Ain't No Wifey (14 page)

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Authors: Jahquel J.

BOOK: Ain't No Wifey
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“Aye, Micah, what’s good with this bitch? She yours? And bitch if you so much touch my girl I will mop the floor with your ass.” Ashley hollered.

“Hoe, please. I’m far from starving, I look good. Look at your fat beast of a friend over there, her ass need to stop eatin… .” before Sasha could finish her last statement about Minka, Ashley leaped over, in heels and all, and started punching her in the face and throwing punches all over her body.

“Say…some…thing…smart…again…bitch…didn’t…I…tell…you…I…was…gonna…beat…your…ass.” Ashley said in between each blow she was raining on Sasha, who was screaming like she was in the stands of a baseball game.

“What the fuck is going on?” Meghan tried to get Ashley off her sister.

“Are y’all just gonna let her beat her like this? Come on, Minka, do something,” Meghan continued. Milan, Minka, and Micah sat back watching Ashley beat the hell out of Sasha.

“What the fuck am I supposed to do
? I’m not jeopardizing my baby’s life to save that hoe. She disrespected me and my sisters had my back,” Minka laughed.

Finally Meghan’s fiancé and Micah
pulled Ashley off Sasha, who was laid out on the floor with a bloody face and scraped up leg and arms. Her heels were scattered around the balcony.

“Minka, this shit is fucking foul. You let this Amazon beat the hell out of Sasha. Fuck y’all. None of y’all not invited to the wedding! I don’t want none of y’all there!” Meghan screamed pulling her phone out to call an ambulance.

“Let’s go y’all.” Micah said helping Minka up so they could get ghost before the cops came. They all ran inside and told Donovan, Micah’s parents and Minka’s grandparents what went down and that they were leaving. They were shocked but understood. They told Minka they would have all the gifts sent to her condo.

Micah helped
Minka into his escalade while Ashley jumped in the back. Milan got in the car with Donovan. Micah pulled out the driveway just as the ambulance was coming in; he sped down the residential block to his house which was a couple blocks away. Minka was trying to fit the seatbelt over her stomach when Micah reached his hand over and felt her stomach for the first time feeling his baby girl in her stomach. Minka smiled.


Chapter Twenty-Seven



Minka walked into the house. From the front door you could see straight to the infinity pool with ocean views; it was breath taking. She walked to the back yard, unzipped her dress and got into the pool wearing only her bra and panties. She never been in an infinity pool before. After what went down twenty minutes ago, she needed to swim to avoid dealing with Micah and his pleading.

Micah came and sat on the edge with his feet in the water while
Minka swam laps around the pool. When she was finally done, she swam over to Micah’s feet and sat on one of the pool’s stools.

“Why does Sasha think y’all are a couple if you’re not?” Minka bluntly stated.

“Your guess is as good as mine. I’m not going to lie, she sucked my dick a while ago at a charity event but that’s about it. The bitch came out of left field with all these shenanigans.” He slid in the pool and sat next to Minka on the stool.

“This shit is nice! I’m about to get in.” Milan squealed with her ass shaking in her thong and crop top, not caring if anybody saw her goods. Donovan sat shaking his head, he couldn’t control his woman if he wanted to.

Minka climbed out the pool and grabbed her dress. She sat down on the lawn chair. She didn’t feel right about the situation that went down with Meghan but she wasn’t about to put her child in harm’s way messing with Sasha and her threats.

“You gonna take me back? I miss you. I regret what went down and I’m sorry for it.”

“No, we are not together and the only reason I am here is because you drove us here. I’m glad you regret it. What you did was uncalled for and immature. We can raise our child together but that’s about it,” Minka informed him as she dried off and slipping her wet dress back on.

“Drive me back to the condo. My grandparents should be there by now.” Minka walked to the living room where Ashley sat icing her hands.

Micah went upstairs to change so he could drive
Minka home. He wished he could just bring her upstairs and show her how much he loved her. He wished he didn’t mess things up with her. Micah could feel her walls going back up and even if she did take him back, he would have to forever work to break down the walls he helped create. He had no one else to blame but himself and Sasha. If it was up to Micah, the beat-down Sasha just participated in would have lasted longer.

Chapter Twenty-



Minka sat on the balcony of her condo waiting for somebody to get up so she could vent. Everybody was cramped in her condo. Minka hadn’t slept since two in the morning, therefore she had been up watching infomercials and snacking on cake from the party. She was just about to go for another piece of cake when her cellphone started ringing. She knew who it was so she answered.

“Yeah?” she answered.

“Are you ready to talk now?” Micah whispered. He hadn’t slept since he returned home.

“About what?” Minka snapped. She missed Micah terribly but she couldn’t forget the things he said to her, maybe because in one way or another she felt they were true.

“Come open the door.” Minka staggered to the front door and opened the door for Micah who was now dressed in a pair of sweat pants and Last Kings’ sweater. Minka stepped aside and let Micah walk in. Minka disappeared to the kitchen to cut two pieces of cake and returned back to Micah with a plate. She sat down and ate her piece like she didn’t just eat one before he came.

“You got me cheating on my diet and shit.” Micah snickered.

“Diet? You really are changing. I hope for the best.” Minka jabbed.

“I miss you baby,” Micah began.

“I know.”

“So take me back. I swear I didn’t mean nothing I said. It was the heat of the moment and I wish I could go back and take it back,” Micah pleaded, but his pleas fell on deaf ears.

“It was the heat of the moment for me too. I didn’t say anything I would regret. Believe it or not, even after you said all those things, I’ve never felt any ill will towards you. I loved you and I still do to this day. You want me why? You realized you fucked up. Why niggas can never get shit right the first time so we woman don’t have to go through the ‘take me back’ talks.”

“Minka, it ain’t like that. I miss you and want you baby and I want to bring this baby into the world together. Remember I wanted a little girl and you wanted a boy. It’s a sign, babe.” Micah reached out and rubbed Minka’s swollen stomach. Minka wiped the tears that fell down her round cheek. She loved this man and no matter how many times he messed up she would always be there to take him back.

Micah scooted closer to Minka and their lips touched for the first time in months. She missed his soft, big juicy lips over-lapping her small petite ones. He sucked on her bottom lip and massaged her clit through her panties. Minka let a soft moan escape from her lips while she finished devouring Micah’s lips. Micah pulled at her panties until she stopped his hand and came up for air.

“Minka, I know you ain’t still tripping?” Micah sighed.

“No, I have Donovan, my sister, my best friend, and not to mention, my godson here.”

“Let’s go in the room then.” Micah begged. He hadn’t had none of Minka’s good stuff in a while and he was ready to reclaim his pussy.


“We back together?” Micah needed to be sure.

“No. Do you think you can just tell me anything and bam we’re back together? I need time to sit back and evaluate if that’s what’s best for me and Miya.” Minka started to eat her cake again.

“Who is Miya?”

“Your daughter. I named her Miya Ann Jackson, whether you signed the certificate or not.”

“You were going to still give her my last name? Thank you, Minka, that means a lot to me.” Micah rubbed her thigh.

“I wasn’t giving her your last name because of you. Your father deserved to have his name carried on.” Micah lowered his head. Talking about his father brought him to a sad place. Micah felt he left this world too early and never got to witness his son become great. Micah’s phone vibrated signifying he had a message.

here are you? I woke up and you’re not here
, Lisa text Micah.

Needed to clear my mind I’ll be back in a little while
, he text back.

peeped the side texting and knew what it meant; she had been with so many married men to know when they were talking to another woman.

“I see you moved on?” Minka commented on Micah’s actions.

“Nah, just someone I’m messing with... I’ll cut her off in a hot minute if you want me to.” Micah eagerly offered.

“I don’t want to tell you anything. You’re a grown man if you haven’t cut her off yet she must be something special.”

“Nothing like that. We cool.” He tried to assure Minka.

“Does she know that?” Minka raised her eyebrow.

“Yeah, we don’t have any labels. We chilling.”

“Look, Micah, I have not one problem with you dating. In two days, I will be back in California and you will be here. Just because I came into town doesn’t mean you need to give up what you have here. I just ask that you be with someone who is going to respect the relationship we have to maintain for the sake of our daughter,” Minka advised.

“I feel you, Minka. I want my family back and I will work on getting that,” Micah let Minka know. He knew he had to explain things to Lisa but right now he lived in the moment. Sitting and having a civil conversation with Minka.

Micah sat and talked to Minka until 9 am. The two talked about school for their daughter all the way up until what prom dress she would be allowed to wear. Minka shared her relationship with Morocco, something she never did. Micah only knew they were distant but he never knew the logistics of the relationship. She also shared the relationship she shared with George and countless other men. Micah didn’t feel comfortable having his daughter stay in a condo another man got her mother so he offered to find a nice condo but Minka declined. Minka finally found the sleep she had been looking for earlier and Micah slipped out to go deal with Lisa.


Micah walked through the front door and sat his keys on the foyer table. He rubbed his aching arms and continued to the kitchen. Lisa sat in the kitchen nook reading the newspaper and drinking green tea. Micah bent down to steal a kiss but Lisa moved her face and continued to read the paper as if Micah never walked in.

They weren’t a
couple, nonetheless something with Micah leaving in the middle of the night didn’t sit well with her. Micah poured himself a cup of coffee while waiting for Lisa to speak to him. She sipped her tea then turned the page of the newspaper. Micah could see she was upset so he pulled out the island stool and took a seat.

“Lisa, you’re not going to say anything to me?” Micah questioned. Lisa looked Micah’s way and rolled her eyes. Micah grinned at the attitude she portrayed. Lisa wasn’t Micah’s usual cup of tea; she was 5’6 with blue eyes and long blonde hair. Lisa wasn’t skinny but she wasn’t thick either. She had just enough meat on her bones to keep Micah satisfied.

“I know you want to say something, just say it. I can see it.” Micah laughed. Lisa was so predictable.

“I want to know what kind of idiot leaves in the middle of the night then comes in here at 10 in the morning while I’m sitting here worried.” Lisa sat the newspaper down.

“I had a long night; I think I should explain some of it.”

“No, you need to explain all of it to me. If you want to be with me, I need to know everything.” Lisa let Micah know. He had her full attention.

“Aight, when we met a couple months ago I had broken up with my girl a month prior. She was pregnant and we were engaged. I found some stuff about her past which is why we broke up. I didn’t believe the baby was mine, now I know the baby is mine. She was in town for her baby shower. I ended up going to her house and talking with her about our child.” Micah purposely left things out.

“Just about your child?” Lisa looked Micah in the eye.

“Yes, just about my child. I’m having a daughter and I plan to be around her a lot.”

“I have no problem as long as what you guys had is in the past and your daughter is your only focus,” Lisa bluntly stated.

“Lisa, you have no say into how this goes. We’re not officially together,” Micah slightly scolded.

“I’m not about to sit here and play second. Make a decision and stick by it. I refuse to follow you around when you’re stuck in the next bitch ass.” Lisa got up and Micah admired her lean figure.

“I promise that’s not what will happen. We are not together and, as for what she says, we won’t be together. Calm down and make your man breakfast.” Micah smirked. Lisa looked behind her being dramatic; little did Micah know he had just opened a door he wouldn’t be able to close.

“My man is right. I’ll cook only if you change. Lord knows what you were out doing.” Lisa twisted her face up. Micah ignored her and went upstairs to change.

Chapter Twenty-



Sasha sat and looked out the window of her beautiful five bedroom house in Naples, Florida. She sipped her wine then sat down on the chaise lounge situated in front of the bay window. The sun glistened off the crystal figurines she had in her china cabinets. She rolled her eyes when she heard her ‘fiancé’ call her name, She didn’t know why or how she got into these situations but she managed to always get into one. One situation was never better than the last, except she had her own closet and a beautiful three carat ring this time around.

“Love when are you going to clean up? I don’t have a beautiful house for it to collect dust.” Byron commented while Sasha continued to ignore him. She knew consequences were sure to follow. Byron sat his brief case down and walked over to Sasha. He rubbed her shoulders before he reached up and punched her off the chaise. Sasha’s wine glass went crashing on the maple hardwood floors. She looked up at Byron, with a grin, as her hair covered her face. She hated when Byron hit her but loved it at the same time. Sasha couldn’t explain what went on in her head; she just went with it never questioning it.

“I will clean the house Byron. Don’t worry about it.” Sasha picked herself off the floor and kissed Byron’s lips. She picked his briefcase up and walked him to the door. The neighborhood housed wives who catered to their men; Sasha knew she would spot some while walking Byron to his car.

Byron got in the car and rolled his window down
and Sasha still had the smile plastered on her face. She quickly waved to her next door neighbor, Lisa, and continued smiling at Byron like he requested. Byron pulled off and honked his horn turning the corner. Lisa’s husband did the same. Lisa walked over to Sasha. Sasha didn’t have any friends, beside her sister, so she considered Lisa a friend.

“How did last night go?” Sasha asked letting herself into the house.

“It was okay. Julius was away on a business meeting so I came home around five in the morning and he came in at seven. I jumped in the bed and act like I was sleep until it was time for him to leave back out again.” Lisa smiled. Sasha shook her head. Lisa had been having an affair for a couple months, Julius wasn’t a bad husband nor did he neglect his wife. He worked hard to support their lifestyle. Lisa cheated as something to do in her spare time. She knew soon Julius’s mother would be begging for a grandchild so she figured she would have her fun now.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself while I deal with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde over here,” Sasha said sarcastically.

“Don’t tell me he hit you again. I warned you soon as I met you about Byron. His last girl got the fuck away from him. He hasn’t been right since he lost his father’s case straight out of law school.” Lisa rubbed Sasha’s back.

“What happened?” Sasha needed to know.

“I heard his father was accused of murdering twelve women, only three bodies were discovered, and their families came forth and claimed his father took them out on a date the night all three woman were killed. Byron became a lawyer and appealed the case so they gave him a re-trial and they still found him guilty. Byron got his father excited to be released because he knew he was going to win the case but ended up losing and now his father doesn’t talk to him.”

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