Ain't No Wifey (17 page)

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Authors: Jahquel J.

BOOK: Ain't No Wifey
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Chapter Thirty-



Sasha jumped around the house at the positive pregnancy test. She was happy Byron wasn’t home because he wouldn’t hesitate to slap the hell out of her. Sasha already told herself she would play by Byron rules so he didn’t cause her to lose the baby with his aggressive attitude. She cracked open a bottle of wine and took just a sip. She didn’t want to hurt Micah’s baby. Sasha really believed it was Micah’s child she was carrying and nothing is more dangerous than a liar who believed their own lie. Sasha poured the rest of the contents of the seven hundred dollar bottle of wine down the drain. She sat on the counter and dialed Meghan; they hadn’t spoken in a couple weeks.

“Hey, Meg. How are you doing?” Sasha spoke before Meghan.             

“I'm okay. Haven’t heard from you in a while,” Meghan mentioned.

“I’ve been busy; I wanted to let you know you’re going to have a niece or nephew.” Sasha gloated.

“Too busy to come to your own business? That’s great Sasha. I'm sure Byron is very proud.” Meghan congratulated not knowing Byron wasn’t the father.

“It’s not Byron’s. It’s Micah’s.” Sasha corrected.

“Sasha have you been going to the shrink I recommended, she helped me a lot. Please go see her. I won’t talk to you if you don’t.” Sasha could hear Meghan talk closely into the phone.

“Shut the hell up, Meg. I am not speaking to no bitch about my life.” Sasha screamed and hung up. Meghan called back a few times but Sasha ignored them.


Sasha sat up in bed alone. Byron was away on vacation; Sasha wasn’t invited unless he said other wise. She flipped through the channels until she stopped on something that caught her eye.

In other news, over the weekend wide receiver Micah Jackson welcomed his daughter Miya Morocco Jackson into the world with ex-girlfriend Minka Santos. The two split a couple months ago, there are rumors swirling this might be the glue that brings these two back together. It has also been rumors Lisa Manoret and Micah Jackson have been dating. The two have been spotted having dinners and intimate outings together. Julius Manoret denied the allegations of his wife’s infidelity. “

Sasha sat on the bed fuming, how could that bitch go take her man away from her? The reason Sasha befriended Lisa was because she had access to the stadium and she could see Micah whenever she wanted. Sasha regretted ever showing Lisa who Micah was. Now Sasha understood who the “mystery man” was who Lisa had been having an affair with. Lisa never disclosed his identity and now Sasha knew why.

Later that evening, Sasha hung up the phone and waited for her Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to blow up. She just hung up with TMZ. She sold them the story about her being pregnant with Micah’s baby and the assault that took place. Sasha sent an email to Byron’s partner to file the legal motions and sat back and waited for her time to shine. She would make Micah regret ever paying her the time of day, she would have settled to be Micah’s side bitch.


It had been a week since Miya was born Minka was getting back to regular life. The doctor advised it was okay for Minka to fly with Miya. She was now home and adjusting to life with Miya, late nights of breast feeding and a cranky baby, all alone. Not at all like she pictured having her first child would be like. Minka pictured her husband or fiancé at the time there with her and not in another state with a girlfriend. Minka opened the front door her condo; she struggled with the mail, keys and Miya’s car seat. She sat Miya’s car seat down and put all the mail on the hall table. She heard the TV and Milan’s loud mouth.

“Minka, come here right now!” Milan yelled.

“I'm coming! Wait a minute.” Minka unstrapped a sleeping Miya and walked into the living room where a picture of Sasha and Micah were on the screen.

“Turn it up,” Minka yelled, agitated. She needed to hear what was going on.

Today we hear from Micah Jackson’s ex- girlfriend Sasha Evans. Sasha Evan is the ex- girlfriend on NFL player Micah Jackson; she is also carrying his child, pressing charges for assault and suing for emotional distress. This comes after Micah just welcomed a brand new baby girl just a week ago. Here is our interview with Sasha.

“How are you Sasha? What made you wait so long to come forward with these allegations?”

“I and Micah were always on and off
. One minute we are together, secretly of course. I just felt like it was time to stop living for Micah and expose him for what he really is; a woman beater.

“You also allege his ex-fiancé, Minka Santos, and her sister assaulted you. What are the legal steps you are taking toward Minka?”

“I can’t really talk about those steps but please know legal action is being taken. How could a woman so violent have custody of a precious new baby? It’s very sad.”

“Now what do you have to say about your pregnancy? To my understanding you are engaged to your lawyer, Byron Hall. Were you cheating on Byron?

“I was and I am completely ashamed. We are working on our relationship; he plans to be here for this baby. Like I stated before, Micah and my relationship was an on and off thing that we privately had together. When I found out I was pregnant, I knew it couldn’t be Byron. We are saving ourselves for marriage.”

“Thank you, Sasha, for giving us this exclusive. I hope everything works out for the best.”

“No, thank you, for letting me get my truth out.”

“Stay tuned.”


              Minka quickly sat down, she started to feel like the room was spinning. If it wasn’t one thing it was another. She was finally satisfied with just her and Miya.

“Basically, Micah has another baby on the way. Miya get ready to be a big sister.” Milan shook her head. The doorbell rang so Minka handed Miya to Milan and went to answer the door. A short man with a vase of flowers stood on the other side.

Typical Micah, always thinking flowers will fix
Minka thought and swung open the door.

“Hi, are you Minka Santos?”

“Yes, I am.”

“These are for you, please sign here.” The man handed a paper. Minka signed her name and handed the man the paper back, he handed her the vase and an envelope.

“Minka Santos, you’ve just been served.”





The rain hit the window pane making an annoying ticking sound. A sound that matched the man’s attitude; ticked off. He sat by the same window for six months hoping for some news other than his progress was getting better. He had no visitors or received any mail. He only had one visitor he wished would go away. At one time, this visitor made him happy but now he was just like the rain on the window pane; annoying.

The door creaked indicating he had a visitor. His one visitor. The man never turned around to greet. The man’s visitor sat in the chair in the corner; a seat he sat in frequently. He sat and looked at the man but never saying anything to the man. The man got up and sat in his bed and removed his bandages to let them breathe. The man was glad he was just about healed and could soon be released to where ever that might be.

“How are you feeling today?” The visitor asked.

“Better today. I’m finally done with speech therapy,” the man slightly slurred.

“That’s good. You look good for someone with half their head taken off.”

“When will you be discharged?”

“Next week.”

“Have you thought about our deal?” The visitor inquired.

“Yes, I have. I’m down to take down the motherfuckers who did this to me.”

“So you’re ready to finish taking down one of Moore brothers and the people who tried to kill you and killed Snuff?” Agent Ramez asked, being more detailed.

“I sure am.” Juelz answered rubbing his hands together.








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