Celestial Love (29 page)

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Authors: Juli Blood

BOOK: Celestial Love
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‘Why isn’t this one a real honeymoon?’ Kalea asked.

‘Let’s just say that although it has many of the right components, it’s still missing a few important elements I don’t want to miss out on.’

what at least one element was, Kalea decided to change the subject.  “So tell me about your sister.”

‘Not a very smooth transition,’ Bryan shared before he answered her aloud.  “Jasmine is three years younger than me and somewhat picky in the
‘finding a husband’ department.  She always looks lovely and has a beautiful singing voice.”

“What kind of music does she like?” Kalea asked.

“I don’t know that she has a preference,” Bryan answered as he watched a small insect flit from one flower to another.

“What’s her favorite food?”

“I don’t know,” Bryan answered still focused on the insect.

“Favorite color?  What about her favorite activity?” Kalea asked wondering if he knew any more about his sister
than he did about her?

Feeling Kalea’s
irritation he finally turned to look at her.  “I can feel you’re upset but I don’t know why,” Bryan said, making sure to keep his attention on Kalea.

“Jasmine is your sister yet you don’t seem to know very much about her.  I’m not sure if it is cultural or somehow due to your status, or if you just don’
t care about her enough to know,” Kalea said, concern edging her tone.

o, you know Gilbert and Randy’s favorite foods, colors, music and activities?” Bryan asked, not thinking she would.

“Yes.  I know almost as much about them as I do myself.  At least it feels that way sometimes.  We all grew up
together.  We played, studied and practiced our instruments together.  They’re my brothers.”  Kalea was truly amazed that he would think she didn’t know.

“Oh,” Bryan said softly as he took a moment to imagi
ne that type of childhood.  He was not really able to picture it as he reflected on his own.  He admitted that before he and Mark turned sixteen it was always the two of them.  He knew all those things and more about Mark but they never played with Jasmine.  She was a girl and she stayed with Mother all the time.  Then later he was either alone or with his father a lot. He had memories of his mother at gatherings and tending to Jasmine but rarely him.  He really didn’t remember having friends or playing with anyone other than his twin, before he was shipped off to school, alone.  Mark had chosen to avoid higher learning for a while.  He often envied Mark his freedom but they rarely spoke after he left home. 

“I wasn’t raised that way.  I was separate
d from my brother at 16 and was never with Jasmine at all.  Usually I was with my father or one of his aides.  We did fun things together just the two of us until I left home for my formal education.  That was about it.”

“I’m sorry,” Kalea said, saddened by what sounded to her like a
very structured, strict and lonely childhood.  “We have a saying that says 'If a man is good to his mother he will be good to his wife.'  I’m just trying to get to know you and understand how you think, but we don’t have common reference points on so many things that I’m not sure how to go about it.”

“I guess it will just take time,” Bryan acknowledged, again wondering what his life would be like when the agreement was fulfilled and he was simply the husband of the
queen.  She had said he would be a member of the Advisory Board but they both knew he would not be king.

“Look at the sunset,” Kalea said in wonder.  Tonight the clouds were thin and wispy above the horizon.
Never did she tire of the Holy One’s handy work. As the sun sank, the cloud's colors changed and as the final pinkish purple faded to black, she sighed.

“It’s amazing isn’t it?  Yet the Holy One makes it different every evening.”  Kalea whispered so as not to disturb the moment.

“Now I know what glorious means,” Bryan said as he cupped their clasped hands together with his free hand and gave her hand a gentle caress.

A moment later a light blinked on Kalea’s
AVID and she said, “The evening meal is ready.”



Breakfast the next morning was in the main dining room so that everyone could discuss their progress.  Randolph was pleased to report that he discovered a case of bio identification sensors that had been ordered for SC-17 and incorrectly shipped to SC-1 and then to a storage facility in a nearby village because no one knew what to do with them since the explosion.  Randolph had sent two men to collect them last evening and they had just returned.

“If everything goes smoothly, I will have them installed in two hours.  It will then take another hour to put all the new bio data in and then all the Environmental Restoration teams and their equipment will be ready for departure.”

!” King Douglas said from the head of the table before taking another bite of eggs and focusing his attention on King Charles Williams.

“We have verified the identity of each member of the
Environmental Restoration teams and their support personnel including the pilots and others traveling with them to Saxionias.  This verification was done using newly collected bio samples and comparing them to actual hard copy information that was on file in the med lab.  Although I was unaware that such hard copies were even in existence prior to yesterday.”

King Douglas nodded and then turned to Queen
Larraine Hatchins.  She had overseen the interrogation of Benjamin Kellman and had some interesting news to share.  “It seems Mr. Kellman is indeed capable of breaching our security.”  Giving a dramatic pause that she was well known for, she then continued, “However, he did not.  We feel confident in his abilities and his loyalties which are very strong in relation to Crown Prince Bryan and he is supportive of the agreement between our worlds, however he feels Crown Prince Bryan would have made an excellent king of Saxionias and he is concerned regarding the long term effects this marriage will have there.  He also thinks that Princess Kalea is stunning and he hopes she and Bryan have a wonderful marriage.”

Smiles circled the table and Kalea was trying hard not to blush whil
e she waited for more. Queen Larraine continued, “After he had rested we explained the situation regarding Princess Kalea’s shuttle and our concerns regarding the others.  He quickly set to work and hasn’t stopped.  His last report, just before dawn, said he might have found out how they got into the system but, if he is right, it will be hard to eradicate the problem.  He actually made an interesting suggestion that we simply build new systems for each ship from completely new materials and replace all the old equipment to make sure the problem is eradicated.  He then suggested helping to write the new code in order to speed up the process.”

“Hmm,” King Douglas didn’t say anything else or look at anyone else for a few minutes as he considered this suggestion.  Finally, he looked up and directed his gaze at Bryan and then slowly encompassed the entire table.  “Prince Gilbert agrees with Mr. Kellman and has set things in motion to completely rebuild from new materials all the ships' systems just in case there is code hiding in a non-essential program that could re-infect the new equipment when it is installed.  However, I am concerned about the time involved, so I have confiscated several transport vessels from merchants here on Estar Beta.  They are currently being loaded with
supplies of food and water for the Environmental Restoration teams and will travel with them to Saxionias.  Two other smaller transports are also being called into service, one of which will transport Princess Kalea and Crown Prince Bryan to Space Port 5.”

Looking back at Bryan he asked, “Would you put your life in the hands of Benjamin Kellman?”

Bryan didn’t even hesitate, “Yes Sir.  I actually have on several occasions. He has never failed me.”

“Very well.  He will accompany you both to Space Port 5 to assist Prince Gilbert in his efforts.  No one is to know when or how you will be leaving until you are gone.  Also, Benjamin is not to know that he is accompanying you until the very last m
inute.  Any questions?” King Douglas asked the table at large.

“Yes,” Kalea said.  “King Charles, how soon do you think you will have all of my new staff and security detail confirmed?”

Smiling King Charles answered. “We have already begun and expect to be done by night fall.”

Kalea nodded and then turned to Queen Larraine.  “Are you also overseeing the stocking of the supply vessels for the
Environmental Restoration teams?”

“Yes.  We started on that after we finished with Mr. Kellman last evening.  Was there something specific you needed that isn’t already on the supplies list?” Queen Larraine asked.

“If you have the room I would like to double the amount of fresh fruit and vegetable storage units and add a unit of seeds and a half unit of soil.  I’m not sure why, but I feel very strongly about this and if there is room extra hazmat suits and protective gear of that nature,” Kalea said with a far off look in her eyes that others recognized but which confused Bryan a bit.

“The vessels that we will be using are larger than those originally allocated for this purpose.  All of those supplies will easily fit.  If any other items come to you, just let
me know as soon as possible,” Queen Larraine answered.

“Father, has Dr.
Wingate reported to you on Nathan’s progress thus far?” Kalea asked.

“Yes.  I was going to mention it later but he is doing very well and responding to treatment,” King Douglas said.

“I believe Dr. Wingate said it would be just under two weeks to complete his treatments.  That will give us some time in case I think of something else that we might need.” Kalea said with a smile to Queen Larraine.

ctually another option has been decided on,” King Douglas answered and when King Charles and Queen Larraine nodded, Kalea realized she would have to wait to find out what they were referring to.  Kalea let it pass.

General conversation and comments on the food concluded the meal and soon everyone was off to complete some aspect of their tasks.

“Princess Kalea, I just received word that Princess Jasmine will be arriving shortly.” Edward said softly from behind her shoulder.

“I assume all the necessary arrangements have been made?” Kalea asked.

“Yes, Your Highness.  We are prepared.  I just thought you should be aware.” Edward answered.

“Thank you.  Let me know when her shuttle is landing.” Kalea instructed with a smile.  Edward bowed and slipped away as quietly as he had appeared.

Moments later King Douglas rose from the table and they simply followed him to his office.  Knowing that only there would he inform them of the latest decisions the Royal Council had made.

Henry saw them coming and held open the door as all three passed.  He was just going to close the door when Prince Randolph arrived to join them.

“Please, have a seat,” King Douglas said as he watched Henry close the door and then pressed the button on his desk.  “Due to the many recent developments regarding our agreement with Saxionias, the Royal Council has voted to change the method with which Saxionias fulfills their obligation.  The original plan was for the Saxionias delegation to tour our space ports and planetary defense structures and make recommendations and supply additional weapons, surveillance equipment and overall defense training.”  Kalea and Randolph nodded.  Bryan simply waited.

“With our security encryption alre
ady breached, we have decided to use a different tactic.  All of the Saxionias delegation, except for Bryan and Benjamin, who will be off world shortly, will be moved according to their area of expertise to one of three military bases here on Estar Beta.  There, they will train our forces regarding equipment and weapons.  Access to our current systems will not be granted and placement of new equipment and weapons will be at our discretion.

will still be in command of all the Saxionias delegation and he will travel from base to base to assist as needed.  Bryan, we would appreciate your help in informing your staff of this, as Nathan is currently resting from this morning’s treatment. We would like you to simply contact each team that is currently deployed and have them report to the appropriate base.  I know this was not what you planned, but we hope that it will be a step in the right direction without increasing the risk to Estar Beta as a whole.”  King Douglas concluded and then waited for Bryan’s response.

“To be completely truthful Sir, I originally planned to work with your government in
such a way.  Your original willingness to go so far beyond this amazed me. We can certainly accommodate you on this issue but there will be some things that can’t be done without more information.”  Pausing for a moment Bryan decided to pose a possible solution to the saboteur problem.

“Might I
make a suggestion?”  At King Douglas’s nod he continued.  “Since we do not as yet know who breached your security, perhaps you could randomly rotate my staff around the three locations and interrogate them all one at a time until you find a suspect or prove them all loyal.  I know that may sound strange, but since your method of interrogation is painless and effective I will approve the use of it on my staff.  After all, as you mentioned at breakfast, my life is also on the line.”

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