Celestial Love (37 page)

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Authors: Juli Blood

BOOK: Celestial Love
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“Makes sense.” Kalea answered and then realized she might be holding everyone else up for lunch.  Seeing Franklin speaking with Gilbert she moved over to join everyone.

“Hey Sis,” Gilbert said as he gave her a hug.  At Kalea’s raised brow he added, “I have to say it while I can.  Once you’re queen, Mother will have my hide if I don’t show proper respect.”

Kalea smiled and gave him a squeeze before she moved on to Rose. “How are you?  I’m sorry I haven’t had any time to visit and that Gilbert is so busy.”

“I completely understand.  But I’m not letting him out of my sight until sundown.” Rose said firmly and Gilbert raised his hands in mock surrender and then slipped his arm around her.

“If you will all gather around let’s say the blessing and see how good the food is, shall we?” Uncle Evan asked.

They formed a loose circle and Uncle Evan said grace.  Once everyone had their food and found a place to sit at the picnic table
, Gilbert asked, “So, Sis, what did you find most interesting about the service today?”

“The readings and the closing hymn.” Kalea answered simply and everyone burst
out laughing again.

“Oh, he wasn’t that bad was he?” Rose asked after she had caught her breath.

“Bad, no,” Kalea admitted as she set her fork down.  “But I have never understood ministers that try to make the truth so complicated.  There is indeed depth to the Ancient Writings, but he didn’t even touch on that as he shrouded the truth in the cumbersome teachings of man.”

“What did you think he was “shrouding?”” Gilbert asked.

“He read the truth of Pros Ephesious 2:8-10.  That’s Ephesians for you Bryan.  The Writings are clear we are saved by grace through faith; it is a gift of God.  Nothing we do earns us salvation.  The works mentioned in verse 10 are our purpose not our wages.” Kalea answered.

“Amen.” Rose said and everyone grinned.

The topics of discussion varied after that until the dessert was served and then Rose spoke again.  “Before we finish and go our separate ways this afternoon I have a bit of news I would like to share.”

“Oh?” Gilbert asked obviously not privy to what the news might be.

“Yes,” Rose answered with a smile.  “I would have told you several days ago but you’ve all been so busy.”

Gilbert simply nodded and Rose looked to make sure everyone was indeed listening.  “Gilbert, we are having a baby.”

Kalea squealed and jumped up to give Rose a hug.  Gilbert just sat there stunned.  Bryan smiled and Uncle Evan laughed.

Franklin discretely stepped back and used his
AVID to contact Gilbert’s head of security.  Protocol dictated that changes needed to be made and the sooner they started the better.

Rose started to get nervous when Gilbert just sat there.  Then he simply leaned in and kissed her breathless.  The laughter rose again and they all had a wonderful afternoon talking about dates, names and all the joys to come.



“Good Morning, gentlemen,” Kalea greeted as Franklin, Gilbert and Benjamin entered and gathered around the table in her office.  “Where do we stand?”

Gilbert signaled for Franklin to start and so he began, “
Princess Kalea, with the last of our staff arriving and the final shipment of supplies, the ship will be fully prepared for departure within two days - possibly a little less.  All the new arrivals have been screened and their identities verified again.  They’ve also been assigned quarters and general duties on the ship.  Today, after the meeting, small groups will be escorted around and their responsibilities clarified as needed.

“The complete securit
y detail teams for Crown Prince Bryan and yourself have also been briefed and are currently working on some integration and cross-training exercises. We hope to have a seamless, combined security detail in place before we reach Saxionias. I feel confident that each detail member is competent and loyal.  We feel that there is no need to add additional members to our combined security force at this time.  Together, we can cover all aspects of security both on the ship and on Saxionias, unless you have other plans?” Franklin questioned, raising his right brow.

“I have no suggestions at this time,” Kalea replied
. “I just don’t want the details to be too thin when I have to travel with the Environmental Restoration teams.”

We have considered that and feel that we will be able to provide sufficient protection,” Franklin replied.

At Kalea’s nod, Gilbert turned to Benjamin and he began.  “Princess Kalea
, I am pleased to report that we have been able to complete the security systems.  Originally, we thought it would take another two or three days to reach this point, but the Lord is blessing.  We would like to run a few drills, but in truth, we finished it early this morning.  If all continues to go well, we feel that you could launch on Monday, I mean Second Day.”

Kalea smiled at his stumble but more so at his news.  “Have you heard anyt
hing back from King Alexandros?

Your Highness, not yet,” Benjamin answered.  “To be honest, I am not surprised.  I would suspect that the communication system between Estar Beta and Saxionias has been compromised.  Perhaps he has chosen to deal directly with your Environmental Restoration teams on Saxionias.  King Alexandros might not wish to risk further communication at this time.”

“Does Nathan
have access to communications with us yet?” Kalea asked the group in general, as she wasn’t sure who would know.

“Yes,” Gilbert answered.  “The communication system that Crown Prince Bryan requested has been established and tested.  However, Nat
han has not yet sent a message.”

Sensing something in his tone Kalea simply arched a brow in question.  Surprisingly, Benjamin answered, “Nate
hasn’t been feeling well because of his treatments.  He doesn’t want to worry Crown Prince Bryan and so he asked that we just test out the system a few times until he has something to report.”

A pause that took nearly a minute followed as Kalea tried to decide
what to do.  “Benjamin, is Nathan angry at Bryan?”

Amazed by her insight Benjamin replied, “I think he was a bit insulted by th
e interrogation.  He understands the reasoning behind it, but…”

“Very well.  I will prepare a message for him and I would like you to send it.  If he replies directly to me then make sure it is delivered when I am alone
; otherwise, whenever is fine.”  Kalea then turned to Gilbert and said, “If you could give me just a moment?”

Activating her AVID
Kalea quickly prepared her message.

, I understand that although you realize the reason behind Prince Bryan’s decision you might still feel betrayed.  I hope you can forgive us, for it was indeed necessary.  Prince Bryan trusts you with his life.  Now I can too, and I appreciate that more than you may realize.”  Adding her signature and symbol, she secured it and transferred it to Benjamin.

, she turned back to Gilbert.  “I’m ready now.”

Gilbert pushed speculation about th
e message to Nathan aside and focused on the meeting.  “We have rewritten all the ASRS code and updated it with several new security points located within Saxionias territory.  These security points are fully manned and fully without the authorization of the Saxionias government.  Should their location be discovered they will signal their departure and it will deactivate them from your ASRS.  Hopefully, this won’t happen, and Benjamin is confident that their discovery is unlikely.”

Taking a small piece of folded paper from his pocket
, Gilbert slid it across the table toward her but did not release it.  “Here is your override code.  Please memorize it and then properly dispose of the note.  I have one for Bryan as well but I will give it to him personally.  Please do not use it lightly - it only works once.  After you use it, the system resets and I have to get you a new code.  When I say “I,” I mean literally, me personally; no one else knows how this part of the system works.”

At his look Kalea realized just how important this was to him.  She also knew just how much time and energy he’d poured into this system to make it as secure and effective as possible.  “I’ll be good.”

Gilbert didn’t relax as she had hoped but he did release the slip of paper.

“Excellent.  After the orientation meeting for this afternoon, we can see about those drills.”

Quickly the meeting broke up and Kalea turned back to work on her speech for the orientation meeting.  She had a rough draft listing all her main points but suddenly realized that something very important was missing.

“Gilbert,” Kalea called into her
AVID.  “What is the name of this ship?”

“What?” Gilbert answered somewhat distractedly.

“This ship we are working so hard on…what is its name?” Kalea slowly emphasized the last four words to get his attention.

“It do
esn’t have one,” Gilbert answered with a shrug that she could clearly hear in his tone.

“Didn’t Father commission this ship with a tentative name or something?” Kalea tried again.

“I don’t know, and to be honest, we don’t have time to ask him before the meeting.  Just pick something.  Father will understand.  Oh, but don’t make it some um... I mean try to think of a name that will truly represent this ship's position in the fleet.”  Gilbert fumbled as he tried to make his point without offending his sister.

“Gilbert, the
last time I named a ship, I was six.  Do you really think I would name this ship something as childish as
Dancing Dolphin
?”  Kalea couldn’t believe him.

“Sorry,” Gilbert replied and then quickly signed
off.  He had tests to run.  No need to risk sticking his foot in his mouth again.

Kalea’s frustration with the situation increased as she checked the time.

‘Anything I can help with?’ Bryan asked over the link as he watched the doctor's assistant pack up again.

‘How are you feeling?’ Kalea asked instead of answering.

‘Great.  The cleansing treatment works great and best of all, I can breathe a lot easier.  So, what is bothering you?’ Bryan asked again.

‘It’s almost silly actually. 
Well, except, it isn’t.  You see this ship hasn’t been christened - I mean named and it has to be named before we can launch.  Father either hasn’t decided on a name or he forgot that he hadn’t shared it with anyone.  I have my speech prepared for the assembly, but I don’t have a name for the ship.  I don’t even have time to send and receive a message from Father to ask him.’  Kalea wanted to hit something and she knew Bryan could tell.

Deciding to be diplomatic first, Bryan asked, ‘What did Gilbert suggest?’

‘That I name it myself.  Father will understand but I still feel uncomfortable because this was to be his ship not mine,’ Kalea admitted.

‘Well, it seems Gilbert has the most logical solution unless you thi
nk you can postpone the address until after you’ve communicated with your father,’ Bryan replied.

‘No, that would cause an unacceptable delay that we can’t afford.  The meeting must take place today s
o we can finalize all the small but important details that need to be completed before we are able to launch.’  Kalea’s frustration wasn’t subsiding so Bryan took a different tack.

‘So, what do you think your Father might have named the ship if he had?’ Bryan asked.

‘I’m not sure, and the more I’ve worked on the ship these past few days I’ve started to wonder if he really designed this ship for…well this sounds strange, but for himself.  I’m wondering if maybe he had a different plan.’

‘You mean you think he designed this ship with you in mind?’ Bryan asked with a touch of a smile that they could both feel.

‘Does that sound as selfish as I think it does?’ Kalea asked.

‘No, because I think you’re probably right.  It wouldn’t be the first time a parent in authority has provided some significant gift or gesture to acknowledge the coming
change in their relationship.’

‘Well, whether I’m right or not it would seem that the task of naming this ship has fallen to me.  The problem is, I can’t think of a single n
ame that would be appropriate.’

‘Are there any famous leaders that you feel would be honored to have a ship named after them?’
Bryan asked.

‘No, only ships that specialize in research or exploration are named that way.  Remember, violence is considered a last resort on my world and it would be more of a dishonor to name a
Command Ship after a leader, famous or otherwise,’ Kalea answered, thinking of a few professors that she wouldn’t mind dishonoring just to see their reactions.

‘I feel those thoughts,’ Bryan teased, and after another moment of m
irth, continued, ‘so famous leaders are out.’ Taking a deep breath he decided to try a suggestion.  ‘What do you think about a name that comes from Saxionias?’

‘What do you mean?’ Kalea asked

‘Nothing that would lead one to question loyalty or anything, but a historical name that
has a double meaning,’ Bryan clarified.

‘What do you mean a double meaning?  What name are you suggesting?’ Kalea asked, her stress level ratcheting up a notch as she noticed the time.

.  It was a weapon used by law enforcement in our ancient past,’ Bryan explained.  ‘Our visit to the holographic target range reminded me of it.’

‘Interesting.’  Kalea pondered the implications a
nd meanings when translated but then replied, ‘Unfortunately, it doesn’t translate well.  In our language it would be something like Bringer of Peace and only the Holy One can truly do that.  I suppose we could name it Peacemaker in Saxionias and explain that the translation means Coming Peace or Peace Comes.’ Kalea said as she worked through different options.

‘Would it be accepted by your Father and the Royal Council, it being a
Saxionias word?’ Bryan asked.

‘I think if I explain it to them it might.  I don’t really have the time to do that though, so I will need to pray and think on this for what little time I have left.  I’ll see you at the meeting, Bryan, and thanks for helping and listening,’ Kalea said.  Bryan echoed her good bye and then made his way to the meeting.



“Welcome, everyone, to the
.  Yes, the name is Saxionias in origin but it is the perfect name for our ship because it means
Coming Peace
.  Peace is obtained in many ways today and sometimes choices are limited and the use of force is necessary.  Our current mission will bring peace through the sharing of skills and technology.  Soon we will launch
and make our way to Saxionias where an excellent Environmental Restoration Team has already begun work to determine the most efficient and effective ways to restore life and health to the planet.  This effort will bring a state of peace that is desperately needed on Saxionias.”

Kalea paused to look over the crowd making eye contact with many before she continued.
“All of you are aware of the destruction of SC-17.  That act of terror was followed by other incidents that have forced us to change some of the arrangements and plans we had originally intended regarding our work with Saxionias.  However, it has not changed our mission.  Each of you was chosen because of your specific skills and loyalties.  So was I.  We will arrive on Peacemaker and we will strive to solve the mystery of these acts of terror and destruction, for they have not just happened on Estar Beta.  Together we will work with the people of Saxionias until we discover the truth and, as always, The Truth, in all His glory, will set us free.

“Each of you has been given a schematic of the ship and assigned quarters.  Your various copies have some blank areas
; those are either secure or empty.  You needn’t worry about which, as you all have duties that should keep you adequately occupied.  If you do have questions however, please feel free to contact Franklin, our head of security, or your immediate supervisor.  This mission will succeed but it will do so faster with your cooperation.

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