Celestial Love (25 page)

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Authors: Juli Blood

BOOK: Celestial Love
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“Sorry, I thought Henry would have
gotten the message to you, it was decided at lunch today,” King Douglas replied and then reached to buzz Henry.

Gilbert interrupted and activated his AVID.  Scrolling through several items he finally sighed and looked up.  “It’s here.  He gave me 17 messages and yours was next to last.  Sorry, I just hadn’t gotten through them all yet.”

“Basically, it’s an added level of security for Kalea,” Bryan summarized in an effort to let e
veryone realize that he was still there and aware of this extra measure.  “She also has a point about the secure location.  If she was hurt, or the craft damaged, a 72-hour return flight would not be advisable, although, admittedly, I don’t have a valid alternative at the moment.”

“Do your shuttles have an
ASRS?” Gilbert asked.

“Yes.  All our
royal transport shuttles including my little racer do.  Somehow though, I don’t think programming your system to use our secure locations will be part of your solution.  At least not for this trip,” Bryan replied.

“Thank you for understanding
,” King Douglas said and then looked back to Gilbert.

“I can’t get it done
by tomorrow,” Gilbert said resignation in his voice.  “It will take at least a week, probably closer to three to make all the appropriate changes.  One of which will be an override code but I still think it’s a bad idea.”

“Perhaps,” King Douglas said as he leaned back in his chair.  “But you have to remember she isn’t twelve anymore.

“Yeah, and one of these day’s she’ll be queen,” Randolph pointed out as he looked up from his AVID.

Suddenly curious Bryan asked, “When?
I mean is there a certain age, stage of life or is it a death in the family?”

“Why don’t you ask Kalea while you’re traveling?  She will have plenty of time to explain it and answer all your questions,” King Douglas suggested as he stood, also indicating the end of their meeting. 

“Yes, Sir,” Bryan replied, still curious and realizing this was the second time the question hadn’t been answered.  Noticing he was the only one preparing to leave and knowing what he would be doing in King Douglas’ place he suspected the Royal Council would be meeting soon.  “If you need me, feel free to send for me.”

Just before dinner, Randolph notified Bryan that the
Environmental Restoration teams would be leaving for Saxionias on 3
day, which was Tuesday.  Bryan thanked him and then hurried to his shuttle to notify his father.

By the time he was done, everyone else had finished dinner and Kalea was in a meeting with her security detail.  Plans for a ride in Kalea’s shuttle had fallen apart with yet another change of plans brought on by the current crisis.  So, Bryan simply ordered a light meal and retired early.



“What?” he asked in a gruff voice realizing it must be morning as he rolled over and saw that he had forgotten to open the drapes.

“Princess Kalea just summoned me to wake you.  It seems that you will need to be ready for breakfast with the Royal Council in less than an hour,” Leo stated as calmly as he could
but his concern was radiating from him like steam.

“Thank you for waking me;
I’ll wear the navy blue suit,” Bryan said as he bounded out of bed and headed for the shower.  ‘Thanks for sending Leo,’ he said to Kalea over the link.

‘You’re welcome.  I’ve noticed you have a tendency to sleep well he
re,’ Kalea replied with a giggle that Bryan was surprised both to hear and feel.

‘Yes, it must be all the clean air and great food.’  Bryan was soon ready to go and almost instinctively knew when to meet Kalea in the sitting room.

“You look lovely,” He said as he took in her lavender slacks, cream toned blouse and slightly deeper purple jacket.

“Thank you,” Kalea answered as she walked through the door he held open for her.

“Is it just me or is this invitation to breakfast a bit of a surprise?” Bryan asked as they made their way to the dining room.

“I only found out about it myself just before I called Leo.  I’m sure it’s in regards to all that happened yesterday.”  Kalea didn’t seem upset in anyway and Bryan felt a bit of comfort in knowing that she truly believed him.

“I suppose it was to be expected.  Although discussing it over breakfast is a bit unusual isn’t it?” Bryan asked.

“Perhaps, but then nothing has really been normal around here since our wedding,” Kalea said with a slight smile.

“Good point,” Bryan replied and then stepped aside so Kalea could enter the dining room first.

Greetings circled the table as Bryan noticed that all the members of the Royal Council, their spouses and several others he didn’t know were gathered, as well as Kalea’s family.  Taking the only remaining seat between Kalea and Randolph, Bryan tried to relax thinking that the discussion of last night’s revelation would come after the meal.  He was wrong.

“Crown Prince Bryan Alexandros, King Douglas has explained to us the new information that you brought to his attention yesterday,” King Charles Williams stated and then paused to signal the server that he had enough eggs.  “We have discussed it and the new information from Prince Randolph at great length and felt that you should know that we understand why you handled this the way that you did.  We hope that if a similar situation were to arise in the future that we will have earned your trust and therefore won’t need to be kept in the dark so long.”

Bryan, surprised by the address and then the comments, found himself with a mouth full of food and no idea what it tasted like.  Chewing carefully so as not to choke, he also gave himself a moment to come up with what he hoped was an appropriate reply.

“I am thankful for your understanding.”  Bryan began, and fought the urge to take another bite for more time.  “I believe that trust is best strengthened by time and fellowship.  It is my hope that a similar situation will never again occur, but should it, I will not forget the faith you have placed in me today.”

Seeing the nods of approval Bryan let out a slow breath and went back to eating.  Slowly the wonderful flavors
were again discernible as he listened to the conversation flow around him.

Just as he finished the food on his plate and was contemplating seconds Randolph leaned toward him and said softly, “We were able to identify the research assistant on security footage.  He arrived with a silver cylinder that he claimed carried an intoxicating beverage.  We now suspect it was the fuel.”

“How large was it?” Bryan asked just as softly.

“Not terribly large.  We can’t calculate its exact volume because we don’t know its internal capacity.  The exterior leads me to think it might have been insulated and
therefore contain less than the exterior would suggest, but if not, then about one liter is our estimate.”

“May I see the footage?” Bryan asked.  “I might be able to determine if the container was insulated.”

“Of course,” Randolph replied.  “I was thinking right after breakfast.”

“Excellent,” Bryan said just as a servant entered the room and whispered to King Douglas at the far end of the table.  The exchange took a few minutes and King Douglas glanced toward Bryan several times before the servant left.

Others had noticed the exchange and waited expectantly.  After a moment King Douglas addressed the table.  “It seems Crown Prince Bryan’s day has already been rescheduled.  I apologize, as I know many of you were looking forward to getting acquainted with him more after breakfast.  Unfortunately, an urgent matter with his staff has come up that will need his attention.  Thank you for understanding the unexpected difficulties that have arisen during these trying times.”

With a nod King Douglas rose and left the room after looking directly at Kalea, Bryan and Randolph with a brief glance at Gilbert.  All four quickly followed him out the door and to his office.

Gilbert closed the office door behind him and watched as everyone took a seat.  Preferring to stand he moved over near the table in the far corner and leaned against it.

“Several thing
s have occurred since yesterday,” King Douglas began.  “I hope Randy was able to share some of them with you over breakfast.”  At their nods he continued, “Unfortunately, some of them have already changed again.  As I’m sure you understood from King Charles’ comments, the Council feels that under the circumstances they understand why you did what you did and don’t hold any hard feelings.  Charles was actually quite pleased that you came forward at all with this additional information.  Anyway, to help ease tensions we planned on having an informal social after breakfast but that too has changed.”

Running his hand through his hair King Douglas dropped down into his chair and glanced out the window.  “Bryan, I was just informed that two of your staff members were in a physical a
ltercation.  One of them is Nathan and the other I don’t know. Anyway, as I understand it was Nathan who was assaulted and then defended himself.  When our security force arrived neither wanted to go to Med Lab and neither wanted to explain.”

Bryan had a strong feeling he knew who the other person was and why he attacked Nate.  He also knew Nate wouldn’t seek medical care unless he was seriously injured but something else was going on and so he simply waited.

“Bryan, as you might expect there are security monitors throughout the entire palace and grounds.  However, we did install additional monitors in your staff’s quarters since technically they are a security risk.”  King Douglas paused to see Bryan’s reaction.  The smile was not what he expected.

“I would have been shocked if you hadn’t,” Bryan replied.  “I expect there are even some in my quarters as well.”

“Actually no,” King Douglas replied.  “Only in Leo’s room.”

“Now that surprises me,” Bryan said but didn’t
elaborate, again.

“I’m glad you are not upset because I would like to show you the footage of the a
ltercation between your staff.”  King Douglas reached behind his desk and touched a bookcase which then became a large view screen.  “However, first I feel the need to remind you that we have a strict legal system here on Estar Beta and violence is considered a serious offense.  Nathan, of course, is clearly defending himself so he is in no way at fault.  It is the other individual that concerns us.  We want you to handle this matter but with the understanding that if for some reason he must stay and work here we would like to discuss some special arrangements.”

The questioning look in the
king’s eyes was quite clear.  Bryan had no doubt that should he fail to sufficiently discipline the man the matter would be handled without him.  Not really worried about that, Bryan nodded his understanding and the king began to play the security footage.

As Bryan suspected, it was Murdock, the trouble maker that he had planned on replacing anyway.  What did surprise him was the fact that he attacked Nate from b
ehind and without any apparent provocation as he came from a side corridor and the two hadn’t even been speaking prior to the attack.  Something more was going on; the question was what.

fore the scene was even over Bryan was using his AVID to contact Nate.  “Meet me at Med Lab in five minutes and make sure Murdock is with you.”  He didn’t wait for a response.

“If you would like to accompany me you are more than welcome,” Bryan said as he rose from his chair.  Although he addressed the
king he was sure they all understood his meaning.

“To be
honest I have been up most of the night,” King Douglas replied.  “I think you four can handle the situation without me.  I need some rest before I tackle today’s agenda.”

Bryan nodded and offered his hand to Kalea.  She rose and they lead the way to Med Lab.  Gilbert and Randolph followed behind and although they had a brief whispered conversation
, Bryan couldn’t hear it and didn’t worry about it.

As the doors to
Med Lab opened they revealed both Nathan and Murdock standing at attention just inside and to the left.  Neither was allowing any of the med techs to tend to them and Bryan had to control a smile at the sight.  Both men were bloody and Murdock was definitely in worse shape than Nathan.

“Murdock, you will allow the medical staff here to attend to your wounds.  You will also remain silent until I ch
oose to address you again,” Bryan commanded and then turned his attention to Nathan.

The med tech led Murdock to a treatment table around a corner.  When they were out of sight Bryan leaned in to
whisper to Nathan, “Let them treat you.  I need you at 100% right now.”

nodded, and they all followed the remaining med tech into the room where Prince Bryan was originally treated.  Bryan had missed the signal from Kalea that made it happen, but he didn’t mind.

“I saw exactly what happened,” Bryan began as the med tech began cleaning the cut on Nate’s chin and the scanners checked for internal injuries.  “What I don’t know is why it happened.  Did you inform Murdock that he was to be replaced?”

“No,” Nathan answered simply.

“Do you know why he attacked you?” Bryan continued.


“Do you hav
e a reasonable idea as to why he attacked you?” Bryan was getting frustrated and let it show in his voice.

didn’t answer which was proof to Bryan that Nathan did, in fact, have an idea.  The fact that he wouldn’t elaborate was not only frustrating but worrisome.

“Is there any reason for you not to share your theory for the attack with me?” Bryan asked trying to keep his frustration in check.

“I have no proof and very little to base my opinion on,” Nathan answered after a moment.

Bryan turned away and walked over to the window.  He was a bit surprised that Gilbert, Randolph and Kalea made no comments or suggestions.  Suddenly
, he was curious about how they would deal with this situation and decided to ask, giving Nathan some more time.

“Gilbert, I’ve noticed you seem to handle security matters.  What would you do in this situation?” Bryan asked.

Gilbert shared a look with Kalea and when she nodded he stepped forward and answered.  “We treat crimes of violence quite seriously.  Our justice system does not function in the way we understand yours does.  We do not have facilities that house the guilty, but instead those convicted of violent crimes are assigned difficult tasks in isolated areas.  They are also tagged with a black crystal on their foreheads linked to an explosive at the base of their skull, any attempt to remove it will trigger an explosive, killing them instantly but not harming those around them.”

Seeing he had their complete attention Gilbert continued.  “The
explosive is perfectly safe and will not go off except in the event it is either tampered with or they leave the area in which they are assigned.  Should they need to be moved the security device is reprogrammed via satellite and they don’t know about it until the security force arrive.”

When he paused, Nathan
asked the first question.  “What happens to other criminals?”

“Depending on the nature of the crime they serve a variety of sentences for various lengths of time.  Only a few are
allowed to serve on space ports; the majority of them fulfill their terms here on Estar Beta, but of course none are allowed near the Royal Council or their families,” Gilbert explained.

“If they aren’t confined then what is their punishment?” Nate asked before Bryan could voice his question.

“They also are tagged but with different colored crystals.  These crystals are clearly displayed on their foreheads just above the eyebrows and they are required to perform tasks that are necessary but not considered pleasant.  For example, if a man were convicted of stealing a relatively inexpensive item he would serve a 4-6 month term at the waste processing plant.  If he was convicted of stealing a child or some livestock he would serve a minimum of 12 years in the mines or some other hard labor.”

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