Celestial Love (28 page)

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Authors: Juli Blood

BOOK: Celestial Love
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“I hate to say it but that explains a few things.  I had problems with Murdock from the beginning and was planning on replacing him.  Nat
han was already working on it,” Bryan said.  “It also supports the theory that this all originated on Saxionias.”

Neither King Douglas nor Kalea wanted to push the point but both agreed.  “Is there any way to trace this Jenson person and determine who contacted him and where the money transfers originated?” Kalea asked.

“Yes and maybe,” Bryan answered.  “Learning about Jenson shouldn’t be that difficult but finding out who contracted him might be.  There are many ways that could have been employed to avoid detection.”

“Any idea what their true objective might be?” King Douglas asked as he considered all the different ways in which they seem
ed to be getting attacked.

“My first thought was like yours,
to stop the wedding.  When that failed I thought it might be to prevent you from fulfilling your part of the agreement.  Now with this attack on Nathan, I wonder if whoever it is simply wants to stop both of us from fulfilling the agreement,” Bryan speculated as he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

“Suggestions?” King Douglas asked a little surprised at Kalea’s quiet res
ponse to everything today.

Several minutes passed before Kalea replied, “Yes.”  Standing she walked over to the window and looked out over the deep valley beyond.  “Summon the
Council and update them on everything, then gather all the royals of my generation and start delegating.  We are going to need to review and confirm the identities of everyone on the Environmental Restoration teams before they leave which will delay them until tomorrow.  We will need to try to do the same with all of Bryan’s people as well.  It won’t be easy but we need to try.  Then I will shadow Bryan for the next two weeks as he covers for Nathan and we wait for Gilbert.  I will need a full security detail to accompany us when we leave and they will need bio identification access to anything that involves this project.  Actually bio identification should also be required for each member of the Environmental Restoration teams as well, as soon as we confirm their identity.”

Turning from the window she began to pace.  “Because of the medica
l severity of the attack on Nathan, you can free the doctor accompanying us to Saxionias of her secret identity and give her a fully equipped med lab and staff.  I feel justified in making this change and I doubt others will argue.”  Without even glancing at Bryan she noted his approval via the link.  Her father’s small sigh and the slight relaxation of his shoulders clearly proclaimed his.

“Bryan could be
at risk just as much as I am so we will need to find a way to combine our security measures without jeopardizing each other in the process.  Oh, and Princess Jasmine is to arrive on fourth day and her full complement will need to have their identity verified before they are released from the shuttle bay.  Sorry Bryan but that means Jasmine also.”

“That’s fine,” Bryan said not the least surprised.  “I’m sure she won’t mind and I would have done it anyway.”  He didn’t want to mention that it shouldn’t take long since Jasmine was most likely only traveling with a few staff members.

“My greatest concern is the breach in our security with regards to the shuttles,” Kalea admitted as she stopped and turned to face them.  “Gilbert is working to secure the new ship but there is no way to truly do that if we don’t know how the old system was breached.”

When no one responded Bryan decided to risk a suggestion.  “Since you won’t be using the shuttles until you can determine if they are safe, I might have a suggestion.”  Bryan hesitated because he knew this could look bad if taken
the wrong way.  Again no one commented so he continued.  “I have on my staff a very skilled programmer and systems analyst.  After we’ve verified his identity, and his loyalty, I will instruct him to analyze your system and perhaps he could determine how it was breached and make suggestions on either preventing or detecting efforts to breach the system again.”

“Would you be willing to have him interrogat
ed to determine if he was the one that caused the initial breach?” King Douglas asked knowing that he might need the expertise but not willing to take the risk simply on the individual’s word.

Bryan thought about that for a moment and then said, “Since I am unfamiliar with your interrogation
methods I will need more information before agreeing.  Sorry, but though I was not surprised by Murdock’s, I mean Jenson’s, death there is a small grain of doubt that perhaps it wasn’t self-inflicted.”  They wanted honesty and that was as honest as he could be.

“I understand,” King Douglas replied and then looked to Kalea.

“Very well.”  Coming to sit beside him again Kalea explained.  “The interrogation is humiliating, somewhat time consuming but not harmful.  The individual is restrained and then a special cap is placed over their head.  They are then given a mild drug that causes them to relax.  It doesn’t slow their mind or alter their consciousness but it does make it impossible for them to move other than to talk or blink their eyes.”

“They are asked a variety of questions that have nothing to do with the situation.  Questions like their favorite food, color, name, gender, height, weight and uniform size.  Questions that can be verified as well as those based solely on their personal opinion.  This can take up to two hours as the system determines the truthfulness of each answer and the various areas of the mind that each answer is coming from.  Once the interrogators are sure they can tell
the truth from a lie they begin adding questions that pertain to the information they actually need.  Those that cooperate are finished within five hours, those that don’t take longer.  So far, no one has needed longer than 12 hours.  When completed, the cap is removed and the drug wears off within minutes.”

“How successful is this method?” Bryan asked surprised that it was so seemingly

“We haven’t had reason to doubt its effectivene
ss in the last four years of use,” King Douglas answered.  “Previous methods also yielded high results but nothing has surpassed this technique as of yet.”

“Then I see no harm in having Ben
tested.  His full name is Benjamin Kellman and he is actually assigned to my task force as a Weapons System Technician.  His special skills are known to only a few.  He is Nathan’s younger stepbrother.  Have your people take him to see Nathan before they interview him.  It will help him understand the severity of the situation,” Bryan said as he leaned his head back and looked at the ceiling.

“You’re not going to tell him what’s going on?” Kalea asked a little surprised.

“No,” Bryan said.  “If there is a spy among my staff I don’t want them to be aware that I’m supporting you in this just yet.  I’m hoping it will draw them out one way or another.”

“Father, I’m going to take Bryan for a walk in the garden.  If you could get everything started with the Council
, I will speak to Randy about the Environmental Restoration teams and their transport ship and then stay out of the way,” Kalea said as she stood and headed for the door.  Bryan followed her, until that last comment then he stopped.


“Don’t worry,” Kalea said as she gently tugged on his arm.  “This is really the best way to handle things.”

Bryan glanced back at the King but he just waved them on and then summoned Henry.



Finding Randolph and filling him in on everything took longer than she hoped, but Kalea was determined to get everything done so the Environmental Restoration teams could leave as soon as possible and still be safe.

“Bio identification
, for everyone?” Randolph asked again just to be sure.

“Yes,” Kalea replied calmly, knowing how much time and work was involved.

“By sunrise?” He asked again.

“Well, before the mid-day meal,” Kalea clarified.
  “We wanted them to leave this evening but obviously that’s unrealistic.  However, they must be on their way as safely as possible and as soon as possible.”

Randolph groaned but nodded.

“Oh, and you can’t use any data devices that have had contact with the shuttle or other transport ships because of the breach in security.  We don’t know what it is or how it works so you have to use data that originated elsewhere.”

“Great.  Do I have to d
o it all myself like Gilbert?” he asked in frustration.

“No.  Alexis can help you or anyone else that you know is who they claim to be and can prove it beyond the shadow of a doubt.”  Kalea smiled as she turned and left his office.

“What about you?” Randolph asked only half joking.

“Sorry, Princess Jasmine arrives tomorrow.  We have things to do,” Kalea answered knowing she could help if she found something else for Bryan to do.  She didn’t think anyone would approve him having a greater understanding of their bio sensor technology.

Purposely heading out into the garden Kalea took a deep breath and said, “I’m sorry about Nathan,”

I wish I knew what their motivation was.  Nate isn’t just the head of my security detail, he’s my friend.  It really irritates me that someone purposely intended to not only attack him but then expose him to a disease that would lead to a lingering painful death, at least on Saxionias.

I’ve been praying for him and this entire situation, while you talked with Randy.” Bryan said as he took a seat on one of the many benches throughout the garden. After a moment he added, “Just before we came out here Nate called.  His first treatment is done and he has a few hours rest before the next.  He said it was fine but left him tired so he was going to get some food and then relax.”

“You made the right decision.”  Kalea rested her hand on his shoulder as she leaned a little closer.  “I know it’s hard for you to trust us, especially when it comes to medical issues when that isn’t your field of expertise.”

“I must admit I was both shocked that he had been infected and amazed that you had a cure.  On Saxionias that diagnosis is a death sentence,” Bryan admitted.

“It was here
, too, until we discovered a way to filter the blood within the first day or so of exposure.  It doesn’t work unless it is treated immediately, so not all are cured, but it still helps,” Kalea explained.

“So it’s true.  Most of your research and technology is dedicated to improving life, the life of your people and your planet,” Bryan commented.

“Yes, we find that the two are intricately related.  We focus on defense and trade also but those are considered necessities of a slightly lower level,” Kalea smirked.  “I know that must sound strange, but violence is actually considered a failure in our society.  We prefer to deal honestly and fairly with all and find our peace in those relationships.  Well that’s the ideal anyway.  The reality is that we do have a complete judicial system and military force.  Unfortunately, the development of new technology in these areas is simply slower than others because we have had peace for so many years and our best and brightest are striving for the ideal.”

reached up and gently lowered her hand into his.  “Peace for us seems to have always been because we were the strongest and most powerful.  Developing ways to stay that way is the common mindset.  Unfortunately, that’s why the problems caused by pollution on my world were ignored for so long.  Then when resources were made available to focus on it, the problems were so bad no one really knew where to start.  Soon researchers were all claiming the need for immediate action in each of their areas of expertise and yet efforts to fix one area never seemed to work for long.  Finally, a need to address the entire problem was agreed upon but we had no idea how and all our efforts have seemingly failed.  More and more people moved off world thinking that would help but it actually just strained our resources to the limit and a bit beyond.”

“I guess both our worlds need to work a little more toward finding a balance,” Kalea said as she squeezed his hand.

Bryan nodded but it was several minutes before he realized that she wasn’t planning to rush off.  “Should we be doing something?”

“We’re doing it,” Kalea replied.

“We are?” Bryan asked a bit surprised.

“Yes.  We are spending time together and soon we will watch the s
unset together.”  Kalea smiled as she again squeezed his hand and settled in.

“And then?” Bryan asked.

“Then everyone else will be busily working on the plan we came up with today and you and I will enjoy our evening meal and wait for any new developments, good or bad,” Kalea answered.

“Shouldn’t we be helping?” Bryan asked
, again surprised by her answer.

“Probably, but since we are officially o
n our honeymoon, they will just have to make do without us, maybe tomorrow too since we need to get ready for your sister’s arrival.”

Bryan smiled but didn’t say anything for a moment.  Then via the link he said, ‘I think we should plan on two honeymoons.’


‘Yes, two.  This one,
is more a stall tactic than a true honeymoon.  When this is all over, we will have a real honeymoon,’ Bryan explained.

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