Celestial Love (26 page)

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Authors: Juli Blood

BOOK: Celestial Love
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“What would you do in thi
s case?” Bryan asked before Nathan could ask another question.

“Like you, we would try to determine the reason for the attack,” Kalea answered surp
rising Bryan and Nathan but apparently not her brothers.  “If, for whatever reason, we couldn’t determine the cause we would have to assume the worst and he would be sentenced to life at one of three isolated communities for violent offenders.  It would be the only way to assure that whatever plan he may or may not have had would not succeed.”

“What type of evidence woul
d you need to convict him?” Nathan asked.

“We already have it,” Kalea replied.  “We have security footage that clearly shows him attacking you, and from behind
I might add.  Even if we were never able to determine his motives, his actions convict him.  Of course, he would be given a hearing and allowed the opportunity to defend himself.  If he could provide evidence that his actions were justified, the sentence might be changed, but given the situation the likelihood of that seems slim.”

“Would the sentence change if you found that he was working for someone else?  Perhaps they were threatening his family if he didn’t do as they required, or if he confessed who they were?” Na
than questioned.

Bryan was surprised by the question but more so by the implication.  He wondered if this might apply to their current problem.

“Actually,” Kalea answered, “the sentence would only change if we could prove any of what you just suggested.  We would investigate any suspicions of that occurring but since the individual would not be executed or sent off world the sentence would most likely only be shortened by a number of years.  You see, we have ways of investigating that people in that situation could report to prior to committing the crime that would allow us to verify their situation and save them and their families.”

“We also have sanctuaries where they can flee in order to avoid both other criminals and the authorities.  To be honest, we don’t have much coercion on Estar Beta because the rate of conviction
is very high, around 95% or so.”

“Very impressive,” Bryan commented but didn’t ask any more questions.
Instead he began working on a plan.

“How many criminals do you currently ha
ve in your justice system?” Nathan asked.

“I don’t know the exact number but it was nearing 600 the last time I received an update,” Kalea answered.

Nathan and Bryan shared a look; 600 was such a small fraction of Estar Beta’s overall population they were amazed. 

“Many would-be criminals choose not to take the risk,” Gilbert said in response to the surprise he noted in their look.  “The
criminal success rate is low and the judicial process is swift.  To date, I believe there are only four cases of wrongful conviction.  Thankfully, in all four cases, the perpetrator was apprehended, rightfully convicted, and restitution was made to the innocent.  Another reason we do not execute violent offenders.”

The method of investigation that you mentioned, does that include interrogation techniques, and would they be available in this case?” Bryan asked.

Kalea considered the situation and then looked to Randolph and Gilbert.  They offered no comment and she realized the real question
was if they could trust Saxionias with the technology.  After last night’s tense situation it didn’t seem wise to push the trust issue just yet.

“How about a compromise?” Kalea suggested.  “You tell this Murdock that you are turning him over to us for interrogation and possible punishment.  We w
ill then perform the interrogation and return him to your custody to determine punishment.”

Bryan quickly realized the problem and knew that now was not the time to push.  A bit disappointed
, he decided to let it go for now.  “All right.  You may interrogate him and share your findings.  I will decide his punishment based on your results.  Now Randy, if I remember correctly you had something else you wished to show me?”

Randolph looked to Kalea and at her nod he replied,
“Yes.  If you will come back to my office I would appreciate your input.”

Turning to Nathan,
Bryan said, “Inform Murdock of his situation and then resume your duties.  I feel confident that you will be up to the task now that your injuries have been treated.”

Sir, Your Highness,” Nathan answered with a smirk.  Realizing Prince Bryan had again not only gotten his way but had been right.  He did feel better.

Kalea and Gilbert shared a brief, whispered exchan
ge and then Kalea addressed Nathan.  “You will need to inform Murdock immediately and then turn him over to Prince Gilbert.  I’m needed elsewhere but he will notify you when the interrogation is complete.”

Your Highness,” Nathan replied with a slight bow and then turned to the med tech to see if they were finished with him.  They were, so he hopped off the table and followed Prince Gilbert and Princess Kalea from the room.

Hours lat
er Kalea was finally out of meetings and in desperate need of a change of scenery.  The idea of taking her shuttle and disappearing for a while was very tempting.  She had even gone so far as to change into one of her flight suits just in case she decided to orbit Estar Beta while she was out.

‘Kalea,’ Bryan
asked via link.

‘Yes,’ Kalea answered as she smiled out her window.

‘What’s this strange yearning or eagerness that I suddenly have?’

‘Oh, that was m
e.  After all the ups, downs and stress of the last week I just feel like I need to get away,’ Kalea explained.

‘I’d love to come with you but I can’t get away right now.
’ Bryan replied.

‘Are you sure? I could wait a little.’ Kalea ask

.  We are still dealing with the Murdock situation as well as trying to determine the amount of the fuel used in the SC-17 explosion.  I think we are close on both but Gregory is still running simulations and Gilbert said it would be at least another hour before he could meet with Nathan and me about Murdock.’  Bryan’s disappointment was clearly felt but so was his need to complete both tasks.

‘Why don’t you go?’ Bryan asked when he again sensed her yearning for freedom.  ‘Maybe I can even enjoy a bit of your freedom over the link?’

‘I can’t promise to stay close enough,’ Kalea answered honestly as she grabbed her copy of the Ancient Writings and headed to their private lift, the one she still hadn’t remembered to show Bryan.

‘That’s fine,’ Bryan replied.  ‘I can already tell you’re on your way.  Your joy is refreshing.  Go have fun and you can share it with me when you get back.’

‘Thank you,’ Kalea said as she rushed aboard and quickly strapped into her seat. ‘One of these days, life will surely get calmer - I hope.’

Bryan resisted the urge to laugh out lo
ud and simply said, ‘Me too!’  Kalea launched and he felt her joy but it quickly disappeared.  Bryan was a little surprised that she was out of range so fast but figured she might have needed some space from him as well.  What he didn’t know was that Kalea had launched straight into orbit and the rapid launch had taken her out of range faster than even she intended.

“Your Highness,” Gregory called, bringing Bryan back to the situation at hand.  Bryan nodded and Gregory continued, “I have completed all the simulations and it would seem that indeed all the fuel was used in the SC-17 explosion.  However, I cannot guarantee that the amount of fuel that was in the cylinder was all that was stolen from the lab.”

“Yes.  Thank you, Gregory.  I will transmit your findings and verify the amount stolen with your calculations as to the amount used.  Have there been any new developments regarding the whereabouts of the research assistant or anyone he might have had contact with?”

“I believe you will need to ask Prince Randolph about that,
Sir,” Gregory answered as he transferred the information to Crown Prince Bryan.  When the process was complete he was dismissed with a nod.

With this new
information, Bryan headed for the shuttle bay.  He had a lot of information to transmit and he hoped to get some new information as well.



Wanting to truly be free
, Kalea disengaged the artificial gravity in her shuttle and then released her seat restraints.  Soon she was touching off different areas of the shuttle so as not to bump them.  Finally she let the cares of the past week slip to their rightful place at the feet of The Way.

Letting her thoughts run free
, she was soon remembering that Bryan addressed The Way by His other name, Jesus.  She was starting to like the added personal touch, and as different concerns worked their way to the forefront of her mind she laid them to rest at Jesus’ feet.

It was nearly two hours before she fel
t ready to return.  Drifting over to the control panel she carefully lowered herself into the pilot’s seat and secured her restraint.  Then she re-engaged the artificial gravity, thankful for a padded seat.

After orienting herself to her current location in orbit she disengaged the autopilot and prepared for reentry.  However, as soon as she began to enter the atmosphere the
ASRS engaged and shot her back up into space.

Fury flooded her system.  Unable to stop or override the system she started devising ways in which to make Gilbert
’s life miserable for years to come.  It wasn’t long until her shuttle was safely docked at Moon Station 4.

As with Point Delta, everything was automated and Kalea was sure that even though this facility was part of Moon Station 4 it was secured and therefore no help to her in communicating
with Gilbert.  She tried to be patient as she waited for the arrival of someone to escort her back to Estar Beta or into Moon Station 4 proper.  Unfortunately for everyone, the system didn’t notify Gilbert as intended and no one knew of her situation for an infuriating 55 minutes.


Ending the transmission and disappointed not to have received any additional information from his father, Bryan exited his shuttle.  He entered the main entrance in time to hear Gilbert bellow.  “What?!”

mechanic standing before Gilbert flinched but didn’t answer as Prince Gilbert continued.  “Do you mean to tell me she has been gone for nearly three hours and you are just now telling me?!”

, Sir,” mumbled the mechanic as he inspected his shoes.

“What’s the problem
Gilbert?” Bryan asked, certain the “she” in question was Kalea.

Turning, Gilbert took a deep breath and forced his fists to relax.  “It seems Kalea launched in her private shuttle nearly three hours ago and no one has heard from her since.  We can’t reach her via the
AVID system and because of a scheduling error no one was here when she left to inform her that I had begun working on the ASRS last evening and I wasn’t done yet.”

But the shuttle is safe isn’t it?  You’re just concerned because she isn’t back yet?” Bryan asked, trying to determine why Gilbert was so upset.

“No.  I’m worried because she isn’t responding.  Her shuttle's radio seems to be malfunctioning and she isn’t answering her
AVID.  If something has gone wrong we have no way of knowing.  We also have no idea where she went so we can’t even go looking for her.”  Gilbert explained, again trying to understand why her AVID wasn’t working.

Bryan thought for a moment and tried the link but Kalea didn’t answer.  Remembering the
ir last words together Bryan had an idea.  “Does the AVID work when she is off world?”

“Off world?” Gilbert asked.  “No, of course not.  Even in
orbit it would be out of range; that’s why we have to reprogram the AVIDs at each space port to the local system.”  Gilbert started to pace as he explained and then suddenly understood the import of the question.

“Did she tell you where she was going?” Gilbert demanded.

Bryan took a deep breath and shook his head as he said, “No, but we were communicating as she left and I got the impression that she was heading for orbit.”  Not sure how exactly to explain the feeling, Bryan hoped Gilbert wouldn’t ask him to explain his impression.

Gilbert looked at him steadily for a moment
before he nodded and then turned back to the mechanic.  “Did you try to reach her via the orbital communication network?”

“Yes, Sir
,” the mechanic answered calmly though he still didn’t make eye contact.

“If something happened would ASRS engage or not, Gilbert?” Bryan asked.

Gilbert thought about that for a moment and then answered, “Yes.  It was still operational when I was called away.  However, the system hasn’t been triggered or we would have been notified.”

“How?” Bryan asked feeling sure that something had indeed gone wrong.

“The…” Gilbert stopped his explanation almost instantly and hit his forehead with his palm.  “That’s it!  We need to check each of the Secure Locations to see if the she’s there.  The system might not have notified us because that part of the program was one of the areas in the process of updating.  If for some reason it didn’t complete the process then it might not notify us if the system engaged.”  Gilbert headed for the king’s office and Bryan was right behind him.  Soon they were speaking to King Douglas’ assistant.

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