Celestial Love (13 page)

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Authors: Juli Blood

BOOK: Celestial Love
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“Nothing, Your Highness. Oh, wait
, they are moving closer together and forming a tight circle,” he answered slightly puzzled.  “They must be standing shoulder to shoulder; they look like a red circle.  I can’t distinguish between the different bio signs.

Leaning back toward the cockpit Princess Kalea asked, “Franklin, could they have gotten some type of explosive past the security system?”

“Your Highness, I just don’t know.  I mean they couldn’t have gotten any type of fusion or atomic weapon in but if they just wanted to destroy the city they could have simply made an old fashioned bomb out of common chemicals,” He answered.

“Would one of those be strong enough to damage the city?” Kalea asked with obvious skepticism.

“It would be difficult, but you know as well as I do that there are certain places that are more vulnerable than others.  All they would have to do is damage the outer structure enough to let the water do the rest,” Franklin pointed out.

“Well, just in case, make sure we are up wind and as far away as we can be
, yet still able to monitor everything.”  Princess Kalea barely finished her sentence when Jackson called to her.

“Your Highness!” he exclaimed
and reached for her just as the shuttle rolled as if it were in the ocean and not 30,000 feet above it.



“What is it?
What was that?” Kalea asked without a trace of panic in her voice.  Jackson had grabbed her wrist and prevented her from falling into Danielson’s station.

“It seems I was wrong Your Highness,” Franklin answered from the cockpit.
“They did have something more powerful than a homemade bomb.  The city is destroyed.  I can replay the sensor log if you would like to see the spray dome that the explosion formed just behind us.  What you felt was the jets of gas that broke through the spray dome.  The surface vessels are all fine but they suddenly have high seas to navigate and for your protection we must leave the area.”  He had saved that last bit for the end knowing that she was going to balk.  He was right.

“We are not going to leave the area Franklin
,” she ordered in a calm but stern voice. “You may take us further out but I don’t want to lose contact with the surface vessels in case they need assistance.  Then we must call for the hazmat and Ecological response teams so that they can determine the extent of the damage.  Is that clear?”

“Yes, Your Highness
, but you’re forgetting something.”  Franklin really wished she hadn’t but it was his job to remind her.  “When the shockwave hit the shuttle the automated security response system took over.  We will be arriving at security point Delta in less than 15 minutes and there is nothing any of us can do about it.”

“Arrrgh.  Gilbert and his great ideas,” Princess Kalea mumbled as she walked back to her lounge and slammed the door behind her.

Bryan, confused by the situation, was shocked when the door almost hit his nose.  Looking at the others he noticed that they were uncomfortable and didn’t look at him.  Taking a deep breath Bryan opened the door and softly closed it behind him.

Kalea was slumped down in her chair at the table clicking the nails of her left hand on its surface.  Glancing up she saw his confused expression and straightened.  Taking this as an invitation Bryan walked over and took the seat across from her.

Without his having to ask she began to explain.  “SC-17 was destroyed by the terrorists.  Somehow they got an explosive device into the city without tripping the automated security system.  Apparently the explosion was so great that it sent a tower of water up from the surface and the shockwave is what caused the shuttle to move.”

Slamming her palm against the table she stood and began to pace as she continued.  “Because of the
jets of gas from the spray dome and my overly zealous brother, the shuttle is now being flown by the automated security response system to a secure location.”

“So why are you angry?” Bryan asked confused
because the standard protocols seemed to be working perfectly.

“Why am I angry?  Because there is so much that needs to be done and I’m being forced
to run and hide.  All because Gilbert had this great idea and wanted to test it on MY shuttle!” Kalea replied, her irritation evident.

“You mean all the royal shuttles don’t have this security response system?” Bryan questioned in disbelief.

“No.  Why do you sound surprised?” Kalea asked.

“Because all the royal shuttles including my little surface racer on
Saxionias have a similar system.  It’s basic security and since your system seems to be working perfectly I will recommend that all the other royal shuttles have it installed immediately when we return,” Bryan said as Kalea stood and glared at him. “I know you want to help but….”

ou have to remember who you are.”  Trying to calm her Bryan stood and reached out for her as he interrupted. “You are Princess Kalea Newland Alexandros, next in line to be Queen of Estar Beta.  Not only that but you are my bride and as such, there is the possibility that you could have a powerful influence in the ruling of Saxionias, should you ever choose to do so.  You are much too valuable to your people and mine, not to mention your family and me, to be put at risk by being too close to an unknown situation.”  As he spoke he gently took hold of her hands.  Princess Kalea had dropped her gaze and her shoulders slumped as the truth of his words sank in.

“You’re right
,” Kalea sighed. “I just hate not having control of my own shuttle.  I had told Franklin to get us out of the immediate area, but I wanted to be close enough to help if we were needed.  Being dragged off to Point Delta, where ever that is, is just so frustrating!” She pulled her hands free and then flopped down on the cushioned bench.

“I can understand that
, but look on the bright side, the system is working perfectly and we’re together.”  Bryan smiled as he sat beside her and tried to make her smile.

, the last part is nice.  Although, now I’m embarrassed that I got so mad.  You hardly know me and I’m ashamed that you’ve seen me like this.  You must think I’m some overly emotional, controlling woman or something,” she said as she laid her head back against the couch and let her arms fall to her sides.

“Not at all,” Bryan countered.  “What I have seen is an amazing and beautiful woman who expertly handled a difficult situation and was prepared to continue to do so.  The fact that you got upset about something that prevented you from accomplishing your goal isn’t the slightest bit unusual.  Especially since this forced loss of control is new for you.”  Bryan encouraged as he tried to convey
via the link just how impressed he was with her skills and that he had no negative feelings toward her. He could feel her relax the more he tried to sooth her with just his honest feelings. 

After she had relaxed a bit more
, Bryan decided to ask a question.  “So where is Point Delta?”

With a sigh she said, “I have no idea but we should be there any moment.”
Just then they felt the shuttle slow.  A smile touched her face even though her eyes were still closed.

“Well it seems we are about to
find out,” Bryan replied as he stood and extended his hand to help her up.

Slowly opening her eyes
, Kalea took a slow breath and let Bryan help her.  Together they moved through the door to the crew quarters and waited for the main door to open so they could exit.  Behind them each member of the crew stood silently behind the royal couple.

Kalea knew from their silence they were nervous.  Her behavior had been so abnormal they were more than likely in shock.  Knowing that she needed to apologize, Kalea took a deep breath but just as she was about to turn and face them the door before her began to open.

Everyone watched as the opening door revealed a long passageway glowing with blue lights and a large monitor on the left side facing them.  With the door open and the automatic exit ramp fully extended an image appeared on the monitor and said, “Welcome to Security Point Delta.  Would the royal family members please exit first and proceed down the corridor single file.  The blue beams will perform a simple series of scans to evaluate each person’s condition.  It is completely painless and very quick.  Should there be one or more of your party that needs assistance, do not attempt to help them.  Automated assistance drones will be deployed in three minutes. If no one starts down the corridor they will be deployed immediately.  Thank you for your attention. You may now proceed.”

As the monitor went blank, blue beams began to sweep the corridor from top to bottom and side to side.  Prince Bryan gave a slight shrug of his shoulders and turned to Princess Kalea before asking, “Would you like to go first or should I?”

Remembering about the drones and that Prince Bryan hadn’t understood the message, Kalea answered, “I’ll go first. This is a new facility, it may not have your bio info yet.”  At his nod she walked down the ramp and slowly down the corridor.  When she reached the end she turned and watched as Prince Bryan and then each member of the crew followed.

“Interesting.  What’s next?” Bryan asked as they all stood at the end of the corridor.  Princess Kalea was studying the walls and gave a little shrug of her own
, in answer.

“I’ve never been here before, that I know of
.” Kalea explained.  “I think one of these walls is actually a door or something but I’m not sure how to open it.”

A moment later the wall directly behind them opened and revealed another corridor
- this one with normal lighting.  A room was clearly visible at the end and they all started in that direction.  As they crossed the threshold they were greeted again by another monitor off to their left displaying the same image and voice as before.

“Congratulations Princess Kalea, Crown Prince Bryan, Franklin, Danielson, Pierce and Johnson you are all completely
healthy and uncontaminated.  This information is being sent through secure means to the Royal Palace.  Because there are no injuries a recovery team will be arriving in approximately 4 hours and 37 minutes.”

“Please feel free to relax and enjoy your time
here.  You will find food, beverages, clothing and various entertainment materials throughout the room.  Everything is clearly labeled. Should you need anything else simply activate this monitor’s touchscreen.”  With a computer generated bow the monitor went blank.

Not sure of her reaction to this latest information
, Franklin and the others simply waited to see what Princess Kalea would do.  Sensing their hesitancy she turned to them and said, “I apologize for my behavior earlier.  You all did an excellent job and I appreciate it.  Please feel free to explore and relax.”

Nodding, they each gave her a slight smile and dispersed around the room.  Turning back to Prince Bryan, Kalea explained about both messages and then asked if he was hungry.

“Perhaps a drink?  I just realized I haven’t eaten yet today.  Or is it tonight?” Bryan answered.

“Local time it is night but I
’m hungry too.  Let’s see what’s available.” Kalea answered.

In the area that contained counters and a sink Kalea saw a bowl of fruit and was surprised that it was actually fresh.  She offered some to Bryan and soon they had a few items on plates and turned back to the room at large.

“It looks like we get the opportunity to talk after all.  Where would you like to sit?” Bryan asked.

Anywhere should be fine.  Our conversation will be private if we speak Saxionese.”  She answered as she glanced around the room and noticed that each of her security detail members now had a drink and some food also.  They were gathering around an entertainment monitor displaying a collegiate sporting event.

Nodding, Bryan led her over to the far side of the room
, where he had noted a comfortable looking sofa, in a soft light brown fabric that he didn't recognize. A small table was in front of the sofa and they set their drinks there and held their plates. Gesturing for her to have a seat, he waited until she was comfortable, sat down and focused his thoughts before he began the conversation.  “So, what do you like to drink other than the water you chose now?”

The question brought a slight smile to Kalea's face as she tried to relax and focus her attention on Bryan
, instead of on all the things she was being prevented from doing. 

What followed was four hours of easy conversation.  They nibbled on their food and once got up to get more drinks and snacks.  Kalea relaxed as they shared personal preferences and simple stories about their lives. 

“This food is very good.” Bryan said as he selected another wedge of dried mango.  “I’m surprised that the emergency rations are so wonderful.”

“I do enjoy a good mango, dried or fresh.” Kalea answered with a smile.  “What types of emergency rations do you have at your secure locations?”

“In my training, there were only nutritional supplement bars and water rations.” Bryan answered and gave a mock shiver. “This is definitely better.”

“I know your world has been struggling with adequate food for some time now.  What do you think the percentage of non-processed foods available to the general public would be?” Kalea asked.

“I used to think it was still around 10% but now I have a feeling that all foods are grown and then processed to provide the most nutrients to the most people.  I don't know if any of the foods I have eaten before coming here were in their original state.”

by his answer Kalea wasn’t sure how to respond.  She wondered how long it would take Randy and his team to help improve the food resources available for those on Saxionias and her space stations.  Thinking of Randy, led to thoughts of SC-17 and all the things she could be doing to aid in the clean-up and investigation of what happened and why.  And why she had been dragged into whatever they had tried to accomplish.

I can tell you are concerned.  Would you mind sharing?” Bryan asked after a few minutes.

Startled that he knew how she was feeling she gave him a sheep
ish smile and then explained.  “I can't help thinking of all the things that we should be doing right now.  We need to determine the extent of the damage to the city and the surrounding environment so we can start planning restoration efforts.  Decisions need to be made about whether or not to rebuild on the same site or choose another.  Not to mention we need to determine who did this, how they did it and why?

“And that’s just the things I need to be working on.  Y
ou have many meetings and trips to schedule and the delegation to Saxionias needs to be finalized.  We just don't have time to be sitting around doing nothing, there's just too much to do!” 

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