Royal Pain in the Ass (24 page)

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Authors: Heather Trudy

BOOK: Royal Pain in the Ass
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"Chatting has been lovely, but I really need to be going,"

I got up, but Raleigh grabbed my hand. "Stay, just for a little while. I'd like to get to know you, Juliet."

"That is something you have to earn." I tried to pull my hand free, but his grip tightened.

"How do I do that?"

"You can start by letting go."

"If I let go, you'll be gone."

"Raleigh, tonight is so not a good night."

"Then give me another night,"

"You're not going to stop until I agree, are you?"


I sighed. "I don't know what my schedule is like, but Xavier does. I'll tell him to schedule you in."


"I don't know,"

"Within a week."

"Pushy aren't you?"

Raleigh shrugged. "Have to be with you. You don't go for just charming."

"Fine, I'll have Xavier schedule you in on my next free night. Go talk to him and he'll get the details to you. Now let go of me."

Raleigh pulled on my wrist and given that I was still wearing four inch heels I managed to fall back onto the bench my head landing on his lap. He smiled down at me. "I can't wait."

I got up in a huff. "Don't do that again." I growled as I stormed off, only to run into Christine. I clutched onto her for balance. "Sorry," I muttered.

"Hey, what happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"Ethan is running his mouth, everyone knows it's a load of bull, but he is still sporting your handprint."

"What do you think happened?"

"I think he probably did something foul. Xavier was looking for Lana and we can't find her, so I said I'd come help." I glared as Raleigh slunk past, a smile on his face.

Christine watched us both intently. "Okay, now you have to tell me. What happened between you two?"

"He forced me into a date with him."

"Ooh, he's really a sweet guy."

"I don't like being forced into anything. He's going to regret it. It's going to be the worst date of his life."

"Juliet, don't be like that. Now tell me, what happened with Ethan."

"He made a smart comment about my sister for one, while trying to hit on me." I looked at Christine for a long moment. "She won't listen to me, but she might just listen to you. If you get the chance, can you warn Angelica about the kind of guy Ethan is? Not tonight or anything, that would be too obvious. But maybe talk to one of her friends or something. She might just listen to them."

"Why don't you say something? It's obvious you care about her."

"Because if I say something, I'm sabotaging her relationship. It's the last thing she wants to hear."

Christine nodded with a small smile. "Let's fix that mascara," Christine opened up her clutch purse and went to work.

Xavier joined us a few minutes later. "Thank you, Christine. I don't know what I would have done."

Christine let out her bubbly little laugh. "Do you want to go back in now?" Christine asked.

I shrugged. "I think I'd rather go home,"

"Juliet, you have two options. You can go home, and let Ethan see just how much he got to you, or you can brave them and make a night of it. I think you'd rather get under Ethan's skin by acting like nothing he said mattered." Xavier shot at me. "But it's up to you."

I felt a small smile on my lips. "Alright Christine, let's go back,"

Christine took my hand and led me back up the stairs.


























Chapter XV


Christine and I went back in and spent the remainder of the evening pretending as if nothing happened.
I noticed Angelica and Ethan were gone, as well as my father and Millie.
It looked like Lana and Chad had disappeared as well as Ian and Amelia.
Christine brought me over to Fiore who gave me a knowing smile.

’s dance!

She took my hand and led me out to the dance floor.
I couldn

t help but laugh.
Something about being around Fiore just put you in a better mood.

s a prick,”
she muttered after a little while as she spun me out and curled me back in.
So, for the rest of the night, to avoid other pricks like him, I am your date.

What about your date?

“Meh, he

ll deal or he

ll never see me again.

s really that simple.
Besides, I owe you one anyway.

How do you owe me one?

I let you get into so much trouble.
I didn

t even think.
So I will scare off all, hold on,

A cute blonde boy came up.
  “May I cut in?”

No, go find your own girl.

s mine,”
Fiore snapped, pulling me up against her and wrapping a leg around my waist.
All mine.

I laughed at his stunned face as he stalked off.
That wasn

t polite.”


m not known for being polite.

Fiore gave me a devilish smirk.

How do you get away with that?

Because they

re afraid of me.

ve figured out they can

t stop me.
Remember I use swords on the media, imagine what I do without cameras.
Now, alcohol, I think we both could use a drink.
With Fiore leading me around the dance floor and pouring wine down my throat I had a great time and couldn

t help but laugh.
She really was something else.
She classified people into three categories, wankers, losers, and friends.
I was pleased to know I was counted as a friend.
It went along the lines of wanker, wanker, wanker, loser, wanker, wanker, Christine, wanker, friend, and wanker.

At about three Xavier came up.
Lady Fiore, I must interrupt.
I hate to say it, but it

s time for me to steal Lady Juliet for the night.


s ridiculous, she

s my date now, she can

t leave before I do.

Fiore, it

s three in the morning.
I have to take her, sorry.

Juliet is my date, I will duel you for her.

Xavier took my hand from Fiore and gave her a stern look.
You may take her on another night
I promise, but the lady needs her rest.
Come now, the sun will be up soon.


m watching you,

Fiore warned, motioning with her fingers from her eyes to point at Xavier but let him lead me away and to a waiting car.

Did you have fun?

Xavier asked as he helped me inside.

Yeah, I really did.

I smiled.

I am so tired, come cuddle.


Come cuddle, I want a pillow!

I laughed.
I was feeling the alcohol.
What can I say, I

m a cuddly drunk.

m sleepy,

Xavier laughed.

almost half past three in the morning.
He sat on the opposite side of the limo.
I kicked my shoes off and went over to his side.
I curled up next to him, my head resting on his lap.
Xavier sighed, but didn

t tell me to move.
Instead he started playing with my hair.
I felt myself falling asleep.
The next thing I knew I was being carried.
I cuddled up next to the warmth.
  “You smell nice,”
I managed.
I heard a chuckle.
Someone laid me on a bed.

Good night, Juliet,

I heard a soft voice murmur and felt the soft lips against my own.
I was too tired to open my eyes, but I kissed them back.
He pulled away too soon and he sighed.
Truly extraordinary.

I woke up to Laurel shaking me gently.
Good morning, Juliet,

she had a coy smile on her face.
You had a busy night.


I thought back and it started coming back.

You have a new headline, and you

re father is furious.
You need to get up, now.

Laurel warned as she held a magazine up.


American Debutant A
buses Royalty?


There was a picture of Ethan sporting my handprint.
  I groaned.  “

I got up and realized I was still in my dress from last night.
Help me out of this,

Laurel did.
I threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and went down stairs.
James was waiting for me.


His voice was a quiet angry.
The kind where if you start speaking any louder it

s going to turn into shouting.

“Yes, James?”

What is the meaning of what happened last night?

James asked as he threw down a newspaper with a similar headline.

I snorted.

You believe him?
Fine, believe whatever you want.

James took a few calming breaths.
My sister has requested me for an audience with the king.
I need to know what happened last night.

It looks like you

ve already made up your mind.

Angelica is in fits.
You are my daughter, but so is she.
I will not choose between the two of you, but I need to know what happened.

Who chose Ethan for Angelica?

Millie, why?

She made a bad choice.
He doesn

t deserve her. He

s going to break her heart.
Just thought I

d let you know that.

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