Ain't No Wifey (11 page)

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Authors: Jahquel J.

BOOK: Ain't No Wifey
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It had been a couple week
s since Ashley and Aaron hooked up at his listening party. Aaron was back in California and Ashley was back to her regular routine with Juelz and Ashland. She couldn’t lie; after their sexual encounter she been feeling Aaron all over again. All the old feelings she buried were coming back again, however, this time they were stronger. When she wasn’t texting him, she was on the phone with him. Juelz was back being typical Juelz, hiding things and keeping late hours so she didn’t know if he was coming or going but she didn’t care. She got to talk to Aaron more on the phone and she could hear his voice before she went to sleep.

Aaron had been pressuring her to come to California and she was tempted to do it. The trip to Disney World was canceled because Juelz had business to take care of the whole weekend of the trip and he didn’t want to go if he couldn’t make it. Ashley had to pick back up more hours at the hospital because of Juelz slacking on the bills. She would asked him where his money was and he always claimed it was tied up. Ashley ended up getting rid of the Mercedes truck and getting back her old car. Things were changing with her and Juelz and she hated to think he was out cheating when she was doing the same thing.

, is Daddy going to come home, tonight? I miss him,” Ashland asked.

, I don’t know what’s going on with Daddy. Maybe he will call when he takes a break from work.” Ashley lied. She was tired of lying to her son about his father’s whereabouts.

Ashley pulled into her regular spot
, happy it was still available. She helped Ashland out the car and grabbed her bags, then proceeded up the stairs to her apartment.

“Ashland, go to your room to clean up for dinner,” she ordered. S
he slipped her crocs off and pulled her hair out of its ponytail before going to her room.

When she opened her bedroom
door, nothing could have prepared her for what she saw. Juelz had Kola bent over her bed, pounding her insides out like a meat clever. Ashley was disgusted and what made her even more fed up was the glass crack pipe laying on her dresser next to a picture of Ashland.

!?” she screamed, forgetting Ashland was in the house. Kola jumped up but Juelz pinned her down and kept going looking at Ashley, glossy eyed.

, you better get the fuck out my house right now and take this bitch with you,” Ashley squealed. She threw her perfume bottles at Juelz and Kola. Juelz was too high to care Ashley was there and he didn’t care if she wasn’t. Crack had taken over his life and now that he was on a high, he never wanted to come down. 

had started using a year ago. He got his habit under control and only indulged occasionally and socially. He kept his appearance up and still drove his Range but his money was getting lower and lower and now he was falling deeper in the hole, which lead him to working with the Feds to take down the Moore brothers. People mistook him for a dust head when, in fact, he did sell dust and occasionally used it. However, crack was his drug of choice.

“Shut the fuck up
, Ashley. When I’m done, we will leave,” Juelz slurred while still fucking Kola who was trying her hardest to get away from him. She was on the receiving side of Ashley’s beat downs in the past and she wasn’t trying to be again.

“Help me
, Ashley. Please, get this crack head off of me,” Kola screamed realizing Juelz had entered her asshole and wasn’t having any mercy on it.

“He wasn’t a crack
head when you was fucking him in my bed, bitch. That’s what happens when you try to be petty bitch,” Ashley smirked walking out the room.

get your backpack and let’s go.” Ashley grabbed her bags and slipped her shoes back on. She couldn’t sleep in her bed ever again.


“You don’t even know the half
of it. That nigga a crack head now and I saw the shit with my own eyes, I don’t know what that bitch, Kola, on but I really didn’t care.” Ashley confirmed talking to her sister. She called her over when she got to Minka’s condo in Manhattan and Tamia wasted no time rushing over, since she had some news to break to Ashley anyway.

              “I didn’t want to say nothing but Snuff been supplying him for a while before he realized it was for his personal reasons. Snuff didn’t care because money was money but now he owe Snuff some money and he gunning for his ass.”

“How much he owe him? You not once considered
to tell me what Juelz was involved in. You didn’t think about your nephew? Where does your loyalty lie?” Ashley questioned. She knew Snuff didn’t play when it came to his money and if he didn’t get it from Juelz he was gonna come looking for her to pay it; he didn’t care if he was with her sister. Business was business when it came to Snuff.

owe that nigga about thirty thou, that’s why I came over here so damn quick you know how Snuff operate and I don’t want to see you in the cross-fire. Your ass needs to make it clear you’re over with Juelz and you’re willing to do whatever to set that nigga up. That’s the only way Snuff is gonna spare you. Ash, it wasn’t my business to tell.”

“This shit is so fucked up
. I can’t be involved in this, I’m a fucking nurse. I swear I should of listened to Minka when she said he was up to something shit was too good to be true and now I’m seeing the shitty part,” Ashley sighed. She looked at Tamia with hate. If the situation were reversed, she would have warned her sister. Ashley and Tamia talked for a little while longer before Snuff called her to come home and watch the kids. Tamia promised to talk to Snuff about it and left Ashley to worry about the safety of her and Ashland’s life.


“Babe, you know that’s my sister. Why are you holding her accountable for what Juelz did? She and my nephew had nothing to do with it.” Tamia pleaded on deaf ears. Snuff mind was made up.

“Tamia where the fuck was your sister when I was locked up in South Carolina and you called her for bus tickets for you and the kids to come back to N
ew York? She hung up and told ya ass to stop following my bum ass around and she wasn’t sending shit, even when she was getting bread from her little hoe ass friend. Now you want me to be sympathetic to Ashley and her man? Please that bitch better get the bread together. I know she got it.” He sat rocking his son on his lap.

“She’s done with him
. I swear, babe, she is.”

“Prove it
. Make her murk that nigga and I want it done in front of me. If she do it, her debt is cleared and we good.” Snuff rubbed his hands together. He really didn’t care about Juelz’s debt because he found out that nigga was a snitch and he needed him taken care of. His brother’s freedom depended on it. Tamia sat and absorbed what he had just said. She knew her sister could whoop a bitch ass in a quick minute but could she really bust her guns that quick?


Chapter Twenty-Two



Minka sat behind the wheel of her BMW feeling blessed. She missed her truck and she missed New York. Nothing was better than spending some much needed time in the city that never slept. She hadn’t heard from Micah and she knew she wouldn’t. She had watched the news and saw he was traded to the Miami Dolphins and wished him the best. Minka believed he was a good man and her past could make any good man react how Micah did. Sharlean went back home to Florida and reunited with Charles since Micah was traded.

Minka spent Christmas and New Year’s with both Milan and Donovan. She didn’t want to intrude on them, so she ended up going back to her hotel and counting down the New Year with her hands in her pants missing Micah’s touch. Milan was doing well in school. She also spent a lot of time with Donovan. Minka didn’t know the extent of their relationship was but she hoped he treated her well and made sure she got her work done in college. Minka helped her move into a condo before she left California and she made Milan promise to get a job and not use the money Minka left her to splurge on clothes.

told Edna and Harry about the pregnancy and the break up. They were both happy and sad. They didn’t want their grand-daughter going through parenthood alone and hoped she remained happy with whatever decision she made. Minka also told them about Milan and promised she would bring her to Florida to meet them soon. They were excited to meet their other great grand-daughter.

Minka hadn’t heard from Sasha but she spoke to Meghan and was thrilled to find out she was getting married and Minka was in the wedding. Minka told her about the pregnancy and Meghan was over the moon until Minka told her Micah and her were broken up. The wedding was set for May.

Minka pulled into her condo parking lot and parked her car in her designated parking spot; it felt great to be home. She took the elevator up to her floor. She put her key in the door and walked in to the aroma of weed and liquor polluting the air. She looked around the condo, not worried, but upset because someone was smoking where she had expensive shit that she didn’t want smelling like smoke. Minka walked into the living room to Ashley laid across the couch with a blunt in one hand and her remote in the other.

“What the fuck is going on
, Ash? Why are you in my house?” Minka yelled scaring Ashley, who wasn’t nowhere near high. She didn’t know how to inhale.

“What are you doing back in New York
? I thought you were in Cali doing it up.”

“All good things come to an end
. Why are you smoking in my house? Put that shit out and open some windows.” Minka demanded while choking. Unlike Ashley, Minka was a master at smoking and she was inhaling every bit.

“What happened? You wanna drink?”

“I wish but I’m pregnant. Micah found out about Austin and broke up with me.”

, I’m sorry, Minka. I have to kill Juelz so I don’t have to pay back Snuff thirty grand or lose my life. To top it off, I lost my damn job at hospital because I lost track of the days I work and I didn’t show up the other day,” Ashley said nonchalantly revealed.

, what? You have to kill Juelz? Wasn’t you in love and kicking me out because of it?”

“First of all
, you left and yeah, he’s a fucking crack head, Minka. I came home with Ashland and he had Kola on my bed fucking her while high as hell. She was screaming for me to help her but I just left her where she was and came here. I haven’t been back home since.”

“Where’s Ashland?”

“At Tamia’s house, until I deal with Juelz I don’t want him around. I’m supposed to be meeting with Snuff later on tonight.” Ashley finally opened the window and plopped down on the couch.

“You’re actually going through with this?
That’s good…leave him the person who you owe money to,” Minka said sarcastically. “Why do you owe him money anyway?”

Snuff is a fucked up individual but he would never harm a child. Juelz owes Snuff money, so now I have to pay him back.”

“Who’s to say
Snuff won’t hold this over your head and make you do more shit for him? He could black mail you if he wanted to.”

“I don’t know but I need to make this move so I could get the fuck out of N
ew York. I just want to move away and start over with Ashland and forget shit ever happened.” Ashley exhaled.

“I’m going with you
. We ride together and we die together. Hold on,” Minka said then walked into her bedroom. She went in her closet and put her code in her safe. She took out the Desert Eagle with the rhinestone grip handle. Ashley followed behind her and almost lost her mind.

“Where the fuck you got a gun from?”

“Austin. You didn’t think I fucked a Texan and he never taught me how to shoot? That was the first thing he taught me. When I got my license to carry, he got me this. I haven’t shot it in a while but I’m sure my aim is still on point.” Minka winked at Ashley. Ashley had a plan but Minka had her own.


Minka and Ashley cruised into the parking lot in Minka’s BMW truck. Minka had on a black hoodie and black leggings  with a pair of black construction Timbs. Ashley had the same thing on but her Timbs were the wheat-colored ones.

was in the backseat behind the driver’s seat while Ashley was in the driver’s seat acting like she was alone.

“There go Juelz.” Ashley said never moving her lips.

“Where is Snuff ain’t he supposed to be with him?” Minka became a little worried.

“He in the car with Juelz
. After, I’m supposed to drop him off back at his house. Ashley got out the car carrying her tote bag like it was a regular day and knocked on the window so Juelz could let her in the back seat; Snuff nodded his head letting her know he knew it was about to go down.

, what the fuck you doing here?” Juelz stuttered confused as hell.

“I work with Snuff
. Where this nigga at anyway?” Ashley gave Snuff the signal.

We waiting for this nigga now.” Snuff solidified the signal.

climbed out the car, careful not to slam the door. She crouched down and walked behind her truck. Ashley was two cars away, so she crouched down until she got to the back of Juelz’s truck. Minka shook her head at the situation she was put in; she was two months pregnant and about to bust her gun.


Minka knew it was her time. She waited for Snuff to get out the car and cocked her gun back and shot him in the leg


“What the fuck are you doing, bitch?” Snuff shrieked in pain, unable to make out who shot him. He looked back and saw Ashley hauling ass to a white BMW.

“I'm ending you
, bitch.” Minka mocked him before she shot him three times in the face; disfiguring his face. Minka ran back to the truck to find Ashley gasping for air and holding her stomach.

, get in the car now! Throw up in my truck, I don’t care! But don’t throw up here, that’s fucking evidence. Did you wipe down the car?”

, I forgot to,” Ashley panicked.

ran back to Juelz’s car and wiped everything down. She collected all of the bullet shells from Ashley’s gun and her gun and lit Snuff’s clothes on fire, hoping it would all set on fire. She hopped in the car and pulled out the parking garage. She was happy she parked away from the cameras and shot Snuff from behind the truck so she wasn’t visible. Ashley was in the back seat hyperventilating and crying.

“Stop the fucking crying! Juelz set you the fuck up to take his fall and Snuff was going to hold on to that shit until you eventually turned yourself in,” Minka screamed at Ashley.

Minka, you didn’t see his fucking face! He was crying for his life and his son and I just closed my eyes and shot him. Then if that’s not the bad part, you fucking killed Snuff.”

“You think I wanted to commit my first murder because of your dumb ass being with Juelz again
? But you’re my girl and I got your back,” Minka huffed, pulling down some back blocks.

“What the hell do we tell Tamia? That’s my niece
’ and nephew’s father.” Ashley whimpered, Minka steered the wheel with one hand while she used her other to slap the hell out of Ashley.

“We are gonna tell Tamia that he didn’t meet you and you’re picking up Ashland.”

“I can’t go in there like this Minka. I feel like I’m falling apart. We just killed my son’s father and my nieces’ and nephew father. How I could face her like that?”

, please! Your sister up and left you after y’all mom died. You were pregnant and she followed Snuff down south thinking she was chasing a money train when, in fact, she wasn’t. Everybody know that nigga beat Tamia’s ass and don’t break her with no bread. She better off without him.” Minka stated as she turned down Tamia’s block.

“Take your hoodie off and put them flats
, I got in the back, on. You look like you just came from killing somebody.”

“It’s fucking January.”

“I got a coat back there, too.” Minka smiled.

Ashley put the shoes
and coat on and got out while Minka stayed in the car. Ashley took small breaths as she walked up the stairs. She could hear Tamia screaming at the kids outside as she rang the bell. Tamia looked out the window and hurriedly opened the door.

“What happened
? Where Snuff at?” Tamia asked worried.

“That’s why the fuck I’m here
. I went to where he said to go, which was McDonalds on Atlantic, but he was a no show. I don’t have time to do this run around. I’m picking Ashland up and spending time with my baby. I miss him.” Ashley tried to fake a pissed attitude.

“ASHLAND!” Tamia yelled upstairs.

“Tell him to call me when he wants to do this,” Ashley informed Tamia as she grabbed Ashland’s hands and got in the car. Minka pulled off and hopped back on the highway, excited to see Ashland.

, Auntie. I missed you.” He was excited to see his second favorite person in the world.

“I missed you
too. Guess where you, me and mommy going?” Minka questioned, sure of the plan she mapped out.

Ashley and Ashland answered at the same time.

“To California.”
She answered excitedly.

“YAYY!” Ashland yelled.

, Minka? Where we gonna live?”

“I’ll find a way.”
Minka winked at Ashley. She left them before but she wasn’t doing it again.


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