Royal Pain in the Ass (27 page)

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Authors: Heather Trudy

BOOK: Royal Pain in the Ass
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But it
’s logic.

I saw a look cross over his face.
I couldn

t place it, was that, no can

t be. 
Was Xavier feeling guilty?
Now I felt bad.

Xavier pinched the bridge of his nose.
Very well, I will just have to accompany you.




s what I said.

And what makes you think I

d let you go unaccompanied?


d be accompanied, just not by you.

Then who?


I knew it,

Xavier growled.
You two need a chaperone.

I can handle myself.

I disagree.

Look Xavier, I didn

t have to tell you.
I could have just run off.

d like you to keep that in mind.


No, don’
t Juliet me.

m not a child.
I just need some time.
I can vent tonight.

Xavier raised an eyebrow.
Like you did earlier?

In a healthier way.
I made a couple friends here and I can blow off some steam with them.

m going, and you can be on my side and help me or not.

Xavier sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
I cannot believe I

m agreeing to this.
What do you ask of me?

Can you cover for me?

Xavier pinched his nose and sighed.
You realize I could lose my job over this,

I hadn

t thought of that.
I shrugged.
I didn

t, but I didn

t want to lie to you.
Xavier started massaging his temples.
If I get caught, you can play stupid.
Act like you didn

t know.

Xavier gave me a look that clearly said

shut up that

s a stupid idea.
’  “
I have no intention of lying to your father if you are found out.
Xavier let out a growl and he took a deep breath.
If you were to do this, there would be a few ground rules we need to cover.
I nodded feeling the smile spread across my face.
I had just sealed a victory.
First and foremost, you are to go out disguised.
I felt myself nodding without thinking.
That was obvious.
Second, there will be a curfew.
I want you home no later than two.
And thirdly, I want you to take this.

Xavier handed me a phone.
This already has my phone number programmed into it.
It will comfort me to know I have some means to get a hold of you if necessary.

Thanks Xavier!

I jumped up and hugged him.
His arms went around my waist and held me up.

“You owe me,”
he chuckled into my hair and set me down.
You are going to be the death of me, I
’m sure.

He sighed.
Stay in your room for now, I will come and let you know when it is safe to leave.

ll assure Millie that you are going to bed early because you feel terrible for what you

ve done.”

I laughed.
I love how that backwards old bat can really think I

m like that.
How can she not realize what kind of guy Ethan is?

Your father will want to speak with you tonight.
You have to wait until after that before you go anywhere.
Do I make myself clear?

I nodded, the smile wilting.
I really had to talk to Angelica.
I had to make her see, or at least apologize.
But if I apologize I look guilty when it isn

t me who

s done anything wrong.
I know you

re worried.
It will all work out.

I don’
t know what I

m going to do about it, so I

m going to try not to worry about it just yet.

Xavier offered me a small smile.
It will work out.

I nodded and wrapped my arms around myself.
Ethan reminded me of someone not so pleasant, someone who could still make my blood run cold.
The thought that something like what happened to me could happen to Angelica made my blood boil and my stomach turn.
I shuddered at the unwelcomed memories.


Xavier gave me a concerned look.


You zoned out there for a moment

Are you alright?

Of course?

I nodded immediately changing my stance.
I uncrossed my arms and held them at my sides and placed my feet shoulder width apart and stood as confidently as I could.
Why wouldn

t I be?”

Is there something you aren

t telling me?”


ve told you everything you need to know.

I assured him.

Gwen chose this moment to sneak back in.
What did you tell him?

she asked with a raised eyebrow.

He knows what we

re doing tonight.

I replied in a flat tone.

Why would you tell him?

Because it

s his job.

I rolled my eyes.
Besides, he can help us out, in ways we can

t achieve.

Gwen looked skeptical.
She didn

t trust Xavier somehow.
I didn

t understand their mistrust.
Although, the feelings were kind of mutual.

Gwen, there are some ground rules,

Xavier began.

Here we go?

Gwen threw her hands in the air and gave me an incredulous look.
See what you started?

Gwen, just listen to him,


Gwen whined.
He is going to ruin all of our fun!

Gwen, stop it.

s actually helping us.

Fine, what ridiculous rules are you forcing poor Juliet to live by?

Gwen pouted.

The rules are simple,

Xavier growled.
You are to remain inconspicuous.
If you are found out, it will mean much more than danger for Juliet, it will also mean you are also at risk, not to mention my job,

he murmured the last under his breath.
Second, Juliet is to answer my phone calls.
If I call, it

s important.
End of story.
Third, I want you guys back my two a.m.

“Two a.m.? 
Are you serious?

s so early!

Gwen whined.

I could stop you from going altogether,

Xavier warned.

I told you not to tell him,

Gwen whined as she dramatically fell onto my bed, a hand over her eyes.
I warned you.

ll ruin all of our fun!


I chuckled.

re ridiculous.  He

s helping us out here,

If you say so,

she breathed, continuing the dramatics.
What else are you imposing on poor Juliet, cruel dictator?


s about it, but you need to be less of a drama queen.

Xavier gave me a look that clearly said Gwen was trying his patience.
Gwen, I believe you disguised her properly last time?


Make sure no one knows who she is.

Gwen nodded.
Of course.

m not stupid you know.

Xavier sighed.
Very well, I have much to do.
Oh, and Gwen, she cannot leave until after I

ve given the all clear.

Xavier warned.

Gwen rolled her eyes.
Whatever you say.

If you

ll excuse me,

Xavier sighed.
Some of us have work to do.


















Chapter XVI


I was killing time before Xavier gave the all clear when Millie barged into my room knocking as she opened the door.
I raised an eyebrow but kept my mouth shut.
What could she possibly want?
Millie looked around like she expected to see someone else here.

Can I help you?

I asked, not moving from my spot on the bed where I was lounging, my hands behind my head.

Is anyone else here?

No, why would there be?

Good, we need to have a discussion.

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