Ain't No Wifey (7 page)

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Authors: Jahquel J.

BOOK: Ain't No Wifey
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, this y'all house now? Where was this nigga when I paid six months’ rent and the deposit? Where was he when Ashland didn’t have diapers or formula? What about when you were finishing school and I paid for a babysitter to watch him all day and sometimes night because you had to study? Bitch, let’s go look in Ashland’s closet and see all the designer clothes that’s in there because of me. His school tuition I paid that shit, too, and never asked for a dime. Now this nigga come in here and wants to be a father after missing four years of his son’s life and you sticking up for him? I’ve been his father more than this nigga. And now it’s a crime because I’m traveling and never home. It’s my damn life. If I want to, I can. I didn’t get knocked up so why should I be subject to stay in one place?” Minka screamed. She wasn’t crying. She was hurt but she wouldn’t let it show until she was in the privacy of her own company.

“Yo, you not gonna come in here and disrespect me….”

“Nigga, don’t address me. Ain’t shit you can tell me about leaving your son and baby mother while you ran around in the same city not acknowledging him. I’m done with his conversation, Ash, have a good life with this nigga. And, Juelz, you ain’t looking too good. Word on the street, this nigga a dust head, anyway, and a snitch. Good luck with that.” Minka smirked after interrupting Juelz. She didn’t want to hear anything he said and she knew her relationship with Ashley probably couldn’t be salvaged.

Minka you know I love you but I want to be happy. I want to feel love. Look at that ring on your finger. You’re getting married which means you’re gonna have your own kids and man to take care of. How are you gonna have time to fit me and Ashland in? You’re not. We already haven’t seen you in months. And stop listening to rumors.” Ashley whimpered.

ore than anything she didn’t want to end her friendship with Minka. They were sisters to the end. Minka rolled her eyes. She knew Ashley was right but she wasn’t about to let her know that in front of that nigga. She sucked her teeth and left without saying anything to Ashland. She would call her and talk to him on her own time.


              Minka stayed in her condo, blocking everyone out for two weeks. She hadn’t spoken to Micah in a week she just sent him text messages letting him know she was fine and needed some time. He didn’t like it and couldn’t come to New York because of practice, so he accepted it. Minka sat back analyzing her life. She had a bank account with six figures in it and still wasn’t happy. The only time she was happy and found peace was with Micah but she was grown enough to know not to depend on somebody else to make you happy.

Minka poured a glass of red wine and headed back to her bed. She was so livid that Ashley went back to Juelz, like a dummy, because she didn’t want to be alone. What was the point of being with a man who would leave when the going got tough? Andon top of that, a man who was rumored to be a dust head and snitch?

’s cousin, Anthony, told her all about it on her way to Ashley’s house a couple weeks ago in exchange for five dollars. Minka was mentally drained from dealing with everyone and their bullshit. She was engaged and she was supposed to feel on top of the world, not the lowest of the lowest.

Minka heard a knock on the door. She grabbed her robe and walked to the door with her glass still in her hand. She looked through the peep hole and was surprised to see Morocco looking around like she was in the hood instead of a condominium in midtown Manhattan with around the clock security; she would forever be too good for anything.

What the fuck does she want?
Minka questioned then opened the door to her mother and sister, Milan.

To what do I owe this unsolicited visit?” Minka smirked with her robe open exposing her perfectly proportioned body with a black lace bra and panty set on. She closed it and let them in.

“Are you entertaining?” Morocco
asked, examining Minka’s attire.

, myself. Now what do you want?” Minka closed the door and joined them in the living room

, speak up, Milan.” Morocco raised her voice. Milan stood silent and didn’t even respond to her mother. She took her phone out and started tweeting and texting like the two weren’t in the room.

“Is somebody gonna tell me what the fuck is going on?”
Minka sighed annoyed with the whole charade.

“Milan is pregnant! It’s not acceptable and she cannot stay in my house with a baby! The most absurd thing is she wants to keep it and raise it alone. She’s eighteen and I get
that she’s grown but I won’t support her while she’s in this situation.” Morocco paced the floor; being the drama queen she was raised to be.

You got to be fucking kidding me? Is this a damn joke? Because I am not Edna and you are not Giselle…What do you want me to do? Like mother like daughter. Why do I feel like I’m having Deja Vu?” Minka sarcastically laughed.

“What do you mean like mother like daughter?” Milan finally butted into the conversation.

“Shut up, Minka,” Morocco threatened which didn’t faze Minka at all. This woman ran scared away from her responsibility years ago so it wasn’t nothing she could do that was scarier than that.

“Milan, I’m your
half-sister. Miss Hot Pants here got herself in the same situation you are in years ago. Guess what Giselle did? Shipped her off to Great Gram’s house. When I was born she left me for Great-Grams to raise me in the ghetto she always talks about, while she was being a jetsetter around the globe and then got married and had the perfect life, oh, so I thought. I thought it was just me that you didn’t like but it has nothing to do with me. You have this amazing life and you’re still unhappy.”

Milan’s mouth dropped. She always wondered why Minka was never around or her grandparents didn’t have pictures of her and never spoke about her. Morocco never mentioned her at all and went on like she didn’t have a sister or daughter or whatever she wanted to believe she was. Milan had never met her great grandparents.

“Now what do I have to do with this circus you
’re wrangling? Why did you come to the one person you didn’t want?” Minka demanded with tears threating to fall. The one thing that bothered her was not having her mother’s love. Her great-grand parents loved her to death and as their own but it was something about never having Morocco’s love and compassion that made her so cold and angry.

“Can she stay
with you until the baby is born? Maybe she will get a shock of reality like I did.” Morocco suggested, looking around the immaculate condo like she was in a project apartment.

“What the fuck you mean a shock of reality
? I live fucking well. That couch you’re sitting on is ten grand. This glass I’m sipping out of is a thousand dollars per glass. What the hell you mean shock of reality? You left me in the Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn with my great grandparents in a one bedroom apartment. Crack heads on the corner and dope boys supplying them, so how is this a shock of reality?”

“Since it is so nice then you won’t mind her staying. I’ll have your clothes sent to you
, Milan.” Morocco grabbed her Chanel bag and let herself out. Minka ran behind her and screamed obscenities down the hall and slammed her door. She went in her room and threw on a pair of sweat pant, sneakers and tied her hair up. She was about to whoop her own mother’s ass and enjoy every minute. Milan came in the room and saw her putting Vaseline on and guarded the door.

, Minka, it’s not worth it. She’s not worth it.” Milan pleaded.

“That bitch has hurt me for the last damn time
. Cause she doesn’t want to deal with her responsibility she think she can pawn them off to the people she could care less for. That bitch doesn’t even call her own grandparents or visit. You have never met your great grandparents and that’s fucking sad.” Minka relaxed a bit. She didn’t need to be put out of her condo; that would just make her miserable mother satisfied. Like they said misery loved company.

Milan sat on
Minka’s bed and kicked off her heels, for once she finally felt at home.

              “Minka, I got something to tell you,” Milan stated as Minka paced the floor still mad at her mother.


“I’m not pregnant I would never do no shit like that. I just needed to get away from Connecticut. I swear I’m telling you I need to be in the hype not in some cushy, gated community. I hear my parents argue every night and wake up to my father in the guest room every morning. My damn mother is fucking my godfather and she thinks nobody knows. The night of my high school graduation I caught them in the laundry room fucking while my dad entertained the guest. I needed to get out of there.”

“But what made her bring you here? And why would you tell her that
why wouldn’t you just leave and get an apartment?” Minka asked.

“I told her you wouldn’t mind me staying with you. My father is going broke
. He had to take out a second mortgage just to make ends meet. Mom is spending money like we aren’t broke and refusing to concede her marriage is over. I heard her on the phone begging my godfather for money to pay the mortgage and car notes but if you ask her everything is going great.”

“I knew shit wasn’t sweet on her side
. Don’t think this a free ride because it’s not. I had plans on leaving NY for a while and going to stay in Cali and you have to come along because you won’t be staying here by yourself. You will be enrolled in some kind of schooling and maintain good grades, and you won’t be smoking weed or drinking like at your parent’s house. If I’m gonna be responsible for you I want you to be on the right path. I went college and it was the best thing I could have done.” Minka reprimanded. She figured having her sister around couldn’t hurt. She was grown and she could guide her to do the right thing.

, Minka, I swear I won’t let you down. California living. Could you believe I been to Paris and Dubai and never to California?” Milan jumped up and down on Minka’s bed. Minka joined her. She was happy she didn’t have to lie to her anymore that was one check off her life’s check list.




Minka, Meghan and Sasha were having lunch outside at Villa Blanca in Beverly Hills. Minka had been in California for a couple days, she managed to sign Milan up for school. She was attending USC and majoring in biological science because she wanted to become a doctor. Minka set her up with a dorm, and paid all the tuition fees so she didn’t have to ask Morocco’s snotty ass for anything, since they were going broke.

Minka hadn’t told Meghan and Sasha the good news yet; she hadn’t even seen her fiancé since the day he proposed to her three weeks ago. Micah didn’t even know she was in California, he just knew she was alive and that’s how she liked it. No man keeping tabs on her, fiancé or not.

The waiter put
Minka’s salad with avocados and shrimp down and two Caesar salads for Meghan and Sasha and refilled their champagne glasses.

“What’s the news that got me out here in stuck up Beverly Hills?” Meghan laughed, eating her salad.

“Bitch, please you know you missed your sister and had to come see her.” Minka sucked her teeth. Knowing they never spent more than a couple weeks away from each other. Sasha was on the west coast with Donovan so Meghan was bound to make the trip anyway.

“Shut up hating
, Minka.” Sasha giggled.

, I called you here to let you know I got engaged. Don’t go asking me about a wedding, we didn’t plan that far. It’s like a promise ring with a wedding sometime in the future. He wants to be with me and I want to be with him.” Minka flashed her ring and damn near blinded Meghan and Sasha.

“Who is the lucky man?” Megan squeaked with joy.

“You never guess who… Micah.”

Minka, I’m so happy for you, gurl! You deserve to be happy and Micah is a great guy. I met him a couple times through Donovan and he’s awesome. It takes a real kind of man to commit to what he wants and you got that.” Meghan got up and hugged Minka, while Sasha sat looking surprised. She realized they were looking at her and she had to throw her happy hat on.

Minka, you know I’m maid of honor and I’m throwing the bachelorette party, bitch. Let’s toast to this.” Sasha managed to say without an ounce of envy in her voice but she wanted to throw up with the thought of Minka with Micah being engaged. They each toasted to Minka having finally found Mr. Right, and ate their lunch.



Sasha walked into Donovan’s house and threw her Chanel bag across the room, she was just that mad. She punched the air like she was doing Taebo and screamed obscenities. She was so damn angry she couldn’t contain it. She had been doing well with controlling her anger but now this news was making it come back out and she wasn’t going to control it. How could Micah propose to that slut bitch and not her? She wanted to be his everything but Micah didn’t even notice she was around.

, what the hell you up here tripping for? I know that $5,200 bag ain’t on the floor like I ain’t just bought it last week!” Donovan exclaimed as he came up the stairs from his home studio.

“I just had rough day. Damn
, a bitch can’t come home and vent to herself?” Sasha huffed.

She picked her bag up and stomped upstairs to the bedroom. Sasha went into her section of Donovan’s enormous closet and sat under her long gowns where she wasn’t visible
. She didn’t need Donovan coming and bothering her; the sight of him turned her off and made her infuriated.

A year ago, Sasha met Micah in Miami at a charity event for kids with Autism. Her PR firm was doing PR for the event. Micah donated a lot of money and was very warm and kind to the children. Sasha immediately took a liking to him especially when she heard he was a NFL player. She wanted the happy ending. She was infatuated with Micah.

Sasha followed him around the event like a puppy. Micah didn’t like the fact Sasha carried herself like a groupie. He knew Sasha couldn’t be anything more, when she sucked his dick the same night at the charity event. Micah flew back to California and hadn’t thought anything of Sasha until she started dating his cousin.

              One night two months after she met Micah, Sasha was in the club drinking straight out the bottle and standing on the couch in VIP alone when Donovan came up and introduced himself to her. He was cute. 5’7 light skin, dark brown slanted eyes with black hair that was cut into a curly fro. The two started dating but all Sasha thought about was Micah. However, she was head over heels in love with Donovan’s wallet. Donovan bought her bags, clothes and she drove his numerous cars. Donavan had finally gave the Sasha the title she wanted: WIFEY. Men never gave Sasha a label, they just preferred to her as their friend or home girl. But they never gave her the label she wanted to proudly wear. Sasha had finally semi-forgot about Micah until he came walking back in her life. In reality, Donovan’s house.

One morning Sasha was at Donovan’s house cooking and cleaning, when Donovan came in from the gym. Not thinking twice, she greeted him at the door with a huge sloppy kiss. Micah came in right behind him and Sasha’s words were stuck in her throat. Donovan introduced her as wifey to his cousin while Micah played it cool like it was his first time meeting Sasha. Sasha was shaking and dying slowly inside. She had no choice but to stay with Donovan now that Micah has seen her with him. The pie came crumbling down when Micah revealed to Donovan what she did to him. Since that day, Donovan treated her differently.

Now a year later Sasha was sitting in Donovan’s closet and no ring on her finger. Donovan was a good man but she didn’t understand why he didn’t propose to her or why she hadn’t met his family yet. They went to parties and he introduced her as wifey but she didn’t have a ring. A wife gets a ring, house and family while all a wifey gets is hard dick and unanswered calls.

, Sasha I don’t know what you tripping for today but when I come home tonight my house better be in one piece,” Donovan yelled upstairs and left. He had become tired of Sasha’s bizarre behavior. He recommended to pay for treatment but each time she refused. Sasha came out the closet and walked into the bedroom. She took his crystal lamp and smashed it on the hardwood floor.

Don’t fucking tell me what to do. This house should be ours not yours.” She screamed to no one in particular. She got undressed, took a shower and climbed in bed. Sasha had two things on her mind: Minka and her engagement to Micah and how she was going to break them up. Sasha snuggled into the warm comforter with a smile on her face. She got her best scandalous ideas during sleep.






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