Ain't No Wifey (9 page)

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Authors: Jahquel J.

BOOK: Ain't No Wifey
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Chapter Seventeen



The cool air blew
Minka’s hair around, it was the first week of December. She sat on the balcony with a positive pregnancy test in her hand. The doctor confirmed it but it didn’t seem real so she had to see for herself. Minka wasn’t worried because she knew it was Micah’s baby she was carrying. She was four weeks pregnant and the only person she been with had been Micah.

Her due date was August 12
and she was scared because she didn’t want Micah to think she was trying to trap him with a baby after only being together for six months. Micah came on the balcony with McDonalds and blanket for Minka. He handed her the food and sat back on the lounge chair. It was a little chilly and he knew how Minka got cold often.

“What’s the matter?” Micah queried
. He knew something was wrong. Minka didn’t say anything, she just handed him the pregnancy test and looked out at the beautiful scenery of hills.

“This accurate
, right?”

“Yeah, I went to the
doctor and he confirmed I’m four weeks pregnant.”

Shorty, do you know what this means?” Micah sat up on the chair.

, I know. Abortion.” Minka looked down. She knew things were too good to be true.

“What the fuck you mean?
We keeping that shit. That’s a piece of me and a piece of you. Babe, you’re gonna be my wife. You ain’t no jump-off, that’s why I fucked without a jimmy.” Micah pulled Minka from her chair into his arms.

, but don’t refer to my son as a shit.”

, my bad. I didn’t mean to refer to daddy’s girl as a shit.” Micah rubbed Minka’s flat stomach.

, please. It’s only one bitch around here and that’s me.” They both laughed. Minka got dressed and went downstairs to eat breakfast with Micah and his family even though she made him sneak out and get her McDonalds.

“Good morning
, Minka. How did you sleep? I know you weren’t feeling well last night,” Charles questioned her while reading his paper.

“I’m feeling fine this morning
, thank you.” She beamed as she helped herself to a pancake.

Micah came into the kitchen smiling a
nd feeling on top of the world. He didn’t care what Minka said he was going to tell his parents he was about to start a family with the woman he loved and nothing could make him happier; except marrying Minka right now.

, I got some news for you and Charles.” Micah informed, he wrapped his hands around Minka’s waist.

What this news?”

Minka is pregnant!” Micah revealed.

We going to have a grandbaby around here, Charles. Honey, get our realtor on the phone. I think we are going to move to Cali so we can have more time with Micah, Minka and the new baby,” Sharlean said speaking million miles a minute while running around the kitchen looking for pen and pad to write everything she was saying down.

, you don’t have to find a house. The guest house is yours. If you want, just get an interior decorator to fix it up.”

“It’s settled, we are having a lunch here to announce the big news
. I need to call Donovan and your Auntie Lisa and oh, Sharon, your father’s sister. Minka, is there anybody you want to invite?”

“Just my sister Milan.”
Minka finally spoke up.

I'm proud of you, fatherhood is something special and I’m glad you are about to experience this journey with Minka. She is a stand-up woman.” Charles complimented. Micah hugged Charles then cracked open a bottle of champagne.

“This is to carrying on the Jackson name and welcoming baby Jackson.


Minka sat on the floor in Micah’s closet. She had some clothes there but not enough, so she needed to go shopping soon. Her stomach was in knots and she was nauseous. She pulled out a pair of jeans with a white blouse and her fruity pebbles Christian Louboutins. She was in the process of getting dressed when Micah walked in the room with his coffee. He stared at her like she was a piece of meat and he was immediately turned on. Minka’s body was flawless.

“Let me get some before this lunch.” Micah took off his shirt.

“No, I feel sick and I’m gonna throw up on you.”

Damn….I can’t wait till our baby is here.” Micah wrapped his hands around her waist and kissed her collar bone.

knew she should be happy. Her future mother and father-in-law were happy for her and Micah. She had a good man on her side and she finally was spending time with her sister and getting to know her. In her mind, she would always feel like she didn’t deserve to be happy with someone or to be expecting a child and to have a family when all she did was break up happy homes and kill unwanted pregnancies.

“Me either
. I’m not feeling too good so I’m going to take a quick nap before lunch.” Minka sighed. Micah kissed her on the cheek and went to make reservations for lunch that afternoon. Micah didn’t need to have a big lunch but it was his mother’s idea and he decided to go along with it. He would do anything to make the women in his family happy.




Chapter Eighteen



Milan sashayed into
restaurant, irritated she was missing class and, most importantly, a test she paid for the answers to. She was dressed in a pair of jeans, an off the shoulder sweater with a pair of brown Jimmy Choo knee-length boots. Milan was killing her outfit and she knew it. If her mother taught her one thing, it was to dress to kill. She walked to the hostess station, to a girl who looked to be the same age as her, smiling.

“I’m here for the Jackson party.” Milan forged a
smile, however the annoyance was evident in her voice.

“Hello, you’re seated upstairs in the VIP area. Follow me
, please.” The hostess signaled for Milan to follow.

Milan followed behind her to until she took her to a lounge area with couches, tables and a private bar. Milan spotted Donovan sitting with a skinny girl who looked like she hadn’t ate in a week. She smiled and sat down across from them and sat her Céline
bag down beside her. To say she was jealous wasn’t the case. Milan felt infuriated at the fact Donovan texted her on a daily basis as well as claimed Milan was the type of woman he needed although he was sitting with the next chick who was holding her Chanel bag for dear life.

, Donovan. What are you doing here?” Milan questioned curiously.

“I was just about to ask you the same question
, ma. Nah, but I’m here for my aunt. She invited me for some announcement my cousin got.”

“Who’s your cousin?”


, okay. I haven’t met Micah yet, this will be my first time... crazy, right?” Milan mocked. She turned her attention to the girl next to him. She figured she would introduce herself to the toothpick herself since Donovan wasn’t.

, my name is Milan. I occasionally talk to Donovan and you are?” Milan spoke, her voice laced in pure sarcasm.

“My name is Sasha and I’m Donovan’s wifey
, thank you very much.” Sasha smirked.

, shit, you’re his wife? Can I see your ring? I love looking at rings. My sister just got engaged and her shit is huge. I wanna see whose is bigger.” Milan perked up. She knew Donovan wasn’t married. This was the classic ‘he won’t marry me so let me make up a title’ situation.

“We’re not married
, Milan.” Donovan cut in. He was trying to hold back his laugh since Milan’s sense of humor had him on the edge of pissing his pants. He told Sasha she didn’t need to come but she insisted on coming anyway. Granted, he didn’t know Milan would be there. Hell, he didn’t even know she was Minka’s sister but now looking at her he noticed similarities and especially in the body department. But he had no idea that Milan’s was bought and Minka’s was natural.

, deal with your popcorn hoes, please. I don’t need to explain my place in his life.” Sasha sighed.

Milan wasn’t
fazed, calling some woman a hoe would make them mad but it did the exact opposite for Milan.

“Funny you say that but you felt it was important to tell me you were wifey
. Funny, I see.” Milan chuckled.

ight on time Micah, Minka and Sharlean came into the lounge, all smiling. Minka ran over to her sister careful not to trip over the heels she was rocking. Milan got up and purposely walked harder so her ass could jiggle, making Donovan drool.

Minka, you look gorgeous and I know those ain’t the heels I want.” Milan drooled at the fruity pebble Louboutins Minka was rocking.

, yeah. Micah got me a personal shopper at Saks. Come by and see your sister and I’ll buy you a pair.” Minka bragged, sad she hadn’t been able to spend time with her sister but also excited Milan was meeting Micah finally.

, I’ll buy my new little sister a pair. What size you wear, sis?” Micah interrupted their conversation.

knew I liked him. You picked them right, sis. A size 38, please, bro.” Milan blurted and hugged Micah. She was a little taken back because he was a little big and not Minka’s usual flava but if she liked it she loved it. Donovan got up and joined the circle, he hugged his aunt and greeted everyone else.

“Milan, this is Micah’s
cousin, Donovan, and don...”

, I know who Donovan is already. We’re working on music together.” Milan intruded. Sasha got up and joined the group, feeling all out of place but needed to be near ‘her’ man...Micah.

You don’t show a bitch no love.” Sasha screamed pouring it on thick.

“I didn’t know you were here
. Give me some love.” Minka extended her hands out. After everyone greeted, kissed and hugged, Sharlean ordered appetizers and drinks. She order Milan a virgin Pina Colada and Sasha smirked.

“You like them young
, huh?” Sasha whispered in Donovan’s ear. Donavan scowled and listened to his cousin’s announcement.

, I know y'all wondering why we are all here today but let’s blame that on my mother.” Micah teased. Everybody started laughing while Sharlean acted like she was spanking him.

“We are here because
Minka and I have news for our family and friends. We got engaged and now she is carrying my child.”

“I'm gonna be a fucking auntie. I need to throw this baby shower
,” Milan squealed.

, you better watch that mouth,” Sharlean yelled.

, ma’am,” Milan apologized. She continued dancing over to Minka and kissing her a million times. Knowing what her sister went through with their mother made it even more special. She was now going to give her bundle of joy the motherly love she always wanted.

Sasha sat back sipping her Long Island Ice Tea fast so she could feel buzzed and not remember what the fuck just came out of Micah’s mouth. She was furious and couldn’t control how she was starting to feel. Sasha was shaking and digging her fingernails into her arm to prevent from acting a fool and showing her real colors. She was glad everybody was so excited and congratulating Minka and Micah that they didn’t see her slip away. She threw her glass in a nearby plant and walked out the restaurant, happy that she drove.

Fuck Donovan
. He could get home however the fuck he get there,
she thought as she waited for the valet driver to hurry up and get her car.

“Hurry the fuck
up. I got some shit to do,” She hollered at the Mexican man. He quickly pulled her car to the curb and opened the door for her.

“You wan
t a tip? Don’t drink the water in Mexico but then again you already knew that.” She hysterically laughed. Sasha slammed the door and pulled off into the Hollywood lunch traffic.

Back in the restaurant, Minka sat smiling about the fact that she was sharing this news with her new family. She knew she had to call her grandparents and let them know, but right now it felt so right. She sipped her ginger ale and looked at the smile on Micah’s face. No amount of money meant anything to her than that smile.

Sharlean was beaming with joy
, even though Charles had to leave earlier for a scuba lesson he booked that he couldn’t miss. Donovan and Milan were talking in the corner while Milan sipped his Hennessey like Minka couldn’t see her. Minka looked around for Sasha but didn’t spot her.

All well
Minka thought.
I don’t know who invited her anyway. She not Meghan anyhow.


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