Read Royal Pain in the Ass Online

Authors: Heather Trudy

Royal Pain in the Ass (23 page)

BOOK: Royal Pain in the Ass
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I felt my cheeks flush as I sat down and took my hand back. Xavier pushed the chair in for me and sat to my right. I took it all in. There was a live orchestra and I threw them a longing gaze. I missed my cello. It had been ages since I'd played. I usually played a few hours a day.

"Would you like to dance?" Raleigh asked giving me a knowing smile. He didn't know me well enough to have a look like that on his face.

"I would love to. Xavier, would you like to dance?"

Xavier stifled a laugh but stood and offered his hand. "As my lady commands.” Xavier led me to the dance floor. ”That wasn't what he had in mind," Xavier murmured as he took my waist and we were gliding around the dance floor.

"I know, but he was expecting a very different reaction. I didn't want to give him what he wanted." I laughed.

Xavier shook his head and let out a small chuckle. "You are something else."

It wasn't long before Raleigh was standing before us. "May I cut in?"

"Of course," Xavier bowed out and Raleigh took my hand.

"Perhaps my intentions were not clear before," Raleigh smirked.

"No, it was clear, I wanted to dance with Xavier."

"Your advisor?"

"And friend."

"Interesting. Are you spoken for?"


"Is there someone who already has your heart?"

"No," I shook my head. "My heart is my own."

"Good," I had to admit I liked dancing with Raleigh. Maybe it was just that I loved waltzing, but it felt like I was floating. Then I saw some familiar faces. Ian, Christine, Amelia, Lana and a gorgeous blonde god on her arm.

"If you'll excuse me."

"Where are you off to?"

"A few friends have arrived, I want to say hello."

"I'll go with you."

I sighed. "Okay." I went over. "You all look amazing!" I nudged Lana. "That color looks great on you and I must say, he's very pretty, good job." I whispered to her. I saw the color in her cheeks and laughed. I gave her a wink and went to hug Christine who looked amazing in her pink dress. "You are gorgeous girl!"

"So are you, you look fantastic. Raleigh, how are you?"

"I'm great, your highness. How are you tonight?"

We exchanged pleasantries and I pulled Lana aside. "That boy looks like he's straight out of GQ. I approve." I winked at her and gave her a thumbs up.

"Um, thanks?" Lana looked confused.

"What? Did I say something wrong?"

"No, you didn't say something wrong," Lana laughed. "Just shocking."

"Ian! I missed you! You haven't been going pond hopping without me, have you?"

Ian gave me a weary smile. "Let's not do that again. It wasn't a very good idea."

"But, it was fun,"

"Yes, Juliet, I had fun, but now I'm back to being Prince Ian the heir to the throne."

"Aww, okay. I won't push you in the pond tonight."

"I'd appreciate that." Ian laughed.

"Christine!" We hugged each other and did a little dance. "I've missed you!"

"Me too, even though it’s only been about a day."

"Ehem!" Amelia coughed elbowing Ian in the side.

"Yes, dear?" Ian grumbled through clenched teeth.

"Introduce me,"

"We've met," I snapped. "Remember shopping? Ian and Lana? Lots of trouble?"

"So, you're the reason I couldn't see my Ian then?"

"Technically I think that was the king, but basically."

"I changed my mind Ian, I don't want to be introduced."

"You idiot, we've already been introduced. Does the hairspray keep your head in that shape too? Because you don't seem to have a brain in there."

Xavier grabbed my arm. "Please excuse her, she's had too much to drink." Xavier gave my elbow a swift tug and a warning look.

"I'm not drunk, Xavier," I whispered.

"I know, just shut up and listen,"


"The bet," Xavier warned. I rolled my eyes. "It's great to see you all. You all look great. Ladies quite stunning. Lana, I don't think I've ever seen you so dressed up. Treat her well," Xavier warned Chad. "That girl is one of a kind."

I noticed Ian's expression more than Chad's at that statement. Interesting.

"Well, we'll let you two get back to your evening." Xavier bowed and led me away.

"Why did you say that I was drunk?" I hissed.

"Because you just insulted the prince's girlfriend."

"What she's a bitch?"

"True as that may be, you cannot speak to people that way."

"So I can't be honest?"

"Exactly. Well, sort of. If you can honestly say something nice, go ahead, if you cannot tell a polite lie."

"Can I be honest with you?"


"She's a snobby bitch and I hope she falls down the stairs and flashes everyone and the paparazzi get pictures."

Xavier laughed and led me back to the dance floor. "You are really something else."

From then on, I was dancing most of the night. Many of the nobles danced with me. I even got the chance to dance with Lana's dreamboat, who I found out is Chad.

"Lana told me you think I'm pretty," Chad teased.

"You are pretty, come on, look at you." Chad let out a soft laugh.

"I don't know about that,"

"You two are cute together though, the contrast is lovely."

"Thanks," Chad laughed. "You look like a proper princess tonight."

"I'm not a princess, that's Christine."

Chad let out dreamy laugh. "Oh, you remind me of someone."


"Oh, you and Fiore must be quite the pair when you're together."

"Is she here?"

"Of course, who do you think's father arranges all of these."



"I didn't know that."

"Well, now you do."

Chad was a lovely dancer. That's when Ethan cut in and this was the start of everything going to hell in a hand basket.

"May I cut in?" Ethan asked a charming smile on his face.

Chad looked at me asking my opinion in silence. I nodded. "Of course, I owe Lana a dance anyway." Chad bowed and gave me a kiss on the hand and went off to find Lana.

Ethan cut in and led me off to a hallway. "You look much nicer than I imagined,"


"The way Angelica spoke of you I imagined you'd look more like a gorgon with a few extra limbs here and there." Ethan teased.

"She thinks that highly of me, does she?" I sighed. I crossed my arms and looked away.

"You're a new idea to her, it frightens her."

"I know,"

"You don't frighten me," he smirked.

"Great, that's always good to know."

"Would you like to go out to the gardens?"

"No, not really."

"Why not? They're lovely. Almost as lovely as you,"

"That's why not," I warned him. He wasn't seriously saying this. I must be misinterpreting it.

"Why? Because I complimented you?"

"Where are you going with these compliments?"

"Where do you want to go?" he asked as he cornered me against a wall.

I glared at him. "How dare you?" I snarled. Here was my sister's fianc
propositioning me. Knowing full well how my sister feels about him. "You disgust me."


"You are my sister's fianc

"Betrothed," he corrected.

"Okay, and the difference?"

"I never asked her to marry me. Our parents decided we'd be a great match."

"She loves you,"

"She's boring,"

"Don't talk about her that way. She is still your girl and you shouldn't ever talk about her that way."

"What's the big deal?"

"You've been going with my sister for how long? And you're going to try to pull this crap with me? Who the hell do you think you are?"

"What are you getting at?"

"There are only two reasons why you would approach me like this. The first is you're a whore, or the second is you think I am. Neither of these answers please me. Angelica is completely and totally in love with you."

"I don't love her.
Besides, tonight i
’s you I want," I slapped him hard across the face.

"You don't deserve her." I turned on my heel and started off but he chased after me and grabbed my arm.

"Let go of me," I growled as I glared daggers at his offending hand.

He was returning my glare. "You just made a mistake. "

"Yeah, so did you."

"I thought you hated her,"

"Yeah, maybe I do. So what?"

"Then why?"

"Because no matter how much of a bitch she may be, that girl is still my sister. And no matter what, you don't turn your back on family." I wrenched my arm out of his grasp and continued to storm off.

"What just happened?" Angelica sneered at me.

"Angie, baby, your sister is crazy." Ethan cooed as he pulled Angelica against him. "She pulled me off to the side and then suggested we go to the gardens. When I told her no she slapped me."

"Juliet?" Angelica stared at me. "How could you?"

"If you really think that's the kind of person I am, believe it." I stormed off and managed to get outside before I felt the tears burning in my eyes. No, I wasn't going to cry. I stared at the sky and calmed myself or tried to. I'd managed to find my way to the gardens after all

"Juliet," Xavier's voice was soft behind me.

"What?" I growled, not turning. I hated when people saw me cry.

"What just happened?"

"Go ask Ethan, I'm sure he's got a great story to tell you." I sniffed.

"Look at me,"

"I'm fine, Xavier, just go." I covered my face with my hands.

Xavier's arms went around my shoulders. "I heard what Ethan is telling everyone. That just doesn't sound like you." I was shaking from fighting the tears. I really needed him to leave. Xavier pulled me against him. That did it. The last thing I wanted was to be held. It just made it easier to want to cry. "Because it's not as he said at all, is it?"

"It doesn't matter. No one is going to believe me either way. They've already painted a picture of me. He doesn't deserve her. I just wish I could warn Angelica . . ." Xavier's chin rested on my head and I wrapped my arms around him. I wasn't going to be able to fight much longer if he kept comforting me. "They all hate me."

I felt Xavier shake his head. "They don't hate you." He started rubbing my back in soothing circles. "They just don't understand you."

"Thanks to Ethan, they not only think I'm stupid, immature, ignorant, and an utter failure, they also now think I'm a whore."

"You're not a whore."

"I know that, but no one wants the truth. They want to gossip, even if it's just lies."

"Funny thing about lies, the truth always comes out eventually." That was it. I couldn't fight it anymore and I felt the tears start to fall. Xavier pulled away slightly and I let him. His hand went to my chin and he lifted it. I looked away. "Juliet, look at me."

"What's the point?"

"Juliet, look at me."

"Just go, Xavier,"

"Juliet, it's not midnight yet. Remember the bet."

I felt a sudden rage toward Xavier. "You son of a bitch," I snapped, but in the process I looked at him. A cute little smirk was playing across his lips. Now that I was angry I was starting to feel myself again. I hate feeling weak, but anger, anger I could use. "You're a jerk,"

"There's my Juliet. You are a strong, confident, fiery woman. You have as much regality as any royal I've ever met. It's in your blood. It's who you are. You are also the outsider at the moment. People are foolish enough to believe gossip, but those people cannot think for themselves. Those who know you will know it's not true."

I felt a small smile on my lips. "Yeah, I feel so much better. Only stupid people will believe it, great."


"What," I snapped. I was losing the anger, I was trying to hold onto it. I could think angry, when I was upset it was just bad.

"You are truly . . ." Xavier's eyes shifted from my eyes down to my lips. "Truly . . ." he started again as his eyes came back to mine. I looked into his deep brown eyes. I saw him lick his half-parted lips then he stepped away from me and let out a sigh. "You are truly extraordinary," he finished as he turned away from me.

I shook my head. "Even you can't stand to look at me. I want to go home,"

Xavier turned back to me. "You think I can't stand to look at you?" he snapped.

"That's what it looks like to me!"

"You're a foolish little girl!"

"Oh yeah? Well, what is it then?"

Xavier did something then that surprised me more than anything else. "This," he whispered and his lips crashed down upon mine. There was a ferocity to it, a longing, a need. His arms locked around my waist and he pulled me against him. After a long moment he pulled away and I was in too much shock to do anything. "That," Xavier started breathless. "That is what I was trying very hard not to do." Xavier looked away from me. "That was very unprofessional of me, and you obviously were not feeling anything of the sort. If you prefer I will turn in my notice,"

"Xavier, don't you dare."


"Xavier, since you've been here, things are starting to look up."

"What are you saying?"

"I still need an advisor. You and I are working. Besides, if you just suddenly quit, questions will be asked. Do you want to tell my father why you want to quit?"

"Not exactly."

"Then it's settled."

Xavier sighed. "Truly extraordinary." Xavier pulled out a handkerchief. "Come here," Xavier dabbed at my cheeks and are my eyes. "You're make up is a bit of a mess. Wait here, I'll go fetch Lana."

I sat on one of the garden benches and stared up at the sky. The sky was clear, the stars were beautiful unfortunately with all the light pollution, I could only see a handful.

"I thought I might find you here."

I turned to see Raleigh. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard Ethan making a fuss and figured since you weren't in the ballroom and no one could find you, you'd either come out here or gone home." He came and sat beside me. "I must say I'm glad it was the former. It's a beautiful night."

"What do you want?"

"To see if you're alright,"

"Mhmm," I muttered looked pointedly in the opposite direction of him.

I heard him sigh. "I heard the ruckus Ethan made,"


"And you turned him down, didn't you?"

"Oh, is that what he's saying?"

"No, he still claims you're after his chastity," Raleigh laughed. "But I've known him since nursery. I know when he's lying. Don't get me wrong, he's my best mate, but I know his habits."

"Isn't that just, what's your word, smashing?"

"Ethan always makes girls who turn him down sound like that. Like he's some innocent little saint being molested. If you had molested him, the two of you would not be able to be found right now."

BOOK: Royal Pain in the Ass
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