Ain't No Wifey (4 page)

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Authors: Jahquel J.

BOOK: Ain't No Wifey
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Chapter Six



Micah Johnson was a bad boy turned good man.

He was b
orn to Sharlean and Michael Johnson. Sharlean was medical assistant while Michael was a pediatrician. Micah was raised to be a god-loving, honest man. He turned out to be the opposite. Micah started stealing and selling drugs at fourteen and was arrested. He spent two years in a juvenile detention center. When he was released at sixteen, Micah picked up football. Afterwards, he distanced himself away from Donovan, whom was still heavily involved in the streets. What killed Micah was his cousin was so talented musically – he could make a beat out of anything.

Micah graduated high school with a full scholarship to Duke University to play football. Soon after he was drafted into the NFL. At twenty-two, he was signed to the San Diego Chargers with a two year deal for $11.2 million as a defensive liner backer. He also had endorsement deals. 

A couple months after he signed his contract
, his father, Michael, died from a stroke. Micah was devastated that the man who taught him how to be a man was gone and now he had to step up and look out for his mother. A year after his father’s death, Sharlean got remarried to his stepfather, who Micah loved as if he were his own father.

Micah got his cousin Donovan off the corner selling rocks and moved him to LA. He opened a studio where Donovan could produce; He was one of the most sought out producers in LA and had a lot of celebrity clientele.

Micah was now twenty- four and in the prime of his career, he was a millionaire athlete that could have any woman he wanted but he didn’t want just any woman, he wanted
woman. He wanted a woman who demanded attention when she walked in the room, a woman who could hold a conversation and bring something to the table more than just good looks and pussy. He wanted a woman who he could bring to a meeting who would understood everything that went on. Actually, he didn’t want that type of woman he
that type of woman.

was a big man and knew females only wanted him because his money. He was a handsome man; he just didn’t have the rock hard abs most women craved in a man. Micah wasn’t one of the athletes that frequented the blogs or out in the club partying popping bottles every night. He wasn’t even a dater, he dated one person in the last four years; it ended because she went to study abroad in Africa and Micah was signed to his team. If women didn’t know who he was, he didn’t tell them. If they made it pass his qualifications, then he eventually told them.


“What time you came in last night?” Micah looked up at Donovan who just woke up.

“Do you always wake up this damn early? You need to let loose
. You up early working out and it’s Saturday morning.”

Donovan was oblivious that it was one in the afternoon. Micah finished doing his push-ups
before walking to the kitchen to get a drink of water. Donovan sat at the bar with his sun glasses on and cup of Gin and lemonade.

Donovan and Micah were night and day. Micah didn’t drink, smoke, or party. He loved waking up early and working out or just to walk in the hills when he was in California. It was rarely a time Micah slept in and if he did, Donovan thought the world would be ending soon.

, on the other hand, smoked, drank, and partied. He was a regular on the club scene whether it was New York, Miami, or California. His motto was work hard and play harder. He worked his ass off in the studio to afford the life he was living. He enjoyed life and appreciated the opportunity Micah gave him. He tried to get Micah to stop taking his self seriously all the time so he could enjoy it too.

“Nigga, it’s one in the afternoon. Maybe if you wasn’t out all night you would know that.”

“What you getting into today?” Donovan ignored his cousin’s remark.

“Going out,” Micah answered and left to go get dressed.


Micah pulled up to
Minka’s condominium and parked his car. He continued to the front desk where a girl, who looked no older than sixteen, was sitting reading

“What apartment is
Minka in?” he asked unsure of her last name.

You’re Micah Johnson. I swear my dad loves you.” The girl threw her magazine down.

“Thank you
, but can you please tell me her apartment number?” Micah asked politely again.

The girl looked
in the computer and back at Micah.

“Are you a relative? She doesn’t have many visitors and they all have to be announced when they do come.” The girl looked back at Micah.

“How about I give you an autograph for your dad, and we keep this between me and you.”

“She’s on the fifth floor apt 5F.” she pointed to the elevators and snapped a picture of Micah signing her

“I’m so gonna
Instagram this,” she squealed.

Micah took the elevator to the fifth floor and walked down the hall until he came to Apt 5F. He could hear Minka singing her heart out to
Your Love
by Nicki Minkaj. Micah laughed to himself before he knocked on the door. He heard the music stop and high heels clack against the floor coming to the door.

opened the door.

, Micah,” she greeted Micah, stepping aside to allow him in.

“I was in the neighborhood and wanted to see if you wanted to go out for lunch
,” Micah lied. He really just wanted to see her again.

“Come in and take a seat. How did you get pass the front desk?”
Minka probed and walked to the kitchen.

“I made an arrangement with the girl at the front.” Micah walked in and sat in the living room.
Minka’s condo had floor to ceiling windows with Tiffany blue curtains and matching furniture. The kitchen overlooked the living room. He wondered what she did to afford to live like this. Minka came out the kitchen with two wine glasses filled with red wine. She handed Micah his and sat across from him and crossed her legs.

“Going somewhere?” Micah asked.
Minka was dressed in a white Maxi dress with mint green wedges and a matching blazer.

“A BBQ my
Great-grandparents are throwing. I promised I would stop by.” She sipped her wine.

cool, let me take you out tonight.”

“You can come along if you’re not doing
nothing,” Minka offered with butterflies in her stomach. Micah nodded his head and finished his wine, he was happy he followed his gut and came by her house, and he was looking forward to spending the day with her.

“I'm running a little late because my rental car is late getting here.” It was Fourth of July weekend so she knew the rental company was busy with a lot of other orders.

“Don’t worry I’ll drive.” Micah dangled his keys playfully in her face. Minka turned her lights off, cranked her AC up and grabbed her pocketbook.






Chapter Seven



was in the kitchen, with her grandmother, while Micah helped her grandfather fire up the grill. Minka watched Micah through the kitchen window, she thought he was so damn fine and his smile just did something to her. She loved standing next to him. He made her look like a midget because he was 6’5 and she was only 5’1.

“When you became a chubby chaser
?” Edna teased, which made Minka upset.

“I'm not a chubby chaser, and please don’t call him that.”

“Child, you better relax yourself. He seems like a good guy and I know enough to know that you don’t just bring men home, so he must be special.”

“I don’t know about that yet
, but he’s something close to it.”

“You never lose by loving, you lose by holding back
. So, baby, let your walls down and get to know that man. You might fall in love,” Edna encouraged.

shook her head and grabbed the bowl before heading out to the patio with Micah and Harry. Harry poured Minka a drink and the trio sat on the patio while they looked out at the beach front view.

“How’s your mother
, baby?” Harry inquired.

“You know Moro
cco is never pleasant to be around.” Morocco didn’t keep in touch with her grandparents, she barely sent Christmas cards.

“That girl always had the attitude of a fat man in the desert
. Miserable.”

“Of course
, Gramps.” Minka flashed a smile.

The sun was setting and the fireworks were starting soon. Micah and Minka walked along the beach while the BBQ went on. All Minka’s cousins were drooling over Micah and she couldn’t figure out why. Her grandfather wouldn’t let her get near Micah. He kept him at the table with him and all her great uncles talking smack. Minka was able to steal him away and decided to walk along the beach, she wanted to see where his head was.

“Is there something you’re not telling me?”
Minka asked breaking the silence.

“What you mean?” Micah
played dumb.

He asked her Family not to say anything about who he was and they happily agreed. Edna was shocked that her granddaughter brought Micah to the coo
k out and didn’t know who he was. Edna knew her granddaughter was shallow and attracted to money like a fly on shit; something she did get from her mother. Edna and Harry knew he had to be special for Minka to bring Micah around family, though she played down the situation.

“I mean like my family are all over you, my grandfather wouldn’t let you out his sight and  my cousins had you in a huddle for like a damn hour.”

“Were you jealous I didn’t spend time with you?” Micah spoke in baby talk. Minka laughed then punched him in the arm. She had been feeling like that and it scared her. Usually she didn’t care what niggas did one way or another.

“Shut up, you’re crazy
,” She responded.

They found the perfect place on the beach to watch the fireworks. Micah sat down on a lawn chair and
Minka sat on his lap while he rubbed her arms.

cold?” Micah asked when he felt goose bumps rise on her arms.

, it’s beautiful out tonight.” 

Micah smiled to himself.
He now knew he caused the goose bumps on her arms. It was something about her that made him feel like protecting her. He felt that she had innocence about her he wanted to keep her innocent. Little did he know, Minka was far from innocent.

When the fireworks started, Minka stared at the sky not wanting to be anywhere but where she was. She couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. She was glad Micah showed up at her house. Micah was happy Minka took the incentive to invite him.

Micah kissed
Minka on the neck which made butterflies jump all around her stomach. Minka turned around and kissed Micah so passionately. She stuck her tongue down his throat with so much force; it was like she wanted to kiss his soul. Minka didn’t want nothing from this man but him, she didn’t care if he didn’t have money she would provide it. She just wanted his love and compassion. Minka decided she was going to take Edna’s advice. She was going to let go and let GOD.

“You know you
’re mine now, right?” Micah stated, after their lips parted.

“Is that right?”
Minka giggled. Micah scooped her up and carried her back to the BBQ while she lay on his shoulder with her feet wrapped around his waist. She felt safe for once in a very long time.

Chapter Eight



Ashley laid in bed with Juelz, her legs entangled in his. She kissed his thick soft lips then lay back on her pillow. Ashley couldn’t believe she was in bed with Juelz after she promised herself she wouldn’t go back to him. Now here she was lying in bed with him after they had just finished fucking.

Juelz came with the sob story about getting to know his son and being there for him
. At first Ashley was mad and ignored him but he was persistent and kept showing up to her apartment with clothes for Ashland and stuff for her. Minka would kill her if she knew they were back together. Minka couldn’t stand Juelz and felt she wasted her time and virginity on him, but Ashley had to do what was best for her and Ashland. Minka was traveling half the time, she was never home. When she did stop by, she would drop money or gifts off and be gone for another couple weeks or month. Ashley needed stability for Ashland and it seemed like Juelz would be able to give him that.

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