Ain't No Wifey (3 page)

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Authors: Jahquel J.

BOOK: Ain't No Wifey
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Chapter Four



Minka was tied to a king size bed with her mouth gaged while she watched George and William jerk off to her nude body that lay on the bed. The whole scene turned her off, but they paid big money to fly her out last minute. George finally busted his nut and wiped his hands on his shirt which caused Minka to cringe. William crawled on the bed to position his self in between Minka’s leg. He slipped on a condom and entered her nice and slow. William steadied his pace while he sexed Minka up and down. George sat in the chair jerking his dick off again, getting turned on by the live porn he witnessed. William finished and filled the condom, he got off the bed and untied Minka whose arms were so sore, she couldn’t move.

Minka. You know how I like that bondage shit.” William winked at Minka.

got off the bed and walked over to George who was having a hard time busting his second nut. Minka slipped a condom over George’s dick then straddled him. She moved up and down like she was in a rodeo. George started softly slapping Minka’s ass while he sucked her harden nipples. Minka loved fucking George, it showed how much of a Casanova he was back in the day. Taking it nice and slow and making sure she got pleased too, Minka rode George until he was about to cum. She jumped off of him and sucked him off until he came, and she squeezed everything that was left out of him until he was empty.

, Minka, I’m gone have to add some extra for you, Hun.” George beamed as Minka helped him up from the chair.

William was already dressed and ready to go
. He wasted enough time up there. He was at his eldest son’s wedding and here he was having a threesome with his old man. This was the only time William and George had been together in the same room in months. They wasted no time flying Minka out to Connecticut to please their freaky fantasy.

It had been two months since Minka had been back from Miami. She was able to focus on her and healing. She started yoga and was on a path to a better her in the future. Austin called her to spend time with her, but after their last encounter she wasn’t going anywhere near his crazy ass. When both William and George requested her, she wasted no time in flying to Connecticut to make some easy money.

, Minka, again for flying in last minute. Clear your schedule in two days. We both can use some R&R,” George stated.

batted her pretty eyes at him. She loved going out of town with George because he was old and spent most his time by the hotel pool smoking a cigar while Minka shopped with his black card.

William and George left to go back to the wedding while Minka showered and got dressed to head back to New York. She figured since she was in Connecticut she would stop by her mother’s house since she didn’t see her at the wedding.

pulled her rental car into her mother’s driveway. Her sneaker wedges crushed into the gravel walkway as she made her way up to the door. Minka rang the bell. She knew her mother was home because her BMW was in the driveway but she didn’t see Robert’s Porsche.

Milan, her half-sister answered the door. She was eighteen and shaped like a thirty year old. She had more curves than Minka, but it was because she got injections, so nothing was natural except her curly blonde hair and green eyes.

auntie. What you doing on my side of the hood?” Milan probed, trying to sound like she was from somewhere other than Greenwich, Connecticut.

“I stopped by to see you guys before I left. Where’s your mother?”

Milan opened the door and let
Minka in. She loved her and often wished she could live with her rather her dysfunctional parents.

MOTHER!” Milan yelled like they didn’t have an intercom system installed throughout the house.

, stop screaming and come up to my room,” Morocco announced through the intercom system.

Milan rolled her eyes and went back to what she was doing while
Minka went up the circular staircase to her mother’s bedroom. Morocco was sitting in her bed with a glass of vodka watching Real Housewives of Atlanta. 

, Morocco,” Minka spoke dryly. Minka didn’t know why she tried with Morocco. Edna always told her to be the bigger person and try to make a relationship with her mother. It was clear Morocco had a drinking problem and everybody was either too scared or was too busy using her to tell her the truth.

“What brings you to Connecticut
, Minka?” Morocco questioned never taking her eyes off the TV or removing her lips from the straw stuck in her glass.

“I had some business to take care and I decided to stop by.”

“You’re disgusting! You’re fucking William. No wonder I didn’t want any parts of you.” Morocco accused. Minka mouth dropped. How did she know Minka was fucking William?

“You didn’t think I knew
, Doll? I’ve been fucking William for years. Hell, Milan is not even Robert’s daughter. You wouldn’t know because my genes are so strong. After I had you I wasn’t thinking about getting pregnant again or ever. I was done.” Morocco chuckled.

It was something about the way Morocco talked about William
that made it seems as though she had a fragment of jealousy in her voice. Minka didn’t know what it was about but she wasn’t into fighting over dick. Especially with her mother.

“I am not sleeping with William! I came to Connecticut with a friend. “

“I'm surprised. You were always looking for a daddy with money. Why not let it be William? You did work for him and then you suddenly quit. Seems fishy to me.”

How do you know
Milan is Robert’s and not William’s?” Minka asked curiously, changing the subject. The whole William thing was making her uneasy.

“I got her tested and she’s William
’s. I sit and have brunch with his wife while I fuck her man when she’s at the gym or shopping. I gave him the one thing her young ass couldn’t. A daughter,” Morocco replied bitterly.

Minka talked to Morocco for an hour before she passed out in a drunken coma. Minka found Milan in her room with a rolled blunt and a bottle of Ciroc on her desk with two cups. Minka grabbed a cup and poured some, then took it to the head. She needed it after what she found out. William was getting cut off. She would not continue to fuck him knowing her mother was fucking him.

“Your mother is a hot ass mess for real?”
Minka sat on the edge of Milan’s desk.

“Why you think I’m rolling this and drinking that
.” Milan rolled her eyes before she lit the blunt and opened the door to her balcony.

“Your mother has a drinking problem
. Since she can’t face her problems, she drinks so she doesn’t deal with it. I don’t want you to have the same issue, so quit using drugs to solve your problems and move out if you can’t deal with your parents. Your father has more than enough money for you to move out.”

Milan smoked her blunt and sipped her drink as she absorbed Minka’s words. She could move out but her mother and father would never allow it. She knew what her Minka was saying was true, her mother did have a drinking problem, and it was bad especially since their refrigerator was filled with chilled vodka bottles. Milan didn’t respect her mother and felt she was weak and she let money mold her. She sometimes wished Minka was her mother. She didn’t know Minka had the same problems minus the Alcoholism.


Chapter Five



“I promise I will come see you, Grammy.” Minka tried to rush her great-grandmother off the phone.

Minka, you better come. The BBQ starts at two and if I don’t see you tomorrow I will be upset,” Edna warned.

“Grammy, you won’t see me at two. You will see me earlier so I can help you.”

“Okay, darling, we’ll see you tomorrow.” Edna ended the call, and Minka blew a sigh of relief. She loved her great-grandparents they could smother her sometimes, nonetheless she loved it.

Minka was in Miami, again, but with George. They had gone to a Gala last night. He left in the morning to go back to Dallas so Minka left the hotel and went to stay in her condo in Miami. Minka was appreciative to have a home in Miami because she was so sick and tired of staying in hotels. It just reminded her of her occupation: Fucking for money.

Minka sat on the tub; she had just finished painting her toes. Tonight, she was going to meet up with her friends, Meghan and Sasha, who were sisters. Minka met Sasha and Meghan when she needed promotional work done for her twenty-first birthday bash. After working so hard together on Minka’s party they became friends. They have been friends ever since, but Meghan and Minka were closer than Sasha. Sasha played fake with Minka, acting like they were best friends, when in reality she couldn’t stand her.

Meghan and Sasha were the most known party promoters in Miami and owned a PR company in Miami. They both were 5’7 and weighed no more than 110 pounds each, with brown flawless skins, high cheek bones, and model figures. Meghan sometimes did runway work with the up and coming designers in the industry.

Body party
by Ciara started playing and Minka ran to her phone to answer it. She looked at her phone and didn’t recognize the number but answered anyway.

Minka answered.

“I see you
’re in Miami. You couldn’t call or anything.” Minka immediately knew who the caller was.

, you and I are done. After what you did to me last time we were together I had to get stitches in my anal.” she lied hoping that would deter him.

She wanted no parts of Austin
. His money was long but he was too rough the last time and careless by ejaculating in her. She hung up the phone before he could respond. She got an alert from her bank that indicated thirty grand was deposited into her account and a text message from Austin.

I paid for a weekend of fun so meet me at the Marriott tonight. Don’t keep me waiting or I won’t be so nice.

Minka shook her head she wasn’t going nowhere near his crazy ass. But she couldn’t help thinking about his threat; Austin couldn’t be that crazy…or was he?


              Minka, Meghan, and Sasha walked into the house party like they owned it. Minka was dressed in knee length, hot pink skirt with the matching crop top. She had on a pair of nude, ankle strapped Versace pumps, with the matching bag. Her curves were out for the world to see in the body con material. Her hair was straight hanging down her back while her makeup was flawless. Meghan and Sasha were dressed equally cute with white dresses different designs and red pumps. They usually dressed similar.

Sasha’s boyfriend was throwing a party in a mansion tonight and Sasha was on the guest-list. She managed to get Minka and Meghan in too. The house was packed back-to-back with women dancing with men. Cups of liquor were being passed around in conjunction with the weed. Donovan, Sasha’s boyfriend, came and greeted Minka and Meghan.

, little mama is fine as hell.” He pulled Minka into a hug while he admired her backside. Sasha rolled her eyes.

“If you don’t get away from me.”
Minka laughed as Sasha pulled Donovan next to her. Minka noticed the shade Sasha was throwing but didn’t pay it no mind. Who wouldn’t be jealous of her? Sasha’s dog wanted some meat not a bone.

Minka left Sasha and Meghan and walked to the kitchen to pour herself something to drink. She poured a cup of Ciroc and with pineapple juice. She didn’t want to drink too much since she was unaware of her surroundings.

“Tonight must be my lucky night or it must be fate.”
A man leaned against the counter.

“I don’t believe in luck and I damn sure don’t believe in fate.”
Minka faced the fine ass teddy bear of a man. She hadn’t felt butterflies in her stomach in so long that, at first, she thought it was gas.

n you got to believe in something. If not, Then what do you live for?” Micah quizzed.

“Myself and my
grandparents.” Minka shot back.

Micah wondered what happened to this girl to turn her so cold. He had lost
her number when he lost his phone. He hadn’t even wanted to come out tonight, but his cousin, Donovan, convinced him to party with him. Micah was glad he did.

sat on the barstool looking at Micah. She wanted to be mad at him for not calling her but; on the other hand, she couldn’t help but be happy that she was in his presence again once again. Their brief encounters were not enough for her and the butterflies in her stomach were telling her she was feeling him but she didn’t want to believe it. For all she knew, he probably had a girl now.

“What you thinking about?” Micah whispered in her ear. His cool breath blew against her skin, she couldn’t help but blush.

“How I’m getting home.” The party wasn’t her scene and she wasn’t in the mood to sit around while her friends cuffed with their men, so she was ready to go.

“I could drive you home if you want.”

“I don’t know you might be a crazy man,” she flirted back.

, then you’re just gonna have to believe that I’m not.”

Micah helped
Minka into the car before he got into the driver’s seat. Minka looked around the Nissan maxima, she hadn’t been in one since she got her BMW. She admired the nice interior and the newer model, her old car didn’t look like this one.

ain't much, but it’s mine,” Micah said, turning the car on.

“It’s nothing wrong with it, I had one before I got my new car. This is newer than the one I had.”

“Oh okay cool. Where do you stay at?” Micah grabbed his GPS. Minka laughed at him not knowing his way around Miami.

“Boy, I will direct you to my place, put that away.”

Micah pulled up to Minka’s condo and turned off the car, Minka was a little nervous about if she should kiss him or just thank him and get out the car. Micah turned toward Minka the best his big body could and looked into her eyes. Minka looked back into his and never said a word, her phone started ringing and she saw it Meghan.

“Thank you for driving me home, I guess you aren’t a killer.”
Minka chuckled.

“You’re still not in your house you don’t know that,”
Minka shot back.

“Nah, I truly do thank you for getting me home and for the conversation. You’re cool.”

“Cool? That’s all,” Minka asked.

“I don’t really know you so I can’t tell. And seeing I had to re meet you at a party after I gave you my number, you’re lucky I said cool.”

“Ah, so you were mad I didn’t call? Listen ma, I don’t have no reason to lie or play childish games, If I wasn’t feeling you I wouldn’t have come up to you and spoke. I lost my phone and I didn’t set that iCloud shit on my phone so I lost everything, I never got your last name so I couldn’t even hit you up on Facebook,” Micah explained.

“I see. I wasn’t worried I just wondered why you didn’t text or call, nothing major.”

“Ight good, I like you and would like to get to know you, so this time take my number and call me.” Micah reached for Minka’s phone. She handed him her phone and he locked his number in. Minka leaned across the arm rest and planted a kiss on Micah’s cheek before she got out the car, she bent down and looked into the window.

“Make sure you set up your iCloud, have a good night.” She winked and switched into the building while Micah looked at her wide, round ass.


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