead the Environmental Restoration teams and coordinate our efforts to help your planet heal.”

the teams?” Jasmine asked in amazement.

“Yes,” Kalea answered a bit distractedly as her
AVID beeped.  “Excuse me I need to answer this.”

Kalea walked off and Jasmine turned her questioning gaze to Bryan.  “Yes,” Bryan answered before she formed the question.  “Kalea and all the women of Estar Beta are well educated and
those that wish to, take an active role in government.  Kalea will one day be queen - a ruling queen.” Bryan clarified and watched the awed expression on Jasmine’s face as she watched Kalea make her way back to the palace.  He was surprised as the look of awe seemed to change to a look of longing.

“It must be wonderful to be respected for who you are and what you can do instead of just what you look like,” Jasmine said before dropping her head and again giving her attention to the roses.

Bryan was silent as he considered her comment.  It disturbed him when he realized that she was not only right, but that he agreed with her silent rejection of that aspect of their culture.  He had wondered at the difference between the women here on Estar Beta and those of Saxionias.  Could it be as simple as Jasmine made it seem?

‘Bryan,’ Kalea called over the link.  ‘We have a problem, please come to my
father’s office.’

‘On my way,’ Bryan answered and turned before remembering Jasmine.  “I’m needed at the palace.  If you need anything
, just activate the AVID by moving your wrist like this and someone will answer.”  Bryan barely heard her whisper “Yes, but will I understand them?”

Realizing he hadn’t explained about the translating feature of the
AVID he thought to turn back but he felt Kalea’s urgency and decided Jasmine would figure it out on her own.

‘What’s the problem?’ Bryan asked as he approached the palace.

‘I think it would be best if Kyle explained it himself.  He’s here waiting for you,’ Kalea answered.  Bryan hurried.

Henry opened the
king’s door as Bryan approached and he nodded his thanks as he entered.  Immediately, he noticed one of Jasmine’s security detail members in restraints flanked by both Kyle and Jonas.  Looking to King Douglas he asked, “What’s happened?”

“I’ll let your staff bring you up to speed,” King Douglas said before responding to a signal
from his AVID.

Bryan turned his attention back to Kyle who began to explain.  “Your Highness, this man is an imposter.  He claims to be Peter Foust but he is not.  Peter Foust is Jonas’ third cousin and they grew up together.  I don’t know who this man is but he isn’t
Mr. Foust.  Secondly, he claimed to bring new orders from the Noble Assembly but the code word he used was incorrect.  The orders he brought were for us to infiltrate the royal palace on Estar Beta and take the royal family hostage and seize control of the government.”

Bryan was shocked
and furious.  Turning his gaze to the prisoner he said, “What have you to say for yourself?”

may not be Peter Foust but I am sent by the Noble Assembly.  They provided the identification, uniforms, code word and orders.  I am simply their messenger,” the prisoner answered.

“Who are you?” Bryan

When no answer was forthcoming Bryan raised an
eyebrow and waited.  Finally, King Douglas answered.  “According to the information Kyle provided to the Med Lab his name is Roman Smythe and he has a rather lengthy criminal record.”

Bryan walked closer to the prisoner.  “Did you ever wonder why a
member of the Noble Assembly would send
to deliver a message of such import?”

“Originally, I didn’t know what the orders were and I just figured they were trying to be as discreet as possible.” Roman answered.

“Treason is a very serious crime.  I’m not sure what the punishment is here on Estar Beta but I do know what it is on Saxionias,” Bryan said with plenty of meaning.

“Treason!” Roman said as all color left his face.  “I didn’t commit treason
! I just delivered a message for the Noble Assembly.  I was just following orders.”

“Who gave the orders?” Bryan asked.

“I don’t know.  I mean everything was done electronically, it’s not like I met with anyone face to face.  Even the…” Roman’s voice trailed off.  He was rattled but trying to be careful also.

“Even your fee?” Bryan guessed.  Roman nodded but didn’t comment.

“King Douglas, is there a holding cell nearby?” Bryan asked without taking his eyes off Roman.

“Not on the grounds.” King Douglas answered.  “We will have to transport him to a detention facility.”

Finally breaking eye contact Bryan turned to the king and said, “If you could have Henry or someone arrange for this man to be transported and held until we can determine proper jurisdiction, I would be grateful.”

“Certainly,” King Douglas answered and then signaled Henry
, who was still standing behind Bryan.

Kyle and Jonas started to lead Roman from the room
, but Bryan stopped Kyle with a touch on his arm as he passed.  Jonas continued and Henry followed them out.

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